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Part 1: Reading (10) Read the Article and then answer the questions

Kiss, bow, shake hand?

people greet each other in many different ways. we asked people four people to describe the way
they greet people in their country. Here’s what wrote.
I greet people differently depending on the situation. in formal situations, I usually shake hands.
And when I meet someone for the first time, I almost always shake hands. it’s important to shake
hands firmly. when I greet casual friends, I just say, “Hi” for close friends, I usually give them a
hug. it's a little different from men though. Where I live, it's not very common for Male friends to
hug each other. they do other things like the “first bump” that's when two people touch fists.
(Sandra (US)
in formal situations or when I meet someone for the first time, I shake hands it’s important to
shake hands firmly and look the other person in the eye when you greet them. I always hug my
friends. Hugging is perfectly acceptable. it's Ok for men to hug other me, for men to hug other
women, for women to hug other women. Kamal (Turkey)
In a formal situation or when I meet someone for the first time, I always shake hands. when I
greet a Male friend, I give them a hug and a pat on the back. when I greet a close female friend, I
give her a small hug and kiss on the cheek. My female friends greet each other in this way too.
Octavia (Venezuela)
1. Which of the greeting above do they frequently use?
2. How they usually greet their close friends?
3.Which greetings is the most formal?
4.Which greetings is the less formal?
5. which greeting do you use in your country?

Part 2: Fill the blanks (10)

1.December is the----------------------------------(cold) month of the year in my country.
2. I visit my parents ------------------------- (often) than my brothers do.
3. Jess is ----------- nurse in a hospital. (a, an)
4. I am feeling a little worse. you contact the doctor yet. (could, be able to)
5. The crowd cheered when the referee----------------------------------- the final whistle. (was blown, blew)
6. Soon, I --------------------- almost $1000. (saved, have saved).
7. We ----------------- take out pizzas during the week. (don't get, not getting)
8. Some of players wasn't listening, ------------------- the coach was talking to them. (while, when)
9. The manager ------------------ see you right now because he is in a meeting. (not being able, be able
10. I --------------- help you with the dishes. (am going to, will)

Part3: Writing (10)

1. Write a paragraph about a member of your family. (2,5)

2. Punctuate and Capitalize Then Underline the subjects and circle the verbs (5)
a. she bought English math and science books
b. these are not the most popular ones
c. we won't be able to go vocation this year
d. a bus isn't more comfortable then train
e. do you like dogs
3. Write the plural form of following nouns. (2,5)
a. computer f. meat
b. university g. sheep
c. watch h. toy
d. jeans I. brush
e. wife j. class

Part 4: Explain following Grammars and give example.(10)

1. Used to with no longer and any more.


2. Past perfect.


3. be able to and could.


4. present perfect.


5. past continuous tense.


part 5: Words (10)

write the meaning of following words then make sentences.
1. installment_______________________________________________________________

2. skeptical________________________________________________________________

3. cuisine__________________________________________________________________

4. embarrassing_____________________________________________________________
5. impression_______________________________________________________________

6. hilarious_________________________________________________________________

7. tiny____________________________________________________________________

8. approximately____________________________________________________________

9. roommate_______________________________________________________________

10. multitasking_____________________________________________________________

Part: 6 Fill the blanks with suitable words.(10)

1.Ok, I _________, London has its own peculiar charm.

2. That was so ________ of him.

3. Hey ________________!

4. ___________ pass the sugar

5. you __________ park here.

Part: 7 Match the words to their definitions (10)

1. partner doing something for money
2. mortgage money that somebody (or a bank) lends you.
3. loan a type of light soft shoes used for sport.
4. bill something that cost a lot of money.
5. affectionate your husband, wife.
6. competitive almost not.
7. sneaker a person always wat to win.
8. professional a piece of paper that shows how much money you have to pay for
9. hardly ever money that a bank gives you to buy a house.
10. expensive a person who shows that he or she loves or like people very much.

Part: 8 How you asking and responding? (10

a. Greeting people
b. introducing others
c. personal information
d. for repetition
e. about time

Part: 9 Listen and answer the questions (10)

1. who is Scott?
2. When did they engaged?
3. Who is going to organize the wedding?
4. What does jenny tell Monica about her relationship with Monica?
5. What does Monica think about Rob being British?
Part:10 Listen and fill the blanks (10)
A. You look tired, Jack.
B. Yeah, I am always tired. I have to get up at__________ every day.
A. __________? Why so early?
B. Not __________, _____________ anyway, I go running before work, then I have to catch a
___________ train to the city.
A. Oh, I see. So, do you go to bed early?
B. NO, I am night owl. last night I was up until _____________.
A. That’s not enough sleep, Jake! May be you should get a new job.

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