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We consider in this work the important role that conjunctions have within proficient writing. The
connectives are part of the textual / discursive competence that the speaker of the Portuguese
Language should possess. Learning to use these mechanisms of cohesion is essential, as these
connectors give the text greater readability, explaining the types of relationships established
between the linguistic elements that allow the progression of ideas clearly. Results presented in
external tests (Saresp, Prova Brasil, Evaluations of Process Learning) and written internal
productions (carried out in the classroom) by the students of a state public school in São Paulo,
regarding the use of connectives, show that the students they fail to understand the important role
of these linguistic elements in the succession of the chain of information flow in the text and in
the meanings they produce. In this context, the present work aims to: (a) analyze didactic books
(Elementary School II) and understand how it is proposed to work with the elements of cohesion,
specifically the conjunctions, and (b) develop a didactic sequence that contributes for the
understanding of conjunctions as important elements for efficient communication and a clearer
text, which better fulfills the interaction role between the student and the environment in which
he / she is inserted (social context). It is believed that this work can help students to use the
elements of cohesion, more specifically the conjunctions, in a proficient way, which will lead
them to develop writing skills. From the limitations found in the didactic materials analyzed, in
relation to the connective approach (conjunctions), this grammatical content is discussed based
on works that bring a reflection based on the use and communicative functionality of these
linguistic elements (KOCH, 2001; NEVES, 2004), for the purpose of proposing a didactic
sequence (DOLZ, NOVERRAZ, SCHNEUWLY, 2004) for the teaching of conjunctions, in
order to contribute to the development of students' writing skills.

KEY-WORDS: Connective. Conjunctions. Writing.


INTRODUÇÃO .................................................................................................... 11

Problema de pesquisa ...................................................................................... 12

Objetivos............................................................................................................. 16

Metodologia ....................................................................................................... 17

Corpus da pesquisa .......................................................................................... 18

1 Limitações na abordagem dos conectivos na sala de aula ...................... 22

2 Concepções de linguagem, de gramática e de ensino ............................... 56

2.1 Concepções de Linguagem ........................................................................... 56

2.2 O ensino de Língua Portuguesa e as conjunções nos Parâmetros Curriculares

Nacionais e no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo .........................

2.3 As gramáticas de uso, reflexiva, teórica, normativa e funcional: meios para que o
aluno alcance a competência comunicativa ..............................................

2.3.1. As concepções de gramática .................................................................... 63

2.3.2. Os tipos de gramática ............................................................................... 64

3 Abordagem dos conectivos a partir da sua funcionalidade ...................... 69

3.1 A coesão do texto e a sua inter-relação com a coerência ............................ 69

3.2 Como as abordagens tradicionais trabalham as conjunções ........................ 73

3.3 As gramáticas funcionais .............................................................................. 78

3.4 Outros estudos funcionalistas sobre as conjunções ..................................... 90

4 Uma sequência didática para o trabalho com os conectivos .................... 106

4.1 Uma Sequência Didática para o trabalho com as conjunções ...................... 107

4.2 Análise dos resultados .................................................................................. 135

CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS ................................................................................ 152

REFERÊNCIAS ................................................................................................... 154

APÊNDICES ....................................................................................................... 156

ANEXOS.............................................................................................................. 161

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