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DEED OF RECTIFICATIO This DEED OF RECETIPICTION is executed at SURYAPET on this the 28" day of September, 2018 between PANDILLAPALLI AHALYA W/o. VENKATESHWAR RAO, aged 50 years. Occupation: House wife, R/o. H.No. 4-58/16, Gayathri Nagar, Kukatpalli, HYDERABAD. hereinafter referred to the RECTIFIER/VENDOR which term includes his suceessors and assigns of the ONE PART; AND RAVOO’S LABORATARIES LTD., HYDERABAD. Represented by its Managing Director, PANDILLAPALLI VENKATESHWAR RAO S/o. SEETHARAMAIAH, aged 54 years, Occupation: Business, residing at H.No. 2-22-46, Vivekananda Colony, Kukatpalli, HY DERABAD. hereinafter referred to as PURCHASER which term includes his heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the property more fully described in the Schedule hereunder was sold by the Reetifier/Vendor in favour of the Purchaser herein in and by Sale deed. dated 14.10.2003 and registered as Document Ne. 2834/2003 of Book-1 on the file of the Sub Registrar of SURYAPET, hereinafter referred as the Principal Deed. WHEREAS in the Principal Deed dated 14.10.2003, in page No.1, in the part of details of Purchaser/Vendee, the Company name represented by its Managing Director Pandillapalli Venkateshwar Rao was wrongly typed as RAVOO'S. LABORATARIES instead ef RAVOO’S LABORATARIES LTD. WHEREAS this typographical crror has come to the knowledge of the above said Purchaser and requested the Rectifier/Vendor to reetify the same. NOW THIS DEED OF RECTIFICATION WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: That in the Principal Deed dated 14.10.2003 in page No.1 in the part of details of Purchaser/Vendee, the Company name represented by its Managing Director Pandillapalli Venkateshwar Rao, for which the property was purchased is wrongly typed as RAVOO’S LABORATARIES is rectified as RAVOO’S LABORATARIES LTD. by this Deed of Rectification. That as rectified as aforesaid, the Principal sale Deed shall remain in full force and effeet. That no consideration has been reecived by the RECTIFIER/VENDOR for executing this Deed of Rectification. CHEDULE OF PROPERT) All that piece and parcel of the Agriculture land having Sy.No.542/™, extent Ac. 1.00 gts, Sy.No. 5343/7] Ac.1.00 gts and in Sy.No. 544 Ac.1.07 gts, Total extent Ac. 3.07 guntas equal to 1.27 Hectors situated at Chivemla Revenue village within the limits of Zilla parishad Nalgonda and Mandal Parishad, Chivemla, Grampanchayat Board Chivemla, under the jurisdication of District Registrar Nalgonda, Sub-Registrar, Suryapet is bounded as follows: BOI East : Land of P.Venkateshwar Rao West : Land of D.Gopal Rao North : Road leading to Suryapet to Khammam. South : Land of Y.Lakshma Reddy, Ramanarsaiah NDARI In Witness where of the RECTIFIER/VENDOR and the PURCHASER have set their hands on the day and month year first above written in the presence of following witnesses RECTIFIER/VENDOR PURCHASER 4

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