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Question for Research

1. What is the main purpose of use of tourniquet during phlebotomy?

- A tourniquet is used by the phlebotomist to assess and determine the location of a suitable venipuncture. The proper
application of tourniquet should be applied three to four inches above the needle insertion point and should remain in
place no longer then one minute to prevent hemoconcentration.

Source: Lab CE 2001-2020. Tourniquet, Alcohol, and Gauge. Retrieved from Retrieved at 03/09/20

2. What is the alternative equipment in absence of tourniquet in distending the patient’s vein?

- Improvised/makeshift tourniquets should be converted to a commercial tourniquet as soon as possible. Good option of
material are the following:

 Necktie
 Neckerchief, scarves, bandanas
 Fabric long enough to around the limb
 Nylon webbing
 Ace Bandage
 Surgical gloves

Source: FCP (2017, April 7) Improvising Tourniquet. Retrieved from

3. What is standard tourniquet used in Clinical Laboratory?

-The most frequently used tourniquets are flat latex or vinyl strips. They are inexpensive and may be disposed of between
patients or reused if disinfected.

Source: Strasinger, S. and Di Lorenzo, M., n.d. The Phlebotomy Textbook. 3rd ed

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