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Student: Zhenya Petrosyan

Subject: Writing Skills

Faculty, year, group: RfL, year 3rd, group 1st
Lecturer: Vardanush Baghdasaryan

Begging in Armenia
At every step in our daily life we meet people who ask for money, for food or
convince us to buy something; water, icon, napkins and so on. Begging has become a
big problem in Armenia. Most of them pretend they have no arms or legs trying to
influence on people. There are some people who give them money out of pity and
instead of it they get great blessings, but the rest of the people pay no attention to
them as if there is nobody. Beggars wear shabby clothes and old shoes. There are
some beggars who really need help, but the rest of them do it as their daily job. They
are used to it and they don’t want to work anymore. The number of beggars
increases year by year as they find an easy way to earn money. However there are
some important solutions that will help to decrease begging in Armenia. They are
strict control definition, employing beggars and taking old beggars to a nursing
The first strict control definition is reasonable solution to that problem. Strict
control will contribute less begging besides that there are many children who are
also begging for their parents force them. They say that they will be punished unless
they bring money. The state should set punishments on parents who will make their
children beg. That children look wretched and wanderer. So concluding this solution
will reduce begging, will help children get out of a difficult situations and will keep
parents alert.
The next solution which is also important is employing beggars. The are not
only old beggars and children but also some youths, whom you will see in the street
while begging. The work will give them chance to earn some money. Then there will
be no need to ask for money or food. They will have money and can buy bread, new
clothes and live better. This also will help them make new friends and improve their
life. So employing beggars is an effective solution as nobody is going to give them
money every day. They will not need money while working and will not try to beg.
The third useful solution to that problem is taking old beggars to a nursing
home. There are a lot of old people among beggars, who ask for money in order to
buy drugs or to keep their living. Taking them to a nursing home will help both the
state reducing begging and them as the state will give them shelter, health care and
what they need. They will live without begging and will not think about what they
must eat, drink or how they will live without their daily drugs. So this useful solution
will help to reduce begging among old people.
As a conclusion begging has been and continues being. This important
solutions will prevent begging from increasing. These will help children, youths and
old people and the counrty will have less beggars . The begging level will fall. Parents
will understand the seriousness of what they are doing, the children will not have to
beg and old people will be in safe place.

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