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Job Aid to Complete RRF report using this formatted Excel

Introductory Notes:
√ The formatted RRF is developed for non-Dagu sites and store managers who have computer access
for preparation of the report.
√ Products to be reported for a period are found organized in one excel sheet
√ prepared to serve for eight reporting periods. Upon getting password access for unprotecting access,
the tool can be copied or moved for further periods use
√ has pre-defined list of health centers providing ART sites that can automatically generate other
facility’s information (Region, Zone and Woreda), name of resupplying hub and targets for HIV testing
and positive up on selecting Name of Health Facility from drop-down list.
√ Blank tabs highlighted with yellow color created to help in producing complete report except the near
expiry products and blank lines to incorporate reporting of new products coming in to the system
√ has sheet named as "Blank_Data_Collection" next to this worksheet. And it is a blank RRF form
without any formula to serve the store manager for collecting the needed data from DUs and the main
store before sitting on her/his computer to complete the report
√ To help selection name of health facility and Reporting Period from the drop-down listd, the 1st
period format view is made to Normal View. However, the view needs to be changed to Page Break
Preview after selecting name of reporting health facility and Reporting Period for full visibility of other
data elements in the reporting & ordering parts during preparation of the report,
√ Protected to help the reporting person from change of general appearance of the printout of the
report, to maintain the formulas unaffected and links that will make easy the process from unintended
click and direct to fields eligible for data entry. From the cells that have formulas, "Quantity to Order"
part is left unprotected to allow the adjustment of orders quantities when it is found logical.
√ If allowed to send the report with soft copy in addition to hard copy, it is possible to move or copy
the completed report to new excel for sending by email, telegram address together with the scan of the
approved report
Actions Notes
Preparation of Phase/Make Data ready for Pencil for collection of data is preferable
completing into the tool: Print the as it can help to save paper and tone by
"Blank_Data_Collection" form available in the next reusing the printed blank form again and
sheet, start collecting data needed for SOH at DUs again. After completing the current
by visiting each DU, go back to the store and period report, erase the information
continue collecting Quantity Received, written with pencil and make clear ready
Loss/Adjustments, SOH and Expiry Date for near for next period use.
expiry products in the store from the updated bin For HIV RTKs where the product could
cards before sitting on the computer. In addition, be available distributed in many testing
make ready also Beginning Balances of this period units, the SOH for DU needs to be
by summing up Ending Balances at DU and Store collected from all testing points and mini
from the previous period RRF report. stores.
The list in the drop down is arranged as
alphabetic sequence. Once the facility
name is selected at the beginning page of
Health Facility Name: Click to the icon of the drop
the format, other information (Region,
1 down in box next to "Name of Health Facility" and
Zone, Woreda) and name of resupplying
select your facility name from the drop-down list,
hub will be automatically generated to
the remaining pages of the current and
the coming reporting periods
Reporting Period: Select the first day of the The Reporting period is the first and last
reporting period from drop-down list by going to the day of the reporting period (In Ethiopian
Calendar). Up on selecting the first date
blank box next to "From" while the view is on of the reporting period, the last date of
Normal. The last day of the period will be the period will be completed
automatically generated. automatically including to the remaining
pages and for next reporting periods too
The Page break view will help to see
After selecting the reporting period, change the fully all reportable variables. If not adjust
Normal view to Page Break view to 30% zoom view for further visibility
of the variables
The Beginning Balance for the current
report is equal to the Sum of Ending
Beginning Balance: When the tool is used for first Balance at DU and Store in the previous
time, write the Beginning Balance of the item from report. Write the beginning balance of
4 the Ending Balance in previous period reported RRF items from in the completed blank data
under Beginning Balance (Column A) i.e., in the collection form you collected. For next
blank tab shaded with yellow under Column A. periods, it will be automatically
generated using the ending balances of
the previous period.
Quantity Received: Write the quantity of the item
“Quantity Received” is the quantities of
received during this reporting period under Quantity
5 the item received from supplying EPSA
Received (Column B) from the collected data in the
during the current reporting period hub.
blank form
It is the stock of item received rather than
Losses/Adjustments: Write the total quantity of the from main supplier i.e., EPSA hub. The
item lost or adjusted during this reporting period quantity to be completed in the tool will
under (Column C) from the collected data in the be positive; whereas expired, damaged
blank form. and issue quantity to other HF not in the
(Don't forget to put negative sign in front of the distribution DU will have negative sign
quantity for losses and negative adjustments) that will be insereted in front of the
quantity to be completed.
Ending Balance (Column D): Write quantity of The information is to be obtained from
usable stock on hand in the Dispensing Units (DU) physical count to be made at all DUs
7 at the end of the reporting period under Ending managing the item in which it is already
Balance (Column D) in the blank tab shaded with collected in the blank data collection
yellow. form.
Ending Balance (Column E): Write quantity of
usable stock on hand in the main store at the end of It is obtained from updated bin cards
the reporting period, i.e. in the blank tab shaded reconcilled by conducting physical count
with yellow under Column E.
Calculated Consumption (Column F): The
information will be calculated automatically in the
tool using the data items completed from Column A
to E.
For none stocked out items and those
items with their SOH available at DUs
Days Out of Stock (Column G): Write the total
exceeding the expected maximum month
number of days a product was out of stock in the
10 of stock of 0.5, the tool will
blank tab highlighted left blank with yellow under
automatically give zero for Days of Stock
Column G.
Days out of Stock must be equal to or
less than 59. If number greater than 59
is completed, it will stop and give
instruction as it couldn't be.
Maximum Stock Quantity to be
calculated from the formula = 2*CC/(G-
Maximum Stock Quantity and Quantity Needed 60) and [H=2*CC/(G-60)*LSI] for other
to Reach Max (Column H & Column I): The tool class of products and anti-malaria
automatically the needed information for both medicines where its LSI value of
variables assumed to be one. For Quantity Needed
to Reach Max to be calculated using the
formula = H - E - D.
Quantity to Order (Column J): Will be
automatically generated under Column I unless
there will be especial situation that increases or This part is left unprotected to help the
12 decreases consumption in the future that will urge to reporting facility to adjust upon having
adjust. If there is justifiable need for adjusting the the need
quantity to order, it is possible to increase or
decrease the quantity.
Near Expiry or Shelf-life < 6 months Product:
Write serial number, Quantity and Expiry Date of
the item near to expire in the space next to "Please Information to be completed from Blank
report Products with Shelf-life < 6 months (S/No, RRF form where data collected
Quantity & Expiry Date" at the end of each page of
the form.
Completing names of personnel preparing,
Verifying and Approving the report: Write name
of the store manager in the blank box highlighted
14 with yellow color next to "Completed by"
preparing. And write the date in which the report The usual person who verifies the report
prepared in the blank box highlighted with yellow is pharmacy head. Verification and
color next to "Date". approval of the report should be done
Then complete name of responsible person who after thorough review of data completed
review and verify the completeness and validity of in the report.
the report in the blank box next to "Verified by".
Complete name of the facility head who approve the
report in the blank box next to the "Approved by"
Scroll down to complete the needed information and
order the actual as per the steps pointed above i.e.
14.2 Step 3 to 14 till you get to the last page of reporting  
for HIV RTKs that need to report service
information as per the steps expressed below
The information from step 17.3 to 17.8 is
obtained by aggregating the monthly
HTS summary from the IFRR reports
Steps to complete HIV Testing Service Information
14.3 submitted to main store using the updated
for HIV RTKs part
form that can help track the service
report from updated HTS registration
book by FMOH.
14.4 Testing Target (4 months): Testing target of four Testing target and Positive target is
months to be displayed automatically up on
selecting list of the reporting facility. The targets
determined by RHBs and the information
inserted in the tool is based on the service data
is obtained from HIV Focal Person of the
received from FMOH some time ago
facility or HIV program personnel at
Positive Target (4 months): This is also generated
14.5 automatically as similar way as that of Testing
Target pointed above
Total non-reactive/negative (Column K): Write The information will be obtained from
the number of persons tested Non-reactive or the two months summary to be prepared
Negative during the reporting period in the blank from IFRR reports that were submitted to
tab shaded with yellow. main store.
Total reactive/positive (Column L): Write the number of persons tested reactive or Positive
during the reporting period in the blank tab shaded with yellow.

Total Invalid (Column M): Write the number of tests became invalid during the reporting

Total Test (Column N): Automatically calculate the total test by summing up the total non-
reactive/negative, total reactive/positive and total invalid tests.
14.1 Total number of tests for Re-test (Column P): Write total number of tests used for re-test
0 during the period in the blank tab under column P shaded with yellow.
Tests for Quality Control (Column Q): Complete number of tests used for quality control of
the tests received. Quality control of the tests is performed usually upon receiving HIV RTKs
from the supplier (EPSA) before distributing to testing units.
The task is complete when:
The needed information for identifying the facility, supplying branch, logistics and service data
  fields is completed and responsible persons had their names, dates, and signatures with the
stamp of the facility seal in the report.
Up on ensuring all program products the Health facility need are completed, the needed HIV
  testing service Information reported, and data reported are accurate i.e., has real stock
exchange and SOH information in congruent with unit of reporting,
The Health facility has prepared the report with 3 pages, responsible personnel signed by
writing the dates, submitted the original print of the report to EPSA hub and one copy to the
appropriate administrative body (RHB/ZHD or WHO) timely, and keeping one copy at main

Points and Instructions for further Use

When the need arises in submitting the report with soft copy for a single period rather than
I sending the whole
Note: To take place if EPSA hub allows for its submission with soft copy together with
scan of the report that fulfills the required legally and after completing the report and
approving with relevant managers.
I. Right click at the name of sheet at the bottom of the completed report; e.g. at
"RRF_1stP" for the first period report, at "RRF_2ndP" for second period etc.
II. Get the "Move or Copy" icon in the menu list and click it. (will result to appear the
table menu having Move or Copy?, To look at:, Before sheet:, Create to options for
III. Click on the drop-down icon below the "Before sheet" then (new book) and "New
RRF form formatted_..." will be displayed as options if there is not any unopened excel
IV. Select "(new book)" from the options
V. Go down and check the blank box in front of Create a copy
VI. Click "Ok" at the end (This will result for the report to appear in new excel without
being affected for its layout and other parameters)
  >> Save by using words that can express the type of the report and period
II When there is a need to use the tool, after the 8th period of report
i. Get the password for unprotecting the tool after reporting the 7th period report and
while the 8th period
ii. Go to Format part at the top of the excel while you are on the 8th period uncompleted
form or tool
iii. Click the drop-down list, get the icon for the unprotect sheet at the end and click it
iv. Insert the password that will make active the sheet
v. Right click the "RRF_8thP", get move or copy in the list obtained as per the steps
listed above for coping a sheet but by moving before “HFs & HIV targets” sheet
vi. Modify the Beginning Balance part by inserting formula that calculates Ending
  Balances of DU and Store from the 8th period report form and the reporting periods

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