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Nowadays, producing food is easier than in the past, but we cannot say that these

improvements made the people’s lives easier than before. Improvements in industrial and
agricultural products have made it easy to produce food for rapidly change of the world
population. Most of the world population faces hanger and malnutrition or diseases
relevant to food quality.

Most of the organizations and factories that they work to produce food for residents of
different countries try to attract people toward their brands and they try to use more
additive, preservatives, sugar, fat, and substances to their products to be tasty for the
customer that these additives, and preservatives causes many type of nutrition disease,
obesity, and cancers. For example, in the United States and United Kingdom, most of the
people die because of obesity and the average of life expectancy is too low among a number
of people. Therefore, industrial products are not successful to ease the way of people’s
living standards.

In agricultural product also farmers try to produce their products using chemical fertilizer to
grow their crops at the soonest time to be sold in the market. From other side, farmers use
poisons to eliminate the plant’s pest to keep growing it. These oil fertilizers and poisons will
have effect on the health of human. Soil fertilizers cause the crop to grow abnormally that
we can say they are not organic and natural. The fertilizers will change the quality of crops.
In Afghanistan, soil is very weak that con not grew any plant by dirt alone and farmers have
to add fertilizers to land to rich the soil for cultivation of crops. In this case the quality of
crops is very low like apple.

Although in modern countries producing food has become so easy and fast, in backward
countries we still witness shortage of food and malnutrition and food disease and death
because of food shortage. Facilities in unimproved countries are old fashioned. For example
in African continent, the average of nutrition is very low and they population face the
shortage of water as well.

Therefore, the resedince of

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