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Some people believe that to achieve something like a job opportunity, a grant like education

scholarship, and so on you need a good fortune or good luck, therefore, I disagree with this opinion.
Beside I rather think for getting a good job, opportunity you need to have a well preparation,
knowledge, necessary skills and a hard effort. I believe that a person should want something from his
own desire to achieve it as well.

There is a proverb that tells, “When your requirements meet the opportunity, this is the luck.” Most
of people, who couldn’t achieve any tremendous paid off in life, believe that they have bad fortune.
They waste their time to search for chances to improve their situation, to find a job, to be admitted
to universities or face any wonderful events in life, and they don’t even try to build or gain necessary
knowledge or skills that it meets a specific opportunity.

Although the people, who think success need fortune, are not able to promote in life, and all the
time they are upset from other people and they imagine the impact of their surroundings is the
cause of their misfortune and all the time complain about people and things. This type of people
drives their concentration to change things and people around them instead of focusing in their own
talents and abilities in order to advance it to meet their desire.

Finally, I want to articulate that success doesn’t need any chance. The only necessary thing is a hard
work, strong desire, important skills, and motivation. Therefore, don’t waste your time for chance,
and try to focus on your talents and abilities.

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