A Review On Methods and Systems For Early Breast Cancer Detection

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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)

Amity University

A Review on Methods and Systems for Early

Breast Cancer Detection
Narbada Prasad Gupta Praveen Kumar Malik
Professor, School of Electronics Professor, School of Electronics Bhagwan Shree Ram
and Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Professor, School of Electronics
Lovely Professional University, Lovely Professional University, and Electrical Engineering
Punjab, India Punjab, India Lovely Professional University,
narbada.24806@lpu.co.in praveen.23314@lpu.co.in Punjab, India

Abstract:In today’s scenario, it has been seen worldwide adjusted for under-detailing or inadequacy utilizing the
that in the developing countries including India,major
cause of mortality is cancer and particularly, breast
cancer. Itis being the most registered female melanoma.
In this paper, a brief review of various reported methods
and systems have been represented, which are used for
early breast cancer detection. Also, variety of approaches
being adapted to the microwave imaging method like
microwave tomography and radar-based imaging
reported earlier have been rigorously studied and
represented. Some recently reported articles on
Microwave breast imaging sensors with required rates given by the WHO.
characteristics for early breast cancer detection have also
been surveyed and presented to suggest the best possible Figure 1. World map divided into 20 regions
method or system.
Figure-2 depicted the accessibility to incidence data
Keywords—Early breast cancer detection, UWB, Antenna and accessibility to mortality data, based on which the
design for breast cancer detection. authors in [1] estimated the Age Standardized Rate
In the reference [1] arbitrary variances in the
As the world is developing, the mortality is also
anticipated age-explicit occurrence and death rates
growing at fast rate. The major cause of death in the
were smoothed utilizing a loess work a privately
developing countries including India is Cancer. Above
weighted relapse, by nation, sex and malignant growth
all, breast cancer has been reported the most registered
site. Creators have gotten the estimation for the 20
female malignancy and the prominent cause of cancer
world locales as appeared in the Figure-1 by the
associated deaths among women [1],[2]. In the year
populace weighted normal of the rate and death paces
2012, according to the survey report published, breast
of the part nations. These rates were applied to the
cancer attained 25.2% of women worldwide. About 1.7
comparing populace for the locale for 2012 to get the
million patients were diagnosed with breast cancer
assessed quantities of new malignant growth cases and
worldwide. To analyze the data, the world has been
passing in 2012. The rates were age-institutionalized
divided into 20 regions as shown in Figure-1 [1].
(ASRs per 100,000 man years) utilizing the immediate
Appraisals of disease mortality by nation has been
technique and the World standard populace as
determined by having National measurements from
proposed by Segi [3] and adjusted by Doll et al.[4].
indispensable enrollment sources are known to be of
Total 1677000 new cancer cases were registered that is
variable quality therefore a few adaptations were made
25.2% of all cancer reported and ASR is calculated as
before they were utilized for estimation purposes:
43.3 per 100,000 with 4.6% of cumulative risk to age
Where important, the general number of passing was
of 75 years. In ladies, breast disease is the most well-


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

known malignant growth analyzed in more and less biological sample processing, high throughput, low
created districts, with more cases happening in less reagent and sample consumption, short analyse time,
created (883,000 cases) than increasingly created and multiplexed detection [10]. Some of the
locales (794,000). It is presently the second reason for commonly used biomarker based methods for breast
disease demise in increasingly created locales cancer detection are Radio immune assay, immune
(198,000 passing, 15.4%) after lung malignant growth histo chemistry, enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay,
[1]. The range in death rates between world areas is and fluoro immuno assay. Biomarker-based strategies
not as much as that for rate on account of the more might be expensive undertaking, tedious, require
positive endurance from breast malignancy in (high- complex marking process, require prepared
occurrence) created locales. So, the breast cancer has individuals, and regularly constrained in recognition
to be dealt rigorously to control over the death caused affectability [13].
due to it. Many imaging-based indicative techniques like
If some early diagnostic methods are developed and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) [14], Positron
suitable treatments are provided it may improve the 5- Emission Tomography (PET) [15], Mammography
year survival rate drastically as the survey reports of A [16] and differentiate upgraded advanced
C Society, New York & K B C Society, South Korea mammography [17] have been investigated
claimed. It is accounted for that early breast malignant investigating the significance of early discovery of the
growth location when connected with sufficient breast malignant growth. However, screening-based
treatment could fundamentally lessen mortality methods explored so far were expensive and provided
independent of the organic idea of the tumor [2]. limited image resolution. Out of all available methods,
mammography is considered to be the current standard
II. LITERATURE REVIEW breast imaging tool, it is less effective for dense
There are various methods developed for breast cancer breasts and small tumours [18]-[19].
detection among these followings are some of the
common methods being used:
• Biopsy-based methods
• Biosensor-based methods
• Biomarker-based methods
• Screening-based diagnostic techniques include:
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
 Positron Emission Tomography (PET),
 Mammography,
 Contrast-enhanced digital mammography.
• Microwave breast imaging method
All the above mentioned methods have certain
positives and some negatives. For example, in the case
of biopsy based method, during a core
needle biopsy with breast ultrasound, the patient lies
on her back. The care provider uses a local anesthetic
to numb the area before it actually start the procedure.
Patient may feel a pushing and pulling sensation on
her breast, which can cause some sort of discomfort
but it has low intensity. This method involves high
cost and also, requires trained people to work on the
machines [5]. Literatures [6]-[11] depicted that many
people have been attracted towards biosensor-based
methods over the past few years may be 10-15 years
for the detection of cancer. As far as advantages of Figure 2. (a) Availability of incidence data. (b) Availability
of mortality data.
these sensors are concerned, this method has high


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

X-ray mammography uses low-energy X-rays while picture, so it is imperative to restrain the upper
creating images of the breast under consideration. This recurrence of the band so alluring infiltration which is
method is usually used for early breast cancer well inside as far as possible is done into the tissue. In
diagnosis. However, it has got a number of limitations this way, for these conditions, Ultra-Wide-Band
too. Similarly, other methods have their limitations (UWB) signal is viewed as appropriate. The Specific
too. Like in the process of Mammography the breasts Absorption Rate (SAR) is the parameter which is
are compressed between two plates in order to spread commonly used when setting the prosperity standards
out the breast tissues so that imaging can be for the best empowered introduction to the human
performed. However, there is a serious health risk body. SAR infers the proportion of ability to be up to
allied with the compression applied to the breasts. If a speed in the tissue per volume. According to the
pressure of only 22 pounds is applied it basically standard C95.1-1999, on account of gadgets working
ruptures the encapsulation of a cancerous tumor. So, at 100 kHz to 6 GHz, SAR ought not to surpass the
for early breast cancer detection, screening is farthest point of 1.6 W/kg for human tissue of the
combined with mammography and that is done before normal 1g [20]. Microwave breast malignant growth
clinical symptoms appear. Some cancers, however, are imaging technique ought to be unlimited from
not captured with mammography screening alone. wellbeing perilous associate to the patient, in view of
Ultrasound has been suggested as a safe appendage experiencing less introduction than a cell phone.
screening tool that can detect breast cancers missed on Two essentialapproacheshave been attempted to the
mammography. Microwave breast imaging has been microwave imaging method:
accounted for as the most alarming to end up being the • Microwave tomography and
option or extra apparatus to the present highest quality • Radar-based Imaging
level X-beam mammography which is as of now being Scattering of microwave signals is the concept which
utilized for identifying breast malignant growth. The is used in both these approaches. These frameworks
microwave breast picture quality is reliant on transmit the microwave signals into the breast and
numerous elements like microwave sensors, sensor measure dissipating sign reflected from the tumor. The
exhibit, number of sensors in the cluster and the size of persistence of microwave tomography is to convalesce
the sensors associated. For, microwave sensors to be the profile utilizing the converse issue of the dielectric
applied for breast tumor recognition, a few attributes properties of the breast. Microwave tomography
like wide impedance data transmission, little size, utilizes an opposite dispersing strategy to get a breast
repeatability and savvy manufacture, and capacity to analytical picture. In the backwards dispersing
productively couple capacity to the breast are strategy, dissipating sign is utilized alongside the
attractive. Endeavors are being made on the transition diffraction from items to satisfy the reason. It makes a
to perceive new sensor framework attributes which is guide of permittivity and conductivity through reversal
reasonable to fulfill the difficult prerequisites of the of those sign.
microwave breast imaging frameworks. In microwave radar imaging technique, the picture is
Three things are huge while concentrating the reproduced utilizing the reflected waves originating
microwave imaging; first, di-electric properties of from the tumor. This procedure utilizes the reflection
chest tissues in microwave repeat range and logical that happens because of contrast in the electrical
showing of these tissues, second, accurate dielectric properties of typical and harmful breast
acknowledgment of chest compromising tumor with tissues, when microwaves transmit the inward breast
unequivocal reference to the shape, size and with tumor.
irregularity in the point of confinement, and third, A radar-based microwave imaging system consists of
structure of reasonable RF sensors. In this strategy, the the following:
breast picture is remade from the gotten sign that are • RF Generator
essentially dissipated and reflected inside the breast. It • RF Sensor(s) and
is essential to improve the goals. In any case, as the • Computer with matched software to investigate
goals goes to higher qualities and recurrence expands, the measured data used to map the inner
tissue misfortune additionally increments. In this configuration of the object.
manner, it turns out to be hard to acquire a flawless


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

RF generator fundamentally lights up the microwave transmission lines, lumped capacitors, and waveguides
signals, RF sensor transmit the microwave sign to the are manufactured on a substrate and utilized for
objective item and measure the reflected sign. These discovery of organic materials can be named as
sensors assume a noteworthy job in the microwave inactive sensors [27].While planning RF biosensor it is
breast imaging framework. The picture goals can be imperative to remember that particular structure
improved by utilizing higher frequencies for the prerequisites like working recurrence, data transfer
activity. A few broadband and planar printed capacity, directivity, affectability, exactness, minimal
monopole microwave radio wires have been accounted size and ease are to be met. Different nonmaterial have
for by various scientists for breast disease location. been valuable to create RF biosensors so as to upgrade
Due to their simple structure, broadband property, the affectability of bio particle recognition. So, as far
compact size,and ease-of-fabrication [21]-[23] these as microwave breast imaging methods is concerned, it
have become popular. Since, the sensors are required is well deserving candidate method to be explored with
to be worn on or around the breast, so, it is important an enormous scope of being exploited for development
that they are flexible or conformal. Some of the of systems which can be used for early breast cancer
researchers have reported RF sensors on flexible detection.
substrate to cater to the need of being conformal [24]- III. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE WORKS
[26]. Microstrip antenna is one of the most prevalent The strategy for Microwave imaging has been
types of sensor which is developed for applying in proposed as a substitute or extra way to deal with the
microwave breast imaging systems because it present standard X-beam mammography which can be
iscompact in size, reasonably priced and can be easily sued for early breast malignant growth identification.
printed on a PCB. Table-1 represents the findings, positives and short
RF biosensors are commonly arranged in two unique comings of the proposed methods by various
structures. One is close field biosensors and other is researchers.
far-field biosensors. Microwave segments like


Ref. Suggested methods Pros and cons

[5] Biopsy-based methods Involves high cost and requires trained people.
High biological sample dispensation, high throughput, low
[10] Biosensor-based methods reagent and sample consumption, short analyse time, and
multiplexed detection.
Highly sensitive method for early diagnosis.
[13] Biomarker-based methods But, expensive, tedious, complex marking process, and need
prepared individuals.
Costlyand also, limited capability of image resolution. Considered
Screening-based diagnostic
[18], [19] to be the current standard breast imaging tool but less effective
for dense breasts and small tumours.
Accurate acknowledgment of chest compromising tumor with
Microwave breast imaging
[20] unequivocal reference to the shape, size and irregularity in the
point of confinement, and hasreasonable RF sensor structure.

Some real restrictions which have been accounted for • Development of a profoundly touchy
down to earth execution of microwave imaging-based microwave sensor, and
techniques include: • Limited picture goals
• Low dielectric property difference between Different investigations have suggested in the prior
the sound and the threatening tissues, period that it is important to build up an exceptionally
• Working recurrence choice, delicate microwave sensor and a variety of sensors to


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2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM)
Amity University

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