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First Draft: Incorporing and Ia to the clases.

In my opinión, incorporing and IA to the english clases, and the realization of the activities,
could have some benefits for teacher and the students, with a fw things to note.

Firsly, have les problems trying to understand some topics in english, for example, in infinitives,
and the ones that have to and in among them, and the ones which have the verb with ing, like

Secondly, teachers could use it to resume a lot of information, in a short text, and verify if some
terms that he uses in his classes are worng, or some rules that he put, and a Little information
to avoid doubts of the students, in the exams and homeworks.

Finally, students could use it to learn how to make his sentences, and entire text, to make these
clear for the teachers when they have to rate them, but only for learn, not to use the Ia
technology to do homeworks instead of them, a problem that can occur in exams or final
Works, requiring teacher the right tools and knowedge to prevent it.

To conclude, I believe that an IA, could be benefitial, with the right use, knowledge and limit
stablished by the teacher.

By: Francesco Raúl Chacón Coello

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