Comparison of Literature Reviews

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Comparison of literature reviews:

Year and Author name (Ramli, 2017)

Purpose of Paper To discover the influence of IT on businesses.
Idea/Plan/Approaches The author has used certain procedures to collect
and prove data for the strategies based on the
impact of information technology on businesses.
Different company’s warehouse's data are
selected for comparison.
Conclusion and findings Progressed cost in working terms such as the
venture computer program that empowers the
firm that computerizes back with the trade
Constraint The sensitive information linked with the system
is not secured and designed that has sensitive
business for consumer information preserving
Strengths Recommended to Progress The employee’s productivity is the increase with

Year and Author name (Zheng, 2019)

Purpose of Paper Warehouse operations IT KPIs and their status.
Idea/Plan/Approaches The metrics are used to find the performance of
the process with an evaluation to be accessed
with various manners and all data is clearly
described in metrics form.
Conclusion and findings With the content analysis method the
performance is used to acquired and classified
with costs, quality, time, and product dimensions.
Constraint Only limited parameters are used in the
warehouse are measured in percentage, unit per
order, and unit per hour. All KPIs have different
values and with the help of only SNORM process
with the parameters that are explained in a more
precise way
Strengths Recommended to Progress The most essential KPI is used with the advanced
method for productivity that is measured in
receives per man-hour.

Year and Author name (Yuan, 2020)

Purpose of Paper Type of warehouse operations and their role
Idea/Plan/Approaches To select different types of the warehouse that
work on various technologies. Five warehouses
are selected to know about the operations in it.
Conclusion and findings There are several warehouses operations and the
main objective and goal are to facilitate the
movement related to the supply chain at the end
of the customer.
Constraint The warehouse system is not upgraded with time
to time then the interested people access the
system easily that critically stops the operations
Strengths Recommended to Progress The importance related to the warehouse as an
integral component related to the supply chain
formed the context of the business-related
strategy with the facilities and existence in the
related warehouse.

Year and Author name (Post, 2018)

Purpose of Paper IT infrastructure requirements versus reality on
the ground.
Idea/Plan/Approaches The set of technology components are formed
with the foundation of IT services include
network, facilities, software, and hardware with
many other terms
Conclusion and findings The IT infrastructure refers typically to the
required operation, existence, and enterprise
management related to the IT environment.
Constraint The infrastructure in IT that depends upon the
design and set-up with the converged, hyper-
converged, cloud-based terms only.
Strengths Recommended to Progress The infrastructure has the back and front-facing
elements that are required to work seamlessly

Year and Author name (Rahman, 2016)

Purpose of Paper IT-related issues in warehouses.
Idea/Plan/Approaches The methods used in the research are to select
three warehouses that use the most advanced
technologies and then conclude the problems
more discussed in it.
Conclusion and findings Two main issues that are ensued in the warehouse
with the information technology link such as wireless
instability and the disconnections occurred in
handheld devices.
Constraint The improper updates and testing create the downtime
unplanned so, the database system has poor quality
with scalability.
Strengths Recommended to Progress Standardization is important to be built that
decentralized the printing infrastructure management
and reduces the administration overhead and the

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