Today Is The First Day of The Eid

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Today is the first day of the Eid-ul Adha.

My sister came last night from Kabul province to spend her Eid
days alongside her family in Herat city. She has been living in Kabul province since 2019. She went there
to take scholarship from Fulbright.

This year’s Eid is very different from two years ago. Now, it took one and half year that Afghanistan faces
Global Pandemic which is the COVID-19. The corona virus has started in early 2020 and continues up to
now. It has taken many lives. Many families have lost their loved ones during this pandemic.

Afghanistan not just faces the corona virus; the Taliban regime has been threatening the Afghan people
too. The Taliban have had many attacks in several provinces of Afghanistan and have taken over a
number of counties of Afghanistan. They claim that they have overcome the government of Afghanistan
in many areas. Many residents and soldiers of Afghanistan were martyred and injured because of the
Taliban attacks.

Afghanistan’s ministry of public health have announced before Eid days to inform families to stay home
during Eid days and keep social distancing to avoid further spreading of the corona virus during these
days. Because in Afghanistan it is a tradition that families go to their relatives’ and friends’ home to visit
them during Eid days. Eid days are special occasions that people take advantage of it to spend time with
their families.

In Eid, every family prepares special food, desert and nuts to celebrate Eid. There is two special and
important Eid in Afghanistan that is celebrating annually which are Eid-ul fiter and Eid-ul Adha. People
wear new clothes. Women and girls put hana on their hands to show their gratitude.

This year most of families have lost their loved ones, or they have someone in their families that they
suffer from the coronavirus, and they cannot celebrate the Eid. We also stayed at home and trying to
say happy Eid to our families and friends from home with cell phone to restrict illness get around us.

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