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Media has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past century, from traditional to digital

to social, and now to immersive media. Each new iteration of media has brought with it new

ways of engaging with content, but immersive media completely transforms the relationship

between the user and the platform

In the evolution of media, it is necessary to understand how it has shaped the lives of
individuals across different generations. This essay delves into an interview with my
grandmother, Khadija, who was 22 years old in the year 1973.
Through this interview, I aim to gain insights into the role media played in her life during that
time, explore the significant events she remembers, and analyze how media has influenced her
generation compared to the present day..
So, I decided to interview my grandmother who is 72 years old,about her media use when she was

the age i am now ( 22 years) , we decided to focus on year (1973)when she was 22 years old.

On my research i discovered that during this period of 1970s, contributing to the evolution of

media, was the introduction of cable television. Cable television emerged as a technological

advancement that provided viewers with an expanded range of channels and programming

options beyond the limited offerings of traditional broadcast television.

In the early 1970s, cable television began to gain popularity as it offered improved reception

quality and the ability to transmit signals over longer distances. Cable systems used coaxial
cables to transmit signals directly into households, allowing viewers to access channels that

were not available through regular over-the-air broadcasting.

My granny grew up in a small town in the Singida, and she said that “There were a lot fewer

options for media back then. The most popular forms of media were television, radio, and books.

I watched a lot of TV shows, especially the Hindi ones. I also listened to a lot of music, both on

the radio and on cassette tapes. I also read a lot of books, both for pleasure and for school”.

My granny also said that: “Media was important to me in 1973 because it helped me to connect

with the world around me. TV, radio, and books helped me to learn about current events, to stay

entertained, and to escape from my everyday life. Also media helped me to connect with other

people. I used to talk about TV shows, music, and books with my friends and family”.

I compared my granny's media use in 1973 to my own media use today. I said that I also watch a

lot of TV, but I also use a lot of other forms of media, such as the internet, social media, and

streaming services. I said that I use these forms of media to stay informed, to stay entertained,

and to connect with other people.

My granny said that: “I think that media is even more important today than it was in 1973. There

are so many more options for media today, and that it can be hard to know where to start. Also it

can be easy to get sucked into social media and to spend too much time online. Well, I think the

biggest difference is the advent of the internet and digital media. In 1973, we relied on traditional

media sources like television, newspapers, and radio. Today, there's an abundance of information

available at our fingertips through smartphones and the internet. The convenience and
accessibility are incredible, but it's also important to critically evaluate the credibility and

accuracy of the content we consume”.

I think that my granny is right. Media is a powerful tool, and it can be used for good or for bad.

It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of media, but it is also important to use it in a

positive way.

I am grateful to my granny for taking the time to talk to me about her media use in 1973. It was

interesting to learn about how media has changed over the years, and it was also helpful to get

her perspective on how I can use media in a positive way.

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