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MOCK: 5 UNIT: 5 bering education Paper Time 1 hour 45 minutes reteraiice Physics International Advanced Level UNIT 5: Thermodynamics, Radiation, Oscillations * and Cosmology ‘You must have: Scientific calculator, ruler Instructions © Use black ink or ball-point pen. © Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with you centre number and candidate number. © Answer alll questions. 7 © Answer the questions in the spaces provided = there may be more space than you need. ‘© Show all your working in calculations and include units where appropriate. ‘ Information © The total mark for this paper is 90. © The marks for each question are shown in brackets, = use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. © Inthe question marked with an asterisk (*), marks will be awarded for your ability to structure your answer logically, showing how the points that you make are related or follow on from each other where appropriate. © The list of data, formulae and relationships is printed at the end of this booklet. Advice © Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. © Try to answer every question. © Check your answers if you have time at the end, Page 1 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner 1. Atritium nucleus decays into helium-3 as. follows: 3H — 3He te +, 01550u mass of }He = 3.01493u mass of }H= ,00055u mass of 7, = 0.00000u 4u=931MeV (a) Calculate the energy released in the decay of tritium. toy, ota) Brengy erolaicd = (3-91980x4 3 Frexi0 )- [3-01 sdaigied) PVF Shout XY, F540 31 107F zV x5, (b) The mass of a proton is 1.00728u and the mass of a neutron is 1.00866u. @ Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of a tritium nucleus. Bindings Meryy = Cl o0gze Vy Whelsgx to" The binding energy per nucleon of a helium-3 nucleus (ie. 2.6 M slightly lower than the answer to (b)(i). How does this show that bin« ‘¢ nucleon is not the only measure of stability? {Total Marks for 1=9} Scanned with CamScanner 2* The diagram shows the key features of the rotation curves for a distant spiral galaxy. Explain how these features relate to the structure and motion of the galaxy. 16 [Total Marks for 26] Pana Vnf 15 Scanned with CamScanner 3(a) Explain what is meant by spectic latent heat of fusion. By she oe beaaeread...obyle Tail ob. abc ndengeiy on fibion. See (b) Figure shows how the temperature ofthe water Is maintained in a ho! tub. ‘The hot tub system has a volume of 4.5m? ands water ata temperature of ek ume of 4.5 mands filed with water ata temperature of ‘The heater transfers thermal energy tothe water at ara 2 pur The hata anton ay tera arate of 2.7 KW while a purnp ‘Assume that no heats wanted to the suroundngs (i) Calculate the rise in water temperature that the heater could produice in 1.0 houy density of water = 1000 ke nm"? specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg" K! events Ozmedo 234 is + lou. 2. Fx18% 60x60 7 WD A peg (8425) OXQXS= Llovuine ' On- 234.4 temperature rise = Gii)_ The pump can circulate the water at different speeds. ‘When working at higher speeds the rise in temperature is greater. Explain why. ‘Again assume that no heat is transferred to the surroundings. fc bein At title ctaith.. Legler. speed... ie betes tn... Ngo ane... dent... distileded {Total Marks for 3=7] Page 4 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner 4 Fig. 4.1 shows a metal plate attached to the we i ang re ws piso’ onl nase Setar imple harmonic motion in a vertical plane at o natural frequency of BHz and the spring remains in tension at all times. A x amp spring rise} metal plate fig-At gaa cement x graphitor,the motion of the On fig.-4.2, sketch an acceleration a against displat axes. [2 @@ metal plate. You are not required to give values on th Gi) Explain how your graph could be used to determine the fregugncy of esciiavon of the metal plate. [2] Sp (b) Fig.-4.3 shows the variation ofthe vertical velocity vof the plate with time t at a frequency of BHz. a Us fig4.3 [question 3 Toy Continued on next page] Page 5 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner Use the graph to determine () the amplitude of the motion Anplikle = oot v0: 03! +O: 00274m ‘amplitude = (i) the maximum vertical acceleration of the plete. acceleration (c)_ The metal plate is now immersed in light oll which provides constant frictional force’ to the plate. On Fig.4.4 draw carefully the graph you would expect to obtain for the variation of the vertical velocity v with time t.As a guide a copy of the graph in Fig. - 0.10 vims-* 0.05 -0.05 fig.-4.4 | a (€)_ The plate is now reinoved from the cil and the point Aon the sping connected to en oscilator that vibrates vertically with constant amplitude. The frequency of the oscillator is increased BI slowly from OH2 to 12Hz. ‘Describe and explain the motion of the metal plate during this procedure. ‘Sketch a labelled graph to help with your explanation. 2 In your answer, you should use appropriate technical terms spelled correctly. Scanned with CamScanner 5(a) State Hubble's law. ine in the spectrum of a galaxy can be used to determine (b) The redshift of a specific spectral li e c ‘change z in the wavelength of a spectral line is given by its recession velocity v. The fractional the equation z where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. The table of fig5.1. shows data for some of our closest galaxies, The distance of the galaxy from the Earth is d. Page 7 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner Galaxy 2110 A 1.12 B 1.61 c 1.85 D 2.26 oa Messier 109 3.38 \ é figes (i) Complete the table by determining v and d for the galaxy Messier 109. (ll) Fig.-5.2. shows the data for the fist four galaxies plotted on a v against d graph. 700 600 500 v/10? mst 400 300 200 400 35 110 m Use Fig.-6.2 to determine the age of the Universe in years. 3.16 x 107s age . years [3] [question 5 continued op next page] Page 8 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner (©) ) re pace! ‘of observational evidence for the ‘big bang Is that galaxies are receding from each Explain what is meant by the big bang and si it two other obs 18 that suppor big bang model of the Universe. ages Fone Met (Total Marks for 5-9 6 Arod made from uranium-238 (238U) is placed in the core of a nuclear reactor where it absorbs free neutrons. & When a nucleus of uranium-238 absorbs a neutron it becomes unstable and decays to neptunium-239 (°33Np), which in turn decays to plutonium-239 ey, plutonium-239. 234 (b) Asample of the rod Is removed from the core and its radiation is monitored from time 1=0 s. The variation of the activity with time fs shown in Fig-6.1 40. 30 swsvty 10 Bg times 108s [question 6(b) continued pn next page] Page 9 of Scanned with CamScanner @ Show that the decay constant of the sample Is about 3.4 x 10°6 st, As-at. Ata r UI MB Xo! s alas xed Aso Bete! D~ BBro s-FrI0 Gi) Assume that the activity shown in Fig.-6.1 comes only from the decay of neptunium, Estimate Estimate the number of neptunlum nucle present in the sample at number of nuclei (c) A chain re © ae action is maintained in the core of a thermal nuclear reactor that is operating (® Explain what is meant by a chain reaction, naming the materials and particles involved. 121 (iil) Substantial shielding around the core protects nearby workers from the most hazardous radiations. ‘Radiation from the core includes a and particles, y rays, X-rays, neutrons and neutrinos. y Explain why the shielding becomes radioactive. A serbs..utradabion. from {Total Marks for 6=11) Pane 10 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner y A hori ‘zontal platform oscillates vertically with Simple Harmonic Motion (shm). Positive displacement, x vertical oscillation @ The amplitude, 4, of oxllaton Is 630m. The equeny, ls O.S0He, Stale whats fy (i) amplitude, 4; Merino. oPesiherns (i) frequency, Vite sou period. x centered. (b) Taking the platform to be at the centre of oscillation (x = 0), n time, 1 = O calculate: (the maximum velocity ofthe platform; @ (ii) the velocity of the platform at a displacement of x = + 0.020m, BI (iii) the maximum acceleration of the platform. ic) [question 7 continued on next Page] Page 11 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner (© Iman experiment a small coin is placed on the platform. The platform now oscillates at a frequency of 1.00Hz. The frequency of oscillation then increased in equal steps of 0.50Hz, keeping the amplitude constant at 0.0: Determine the lowest frequency at which the coin loses contact with the platform. 5x your reasoning clearly. {Total Marks for 7=12) ‘A number of assumptions are made when explaining the behavio a gas using the molecular kinetic theory model. (@) State one assumption about ihe size otmroTécules. 1] (b) Fig.-8.1 “Shows how the pressure changes with volume for a fixed mass of an ideal gas. At A the temperature of the gas is 27 °C. The gas then undergoes two changes, one from A to B and then one from B to C. [question 8 continued on next page] Scanned with CamScanner pressure / 105 Pa 050 volume (10-3? $ Fig84 ty ( Calculate the number of gas molecules trapped inthe cylinder Us nw from the initial situation at A. number of molecules = }) Calculate, in K, the change in temperature ofthe gas during the compression that occurs between A and B. a change in temperature K Page 13 of Scanned with CamScanner (i) Reduce whathor tho temperature fhe gas changos dung the comprosson rom, oC, Gv) Compare the work done on from to C on Fig-B.1. 928 uta the change from Ato B vty [Total Marks for 810) 9 (a)* Heat is supplied to an ideal gas ina sealed container of fixed volume. Explain carefully the physical processes that cause an increase in the temperature and pressure ofthe 935. WR eal ts...suppbicd ides A conhinen, ah. le batais..guirn..feck A liveleeencaygey.Qrce.it__goks herded, ik-_econes chase. he. te. olen, ak. he tp. So ie ee ap td he tbeaby A ftp Hea Lib. nAibede nf Conseg her. rine rb. Ap Ayal ..B...Imadeeas bend... lel t he, (anche. Chengy. 5 att ineneage® Page 14 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner prmbcads is. Deed ln db Seed Budnenended.....nemben....0P collain..lnerenaie which. intrcases,..... de. pretest coulle...erdies (©) A container of fixed volume contains oxygen gas at a temperature of 293K. (i) Five oxygen molecules have speed: {ve oxygen mo speeds 400, 425, 450, 550 and 625 Iculated in part (b)(i) is consistent with the expected rms, speed of the Ties of the - (a) Using an appropriate calcuation, determine whetherornottha ms sPae8 ature. (Relative molecular mass of oxygen gas ay at this temper heated and the pressure of the gas increases by 20% iner is (iy Ifthe oF inte otter the rms speed of the molecules of the gas. i} ofits initial value [Total Marks for 913] [Total Marks for Paper = 90) Page 15 of 15 Scanned with CamScanner

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