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The Office of Ulysses T.

123 Linden Blvd.
Ste. 9-L
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 844-1260

Friday, June 16, 2023

Via email to the Office of the Circuit Clerk for filing (Richard Dessources).1
Office of the Circuit Clerk
U.S. Court of Appeals
For the Second Circuit
Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse
40 Foley Sq.
New York, NY 10007

Re: Ware v. USA, et al., 23-865 (2d Cir.).

Appx. 35-1 and Appx 35-2 to June 12, 2023, L.R. 27-1 motion—the Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act
kidnapping/robbery/extortion transcripts of the extortion hearings held in Sept. 2004
before District Judge Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. while under the control of the RICO Hobbs
Act loan sharking criminal enterprise, i.e., Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt).

Judicial and prosecutorial Hobbs Act extortion, kidnapping, and robbery conspiracy.

Dear Clerk:

Please file and docket the enclosed appendix, Appx. 34-2 and 34-3, in the No. 23-865
appeal submitted in support of the June 12, 2023, L.R. 27-1 motion—that is, be aware the June
12, 2023, Motion is a judicial public record protected by 18 USC 2071(a federal felony offense)
from suppression, concealment, or removal. It appears from the 23-865 docket the L.R. 27-1
Motion is being deliberately and willfully suppressed and concealed by the Court’s employees.

/s/ Ulysses T. Ware (Appellant)

On June 15, 2023, at 11:05 AM Mr. Dessources called Mr. Ware and informed Mr. Ware “ .. we are not
going to file any of you pleadings, no one will see them, they are just piling up here, ….” (paraphrased).

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
Case No. 23-865 CF(01)
In the United States Court of Appeals
For the Second Circuit
Filed on 6/16/2023 7:22:25 AM
Ulysses T. Ware (Appellant) v. United States, et al. (Appellee).
On appeal from Ware v. USA, et al., 22cv10566 (SDNY), U.S. v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY), and Alpha
Capital, AG, et al., v. IVG Corp., a/k/a Group Management Corp., et al., 02cv2219 (SDNY).2
(1) Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2—Atlanta, GA Sept. 2004 Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery, and
extortion hearing transcripts re: (i) Appx 35-1 Hobbs Act kidnapping/extortion/robbery RICO 18
USC 1961(6)(B) collection activity (Sand, J.), (ii) Appx 35-2 Sept. 9, 2004, RICO 18 USC 1961(6)(B)
loan sharking collection proceeding to conduct Hobbs Act 18 USC 1951 and 1961(6)(B) RICO
unlawful debt collection activity regarding the Hobbs Act extortion conspiracy criminal
enterprise run by District Judge Leonard B. Sand, Ari Rabinowitz, Kenneth A. Zitter, Esq., U.S.
Attorney (SDNY) David N. Kelley, Michael J. Garcia, Joon Kim, Preet Bharara, Alexander H.
Southwell, Nicholas S. Goldin, Maria E. Douvas, Katherine Polk-Failla, Sarah E. Paul, Damian
Williams, Daniel Gitner, Margaret M. Garnett, Robert A. Katzmann, Peter W. Hall, Barbara S.
Jones, Robert D. Sack, Amalya L. Kearse, Robert W. Sweet, William H. Pauley, III, Thomas W.
Thrash, Jr., Alpha Capital, AG, the Atlanta, GA law firm of Kilpatrick, Townsend, & Stockton, LLP,
Wendy L. Hagenau, Margaret H. Murphy, Coleman Ray Mullins, Colleen McMahon, and others
regarding the RICO 18 USC 1961(6)(B) unlawful debt collection activities with respect to GX 1-4
conversion securities—the NYS Penal Law, section 190.40, a class E felony, criminal usury null and
void ab initio illegal contracts, (the “RICO Unlawful Criminal Usury Debts”).

Attached hereto and made a part hereof.

The Alpha 02cv2219 (SDNY) lawsuit was ex parte, voluntarily dismissed with prejudice by the plaintiffs’
lawyer government witness Kenneth A. Zitter, Esq. on Dec. 20, 2007, Dkt. 90, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.
Rule 41(a)(2), which annulled, vitiated, and voided all prior orders [GX 7, GX 11, GX 24, and GX 34],
judgments, and proceedings as “if the [02cv2219] lawsuit had never been filed,” terminated the court’s
jurisdiction over the subject matter [GX 1-4, GX 5], and rendered the proceedings moot. United States v.
L-3 Comm’cs EO Tech Inc., 921 F.3d 11, 18-19 (2d Cir. 2019) (collecting cases).

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
Appellant Ulysses T. Ware’s L.R. 27-1 Substantive Motion re: To stay this moot appeal and remand
to the District Courts (SDNY) for mandatory dispositive Article III threshold jurisdictional
determinations3—the District Courts, U.S. v. Ware, 22cv10566 (SDNY), 04cr1224 (SDNY) (Ramos,
J.), and 02cv2219 (SDNY) lacked 28 USC 1332(a), Article III, and 18 USC 3231 jurisdiction over the
subject matter—that is, the RICO criminal usury, unlawful debt contracts, GX 1-4 (the “Criminal
Usury Convertible Promissory Notes”) and GX 5 (the “Criminal Usury Underwriting Contract”,
jointly, (the “Moot RICO Criminal Usury Subject Matter” or “Illegal RICO Contracts”) which
rendered the sub judice proceedings from which the record comes to this Court on appeal null
and void ab initio and moot.4

Submitted by:
/s/ Ulysses T. Ware, Appellant (pro se).
The Office of Ulysses T. Ware
123 Linden Blvd.
Ste. 9-L
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 844-1260

See Steel Co. v. Citizens for Better Environment, 523 U.S. 83, 93-95 (1998) this Court is not permitted to
reach any determination on the merits of any matter, i.e., (i) Dkt 7 (Leave to file order), (ii) 2255 certificate
of appealability, or (iii) to conduct review of the issues in this No. 23-865 appeal until the district courts’
jurisdictions are “affirmatively confirmed” by the plaintiff (the Appellee in the Criminal Proceedings; and
the Alpha group in 02cv2219 (SDNY) lawsuit).

See the March 15, 2022, decision in Adar Bays, LLC v. GeneSYS ID, Inc., 28 F.4d 379 (2d Cir. 2022)
(convertible promissory notes which implicitly or actually charge more than 2x the NYS authorized interest
rate constitute criminal usury unlawful debts and violated NYS Penal Law, section 190.40, the criminal
usury law, a class E felony; and the [GX 1-4, and GX 5] convertible promissory notes are null and void ab
initio, unenforceable, and constituted 18 USC 1961(6)(B) RICO unlawful debts. “GX” refers to the
government’s trial evidence entered in U.S. v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY), (“1224”); also see the 02cv2219
(SDNY) plaintiffs’ Dec. 20, 2007, Dkt. 90, voluntary Rule 41(a)(2) final order that dismissed with prejudice
the 02cv2219 (SDNY) lawsuit. Ex. 1, infra.

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
Table of Contents

1 Appx 35--Sept. 1, 2004, Atlanta, GA RICO Hobbs Act extortion, robbery, and kidnapping
conspiracy crimes committed by District Judge Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. (NDGA) under the control of
Kenneth A. Zitter, Esq., unregistered broker-dealers and RICO loan sharking criminal enterprise LH
Financial Services, and Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), et al. .......................................................................... 5
2 Appx 35-1--Sept. 1, 2004, Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, extortion, and robbery transcript. ... 6
3 Appx 35-2--Sept. 9, 2004, Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping and robbery Transcript.................... 16
End of document ........................................................................................................................................ 22

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
1 Appx 35--Sept. 1, 2004, Atlanta, GA RICO Hobbs Act extortion,
robbery, and kidnapping conspiracy crimes committed by District Judge
Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. (NDGA) under the control of Kenneth A. Zitter, Esq.,
unregistered broker-dealers and RICO loan sharking criminal enterprise LH
Financial Services, and Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), et al.

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
2 Appx 35-1--Sept. 1, 2004, Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping,
extortion, and robbery transcript.

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
Page 11 of 22
Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
Hobbs Act kidnapping by Thrash under the control of the RICO loan sharking criminal enterprise.

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
3 Appx 35-2--Sept. 9, 2004, Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping and
robbery Transcript.

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.
End of document

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Friday, June 16, 2023
(8) 23-865 re Appx 35-1 and Appx 35-2 re Sept 2004 Atlanta, GA Hobbs Act kidnapping, robbery,
extortion hearing transcripts, USDC (NDGA), Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.

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