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Grammar Review 1

Tips for Sentence Completion Items and Cloze Tests 7

Test 1 8

Test 2 15

Appendix A Expressions in Conversations 26

Appendix B Interesting Phrasal Verbs 34

Appendix C Useful Words 36
Grammar Review
Choose the best answer.
1. __________. Can you close the window, please?
a. I cold b. I’m cold c. I have cold d. I’m colding

2. Tommy __________ in politics.

a. isn’t interested b. not interested
c. doesn’t interested d. doesn’t interest

3. A: How much __________?

a. is this book cost b. this book costs
c. does this book d. is this book

4. The earth __________ around the sun.

a. goes b. go c. going d. is going

5. We __________ television very often.

a. not watch b. doesn’t watch
c. don’t watch d. aren’t watch

6. A: __________ the television?

B: No. You can turn it off.
a. Are you watching b. Are you watch
c. Do you watch d. You watch

7. The weather __________ last week.
a. is nice b. was nice c. were nice d. nice

8. Susan __________ at Bates High School from 2010-2013.

a. work b. works c. worked d. was work

9. I __________ television yesterday.

a. didn’t watch b. didn’t watched
c. wasn’t watched d. wasn’t watch

10. What __________ at 10:00 last night?
a. was you doing b. you were doing
c. were you doing d. were you do

11. I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They __________ at the bus stop.
a. waited b. waiting
c. were waited d. were waiting

12. Steve __________ a shower when Alice __________.

a. took … called b. was taking … called
c. was taking … was calling d. took … was calling

Present Perfect
13. My sister __________ by plane.
a. has never travel b. has never traveled
c. have never traveled d. is never been traveled

14. A: Where’s Rebecca?

B: __________ to bed.
a. She is gone b. She’s gone
c. She goes d. She have gone

15. Mary __________ back from France yesterday.

a. just came b. has just come
c. has just came d. just comes

16. A: How long __________?

B: Not long at all. Just about five minutes.
a. are you waiting b. do you wait
c. have you waiting d. have you been waiting

17. I __________ to my Chinese class four times.

a. have already gone b. am already gone
c. have already been d. has already been going

18. Richard has been in Canada __________.

a. for six months b. since six months
c. six months ago d. in six months

19. Andrew __________ tennis with his friend tomorrow.
a. is playing b. play c. plays d. is play

20. I’m looking for a paper. I __________ a note for my brother.

a. write b. am write
c. am going to write d. will be writing

21. __________ here when I __________ back this evening?

a. Will you be … come b. Are you … come
c. Will you be … will come d. Are you going to be … will come

22. If I __________ any trouble, I __________ you.

a. will have … will call b. has … will call
c. will have … call d. have … will call

23. This house __________ 100 years ago.
a. is built b. is building c. built d. was built

24. We __________ to the party last week.

a. didn’t invite b. wasn’t invited
c. weren’t invited d. haven’t been invited

25. My car is at the garage. It __________.

a. is being repaired b. is repairing
c. have been repaired d. repaired

26. I can’t find my keys. I think __________.

a. they’ve been stolen b. they are stolen
c. they’ve stolen d. they’re being stolen

Pronouns and Possessives

27. I don’t want these pencil cases. You can have __________.
a. it b. them c. her d. him

28. Tommy and I are going to the movies. Do you want to come with
a. him b. them c. us d. they

29. I know Mary, but I don’t know __________ husband.
a. his b. she c. hers d. her

30. I don’t have an umbrella. Can I borrow __________?

a. me b. you c. your d. yours

31. Have you seen __________?

a. the car of my parents b. my parent’s car
c. my parents’ car d. my parents car

Determiners and Pronouns

32. A: Is there a bank near here?
B: Yes, there’s __________ on the corner.
a. some b. it c. one d. a one

33. There’s __________ in the fridge.

a. a milk b. some milk c. any milk d. every milk

34. I’ve just made some tea. Would you like __________?
a. some b. any c. every d. none

35. A: How much money do you have?

B: __________.
a. No b. No one c. Any d. None

Adjectives and Adverbs

36. Can you speak any __________?
a. foreign languages b. languages foreign
c. languages foreign d. foreigners

37. He had his lunch __________ and went back to work.

a. quick b. quicker c. quickest d. quickly

38. You speak English very __________.

a. good b. fluent c. well d. slow

39. Helen wants __________.

a. a more big car b. a car more big
c. a car bigger d. a bigger car

40. Athens is older __________ Rome.
a. as b. than c. that d. of

41. I can run faster __________.

a. as him b. that he can c. than he can d. as he

42. The movie was very bad. I think it’s the __________ movie I’ve ever seen.
a. bad b. worse c. most bad d. worst

43. Tennis isn’t __________ soccer.

a. popular as b. popular than
c. as popular than d. as popular as

44. The weather today is the same __________ yesterday.

a. as b. that c. than d. like

45. The Marigold Hotel is __________ in town.

a. the more expensive hotel b. the most expensive hotel
c. the hotel most expensive d. the hotel more expensive

46. What’s the largest city __________ the world?

a. at b. on c. in d. of

47. I climbed __________ the wall and into the yard.

a. on b. through c. above d. over

48. Tracy isn’t at work this week. She’s __________ vacation.

a. on b. in c. for d. at

Word Order
49. Sue is interested in the news. She ____________________.
a. reads every day the newspaper b. reads the newspaper every day
c. every day reads the newspaper d. the newspaper every day reads

50. A: Do you take the bus to work?

B: No, ____________________.
a. I go to work always by car b. I go always to work by car
c. I always go to work by car d. always I go to work by car

51. A: Where’s Diane?
B: She ____________________.
a. isn’t here yet b. isn’t here already
c. isn’t here still d. isn’t here just

52. I locked the door, and I gave ____________________.

a. Liz the keys b. to Liz the keys
c. Liz to the keys d. the keys Liz

Conjunctions and Clauses

53. I can’t talk to you now. I’ll talk to you later when __________.
a. I have b. I had
c. I’ll have d. I’m going to have

54. __________ late tomorrow, don’t wait for me.

a. If I’m b. If I’ll be
c. When I’m d. When I’ll be

55. I don’t know the answer. If I __________ the answer, I’d tell you.
a. know b. would know c. have known d. knew

56. I like this jacket. __________ it if it weren’t so expensive.

a. I buy b. I’ll buy c. I’d bought d. I’d buy

57. Amy lives in a house __________ is 100 years old.

a. who b. that c. what d. where

58. The people __________ work in the office are very friendly.
a. who b. which c. what d. whose

59. Did you find the book ____________________?

a. who you wanted b. whose you wanted
c. what you wanted d. you wanted

60. I met __________ can speak six languages.

a. a woman who b. a woman which
c. a woman d. a woman she

Tips for Sentence Completion Items and Cloze Tests
ข้อสอบเติมประโยค (sentence completion) และ เติมบทความ (cloze test) เป็ น 2 รูปแบบข้อสอบทีอ่ อกสอบ
บ่อยมาก ก่อนทาข้อสอบ 2 รูปแบบนี้ เราควรสังเกตตัวเลือกก่อน เพื่อดูว่า ข้อสอบต้องการวัดอะไรจากเรา เพื่อจะได้ไม่
เสียเวลาอ่านมากเกินจาเป็ น (เพราะเราต้องบริหารเวลาไว้ทาข้ออื่นด้วย)

โจทย์ที่ไม่จำเป็ นต้องแปลทัง้ หมด โจทย์ที่จำเป็ นต้องแปล

choices หน้ ำตำคล้ำยกัน choices หน้ ำตำต่ำงกัน
1. call 1. manage 1. call
2. calls 2. manager 2. identify
3. calling 3. management 3. manage
4. called 4. managing 4. create

1. university’s prominent  VOCAB

2. the prominent scientist of
3. prominent scientist of
4. a prominent scientist of the

 GRAMMAR (ดูโครงสร้างให้ด)ี
choices เป็ นคำเชื่อม
1. but
2. so
3. despite
4. because


Test 1
A. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. A person who eats only vegetables is called a __________.
1) veterinarian 2) vegetarian 3) vegetation 4) vegetative

2. A person who pays rent for the building they use is a __________.
1) tenant 2) client 3) builder 4) vendor

3. A work of art that is produced by carving or sharpening stone, wood, clay or

other materials is called __________.
1) architecture 2) engineering 3) sculpture 4) agriculture

4. A chemist’s is a shop where __________ are sold.

1) substances 2) groceries 3) compounds 4) medicines

5. A person whose job is to collect news or information, and write about it in

newspapers or magazines is __________.
1) a journalist 2) an editor 3) a news agent 4) a reporter

6. The man was not having a safety belt on when the accident took place.
The underlined part means __________.
1) caused 2) increased 3) replaced 4) occurred

7. We say “Can you do me a favour?” when we want __________.

1) help 2) a suggestion 3) some food 4) a facility

8. Those students couldn’t carry out the project as it was __________ by their
1) given in 2) turned down 3) taken up 4) put out

9. The job of firefighters is __________ fire.

1) giving off 2) getting out 3) putting out 4) taking up

10. He is out of his mind.

The underlined part means __________.
1) mad 2) angry 3) absent-minded 4) forgetful

B. Which sentence means the same as that given?
11. Anne likes pop music and Jane does, too.
1) Neither Anne nor Jane likes pop music.
2) Not only Anne but also Jane likes pop music.
3) Jane doesn’t like pop music as much as Anne.
4) Both Anne and Jane are fond of music except pop.

12. His car is old, but it is in good condition.

1) According to the good condition, his car is old.
2) However good, his car is old.
3) Besides the age, his car is in good condition.
4) Despite the age, his car is in good condition.

13. He filled up the tank and checked the tyres.

1) Before checking the tyres, he filled up the tank.
2) He checked the tyres, and then filled up the tank.
3) After checking the tyres, he filled up the tank.
4) He checked the tyres before filling up the tank.

14. The girl is too short to reach the shelf.

1) She is such a short girl to reach the shelf.
2) She is so tall that she can’t reach the shelf.
3) The girl is short enough to reach the shelf.
4) The girl is not tall enough to reach the shelf.

15. The woman is of great personality, and she is highly responsible.

1) In addition to her high responsibility, the woman is of great personality.
2) Although the woman is of great personality, she is responsible.
3) The woman is responsible; however, she is of great responsibility.
4) Except her great personality, she is highly responsible.

16. The students read a lot of books to know more.

1) The students read a lot of books, so they know more.
2) The students know more because they read a lot of books.
3) The students read a lot of books so that they will know more.
4) In order to read books, the students will learn more.

C. Choose the best word or words to fill in each blank.
The “Big Cat” is a high-speed catamaran that is used _____17._____ cars and
passengers _____18._____ mainland Canada to an island of _____19._____ coast,
Vancouver, British Columbia. Sixteen knots _____20._____ than conventional boats,
the new catamaran-style boat (which has two pontoons _____21._____ a single hull)
will be able _____22._____ an extra four runs per day. Wouldn’t it be nice
_____23._____ there were some in the Gulf of Siam?

17. 1) to ferry 2) for ferry 3) to ferrying 4) to be ferry

18. 1) at 2) from 3) on 4) in

19. 1) their 2) its 3) her 4) his

20. 1) quickly 2) fastly 3) faster 4) more quick

21. 1) in case of 2) in spite of 3) instead of 4) for fear of

22. 1) to make 2) making 3) doing 4) to do

23. 1) when 2) as 3) for 4) if

D. Which of the underlined parts in each item is grammatically incorrect?

24. She has just invited one of her friend to go to the restaurant next to her
1) 2) 3) 4)

25. You didn’t participate at the competition, did you?

1) 2) 3) 4)

26. We wish to see a lot of rain but it hasn’t rain much this week.
1) 2) 3) 4)

27. Do a polite request if you want them to help you.

1) 2) 3) 4)

28. When Eddie entered the room, his teacher asked: Where have you gone?
1) 2) 3) 4)
E. What do you say in these situations?
29. You want to make a suggestion to have a farewell party for the exchanged
students. You say: __________
1) Could you please hold a farewell party?
2) Shall we have a farewell party?
3) Must we have a farewell party?
4) How can we have a farewell party?

30. You want to borrow a dictionary from your teacher. You say to the teacher,
1) Can you borrow a dictionary to me? 2) May I lend you a dictionary?
3) Could you lend me your dictionary? 4) Please borrow from me a dictionary.

31. Last night you went to a disco so you couldn’t finish your homework. When
the teacher asked for it, you say, “__________”
1) Please forget it, will you?
2) I’m sorry. May I hand it in tomorrow?
3) Can you ask for it later?
4) Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?

32. Your friend wants you to see a film with him but your sister is sick and you
have to look after her, so you say, “__________”
1) Sorry, I don’t want to. 2) Why don’t you visit my sister?
3) I don’t think it’s a good film. 4) I’d love to, but I can’t.

33. You visit your friend’s mother who is staying at the hospital. You say,
1) What’s up? 2) How poor!
3) I hope you’ll get better soon. 4) Take it easy.

34. At a clothes shop, you want to make sure if the shirt fits you, so you ask,
1) Can I try it on? 2) Let me take it.
3) Does it fit you? 4) How many sizes are there?

35. Your friend tells you that she has got a scholarship to study abroad. You say,
1) Good Luck. 2) Bon Voyage.
3) Congratulations. 4) How come!

36. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” means that __________.
1) you have to buy a book with a cover
2) reading books will help you become a judge
3) a good-looking man is always a bad person
4) the personality is sometimes not shown in the appearance

F. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
Matrix finale sets box office record
Los Angeles, Reuters
The final installment in the sci-fi Matrix movie trilogy topped the North
American box office and grossed a revolutionary $204 million worldwide through its
first weekend, making it the biggest global film opening of all time, Warner Bros
studio said on Sunday.
Rolling out on a record 18,000 screens in the US, Canada and 94 other
countries, The Matrix Revolutions surpassed the debut of The Lord of the Rings: The Two
Towers, which raked in $188 million worldwide in its first five days of release in 2002.
Studio bosses said Revolutions played to sold-out audiences in India, scored record
ticket sales in Russia and became the first western film to open simultaneously in the
US and China.

37. From the first paragraph we know that The Matrix Revolutions __________.
1) is on only in North America
2) is the best science fiction
3) was made at Warner Bros studio on Sunday
4) becomes the biggest global film

38. Compared with The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix Revolutions __________.
1) was released in 2002 2) could make more money
3) was on at the same time 4) was released in the same countries

39. The Matrix Revolutions brought $204 million after it was on for __________.
1) one day 2) a few days 3) five days 4) a week

40. The word “surpassed” (line 6) means __________.
1) passing over 2) moving past 3) being better 4) beyond belief

41. Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word “simultaneously” (the
line before the last line)?
1) at the same time 2) in the similar way
3) with the same standard 4) in different countries

42. What is the source of the news?

1) Los Angeles 2) Reuters 3) North America 4) Canada

Tipping is not expected outside hotel restaurants but any waiter would
appreciate a small token, like ten or twenty baht. You need not go the usual 10
percent level as in the west. Our suggestion is to go by ear: if you are truly happy
with service and food, why limit to just a ten percent level? If you are not, why give
even ten baht?

43. The title of this passage should be “__________”.

1) Tipping in the west 2) A usual tip
3) The tip of ten percent 4) To tip or not to tip

44. According to the writer, how much to tip depends on __________.

1) the place where you stay
2) the money you have
3) the waiter’s need
4) how you feel about the food and service

45. Unless you are in a hotel restaurant, __________.

1) you have to give a ten-percent tip 2) tipping is expected
3) ten or twenty baht is expected 4) you don’t have to tip

46. “to go by ear” means __________.

1) to listen well to everybody 2) to make use of listening
3) to be ready for a change 4) to take good care of your ear

SRT survey
The State Railway of Thailand should make a complete record of its vast land
holdings nationwide or it will never be able to make the best use of its property, the
Office of the Auditor-General warned yesterday.
It said the SRT did not know the exact amount of its land plots, land leases,
and land valuations. Without this information, the SRT cannot generate optimum
income from its property.
This reflected poor management and the audit office urged the SRT to conduct
a thorough survey right away.
Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit said the ministry was aware of
the problem and would deal with it soon.

47. What is this passage mainly about?

1) The survey done by Transport Ministry
2) The Transport Minister
3) The SRT vast land
4) The SRT problem

48. What does “this information” (line 5) refer to?

1) The value of land 2) The pieces of land
3) The land leases 4) All of these

49. What reflected the SRT poor management?

1) The exact amount of its property is not known.
2) It was warned by the Transport Minister.
3) It failed to conduct a survey.
4) It couldn’t make use of its land.

50. “… the ministry was aware of the problem” implies that __________.
1) the SRT problem will be solved 2) the Minister will be laid off
3) SRT will be taken over 4) SRT income will decrease

Test 2
A. Read each of the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
Passage 1
1 KidZania is a nation just for kids. In other words, it is an educational
and entertainment family theme park that allows children to role-play adult activities
in a replica city with a functioning economy. At KidZania, children can enjoy playing
the role of a number of careers, including a journalist, teacher, flight attendant, pilot,
doctor, singer, and banker.
2 And of course, when they work, they earn. This edutainment nation
has an official currency called KidZos. If children choose to work as a journalist, for
example, they will be given a training session before going out from their news station
to cover newsworthy events that happen within KidZania. Then they come back to
write a story which will be published in the replica city’s newspaper. Similarly, if they
choose to be a flight attendant, a technician, a nurse or any other job, they will be
provided with on-the-job training before being allowed to work in their respective
3 The KidZos they earn can be spent on goods and services in the city.
And if kids earn a lot, they can save their “money” and earn interest in the KidZania
bank. ATM machines are available in the center for them to make withdrawals from
their bank accounts. By this means, children learn the value of money. They are
prepared for the real world and realize that if they want to have something, they have
to work hard for it.

1. What is the purpose of this passage?

1. To explain what KidZania is and how it words
2. To tell children about KidZania’s activities
3. To criticize KidZania’s role in training children
4. To describe entertainment in KidZania

2. What is KidZania?
1. A country where children are the permanent residents
2. A place where children can enjoy learning about economics
3. A theme park where parents can become children again
4. A place where all careers are for entertainment only

3. What is NOT possible for children to do in KidZania?

1. Publish news stories 2. Earn KidZos
3. Get job training 4. Become parents

4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “interest” (paragraph 3)?

1. Additional money gained from savings 2. Attention paid to something
3. A reward for hard work 4. Excitement from activities

5. What does “this means” (paragraph 3) refer to?

1. Being trained for a specific job in KidZania
2. Providing services in KidZania
3. Earning and managing KidZos
4. Exchanging KidZos for real currency

Passage 2
1 Ferns were once thought to be magical plants. That’s because they bear
neither flowers nor fruit nor seeds, yet a new plant emerges, seemingly out of
nowhere. We now know that ferns grow from spores, but there was a time when it
was believed they did bear flowers. According to a legend, ferns bore flowers before
the birth of Christ. When Jesus Christ was born, the plants around his birthplace
burst into bloom in celebration, with the exception of the ferns. For this failure, ferns
were condemned to a flowerless state from that day on.

2 According to another legend, ferns flowered only at night. The flowers
which were said to be of beautiful blue color, opened very quickly and just as quickly
faded, which was why no one ever saw them. The flowers were then replaced by
golden seeds that ripened by midnight, but as no one had ever seen a fern seed, it was
thought that they were invisible, like the flowers.
3 It was believed that possession of the invisible seeds would also make
one invisible. Consequently, many devious plans were devised to secure the valuable
fern seed. One plan involved 12 pewter plates stacked on top of one other and held
under the fern plant at midnight on St John’s Eve (June 24), the only time the
invisible seeds would ripen and fall from the plant.
4 According to the legend, the falling seeds would pass right through the
first 11 plates before landing on the 12th. Only then could they be obtained—if one
was careful enough. More often than not, however, the slightest gust of wind would
blow them away, so if the collector did not become invisible afterwards, he would
know he had failed to secure the invisible seeds.
5 As late as the 1800s, some scientists insisted that ferns must have
flowers and seeds like any other plant. It was only later that they realized ferns
propagated by spores, which differ from seeds in that they consist of a single cell.
Seed, on the other hand, consist of many cells and contain young underdeveloped
plants. It is almost magical how a tiny seed can grow into a huge tree. But it seems
there are plants that are more magical than others.

6. What is the main idea of this passage?

1. Ferns are not magical plants, but they grow from spores.
2. Despite tireless effort to secure fern seeds, they remain invisible.
3. Fern flowers and seeds were condemned when Jesus was born.
4. Fern flowers yield spores and then quickly fade by midnight.

7. Which of the following is TRUE about fern flowers?
1. They bloom a beautiful blue color.
2. They are replaced by golden seeds at midnight.
3. They can be seen with the naked eye.
4. Ferns do not produce flowers.

8. According to a legend, which of the following is NOT true about fern seeds?
1. Nobody has ever seen or possessed them.
2. They disappear quickly by midnight.
3. They can only be secured on Christmas Eve.
4. A gust of wind can easily blow them away.

9. What does “they” (paragraph 4) refer to?

1. The devious plans to secure fern seeds
2. The plates used to collect the fern seeds
3. The falling invisible fern seeds
4. The fern flowers that produce invisible seeds

10. Which word is closest in meaning to “propagated” (paragraph 5)?

1. reproduced 2. burst
3. stacked 4. insisted

Passage 3
You are in Sydney with a friend. Now you are looking at a page of a city guide
which gives information about Sydney’s best restaurants. Look at the list below and
answer the questions that follow:

11. You can order fish, lobsters, or prawns cooked in Chinese style at ______.
1. Darling Pavilion 2. Ram & Rain
3. Diamond Century 4. Alhambra

12. Customers can enjoy Spanish dancing at the restaurant with the telephone
number “________.”
1. 9897-4959 2. 9656-7866
3. 9976-2977 4. 9545-9885

13. The restaurant that serves only lunch and dinner every day is located at
1. 68 Darlinghurst Road 2. 658 Commonwealth Street
3. 54 West Esplanade 4. 345 Harbourside

14. The restaurant that is open all day and all night is ________.
1. Rani’s 2. Alhambra
3. Darling Pavilion 4. Florence’s

15. The restaurant that serves lunch only 4 days a week is the _______.
1. Australian restaurant 2. Thai restaurant
3. Italian restaurant 4. Chinese restaurant

B. Choose the best answer to replace the underlined word or phrase in each
16. They approved the plan in spite of its shortcomings.
1. hasty preparation 2. defects
3. harsh terms 4. provisions

17. Wine is one of the commodities that France exports.

1. orders 2. goods 3. demands 4. expenses
18. Be sure to get a competent engineer for the company.
1. an incapable 2. a disabled 3. an unable 4. a proficient

19. I want to buy a house in the city, but property prices in Bangkok are much
higher than those in the provinces.
1. power 2. land 3. facilities 4. belongings

C. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
20. This automobile insurance __________ emergency repairs incase of accident.
1. protects 2. hides 3. covers 4. favors

21. When I heard that he had passed his examination, I phoned him to
__________ him on his success.
1. congratulate 2. recommend 3. appreciate 4. satisfy

22. More than 200 officers __________ in the southern provinces since January
1. killed 2. have been killed
3. had been killed 4. has killed

23. Joey: Can you come on Saturday or Sunday?

Ross: I’m afraid __________ possible.
1. either day is 2. neither day is
3. both days are 4. either Saturday or Sunday is

24. Most people don’t enjoy __________ during a meal.

1. interrupt 2. interrupted
3. interrupting 4. being interrupted

25. Monica: How was your trip to Australia?

Rachel: It was a __________ trip, but I was __________ to be there.
1. tired … excited 2. tired … exciting
3. tiring … excited 3. tiring … exciting

D. Choose the word that best completes each blank in the passage.

Passage 1
Royal Park Tower: STOP WORK AT 5 p.m.
When your home and office are next door to park, you can start playing ____21____
than others. Royal Park Tower is a five-star serviced ____22____ with full home
office services. ____23____ next to the park on Sathorn Road, it ____24____ a
unique opportunity to live in the center of the city and have your own backyard. For
more ____25____, call 0-2534-9789 or FAX 0-2563-0064.

26. 1. earlier 2. longer

3. more joyfully 4. more skillfully

27. 1. dormitory 2. motel 3. company 4. residence

28. 1. Rented 2. Located 3. Provided 4. Placed

29. 1. has 2. takes 3. offers 4. gets

30. 1. facilities 2. responses 3. advice 4. information

Passage 2
The monsoon rains are always associated with South Asia although they are
worldwide phenomenon. However, it is important to remember that New Delhi, the
capital of India, gets the same annual rainfall ____26____ New York City. The issue
is not the amount of rain but the ____27____ of rain fall annually. Whereas New
York gets fairly equal rainfall, ____28____ for normal activities to take place
____29____, India’s rainfall is largely ____30____ three months of the year, turning
all events and activities to gravitate around the rains. If the monsoons do not
____31____ in India, the nation mourns for the entire ____32____. If the monsoon
is too ____33____, floods and crop loss will follow. Just as the ____34____ or failure
of agriculture is dependent upon the monsoons, the culture of South Asia

31. 1. as 2. like 3. in 4. to

32. 1. separation 2. distribution

3. circulation 4. promotion

33. 1. except 2. allowing 3. whether 4. running

34. 1. in the following year 2. throughout the year

3. suddenly 4. occasionally

35. 1. after 2. since 3. by 4. during

36. 1. rain 2. move 3. arrive 4. storm

37. 1. life 2. break 3. session 4. year

38. 1. deep 2. normal 3. thick 4. powerful

39. 1. success 2. reason 3. cause 4. Outcome

40. 1. has affected the monsoons

2. is dependent upon the rains
3. understands its similarity to water
4. changes in accordance with the tides

E. Which of the underlined parts in each item is grammatically incorrect?

41. (1) Poaching of elephants (2) for ivory and meat (3) remain a serious

problem in many Asian (4) countries.

42. Hurricane Katrina, (1) a category 4 hurricane, was (2) the big storm ever (3)

to hit New Orleans (4) and the Gulf of Mexico.

43. Each night the guard would, (1) first, lock the gates, then (2) turn on the lights

and (3) walking around (4) the factory.

44. The secretary (1) asked the (2) twelve-years-old girl (3) to wait for her

mother in (4) the lobby.

45. I (1) was supposed (2) attending a seminar in Phuket last week, but the

program (3) was canceled (4) due to the floods.

46. The quality of multivitamin tablets (1) is determined by (2) how long (3) its

potency (4) can be protected by the manufacturer’s coating material.

F. What do you say in these situations?
47. You are leaving to study abroad. Your friends come to see you off at the
airport. Before departing, you say, “________________”
1. Forget me not. 2. Have a good trip.
3. See you later. 4. Please keep in touch.

48. A Thai student wants to go to the Science Museum in London, but he doesn’t
know the way, so he asks a policeman. He says, “______________”
1. I must go to the Science Museum now.
2. Could you tell me how to get to the Science Museum?
3. I beg your pardon! I want to visit the Science Museum.
4. Please take me to the Science Museum, will you?

Items 49-50
Situation: Miss Jones, an American tourist, is telling her friend, Tommy, about
her problem.

Miss Jones: Tommy, my bag was stolen, and _____49_____

Tommy: _____50_____ Do you know when it happened?
Miss Jones: I just realized it a moment ago.

49. 1. I lost my passport and all my money.

2. I should have brought my bag with me.
3. I wonder where I can find my belongings.
4. I don’t remember where I kept my passport.

50. 1. What’s the matter? 2. How shameful!

3. How unfortunate! 4. That’s your problem.

Appendix A
Expressions in Conversations
ในข้อสอบส่วนบทสนทนา ข้อสอบปจั จุบนั ไม่ได้เน้น idioms เยอะ แต่เน้นสานวนพูด (expressions) มากกว่า
เรามาสรุปสานวนพูดทีค่ วรรู้ โดยแบ่งตามหมวดหมู่ไว้แล้ว ดังนี้

1. Greetings (กำรทักทำย)
 ทักทาย
(Good) morning / afternoon / evening.
Hi. / Hello.
What’s up?
How do you do?

 แนะนาตนเอง
Hello, my name is…….
Mr. ……, may I introduce myself? I’m…….

 แนะนาผูอ้ ่นื
…A…, this is …B…. …B…, this is …A….
Mr. ….., I would like you to meet……….
Mr. ….., this is ……
Let me introduce you to……..
Mr. ….., may I introduce you to……

 ยินดีทไ่ี ด้รจู้ กั
(It’s) nice to meet you.

I’m glad to meet you.


It’s a pleasure to meet you.

 ดีใจทีไ่ ด้เจอกันนะ
How nice to see you! What a pleasant surprise!

 ไถ่ถามสารทุกข์สกุ ดิบ
How are you? How are you getting on? How are you doing?
How are things? How are things going?
How is everything (with you)?
How is life? How is life treating you?
How is your day? What’s new? What’s up?

 ตอบเรื่องสารทุกข์สกุ ดิบ
(I’m) fine, thanks. And you?
Very well, thank you (thanks).
Not too bad. / O.K. / All right. /So-so.
I’m not feeling well.

 การพบปะเพื่อนๆทีไ่ ม่เจอกันนาน
How have you been?
What have you been up to lately?
Long time no see.
I haven’t seen you for ages.

2. Parting ( กำรลำจำกกัน )
A. ลาธรรมดา
See you again. / See you next time. / Catch you later. / See you later.
Let’s hope we meet again soon.
Have a nice day. / Have a wonderful evening.
Take care.

B. ลาเจ้าบ้าน เมื่อเสร็จงานปาร์ตี หรือ เมื่อพักอยู่กบั เขาแล้วถึงเวลากลับบ้าน

I had a great time.
Thanks for having me. I had a great time.
Let’s do it again sometime.

C. ลาเพื่อนทีจ่ ะเดินทาง
Have a nice trip / flight.
Enjoy your trip / flight / cruise.
Bon Voyage.
Take good care of yourself.

หรือถ้าสนิทสุดๆบอกว่า “รีบติดต่อมาเลยนะ” เราจะพูดว่า
Give me a ring as soon as you can.
แต่ Drop me a line once in a while. จะแปลว่า “ส่งข่าวคราวมาบ้าง นานๆทีนะ”

3. พูดเสนอควำมช่วยเหลือ
How can I help you? / How may I help you?
Can / Could / May I help you?
Can / Could / May I be of assistance to you?
Can I lend you a hand?
What can I do for you?
Is there anything I can help?
Is there anything particular?
Do you need some help / Do you need a hand?

เสนอความช่วยเหลือในกรณีอ่นื ๆ
Let me …give you a lift / ride: ขับรถไปส่ง
drop you off: ส่ง
pick you up: รับ
offer you a seat: ยกทีน่ งให้
give you a hand: ช่วยเหลือ

4. ถำมทิ ศทำง - บอกทิ ศทำง

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to …………………………?
how to get to…………?
where ………… is?
Does this bus go to ……………?
Go straight ahead.
Carry straight on.
Turn left (at ………).
Turn right (at ………).
……… is on your left /right.
Take the bus number ………… and get off at ……….
เมื่อไม่รทู้ างทีเ่ ขาถาม ให้ตอบดังนี้
I’m sorry I’m a stranger here myself.
Sorry, I don’t know. / I have no idea.

5. กำรเชื้อเชิ ญ หรือ ชักชวน หรือถำมควำมเห็น
Do you want to…? Would you like to…?
Let’s… Shall we?
Why don’t we…? Why not...?
How about + n. / v.ing … ?

เช่น Let’s buy a ring for her.

Why don’t we leave at 7:30?
How about getting up at 6:00?

6. ตอบคำเชิ ญ
A. ตอบรับคาเชิญ
I’d like to (very much).
love to.

B. ตอบปฏิเสธคาเชิญ
I’m afraid I can’t.
(I’m) sorry, I can’t.
I’d like to, but I…
No thanks.
I don’t feel like it.
I don’t want to.
I’m not in the mood.
I’d rather not.
I really appreciate that but I’m afraid I ………(เหตุผล)…………
I would love to but I’m afraid I can’t because…………….

7. กล่ำวขอบคุณ
Thank sb. for sth. / doing sth.
Thanks a lot / a bunch.
Thank you very much indeed.
Many thanks (to sb.).
แต่ Thank you in advance. จะแปลว่า ขอบคุณล่วงหน้า
That’s very kind of you.
I really appreciate it.
I’m grateful to you.
ถ้าซาบซึง้ สุดชีวติ จะพูดว่า How can I ever repay you?: ฉันจะตอบแทนคุณได้ยงั ไง

8. ตอบคำขอบคุณ
You’re welcome.
Don’t mention it.
Glad to be your help.
Glad to be of help.
It’s my pleasure.

9. ขอโทษ
Sorry to sb. / for sth.
Excuse me.
Apologize to sb. for doing sth.
I’m terribly sorry for my mistake.
Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to……
I owe you an apology.
My apology.
Please accept my apologies.

10. ตอบคำขอโทษ
Never mind.
It doesn’t matter.
Forget it.
It’s all right. / It’s alright.
It’s okay. / It’s OK.
It’s not a big deal. / It’s no big deal.
It’s nothing.
Don’t worry about it.

11. แสดงควำมยิ นดี

I’m happy for you.
I’m glad for you.

12. แสดงควำมเสียใจ
Please accept my condolence.
I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m sorry about that.
13. ขออนุญำต
Can I / Could I / May I + infinitive + (………)?
Is that all right if I + v. + (………)?
I wonder if I could + infinitive + (………)?
Do / would you mind if + s. + v. + (………)?

14. ขอร้อง
Can / Could / Would you + infinitive + (………), please ?
Will you be so kind / nice/ good to + infinitive + (………)?
Do / Would you mind + v.ing (………)?

***ระวังเวลาตอบคาถามกลุ่ม Do you mind …? / Would you mind …?***

ถ้าตอบกลุ่ม “YES.” จะหมายความว่า รังเกียจ (จะเป็ นการปฏิเสธ)
ถ้าตอบกลุ่ม “NO.” จะหมายความว่า ไม่รงั เกียจ (จะเป็ นการตอบรับ)

15. แสดงควำมเห็นด้วยหรือไม่เห็นด้วย
A. เห็นด้วย
I (strongly/ absolutely) agree with you.
I think so too.
I couldn’t agree more.
What a good idea!

B. ไม่เห็นด้วย
I don’t agree.
I don’t think so.
I’m afraid I don’t see it that way.
I wouldn’t say that.
I have another idea.
That’s not a very good idea.
That’s silly.
What’s that for?

16. กำรจับจ่ำยใช้สอย
How much is it?
How much does it cost?

เป็ นเงินทัง้ หมด...บาท

It is ……… baht.
They are
That makes ……… baht.

Check, please.
Bill, please.
Can we have the check, please?
Can we have the bill, please?

จะจ่ายเป็ นเงินสดหรือบัตรเครดิตคะ
Would that be in cash or credit card?

มาแบ่งกันจ่ายเถอะ / แชร์กนั เถอะ

Let’s go Dutch.
Let’s split the bill.

ฉันเลีย้ งเอง
The bill’s on me.
It’s my treat.

Service charge’s not included.

ขอโทษนะคะ ฉันไม่มเี งินสดตอนนี้ คุณรับบัตรเครดิตไหม

Sorry, I don’t have cash right now. Do you take credit card?

ค่ะ แต่เรารับแค่.........
Yes, but we accept only …………….

่ ก About ordering steak 

Rare. ดิบ
Medium. ปานกลาง
Well-done./Well-cooked. สุก

Q: How do you like your steak?

A: I like it well-done.

Appendix B
Interesting Phrasal Verbs
1. do with sb. / sth.
could do with sth. = ต้องการ...
- I could do with some help.
be/have to do with sb./sth. = เกีย่ วข้องกับ...
- The conversation mostly had to do with work.
- I’m sorry but it’s nothing to do with me. (ฉันไม่ตอ้ งรับผิดชอบ/ฉันไม่ได้
เกีย่ วข้องด้วย)
do sth. with sth. = จัดการกับ..., รับมือกับ... (มักโดยการนาไปวางไว้สกั แห่ง)
- I don’t know what to do with these boxes.
- What have you done with my bag? (คุณเอากระเป๋าฉันไปวางไว้ไหน)
2. do without = ทาได้,อยู่ได้ โดยปราศจาก....
- We’ll have to do without a holiday this year as money is so short.
3. do away with = กาจัด
- Slavery was not done away with until last century.
4. do out of = ขัดขวาง (โดยการหลอกลวง)
- He did me out of my rightful inheritance.
5. make for = เคลื่อนไหวไปในทิศทาง
- Let’s make for the city center and find a restaurant in the way.
6. make off = ออกไป (อย่างรวดเร็ว)
- He made off as soon as he read their car turn into the drive.
7. make of = คิด (แสดงความคิดเห็น)
- What do you make of him?
8. make up for = ชดเชย ,ชดใช้สาหรับเรื่อง
- The superb food at the hotel made up for the uncomfortable rooms.

9. make up to = ทาสิง่ ทีด่ กี บั คนอื่นเพื่อจะได้บางสิง่ บางอย่าง
- He made up to her until she agreed to help.
make it up to sb. = ทาคววามดีต่อ sb. เพื่อเป็ นการทดแทนหรือไถ่โทษ
- I would like to make it up to you.
10. bring up = เลีย้ งดู
- I was brought up in the country.
11. bring off = ประสบความสาเร็จ
- Don’t give up. I’m sure you’ll bring it off.
12. bring on = ทาให้เกิด
- Cold winds always bring on her cough.
13. bring about = ก่อให้เกิด
- The strike brought about a change of government.
14. bring down = ลดลง
- They promised to bring down taxes but have they?
15. take after = เหมือน , คล้าย
- Doesn’t he take after his father!
16. take in = เข้าใจ
- I find it very hard to take in his lectures.
17. take on = จ้าง, เข้าดาเนินการ
- We’ll have to take on more staff if we’re to take on more work.
18. take one’s breath away = ทาให้แปลกใจมาก, ทาให้ตะลึง
- His words took my breath away.
19. get up to = ทา (สิง่ ทีไ่ ม่ค่อยดี)
- They’re very quite. I wonder what they’re getting up to?
20. get sb. down = ทาให้หดหู่
- This weather is really getting me down.

Appendix C
Useful Words
accommodation (n.) ทีพ่ กั
advertisement (n.) โฆษณา
announcement (n.) ประกาศ
annual (adj.) รายปี
architect (n.) สถาปนิก
architecture (n.) สถาปตั ยกรรม
arrest (v.) จับกุม
author (n.) ผูเ้ ขียน, ผูป้ ระพันธ์
borrow (v.) ขอยืม
cafeteria (n.) โรงอาหาร
canteen (n.) โรงอาหาร
colleague, coworker (n.) เพื่อนร่วมงาน
complain (v.) บ่น / ร้องเรียน
decade (n.) ทศวรรษ
do sb. a favor (v.) ช่วยเหลือ
driving license (n.) ใบขับขี่
fortnightly (adj./adv.) รายปกั ษ์ (ทุก 2 สัปดาห์)
garbage (n.) ขยะ
gas station (Am. E.) / ั ๊ ้ามัน
petrol station (Br. E.)
greedy (adj.) โลภ, ตะกละ
heat up (v.) ทาให้รอ้ น
increase (v.) เพิม่ ขึน้
invent (v.) ประดิษฐ์, คิดค้น

irritation (n.) การระคายเคือง
jealous (adj.) อิจฉา (ตาร้อน)
journey (n.) การเดินทาง
lend (v.) ให้ยมื
light bulb (n.) หลอดไฟ
luxurious (adj.) หรูหรา
microscope (n.) กล้องจุลทรรศน์
natural (adj.) โดยธรรมชาติ, ตามธรรมชาติ
nervous (adj.) ประหม่า, กระวนกระวาย, เกีย่ วกับประสาท
No big deal!
(expression) ไม่ใช่ปญั หาใหญ่โต, ไม่ใช่เรื่องใหญ่
obey (v.) เชื่อฟงั
operate (v.) ทางาน, ปฏิบตั กิ าร
out of order (idm.) เสีย
oven (n.) เตาอบ
owner (n.) เจ้าของ
passenger (n.) ผูโ้ ดยสาร
patient (adj.) อดทน, ใจเย็น
patient (n.) คนไข้
prepare (v.) เตรียม
president (n.) ประธาน, ประธานาธิบดี
prime minister (n.) นายกรัฐมนตรี
prize (n.) รางวัล
qualification (n.) คุณสมบัติ
quality (n.) คุณภาพ
quantity (n.) ปริมาณ
rare (adj.) หายาก, (เนื้อ) ไม่สกุ มาก

rarely (adv.) แทบจะไม่
recommend (v.) แนะนา
regular (adj.) ปกติ, ธรรมดา, ทัวไป

regular customer ลูกค้าประจา
residence (n.) ทีอ่ ยู่อาศัย
resident (n.) ผูอ้ ยู่อาศัย
resilience (n.) ความยืดหยุ่น
return (v.) คืน, กลับมา
rob (v.) ปล้น
robbery (n.) การปล้น
run out of (phr. v.) ...หมด
strange (adj.) แปลก
screwdriver (n.) ไขควง
suggest (v.) เสนอแนะ
tease (v.) หยอกล้อ, ยัวเย้
่ า
tell a lie โกหก
tell the truth พูดความจริง
trap (n.) กับดัก
turn down (phr. v.) ลดเสียง, ปฏิเสธ
turn off (phr. v.) ปิ ด
turn on (phr. v.) เปิ ด
turn up (phr. v.) เพิม่ เสียง, ปรากฏ, ปรากฏตัว
upset (adj.) เศร้า, เสียใจ, หัวเสีย
vacation (n.) วันหยุด
vocational (adj.) เกีย่ วกับอาชีพ


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