IB Geography Opt G Case Studies P

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IB Geography Case Studies


G.2. Changing Urban Systems

Infrastructure growth – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

• Context:
o Fastest growing economy in Africa
Average rate of 9.9% a year from 2008 until 2018 --> people earn
more money
o 3.8 million people in 2017
o Ethiopia is a water-rich country – due to underground water reserves

• Causes:
o Had lots of direct foreign investment from China --> so that they can become
trading partners in the future, since Addis Ababa has lots of natural resources
o Had technological revolution
o Quite rich for resources, such as gold and platinum and has mountains
o Increase in trade with foreign countries

• Consequences / Projects:
o Addis – Dijibouti railway
Railway connecting Addis Ababa to a bordering country Dijibouti
Dijibouti has a port --> Addis Ababa can have better access to water +
more trade --> better economy
o Metro system above ground was built
o Road construction
o New apartment blocks were built
More housing for the population, meaning everyone can be provided
with houses
10 000 house units were built which are able to hold 50 000 people
o More buildings
These can be turned into schools, hospitals, factories, jobs, etc.
Thus, more provision of jobs --> better economy + unemployment rate
decreases - better health care --> increase in life expectancy
o An airport was built
o New stadium
o Electricity grid
o Water supply
Ethiopia’s underground water reserves and the flow of its rivers are
enough to supply drinking water to its 92 million inhabitants
However, they only have 30% of capacity to store it, due to its
mountainous topography --> not everyone has access to it
Although Addis Ababa’s annual rainfall is on average 1150mm, the
downpours cause an abundant run off --> losing lots of water
Due to high precipitation levels, lots of floods are caused --> spreading
diseases --> annual medical costs of the food poisonings is $700 000
G.3. Urban environmental and social stresses

Air pollution – Paris, France

• Context:
o Biggest city in Europe - metropolitan population of over 12 million
o In the past 10 years, it has struggled with high levels of air pollution – CO2,
nitrogen and diesel particulates
o Air quality index of 33 (Good)
o Levels of air pollution have reached the “alert threshold”

• Causes:
o Transport - huge population --> many cars --> give out lots of poisonous gases
Very little wind to disperse the car emissions
o When Napoleon III became emperor of France in 1853, there were narrow
However, when Hausmann began 16 years of regeneration, lots of
boulevards were built --> e.g. sewer systems, aqueducts, train
stations, etc.
o Heating (in businesses and houses) dense population require more heating
and electricity – burning gas or oil through combustion
o Industry – lots of products being produced
Burning of fossil fuels (e.g. oil, natural gas, etc.) --> to heat homes, for
vehicles, manufacturing and electricity
Or e.g. from certain chemical reactions to produce manufactured
goods from raw materials
o Natural sources – e.g. volcanic eruptions, forest burns

• Consequences:
o 48 000 premature deaths every year
o Respiratory problems (e.g. chronic bronchitis and asthma attacks)
o Increased rate of global warming
Accelerate arctic warming and glacial melt
o Reduces crop yields
o Affects rainfall patterns --> therefore, future water supply
o These pollutants cause acid rain negatively affecting marine lives and
though acid rain does not affect water supply massively, this acidic rain that
goes into oceans and rivers is not safe and drinkable water, as it is
contaminated with pollutants (thus, can affect water security of Paris)
o Reduces solar yield --> less energy (particulate matter shield incoming solar
o Paris is going to ban gasoline-powered vehicles by 2030
However, it may cause economic losses if factories of gasoline-
powered vehicles close down
o It could plant more trees

Traffic Congestion – Paris, France

• Context:
o Biggest city in Europe - metropolitan population of over 12 million

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