DEP 2004 Final Exam Review 8th Edition

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DEP 2004 Final Exam Review 

I highly suggest completing this review before taking your final exam.  You may
wish to highlight these areas in your book.  Do not wait to do this while taking the
exam.  You will have to use critical thinking skills to determine the correct
answers to some of the questions.

Chapter 9

1.  According to Erikson, what is the developmental task of adolescence?  (p. 290)

2.  Describe adolescent egocentrism. Imaginary audience, personal fable and illusion of
invulnerability.  (p. 292)

3.  What is the most effective program to prevent teenage pregnancy?  (p. 300)

4.  What does research indicate about adolescents and sexual orientation?  (pp. 300-

5.  Who are more prone to experience dating violence?  (p. 301)

6.  What are the reasons part-time work can be harmful to adolescents?  (p. 305)

7.  What substance is most likely to be used by adolescents?   (p. 307)

8.  What racial group has the highest rate of adolescent suicide?  (p. 310)

Chapter 10

1.  According to Erikson, what is the developmental task of young adulthood?  (p. 323)

2.  What lifestyle factor is the greatest contributor to societal health problems today? 

(p. 326)

3.  How do social, gender and ethnic factors influence health?  (p. 332-333)

4.  According to Schaie, what variables reduce the risk of cognitive decline in old age? 
(p. 337-338)

5.  Contrast life-span construct, scenario, social clock, and life story.  (p. 346-347)

6.  What are personal control beliefs?  (p. 348-349)

Chapter 11

1. During adulthood, contrast what men and women base their friendships on.  (p. 358)

2.  How do the components of passion and commitment impact a relationship early on? 
(p. 358)

3.  What do studies reveal about cohabitation before marriage?  (p. 366-376)

4.  What is the most common form of family in Western societies?  (p. 366-367)

5.  What does the research indicate about children raised by lesbian parents?  (p. 372)

6.  How does divorce affect middle-aged men and women?  (p. 381)

Chapter 12

1.  Holland’s theory of occupational choice states that people choose careers based on
what?  (p. 390)

2.  How does job satisfaction fluctuate with age?  (p. 394)

3.  Explain what is meant by glass ceiling.  (p. 400)

4.  How do men and women differ in their view of finding sexual harassment offensive? 
(p. 402)

5.  Explain what is meant by work-family conflict.  (p. 410-411)

6. What are the long-term effects of stress on our health? (p.432)

Chapter 13

1.  What is emotion-focused coping? (p. 433)

2.  What is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?  (p. 434)

3.  What type of exercise is most beneficial for adults?  (p. 435)

4. Explain the different types of coping. (p. 433)

5.  What are the five dimensions in the Five-Factor Model?  (p. 441-442)

6.  Describe what is meant by the sandwich generation.  (p. 447)

Chapter 14

1.  What is the fastest growing age group in the US?  (p. 460)

2.  Contrast average life expectancy, active life expectancy, and maximum life
expectancy.  (p. 461-462)

3.  Contrast the following theories of aging:  cellular, metabolic and programmed cell
death theories.  (p. 466-467)

4.  Describe the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.  (p. 495-496)

5. How is our processing speed affected age? (p. 480)

6.  How and when can Alzheimer’s disease be accurately diagnosed?  (p. 492-493)

Chapter 15

1.  Explain continuity theory.  (p. 502-503)

2.  According to Erikson, what is the main struggle of old age, and what is a life review? 
(p. 508)

3.  What do older adults rely on more than anything to help them cope with problems? 
(p. 512)

4.  Older adult’s life satisfaction is strongly related to what?  (p. 519-520)

5.  Do older couples usually have high or low marital satisfaction?  (p. 521)

6.  Who is most likely to abuse older adults?  (p.532)


Chapter 16

1.  What is the most widely accepted criterion for determining when death occurs? 

(p. 544)

2.  Contrast active and passive euthanasia.  (pp. 545)

3.  How do older adults view death compared to other age groups?  (p.550)

4.  Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ five reaction stages to impending death. 

(pp. 551)

5.  What is the main goal of medical care in a hospice?  (pp. 556)

6.  How should parents explain death to children?  (pp. 570)

Congratulations!  You are done!!!  Good luck on your final exam!!!!

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