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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 5048 ‘Second ecition 1900-00-15 Continuous mechanical handling equipment — Belt conveyors with carrying idlers — Calculation of operating power and tensile forces [Engine de manutontion continue ~ Transporeurs & courraie munis de rouleaux poneurs — Calcul de ts puissance dentrainement et des efforts de tension References aurbor 1S0 sca = 1949 (ED 10 5038 : 1989 (E) Contents Pag Foreword» + it fnveiucton onsite so v 9 IBBEcxvesvceuneeernanancenr - cece 2 wenniions 3. Symbos andunits lances to mation of belt conveyor 5 Driving fores and power requirements. 8 Cepacity end cross-section of acomeyor witha smooth patternless belt...... 8 Fioures 1103 © so ee ‘Allights reserved. No par ofthis ication may be reproded or uieed in any frmex by en ‘mare, lctraric or mechanical, including photoccpyieg ard microti, without perrigien in ‘weiting ror te pobliener. International Organization for Streatciraven Caso postal 56 © CH-I211 Genave 20 « Saitreitans Printed in Switerand 1305048 : 1989 (E) Foreword ISO (the International Orgarization for Standardization) is a workiwide federation of rational standards bodies (ISO member bodies). Tha work of preparing International ‘Standatds is normaly cereed out through ISO technical committees. Each member ‘body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been establishes hes the right to be represented on that committee. Intematonel organizations, govorn- mental and non-governmental, in aison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO. collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization, Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated 10 the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by ‘the ISO Council. They are approved in eccordance with ISO procedures requiring at lost 75 % approval by the member bodes voting. Intemational Standard |SO 5048 was prepared by Technical Commrittes 1SO/TG 101, Continuous mechsnicsl handing. ‘This second edition cancels end roclacea the fre edition {ISO 6018 + 1970), causa 2, subelauses 4.1.2 and 4.24, clause 5 and figures 3, 4 and 6 of which have been technically revised, and figure 6 ard tablo 4 deleted. A new clause 2 tdefiritions) has, been added. 180 5048 : 1989 (E) Introduction In the design of belt conveyors it is advisable first to calculate the required diving foros on the driving pulley ard the belt ensls stresses resulting therefrom, since these ‘elves will effectively determine the chica of driving system and tha construction of the belt, ‘The operating power reauirements are derived from the driving fores on the driving pulley and from the apeed of tho bet. “The necessary belt width I calculated on the bests of the maximum cepacity of the belt and, possily, of the particle sire of the mataral to be handled, ‘Attention is drewn to the many varied factors which influence the driving force on the siiving pulley end which make it extremely citficult to predict the power requirerrent ‘exact. This International Standard is intended to give a simple method of conveyor design coleulation. Consequently i is limited in terms of precision but is sufficient in the majority of cases. Mary factors are mot taken into account in the formulae but ‘Getals ae provided on their nature and thai effect. {In simple cases, which ara the most frequent, itis progress easily from the calculation of power requirements to those of the necessary and the real tens’ons in ‘te bet, which are critical in the selection of the belt and In the design of the ‘mechanical equipment. However, certein conveyors present more complicated problems, for exarnole those ‘with multiple drive, oF with an undulating profile in vertical elovation. For these calculations, which are not covered In this international Standard, Its advisable 10 consult a competent expert INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1S0 5048 : 1989 (E) Continuous mechanical handling equipment — Belt conveyors with carrying idlers — Calculation of operating power and tensile forces 1 Scope ‘This International Standard epectios mathods for tho calcula- tion of the operating power requirements on the driving pulley ‘of a belt conveyor, and of the tensla forces exerted on the belt. 4 applies to belt conveyors with eatrying idrs 2. Definitions For tha purposes of this International Standard, the following, definitions apply ingte {ot the material handled). @ = Angle zontal by the tangent to the material cross+ ‘section ut the intersecting point with the belt i motion (see figure 3), The surchargo anata is expressodtin dearees, 2.2. angle of repose. a: Angle formed with the horizontal by the surface of a conical heap of material falling slowly and regulary from a small height onto a horizontal stationery sure face. The angle of repose is expressed in degrees. 10 5048: 1989 (E) 3 Symbols and units Table 1 — Symbole and unite ‘Symbol Description Unt e__| Wer epacng on tha carrying wie of hw conveyor ™ a, | ele epacing on tha reverse aido of te cemvayor n A | Contact ace betwee the Unt ard the bet sleener nt >| materatexrying bat with Ie. width of the batt actualy ied with or bearing ‘rater; sable width ofthe belt nm by | Wistn betmeon ekinpstos mn B | sat wat ™ © | Coetfcion tsscnndary rostances) a Ce | Troush factor - a | sat enietnese ” dg | Shot diameter of inside bearing ” DB | matey camer ” 2 | Bose of natal ioganthme es 1 | Arica tien eowtficiant - F | Avetoge bet tension atthe pulley N Fy | Tianesita tension atthe pute (see Favie 2) N Fy | Slacksice tonsion atthe pully (se gure 2) N Fix | Main resistances 8 Fra | Maximum bat tention N Frin | Misiovam bel tersion ‘ Fy | Secondary wsisonces N Fs | Speci! rocitoneoe N Foy | Specel mein wsisances N Fez_| Spovel eecondary eestancoe N Fe x Fy | Veetriai sun ofthe two belt tnslons acting on tw putey and of te fotces ‘ur 10 the mess ofthe revi pert ofthe euler N Fy | Requires peripheral rng foree on the ving putays) N | Acceleration éue to aravty oust olan | Adonzble ber sag between isars ~ 11 | Ut of the conveyor between the during m ty | Cepasiy rls | Slope tector - hy | Seren foci Nien 1 | angen of tha instataen enuioped with skFpates ™ ty | Length of cont ier tthreeraler trough m ty | Acceleration length ™ L_ | Conseyer lth tcentrt0-eentro ietance) m Ly | Adsianal length of the conveyor ™ 1, | Length of tno installation equipped with tac store ™ 1p | Pressure betneen the belt cleaner and he bet Win? Pa | Operating power secutement on the diving pulleys! w Pra | Operating power reqirament onthe driving moterts) w ag | Moss par retro! the bat stong the carying sie and along the return sid bat ag | Maas par metre 0! tho material handled ta'm ano_| Mes por wrets 0! te revolving iter arts along the carving side ofthe conveyor. | g/m ‘my _| Mote por metre of the rvalving idler parte along the etury cide af tha eorveyer | Agim S| Cross scctonalaraa of the material on the belt m | at spas mts Yq | Yeleciy component ofthe conveying speed of materi! Handled in the ducction of batt movement mvs 1805048: 1989 (E) Table 1 (conchued) ‘Symbol Description wat @ | Ange of repose ogres 5 | Slope engle ofthe instalation inthe direction af movement eyes € | Tit angle of te icter ani wit respect ro ine pene pempendfcuer to the Joncitadanol ave ef the belt ures 1 | etficioney cS 6 | Surcharge agi tof the mexorat hansted) doryes 2 | Ancle borween the side axis ofthe troushed cerrying ers ané the herzontal | degrees 11 | Friesign ecetfeione banvoon te driving puty(s) and the belt ee io | Picton coefclnt beoween the conying dlrs and the bolt - ny | Friction ceetfiione between the materia nd the bel = iq | Friction coefficient botwoon the material and the shitates 2 us| Friction cootficont barween the belt and the ele cleaner = 2 | Accelwation coetiient - 2 | Laces nue dency ofthe material hanced kim? @_| Anat of the belt wrap on the diving pulovs) recians 4 Resistances to motion of belt conveyor 41 Generot ‘The overall resistance to motion of 9 belt conveyor comprises \etious resistances, which can be classified Into the following five groups: = ena resistances, Fy, tne 42; = cocondary resistances, Fy (see 4.3) = spacial main esistonces, Fy 500 44); epocial secondary rsisances, Fg (se 45) =. slops resistance, Fg (see 4.6). “These five groups include al the rasistance which a belt con- ‘yeyor dtiving system has to overcome to counter friction and ‘reroute slupe, end alco to accalorete the conveyed material up to bolt speed ot the loading pint. The main and secondary resistances, Fy and Fy, occur ‘on all belt conveyors, whereas special resistances, Fs = Fay + Fea. ate only presont in certain installations. The main resietancas, Fy and Fey, occur continuously along the belt conveyor, whereas secondary resistances, Fy and Fsq, are ‘orly present locally ‘The elope resietanca, Fg,, may have positive, zt0 oF negative values, depending on Ure ylatient of the conveyor. Further: ‘more, if con occur in a continuous manner all along the con: vveyor of only atise on some sections of the length. 42 Mai resistances. Fy Main resistances, Fy, comprise the following : 2) rotational resiatanco of the corrying and return strands of Idlers due to friction in the jler beatings and seals [== equotions (3) and (41; b)_bet advancement resistance due to the pressing down cf the iders into the belt, and the recurrent flexing of the belt and ef the material 4.3 Socondary resistances, Fy Secondary res'stancas, Fy, comprise the following : 8). inertial and frictional resistances due to the acceleration fof the material at the loading area: bb) resistance dus to the friction on the sida walls of the cchuta at the loacirg a ‘c)_puley bearing resistance with theexception ofthe drive Ing puiley bearings; ddl resistance duetothe wrepping of thebelton the pulleys. 4.4. Special main resistances. Fey ‘Speciat main resistances, Hy, comprise the folowing : |a|_drag tesietanca dus to forwatd tlt of the idler in the ieetion of belt movement; bb) resistance due to friction against chute flans or skirt plates, # these ara present over the full length of the belt. 45 Special secondary resistances. Fs ‘Special secondary resistances, Fgg. comprise the following ¢ 42) resistance due to fiction with bett and pulley cleaners; Db) ractetance due to friction with the chute flaps or shitt= plates if these ato present over only part ofthe length of the ba 10 5048 : 1989 (E) (2) rectstanca due to inversion of tha retum strand of the rete 1) resistancas due to discharge ploughs; ©) resistance due to tippers. 4.8 Slope resistance, Fs, ‘Slope resistance, Fy, is resistance due to the lting or lowering ‘of the matarsl on inclined conveyors, Contrary 10 eorain other resitanace, the slope rociatance ean be precisely determined using tha following equation Fa =agHe Al The elevation height, #7, is taken as positive for ascending in- stallstons and negative for descending insialations, 5 Driving force and power requirements 5.1 Peripheral force requil pulleyis) .d on the driving 5.1.1 General calculation formutae ‘The peripheral driving force, Fy, required on the driving pulleyls) of a belt conveyor is obtained by adding up all the resistances as follows : Fy Fut Fut Pout Foot Fox el) “The main resistance, Fy, can be calculated in a simplified manner by using an aniflal friction coefficient, /. By applying Coulers friction law the main eesistarce is eval to the pro- cluct ofthe artificial coefficient, J. te conveyor length, L. and the sum of the vertical forces per linear metre resulting from all, the moving masses; therefore, by substituting Fy in equation (2), the following equation is obtainad : Fu = SL alano + day + Zag + go) cos di + 4 Fy t Foy + Font Foe ef Since a convevor slope of the order of 18° generally represents fan uoper limit for smooth-surfaced belt conveyors, the anale of slope, 5, may be disregarded in equation (3} and vertical Toads equel to the conveyor loads may be used for calculation. (cor 5 — 1 It the conveyor slope exceeds 18° (mace possible by use of ribbed or herringbone belts. the conveyor loads dy and aa, __ hall be muttipied by cos 3, ‘The conveyor load. ag. resulting from the mass of the con~ veyed meteral, can be ealeulated, in, for example, kilograms er metre, using the following equator ho. ta) Jy is the copacity, in, for example, cubic metres per ‘second: the loose bulk density, feitin met for example, Klograms per ys tha bolt epoed in, tor exampie, metres per second. Equation (3) is valid for al installation lengths. For long centre-balt conveyors {for example over 80 ml, the secondary resistaneos are clearly less than the main installation resistances and can be calculated in a simplified manr without rk of too sericus an error. For this purpoee, @ coe ciont C is introduced 9s main resistance factor ceperdent on the length of the belt conveyor: therelore, the following ‘equation is obtained : Fu = CfLelaro + day + aa + acl + + agile For + Pee 18) 4 the conveyor slope exooeds 18° (made possible by use of ribbed or herringbone belts), the conveyor loads, @a and 4g shall be mutiptid by cos 3. Coetficient C corresponds to the quotient given by the follow- ing equation ‘Total woeictaneo without siopa rasietonces land without spacial resictanees ‘Main resistances Fat Py Fa 48 Coefficient C is a function of the length of the installation ‘because the majority of tno secondary resistances, Fy, in ‘equation (6) are independent of corweyer langth and only ‘occur locally Figure t indicates cootficient C'as.a function ofthe length of ‘the balt conveyor, the valuos plotted being dorivad from tects ccartad out on a variety of installations — particulary for the longer cente installations. The degram in igure ¥ shows that, ‘when applying coefficient Cin calculations, veFable valuas for the peripherel force as the driving pulley can only be ebtained {for conveyor lenaths over 80 m, Uf the conveyor longth, Z, i over 89 rm, coatficiont C ean be calculated using the fotowing equation bee, : aU) where the additional lenath, Lo, is, in generel, between 70 m ‘ang 100 m. Coeticient C shad bo equal to or greater than 1,02. For contre-to-cenire distances, L, of less than 89 ro, the value ‘of coetficiant C becomes unsure, as is shovm by the hatched ‘ore0 in figute 1. The unrelioble arca of coefficient C for short contre conveyors is explained by the predominance of the secondary resistances of such ‘nctallations. The broken tines for coefficient C in this shor contro zone do nat represent boundary curves but merely craw the artenrion to a growing unartainy of the C value. In most cases C will bo located in tre hatched arco. It fs, howaver, else possible to have smafer values, especially for conveyors with unit loads with sirall secondary resistances, oF ‘much greater values, espectaly for short high-speed feed con- ‘yeyors of large capacity. For more precise calculation of the driving power of belt con- ‘yevats with a centte-to-centra distance, L, of less than 80 m,it E consequantly recommended that eaLation (3) bo used. 6.1.3 Artifical friction coetticient, / The artfclt frivon coefficient, f, comprises the roling osistance of the carrying ilers and the belt edvancernont resistance, and has been calculated at 0.02.33. basic value for 2 moving belt, based on the cesulis of a broad series of tests, For fied and properly aligned installations, with easily roting idters and also for low internal friction materials, this value can tbe lower by about 20 %, dropping to 0,016, whereas for poorly ‘aligned bett conveyors with badly rolling clas and high internal ‘tietion materials, values exceeding the base value by about 50%, ranging up to 0,03, may result, ‘The basic velue indicated for the ariticial tition coefficient apples onty 10 normally olaned balt conveyors. Strictly speak ing. it furthermore only apalieabla to a0 instalation — used ot found 70 % t0 110 % of ts norinel capacity; = conveying products with en average inteinal tic coefficient; — equipped with thres-rolt carrying fers for the upper side of the bett; — with 9 30° side trounhing enale; = operating at belt speeds of about § m/s; — operating at ambient temperatures of about 20 °C: — with 108 mm to 189 mm diameter carrying iclers with Labyrinth grease seals, together with idler spacing of 1 mo 1,5 m for the upper strand lor carrying side) of the bett and of acund 3 m for the lower strand {or retum sige) of the belt. “The value of may, for instance, ineteaze above the basic valuo 0,02 and range up to 0.03 in the tolling cases : 1) for handled materials with 9 high interna friction coef lent, by for troughing angles of over 20"; ©) for belt speeds of over 6 m/s; 1SO 5048 : 1989 (E) 1) for carrying idler diameters towor then those mentioned shove: ©) for ambiont temperatures of less thon 20 °C; 1 fora decrease in belt tension: {yl for Mexble coreess belts ond thoee with thick ond flexble covers; 1h) for poorly eligned instaltations; when operating conditions ate dusty and wet and/or sto for ister spacing of markedly more than 1,5 m for the ‘upper strend (or carrying sido) of the belt and 3 m for the lewer strand (or retucn side} of the Dott ‘The artificial fiction eoetficiont, J; may decrease under the basic value of 0,02 if the influences listad above in a) to j) are reversed. IF the instatation is running uncer no-load conditions, the value (of fcan be either lower or higher than under ful-toed opersting ‘conditions, depending on the mass of the moving parts and on the tension of the conveyor belt. |Atter account has been taken of the infivences Fisted above in a} 10), the value of f = 0,02 may be confirred. However, the ‘optimum choice and assessment of the exact value of f should be eft to the marufecturer because of the meny and diverse in fluences In connection with it In gonercl, sutticionty accurate results ara reached with reepeet to the driving force at the pulley ofa belt conveyor if tne basic value of the factor = 0,02 is ineerted into equstion (3) or (5. Downs! conveyors which require to be braked by breke- motor, shal, at a safety measure, be calculated with a value lower by 49 & then that used for the calculation of driven belt conveyors : the result ofthis is a base value of f = 0,012. BAA Secondary and special resistances For a more precise calculation of the driving force on the driving pulley and the operating power requirements of belt ‘conveyors using equation (3), the secondary and special resistaneos, Fx, Fst 2nd Fp, shat be known, “The calevtation formulae for these resistances aro given in ‘tables 2and3, and values can be Geterrined on the basis of the known characteristics of the belt conveyor ‘Table 2 aivas the secondary rasictances, Fy. which occur on all bolt eonveyore, whereas tabla 3 gives the special rasisiances, Fs, which do not always occur I is possible to simplify the calculation by disregarding minor secondary and special resistances. i. by account only being taken of the inertial and frictional resistance at tha loading area and the fiition of the conveyed material on the side walls of tha chute in the acceleration area, together with te frictional resetonce dua to the belt cleaners and forma it of cazrying ier sats. 1S0 5048, 3) ‘Table 2 — Formulae for calculating secondary resistances, Fy Table 3 — Formulae for calculating special resistances, Fs Tao Tape of eatanat c=] (Geen Ta at aT ta Fox] Poin ond oa ones aha Fr | sna eid ting 1" te ont nae eedocten mt rare atresia: | N = cain tes ein wth es saul rge Ff Frictional resistance between handled Fem Coup Le lag + ae) 2 cond tne Tooth nd ares he cami Tezcuton wen” 4 oan C= OA 0130 woh ny_faihete = 05 for 45° trough I 0,300.4 z ) a ass ear fem mae ay a toe ere Bees “ wre = 031004 ae Resistance due to friction between maierial vee Rondodendantgce " n= 051007 mae | Wire enitinca tatvonn bow ana page, | fu — for fabric carcass belts : J Beg chee ap EY Ayan (uwos oot) > F_ | ition cedatonce due w the bat deans] WN tw ct un Roden Av 2 van £) wine perma benten 3 a r= 120 (20 om s)4 wwe ae FT regal wa et Fa) Rasstrce ae Halon dehage fleustec tort coving puleve) = ” plough N . Pea hs Aru vie realy 1880 Nin 5.1.5. Applicabitty of formulae ‘The formutze for calculating the perichera! force at the driving puley are orly suitable for uniformly end continuously loaded insvaltations. Fer belt conveyors running over rough ground with slope ‘changes of cn'y sloping in a downhil drection, for which par tal loading of tha belt is frequently the case, the calculation of| the peripheral force shall be carried out under, for exemple, the following diferent cnerating randitions = 2} empty conveyor, | fully loaded throughout; ‘¢).foaced on some sections of the conveyor with arising, level or slightly descending run where each section requires postive force to move it, and empty on the remaining coe: ‘ons which would bo rocenarative if loaded; 4) loaded on regenerative sections, and amptyon sections ‘with a rising, lovel or sightty descending run. “Tho Highest periphora! force on the diving pulley found in this way Is used for tie design of the ckiving system. ‘Should one or more ofthe louding conditions indicate negative force et the driving pulley, the system thus becoming rogeneratve, it is necessary 10 introduce inio this calculation ‘a base value lowor than that used for the drive eatculation, ‘28 gen in 5.1.3. In such cases, the Highest positive driving force and the greatast negative braking force shall then both be taken into account for the design of the driving and broking systems. 5.2 Operating power requirements for the belt conveyor “The operating power required on the driving puleyis| of the belt conveyor P,. in, for example, Klowatts, is derived from the peripheral driving force, Fy; the value of Pa is calculated from the felovring aquation : Pr=tur vB where Fy is tho peripheral diving force, in, for example, kilonawtons; vs the belt saeed, in, for example, metres per second. The respective operating power required on the driving rmotatts) is ebtained from equation (Bo) oF (Bb), in which ae ‘count is taken of the efficiency of tensmission equipment, os ‘appropriate : — for belt conveyors requiting positive power Pa Pua ea) ™ = for regenerative installations Pus Pane eb) where ny. le goneratty chosen bacwaen 0,85 and 0,95, inp. is generally chosen between 0,95 and 7, 5.3. Belt forces. 531 General ‘The tensile forces exerted on tho belt vary along the whole lenath of the belt; their magnitude depends on = the path of the belt conveyor, = the number and arrangement of diving pulievs: = the characteristics ofthe driving and brasang systems; = the type and orongement of the Belt-tensioning devices: = the loae case of the lusiatation ; starting, nominal tating, braking, stopped, either at no load or completely or partially loaded. ‘Table 4 — Friction coefficient, 1, between driving pullays and rubber bel ISO 5048 : 1989 (E) Considering the stress of the belt and the other parts in the mitted to forces nroduced in the be't, the ten- to the belt shall be as low 3¢ possible However, for the correct operation of the Installation itis in daponseble thatthe tensile forces in the bel full the following ‘two conditions : 2) the tensite forces exerted on the belt shall be such that, ‘at any rating, the peripheral forces apaled to all the diving pulleys are transmitted to the belt by friction without the bett sioping: b)_ the tansle foree exerted on the belt shall be sulticent {or there not to be too much belt sag batweun two sets of earning iors, 5.3.2 Transmission of the peripheral force at the driving pulleyls} For the transmission of a peripheral force, Fy, from 2 driving pulley tothe belt, as shown in figure 2, it necessary to main tain a tensile force, 2, on the return belt, which cen be calcuited using the following formula : Faun? Famer Gi 10) whore Fiimae is the maximum peripheral force which most often ‘ceeurs when starting up o: whan braking the completely oaced conveyor, 1's the friction coefficient between the driving pulley and the belt, which can be determinad using tabie 4; 1g 'e the angle of wrap of & ariing pulley, whch fe, ae- Cording to the geometrical conditions, approximately be tween 2,8 and 4,2 (160° and 240°) Titan soeicions para foneion of pulley aaing perating conctions Rubber ngana nih | Powwewane ooo | Corie lasing mech ooorin |“ Ntiegaore | “wmiarimgbone | wah hereon ions pattemed gicoves | _pattemed grooves | petlerned son | Operation mer enatons oas was oA 9048 om o4 en 048 prton can a wet conten os os ee eeuae Cpertan i we ny condone eax emwoo oe cos (Coy arian SO 5088 : 1989 (E) 5.3.3. Limitation due to belt sa “The minimum tonefe force, Fyn, which shall be exerted on the beltin order to limit batt sag barwaen twa sets of carrying idler fs obtained from formulae (11al or (11bl, es appropriate = for the upper strand lcarrying side! alas + Gols Sees tes. ANd Fain? Blaha ual = for the lower strand (retuin sidel 4.908 ey AM) BH? BUhleleam Values tower than these shall never be reached at any point on the instalation. The maximum allowablo elt $39, (1/@)gam, 1 ‘cenzrally fined at botween 0,005 and 0,02. 5.3.4. Vetiation of the tensile forces and maximum tensile foreo on the belt “The necessary tensile force and its alteration along the convey- ing length shall be detormined for each load ease as a function (of the number, the arrangorant and characteristics ofthe de ing and braking davices, end according tothe type and location fof the tensioning devices, by suitably adding ta or subtracting ‘rom the minimum forces exerted on the belt the reistancos to ‘motion, tha forces due to the weight of the belt and the tmateta's conveyed, and the peripheral forces applied to all the driving pulleys. ‘The minimum necessary tensile force is fixed either by the abifty to transmit the peripheral force at a deving pulley or By the imitation of belt sag. This highest velue of the necessary tensile force for a given load case is generally meintained with all the other load cases, even if they do not require it, as, nor- mall, it is neither reasonable nor practieable to produce di ferent take-up forces with different load cases. ‘The maximum tensile force, Fnay, exerted on the belt which shall be used for the choice and cimansioning of the belt can- rot be incicated By @ formula wnen is universally veld. Ins oniy in the simple cases, which, however, oecur relatively often, = ja the case of horizontal conveying er with 9 smal gradient, ‘= and if there isa sinale driving pulley, ind if low braking forces for stopping the plant are requited, = and if the minimum bel: tension recuired is not doter- mined by any other layout or eperating conditions (For ex ample by belt sag), that the maximum tensile force applied to the belt can be ccalcvlsted, approximatoly, by using the following formula (see ‘The cosfficient {takes into account the fact that the perioheral ores shall bs higher when storing the plant up than won atta rncaninal rting. Aesording to the drive characteristics, the value Of coefficient & lies between 1,3 and 2. In all complicated cases, the variation of the tensile forces ap- plied to the holt shall be carefully calculated by a specialist. 6 Capacity and cross-section of a conveyor with a smooth patternless belt ‘Tho maximum capacity of the belt conveyor, gy, in, for exam- plo, cube metres per second, is calculated using the following equation Iy= Suk 13) whee Sig tho maximum cross-sectional area of the materia on ‘ho bel, In, for exampl, square metres; isthe belt speed, in, for example, metres per second; 1k fg the slope factor of the installation, ‘The maximum erass-sectional area of material on the belt depends on a) the usable width of the bol, & funetion of the belt width, B, in matres rretres, which is a 1b} the shape of the trough, 1.0. tho pumbor and cimon. ‘alone of tho tors (langth ofthe centrailer, fy), and their ar rangement angle between the eke axis ofthe traughed car- tying idlere and the horizontal, 2); ©) the shape of the load stream on the belt las understood io the Intemational Stondard) limted by a curve of atabelc shape choractorizad by the surchargo angie, @ (se02.1), ‘The usable width of the belt, b, in metres, ' determined generally using the following equations : = forB<2m = 098-0005 Aa) = tre >2m ba B05 For horzontaty running batts and one, two- or threadter sats, the total cross-sectional area of material on the belt, S, can be Getermined by using the surcharge angle D and adding the upper) section Sy and the llower! section Se (sea figure 3) 8s, ‘expressed in the following equations: Sy= [y+ (0-H eosay BS 7 a fy cot] [ona] In the case of one: or two-ler sets, the length of the centre idler hes to be taken as zer0. ‘The surcharge angle, 8, is desendent on the meterial and on the conveying conditions (for exemple speed, belt sag, etc). If ‘the surcharge angle, 0, is notknown, an approximate value can bo calculated using the angie of repose (see 2.21, by taking a value of @ = 0,784, If, howaver, the material has unusual flow ‘properiis, ie. it i sticky or vary freefiowing, the value of ‘may vary significantly from this approximation. ‘The slope factor, k, is determined by toking into account the decrease of the section 5} when the material is fed on to an in- clined part of the belt, as expressed in the following equation qe Spe bet 20-k) 6) ISO 5048 : 1989 [E) where ky fa the reduetion factor of the surcharge portion, It an Weaized running of conveyors handling virtually sized ‘meteria with @ midolo lump sie Is considered, it can be as- sumed that kis given by the following equation : coats — cost hye | AI where 5 is the slope angle of the conveyor; 9 is tha surcharge angle of the materiel handled. Using equations 115) to (17), itis noticesble that, where the slope angle of a conveyor, 5, is equal tothe surcharge angle of ‘the material handled, @ the upper section S becomes ron- ‘extent and only the lower evction S, can be used for Nandting Purposes. 150 5048 : 1989 (E) wu Costicent © — Pm nS a) 2,5 15 10 20 30 50 100 200 1000 —» 5000 CConvayor length (contr.o-conira dstarce), Figure 1 — Cootticiont C as @ tunction of £ 105048 : 1989 (€) 1SO 5042 ; 1989 (E) B B-005m for BS 2m 025m for B>2m b) With two carrying Idlers Rips Bes $058-005m_ for aa 228-025 m. for B>2 6 €) With three carrying idlers Figure 3 ~ Trough cross-sections 1805048: 1989 (E) UDC 621.867.2 : [621.85.051 : 531.781 + 621.85.052 : 531.781.2] Descriptors hending eaupaent, continuous handing, conveyors, belt convsyors, rues of calculation, power, tension, Price bases on 12 pages

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