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Design and Implementation of Software-Based FM

Sunmoon Nahar Oyshi Joyeeta Saha
ID:190205159 ID:20200102170
dept. of EEE dept. of EEE
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tazriyan Aziz Nabila Faruqui

ID:20200102180 ID:20200102173
dept. EEE dept. of EEE
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Ahsanullah University od Science and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract—The project aims to design and implement a C. Frequency Modulation:

software-based FM receiver using MATLAB and Simulink. The
project involves acquiring an FM signal from an audio file, de-
• The message signal was used to modulate the carrier
modulating the signal to recover the original audio, and playing it signal through frequency modulation.
through the computer’s audio output device. This report provides • We applied the frequency modulation equation, adjusting
a comprehensive overview of the design, implementation, and the carrier frequency based on the instantaneous ampli-
evaluation of the FM receiver, focusing solely on software-based tude of the message signal.
setup and signal processing techniques.
• Both the carrier and message signals were multiplied
Index Terms—FM receiver, frequency modulation, demodula-
tion, MATLAB, Simulink, software-based setup together, resulting in a modulated signal.

s(t) = Ac ∗ cos(2 ∗ f c ∗ t + ∗m(t))

where s(t) represents the modulated signal, Ac is the carrier
Frequency Modulation (FM) is a modulation technique signal amplitude, fc is the carrier frequency, t is the time
widely used in various communication systems. It involves vector, is the modulation index (related to the frequency
varying the frequency of a carrier signal in proportion to the sensitivity), and m(t) is the message signal.
instantaneous amplitude of a modulating signal. The software-
based FM receiver project focuses on developing a system that D. Demodulation:
can demodulate an FM signal to extract the underlying audio • To recover the original message signal from the modu-
signal without the need for external hardware components. lated signal, a demodulation process is performed.
This approach leverages the signal processing capabilities • In this project, coherent demodulation was employed,
of MATLAB and Simulink to perform the necessary de- where the demodulation equation is given by:
modulation steps and playback the audio signal through the
computer’s audio output.
demodulated(t) = cos(2∗f c∗t+∗m(t))∗modulated(t)
II. M ETHODOLOGY: Here, modulated(t) represents the modulated signal, and
demodulated(t) is the demodulated signal.
A. Message Signal Generation:
A message signal was generated using MATLAB. It was a
sinusoidal waveform with a frequency and an amplitude. The software-based FM receiver system is designed to
operate solely on the software platform. The block diagram
illustrates the signal flow and processing steps involved in
B. Carrier Signal Generation:
demodulating the FM signal. The major components include
A high-frequency carrier signal was generated using MAT- the FM signal source (audio file), demodulation unit, low-pass
LAB. It was a sinusoidal waveform. filter, and audio playback module.
1) FM Signal Source: 7) FM Demodulator block: This block is for demodu-
• Input block (e.g., ”From Multimedia File”) to read lating the modulated signal and recovering the original
the FM signal from an audio file. message signal.
2) FM Demodulation: • Integrator Block:This block is used to integrate the

• Differentiation block to obtain the frequency devia-

signal for demodulation process.
• Differentiating Block
• Low Pass Filter
• Integration block to recover the phase deviation.
• Low-pass filter block to extract the baseband audio V. R ESULTS :
signal. The simulation of the Frequency Modulation (FM) system
3) Audio Output: Output block (e.g., ”To Audio Device”) yielded the following outcomes:
to play the demodulated audio signal through the com- 1) Message Signal: The message signal exhibited a specific
puter’s audio output. waveform and characteristics.
IV. I MPLEMENTATION : 2) Carrier Signal: The carrier signal displayed a specific
waveform and characteristics.
A. In MATLAB: 3) Modulated Signal: The modulated signal showcased fre-
• Read the FM signal: quency variations based on the instantaneous amplitude
– The sampling frequency (fs) is set based on the FM of the message signal.
signal. 4) Demodulated Signal: The demodulated signal was ob-
– ”audioread” is used to read the FM signal from an tained by applying the demodulation process to the
audio file. modulated signal.
– 5) Analysis: Time-domain plots allowed visualization of the
waveforms of the message signal, carrier signal, modu-
• Demodulate the FM signal:
lated signal, and demodulated signal. Frequency spectra
– The time vector is defined based on the sampling analysis provided insights into the frequency content and
frequency. bandwidth of the modulated and demodulated signals.
– The carrier frequency (fc) determined to use in the
The obtained results demonstrate the successful implementa-
FM signal.
tion of the FM system and its key components, including signal
– Performed differentiation to obtain the frequency
generation, modulation, and demodulation. These outcomes
lay the foundation for further exploration and experimentation
– Applied integration to recover the phase deviation.
in FM systems.
– A low-pass filter is used to extract the baseband
audio signal. VI. C ONCLUSION :
• The software-based FM receiver project successfully de-
signed and implemented a functional FM receiver using MAT-
B. In Simulink: LAB and Simulink. By leveraging the capabilities of these
1) Signal Generator block: This block is for generat- software tools, the project achieved the demodulation of an
ing the carrier signal. By configuring it to produce a FM signal and the extraction of the original audio signal.
sinusoidal waveform with the desired frequency and The project demonstrated the feasibility and versatility of a
amplitude. software-based approach for FM signal processing. By relying
2) File Reader block: This block is used to read the audio solely on software tools and algorithms, the need for external
file into Simulink. hardware components was eliminated, making the receiver
3) FM Modulator block: This block is for performing more accessible and cost-effective.
frequency modulation on the carrier signal using the The software-based FM receiver showcased the power of
message signal and connected the carrier and message MATLAB and Simulink in providing a comprehensive en-
signals to the appropriate inputs of this block. vironment for signal processing and simulation. These tools
4) Scope block: This block is for visualizing the time- allowed for the implementation of the demodulation algorithm,
domain waveforms of the modulated and demodulated the application of a low-pass filter, and the playback of
signals in Simulink. the demodulated audio signal, all within a single software
5) Spectrum Analyzer block: This block is to observe platform.
the output of the modulated and demodulated signals to In conclusion, the software-based FM receiver project suc-
analyze their frequency spectra in Simulink. cessfully demonstrated the potential of using MATLAB and
6) Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) block: This Simulink for FM signal processing. It laid the foundation for
block is for simulating noise in the FM system, by using future enhancements and expansions, showcasing the flexibil-
this block Gaussian noise is introduced to the modulated ity and adaptability of software-based approaches in the field
signal. of FM receivers and audio signal processing.
Future work can involve further optimization of the de-
modulation algorithm, incorporating advanced features such
as stereo decoding, noise reduction techniques, and frequency
offset compensation methods. Additionally, the FM receiver’s
performance can be enhanced by implementing additional
signal processing algorithms within the software-based frame-

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