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Admission Number: ______________






This is to certify that this project work was carried out by Mubarak Tanko Musa with
Admission number _________________ in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of
Science, physical science Kebbi state University of science and technology Aliero.

_________________________ ___________________
His name Date
(Project Supervisor)

_________________________ ___________________
His name Date
(Head of Department)

_________________________ ___________________
External Examiner Date

In the name of Almighty ALLAH, this project is dedicated to my parents and everybody in my
family, and then to all my lecturers who have been there ever since day one.

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the Study...........................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW:...............................................................................................................7
Role Of Online Assessment...........................................................................................................11
Importance Of Online Assessment................................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................14
METHODOLOGY/SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.........................................................14
CBTs Development Life Cycle.....................................................................................................14
Requirement Analysis and Definition Requirements analysis and definition...............................15
The Student:...................................................................................................................................16
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the CBT system...........................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................20
Analysis and Discussion/System Implementation.........................................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................26
CONCLUSION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................................26



1.0 Introduction

Online examination system is information and communication solution to the paper based
examination system. It is resourceful, time saving and efficient.

The system is designed to enhance the examination process in schools and is capable of
conducting any type of examination questions such as multiple-choice questions or theory-
based question format. In this report, I developed a system that provides an equitable level
of security and veracity on the conduct of the examination (author, 2000).

The aim of this application is to meet student’s requirements where they are expected to take
their examination online through internet or intranet. The system was developed using
Hypertext Preprocessor, Hypertext Markup Languages, Cascading Style Sheet, Java-script
and My Structured Query Language as the database backend which are used in web-based
applications. These guarantee that the application is cheap, robust, and is able to run on
multiple platforms. The application can be enhanced using integrated biometric systems
such as fingerprint or face to improve its effectiveness and security.

In Sokoto State University, right from inception, paper-based examination has almost been
the only mode of conducting examination which has been effective but has a lot of
limitations, Use of Library and ICT usually coded as GST113 is a course designed to
intimate student in University with the operations of the University Library. The course is
intended to expose the students to the proper use of the Library to help them maximize the
resources in the library, it also involves the acquisition of study skills and the knowledge of
ICT to enhance reading and knowledge acquisition
The phrase ICT had been used by academic researchers since the 1950s, information and
communication technology has induced traditional libraries to transform into digital
libraries. The libraries have transformed from close-access libraries of earlier times to the
present day hybrid, digital, and virtual libraries. Librarians have been changed from mere
storekeepers who were concerned with the protection of books against theft, mutilation, and
pilferage, to that of information officers, navigators, and librarians who encourage use in the
vast ocean of reading or information material. In other words, GST113 must be offered and
passed by students to meet graduation requirement of the University. As the name implies
fundamentals of computer is "general" because it encompasses studies from a wide range of
contents and history of computer various spheres of human endeavors.

The course is tagged with various names in other institutions but it is generally refers to as
GST113 in Sokoto State University.
GST113 gives student basic preparation for many future careers. Graduates who acquired
fundamental knowledge of GST113 can use the same experience to perform basic functions
in various Computer fields in the library, including education, engineering, health care,
social service, and private industry. Due to the ever increasing number of students offering
GST113 course and some observed examination irregularities like delays in processing
results; there is a need to employ a method of assessment that can be used to conveniently
examine a large number of students at the same time.
Computer Based Test is a modern approach to testing and assessment. It is one of the
modern breakthroughs of technology. Technology has significantly reshaped the method of
evaluating students. For instance, Computer as a tool for technology is used in multi-
dimensional ways, though only very few organizations in Nigeria, including tertiary
institutions, have gone beyond word processing and other routine tasks Chalmers D. et al,.
(2018) In many educational sectors, educational evaluation has moved towards the use of
computer-based testing (CBT), which is known as tests or assessments that are administered
by use of computer through technological devices linked to the intranet and in certain cases,
Computer based Test simply refers to tests and assessments conducted through the use of
organized systems on computers Kuyoro et al. (2017) Computer Based tests have the ability
to automate a very time consuming task, marking and monitoring progress. Chalmers (2018)
sees Computer Based test as a test that can be used in a supervised or non-supervised
environment and can allow students to check their progress through self-assessment. It can
also be used for testing lower-order skills (such as knowledge, understanding and
application); it can also be used for testing higher-order skills to improve the students'
analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills with more complex application software.

1.2 Background of the Study

During the last few decades and especially from 1990 onwards computer-based testing
(CBT) has become one of the most conspicuous ways of organizing and delivering the tests.
The reason behind this prominence of CBT over the paper and- pencil based testing is its
ease of administration, immediate store of results, improved item development, enhanced
identification and authentication, and so forth. However, most of the organizations and

institutions are still relying on the examinations where the examinees have face to face
exams in an identified place under an administered situation.

This may help the organizations to check the authenticity of the examinee by checking his
identity using ID card and also ensuring that no cheating is going on during the exam. But
due to the enormous advantages of computer-based testing over the traditional paper-and-
pencil based testing, most of the organizations are now moving towards CBT, Saleh et al.
viewed CBT as an assessment platform in which a computer is an integral part of question
papers' conveyance, response, marking of response or report of results from a test. The main
goal of a computer based testing system is to provide all features that the examination
system must have, with a user friendly interfaces that don't terrify its clients. Taylor, a
Computer-Based Testing system could be conveyed on a remain solitary PC, inside a
disengaged Local Area Network (LAN) or online using technologies such as the web, for
example, web pages over the Internet. The two sorts of CBT system are:
i. Linear Test: This involves a full-length examination in which the computer selects
different questions for individuals without considering their performance level.
ii. Adaptive Test: Here the computer selects the range of questions based on individuals‟
performance level. These questions are taken from a very large pool of possible questions
categorized by content and difficulty.
1.3 CBT System in Nigerian Institutions

The computer based testing system can be used as an assessment tool in a long distance
education or online education systems with a quite number of students. Successful execution
of an examination targeted at assessment and evaluation is very critical, because of the
problems arising from human errors and other Technical difficulties which may lead to
questioning of the examination and thus reliability and efficiency of the online and distance
education systems Taşci T et al, (2021).
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is a distance learning institution in Nigeria
which has many schools and academic centers within the country employs the use of online
examination as their method of evaluating and assessing their students.
A research conducted by Osang (2020), on 105 academic staff, revealed that 84 respondent
recommended the use of CBT for conducting their examination in the university (NOUN)
based on the fact that it is easy to use and administer by the users. Most importantly is it a
fact that the examination result can be viewed immediately after the examination. Many
tertiary institutions are now using the CBT system for conducting Post-UTME examination

for screening students into universities. So many universities in Nigeria are fully or partially
implementing the use of CBT system for evaluating their students Kuyoro et al (2021).
Many tertiary institutions are now using the CBT system for conducting Post-UTME
examination for screening students into universities. So many universities in Nigeria are
fully or partially implementing the use of CBT system for evaluating their students Kuyoro
et al (2021). However, some institutions like the National Open University of Nigeria
(NOUN), has fully implemented the use of CBT system for assessing their students and it
was employed through the internet, while other institutions employ through the intranet.
Since 2020, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has been using the CBT
system fully to conduct exams for admission into the tertiary institutions in Nigeria Kuyoro
et al (2021). The use of ICT services can only be appreciated when compared with the
manual method where students wait so long before getting their result.
1.4 Statement of the Problem
Challenges including examination malpractices, low capacity examination venues,
inadequate invigilators, inadequate examination materials, omission of student’s results and
human error(s) during the marking/grading process will be automatically eliminated
following the adoption of this e-examination system. The cost implication of conducting a
mass-driven examination will become drastically and significantly reduced as there will be
no need to print questions or answer booklets anymore.
Paper-based examination has almost been the only mode of conducting examination which
has been effective but has a lot of limitations especially nowadays where there are many
people seating for a particular examination.
The problems are:
1. Examination venue capacity constraints
2. Delay in the release of results
3. Lack of comfort for examination candidates
4. Examination malpractices
5. Cost implication of printing examination materials and human error
1.5 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this research is to design and develop a CBT system based on GST113.
The specific objectives are to:

1. Develop a system that will allow candidates conduct exam on GST113 with computer

2. Develop a CBT software that will automatically mark and store student result
immediately after submitting his exam.
3. Create a distributed database system for CBT multi-user mode using MySQL, a free
database engine.
4. To develop a CBT system with enhanced security features to avoid exam malpractice.
1.6 Scope of the Study
GST113 computer-based test enables candidates to do their exam in an easier way using
computer rather than using booklet. The system saves candidate’s time since he is not
required to use any writing material.
1.7 Significance of The Study
Computer-based test has great significance which can be recommended to innovative test
agencies all over Universities. But I recommend it especially to Sokoto State University for
their GST113 as its general course. Many students will perform better if this system is fully
implemented by the school management. But sadly, little has been done about making this
happen in many universities in Nigeria. Hence this project will make a huge difference to
what has been in existence and thereby add to the body of knowledge. Computed Based
Testing (CBT) based on GST113 would curb examination malpractices, reduce the waste of
resources and the need to follow the technological trend in examination. Candidates do not
need pens and pencils, he only need calculator. Testing agencies would not be involved in
the printing of millions of question papers. It would also not be involved in the distribution
of bulky questions papers to examination halls across the university. With the CBT,
preparing faculties can now deploy human and material resources to areas of need that
would improve efficiency. Examination performance is stored immediately. Paper and
pencil tests are typically “fixed item” test in which the examinees answer the same question
within a given test booklet. Since everyone takes every item, all examinees are administrated
items that are either very easy or very difficult for them. These easy and hard items are like
adding constants to someone’s score. They provide relatively little information about the
examinee’s ability level. Consequently, large number of items and examinees are needed to
obtain a modest degree of precision. With computer adaptive tests, the examinee’s ability
level relative to a norm group can be iteratively estimated during the testing process and the
items can be selected based on the current ability estimate. Examinees can be given the
items that maximize the information (within constraints) about their ability levels from the
item responses. Thus, examinees will receive few items that are very easy or very hard for

them. This tailored item selection can result in reduced standard errors and greater precision
with only a handful properly selected items.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
Time and financial problem were the major limitation to this study; therefore the study is
limited to develop a GST113 computer based test to help both staffs of the university and
candidates to have accurate and precise result in time.


2.0.1 Introduction

In any academic curriculum, the assessment of students' knowledge about a particular

topic/course is a very challenging one. Whether it is face-to-face classroom learning,
distance and open learning, online learning or blended learning; the assessment process is
very time consuming and a large number of human resources are required. Over the past few
years with the applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the
traditional paper based assessment process is replaced by online assessment technologies.
Various researches have been carried out to improve student's learning ability by assessing
the student's knowledge online and giving some proper guidance. According to Harris and
Bell (2018) Online assessment is an entirely automated process of delivering and marking
assessments using web or Internet resources. Bull and McKenna argues that compared with
traditional assessment, it has many advantages, such as increasing the frequency of
assessment, broadening the range of knowledge assessed, extending the range of assessment
methods, Increasing feedback to students and lectures, decreasing marking loads and aiding
administrative efficiency. This chapter introduces different assessment techniques and
explores strategies to overcome challenges in their design, development, and delivery in
online environment. Student modelling is an important issue in the design of an expert
System for online assessment. Student modelling is an integral component of Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITSs). An extensive literature review is conducted in the student
modelling of the ITSs. This chapter focuses on computerized adaptive testing as a recent
advent in
The system can be enhanced through an arbitrary organization of questions to decrease the
level of examination malpractice. Yuan-Lung et al. Developed an online examination
system that isn't restricted by time and place which allows students to schedule time for
examination based on their level of study. The system generates test questions randomly for
each student, which reduces exam malpractice.
The questions could likewise be in form of diagrams and animation other than MCQ
questions, subsequently making the test addresses more different aspects that need to be
examined. The system was categorized into three unit: The student unit, the instructor unit
and the admin, Implementation was done using ASP.NET, internet information server (IIS)
and Microsoft access as the database.
The database was accessed using ODBC. Students can schedule their examination
time based on their study progress. Test takers can check the test result instantly after the
test. With the ascent in cybercrimes, the security improvement of the online examination
system ought to be looked into so as to guarantee that the exam questions are not altered or
leaked preceding formal examination date.
Rashad et al. (2019) built up an online examination administration system that is
equipped for supporting a faculty in an institution, students and administration roles in the
examination procedure. The system uses various types of questions, for example, yes/no
question, multi choice question single answer, multi choice/multiple answer questions, fill-in
the black question with a string.
The system marks and gives out Examination result immediately. The system can be
deployed through the Internet which is suitable for both local and remote examinations. The
system could help, lecturers and instructors who will make new examinations or alter
existing ones and the students that will participate in the examination. The system was
designed using open source technologies like; AJAX, PHP, HTML and MYSQL as the
database. Since the system will be used over the internet it will require a reliable security.
An online examination system that allow students to haphazardly choose a test paper
or utilize a test question assigned by the instructor to test them keeping in mind the end goal
to comprehend their learning level and change their learning progress was designed by Qiao-
fang (2020). The system enables the lecturers to manage questions through questioning,
including, erasing and altering the questions. It likewise guarantees that test questions are
haphazardly generated based on specific requirements.
A student can likewise haphazardly select a paper for an individual test.
Implementation was done using client/Server model as its network application development
model. Java Web technologies using the JSP Model 1 and JavaBean were utilized together
with Tomcat as the JSP Engine and Web Server. JavaScript was used on the client-side
scripting language while JSP was used as the server-side scripting language. The system
enables the students to test their knowledge anytime they want to assess their level of
understanding in a particular course. However, this work does not show us whether the
system had a flexible timing feature that can logs off the student from the system when his
time elapsed; this will help with evaluating how well the student has mastered a course.
A web-based online examination system designed by Adewale et al. (2021), which
gives out students' scores immediately upon submission of the examination. The Admin of
the system has the privilege of adding, editing and deleting test questions. A client can enroll
and login with his/her particular id. The system has two users (the admin area and the
Student area). The system was designed using ASP. NET and VB.NET having DB2 as the
back end (database). Windows 2000 Enterprise was used as the server interface while both
of Windows 95/98/2000/NT could be used as the student interface. The system can generate
a report (Exam result) showing who passed and those that failed the examination. The
challenges of this system is that the lecturer can't enter the questions directly into the system
and the questions are not randomized, Arachchi (2019) The CBT system developed by
Fagbola et al (2018) was an online examination system that assesses students using multiple
choice questions set by the lecturers and is capable of grading students accordingly.
The system is expected to provide an effective solution for mass student evaluation
and provides functionalities such as auto-submission of examination on the expiration of set
time, auto grading of students and examination result report generation. The Waterfall
Model of software development Life cycle was adopted and the conceptual design (activity
diagram, the use cases, the data flow diagram and the entity relationship diagram) were
presented. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, Microsoft Visual Studio 2020 and Microsoft SQL
Server 2008 were the tools used for the development of the CBT system. The system was
implemented using C# (C Sharp) and SQL server. The CBT system was composed of six
different functional pages which are the student login page, the admin login page, the result
summary page, the question page, question upload and configuration page and the student
result page. It was expected that the system would proffer solutions to challenges such as
examination malpractices, low capacity examination venues, inadequate invigilators and
inadequate examination materials. Performance assessment of the CBT system was carried
out using 250 students and the statistics proved the system as highly flexible.
This CBT system can be improved on through the implementation of essay-based
questions. Integration of students’ continuous assessment should also be included for it to be
effective in a tertiary institution. Questions directly into the system and the questions are not
randomized, Arachchi (2020) The CBT system developed by Fagbola et al. (2018) was an
online examination system that assesses students using multiple choice questions set by the
lecturers and is capable of grading students accordingly.
The system is expected to provide an effective solution for mass student evaluation
and provides functionalities such as auto-submission of examination on the expiration of set
time, auto grading of students and examination result report generation.
The Waterfall Model of software development Life cycle was adopted and the
conceptual design (activity diagram, the use cases, the data flow diagram and the entity
relationship diagram) were presented. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, Microsoft Visual
Studio 2012 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 were the tools used for the development of the
CBT system. The system was implemented using C# (C Sharp) and SQL server. The CBT
system was composed of six different functional pages which are the student login page, the
admin login page, the result summary page, the question page, question upload and
configuration page and the student result page. It was expected that the system would proffer
solutions to challenges such as examination malpractices, low capacity examination venues,
inadequate invigilators and inadequate examination materials.
Performance assessment of the CBT system was carried out using 250 students and
the statistics proved the system as highly flexible. This CBT system can be improved on
through the implementation of essay-based questions. Integration of students’ continuous
assessment should also be included for it to be effective in a tertiary institution. Alabi et al
(2021), developed an online examination system which manages the entire examination
process, i.e add, delete, update and refresh, execution and assessment, management of
feedback from students, alongside guaranteeing utilization of analysis reports identified with
the questions and examination created by an intelligent agent in the decision-making
The system design incorporates Administration, Implementation, Finalization and
Support layer. A Monitoring Agent was intended to help students through making reports.
Analysis on this system at Sakarya University Turkey, demonstrated that the proposed
intelligent agent support online examination system, it can detect problems that may emerge
and enable the teachers to easily make decisions more effortlessly on such issues in a shorter
time. The system utilizes the IF THEN construct, it was recommended that the system
should incorporate more intelligent features with the aim of solving more diverse issues
Hedberg et al (2019) Oyo et al.; P. Newhouse (2020), examined some of the challenges of
the existing computer-based testing systems and came up with a new system that could be
deployed on either internet or intranet.
The proposed scheme was designed by a unified process using UML. Security and
result integrity features were integrated in the system. The examiner should answer some
questions on the first login and should update his authentication details. All authentications
are logged automatically by the system in order to determine any illegal access. Also, an
examinee could not have more than one active session running simultaneously.

Role Of Online Assessment
In these digital days of learning, in the academic course delivery and curricula, the teachers
and the trainers always want to know whether their student knowledge assessment practices
are appropriate or not. In a traditional face to face learning environment, the students are
assessed by 'conducting some kinds of unit test or term-end examinations. On the basis, how
students have done in the examination, some grades are assigned to them and promotes to
the next class. This is traditional learning. As we know that due to the increase in popularity
of Open and Distance Learning (ODL), a huge number of students like to opt this type of
education system. The main advantage of ODL system is that there is no age limit of the
learners. It has been observed that the number of students in ODL system is increasing due
to its flexible learning opportunities. But there are some disadvantages in the ODL system.
These are:

(a) Physical communication gap among the teachers and the learners;
(b) Assessment of students' knowledge. But in case of traditional classroom face to face
learning or ODL system, the main problem I have observed is related with the
learners' assessment policies we adopt. The solution is to adopt online assessment
techniques. The advantage of using online assessment techniques in both the face-
to-face learning and in ODL systems are:
a. Instant feedback
b. Easy individual and group feedback
c. Monitor group process as well as outcomes
d. Easy distribution to markers
e. Less time marking
f. Increased opportunities for practice and feedback

Importance of Online Assessment

Applications of CBTS in Nigeria Computer Based software has come a long way in Nigeria
and is more adopted in mass-driven examination. This is to curb time wasting during
marking, assessment and provide error free computations and result. A CBT is aimed at
providing good execution of examination and evaluation. Recently the Joint Admission
Matriculation Board (JAMB), the body responsible for admission into University employed
the use of electronic examination in conducting her examinations. Universities, Polytechnic
and Secondary schools have adopted this means in assessing and evaluating student’s

performance. Some Universities fully or partially implementing the CBTS for assessing their
students include the following:

 University of Ibadan in conducting Post Graduate

 Use of English Test Examination Obafemi Awlowo University, Ile Ife
 National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
 University of Ilorin, Ilorin
 Federal University of Technology, Minna
 Covenant University, Ota (Private)
 University of Nigeria, Nsukka
 University of Lagos, Lagos

Some secondary schools fully or partially implementing the CBTs for assessing their
students include the following: Hallmark College Ibadan (for Senior School only) Sunshine
Secondary (both Junior and Senior Secondary school) Furthermore, the Joint Admissions
and Matriculation Board (JAMB) which is the national matriculation examination body for
admissions into Nigerian higher institutions of learning has adopted the use of a CBTS for
the conduct of its examination. The revolutionary dimensions of this ICT-enhanced service
has revolutionized the body in attaining almost 100% result computation, minimizing cheats
and early delivering of results to students.

2.0.5Related Works

There have been numerous researches focusing on the development of Computer

based test and Electronic learning information system. Zhenming et al (2018) developed a
novel online examination system based on a Browser/Server framework which carries out
automatic grading of objective questions for basic computer operating skills. The courses
included Visual Basic programming, Microsoft Windows operating system, Word, Excel
and PowerPoint editing, Internet and Email skills. It was successfully applied to the distance
evaluation of basic operating skills of students offering computer science in some
Universities. The system was a distributed collaborative system which was based on
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) technology. Internet Information Server 4.0
(IIS) was used as the Web Server, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 as Database Server and a user
friendly browser as the client’s interface. Cryptography, real-time monitoring system and
data transmission encryption were used to guarantee security of the system. The system can

be improved on through a random administration of questions to reduce the level of
examination malpractice. The CBT system developed by Fagbola et al (2018) was an online
examination system that assesses students using multiple choice questions set by the
lecturers and is capable of grading students accordingly. The system provides an effective
solution for mass student evaluation and provides numerous functionalities such as auto-
submission of examination on expiration of set time, auto grading of students and
examination result report generation. The Waterfall Model of software development Life
cycle was adopted and the conceptual design (activity diagram, the use cases, the data flow
diagram and the entity-relationship diagram) were presented. Macromedia Dreamweaver
8.0, Microsoft Visual Studio 2020 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 were the tools used for
the development of the CBT system. The system was implemented using C# (C Sharp) and
SQL server. The CBT system was composed of six different functional pages which are the
student login page, the admin login page, the result summary page, the question page,
question upload and configuration page and the student result page. It was expected that the
system would proffer solutions to challenges such as examination malpractices, low capacity
examination venues, inadequate invigilators and inadequate examination materials.
Performance assessment of the CBT system was carried out using 250 students and the
statistics proved the system as highly flexible. This CBT system can be improved on through
the implementation of essay-based questions. Integration of students’ continuous assessment
should also be included for it to be effective in a tertiary institution. Taşci et al (2018)
proposed an online examination system architecture which provides for integrated
management of an examination main functionalities. These include question pool creation
and update, examination authoring, execution and evaluation, management of the feedbacks
from students, along with ensuring use of analysis reports related to the questions and
examination created by an intelligent agent in the decision-making processes. The system
architecture includes Administration, Implementation, Finalization and Support layer. A
Monitoring Agent was designed to help students through creating reports. Analyses on this
system at Sakarya University Turkey showed that the proposed intelligent agent supports
online examination system, detects problems that may arise and enables the instructors to
make decisions more easily on such problems in a shorter time. The expert system which
uses the IF-THEN construct is expected to expand to include additional intelligent features
with the aim of resolving different problems.



3.0.1 Introduction
The Computer Based Test Software developed in this work is based on the existing
implementation infrastructures and also modeled to along the traditional mode of
examination. The systems adaptability has been improved to meet the demands of the
Nigerian structure of higher institutional examination systems. The Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) for this system is the Waterfall Model and Reuse-oriented software
Model. The CBTS design was presented using; use case diagrams, architectural diagram,
entity-relationship diagram and data flow diagram. The design was based on the users and
system requirements of the CBTS.

CBTs Development Life Cycle

The Waterfall model was used in the development of the software. It is an example of a
plan-driven process—in principle, one must plan and schedule all of the process activities
before starting work on them. All the process activities of the software from the admin login
page to the user login page were carefully planned before commencement of the project. The
principal stages of the waterfall model directly reflect the fundamental development
 Requirements Analysis and Definition
The CBT system’s services, constraints, and goals are established by consultation with
system users (students in this case). They are then defined in detail and serve as a system
 System and software design:
The CBT systems design process allocates the requirements to either hardware or software
systems by establishing an overall system architecture.
 Implementation and unit testing during this stage:
The CBT software design is implemented and each unit tested before overall testing is done
on actual students. All takes are duly corrected and improvement made.
 Integration and system testing:
The individual program units or programs are integrated and tested as a complete system to
ensure that the CBT software requirements have been met. After testing, the CBT software
system is delivered to the institution.
3.0.2 Operation and maintenance:

This is the longest life cycle phase. The CBT system is installed and put into practical use. It
is regularly maintained by correcting errors which were not discovered in earlier stages of
the life cycle, improving the implementation of system units and enhancing the CBT
system’s services as new requirements are discovered. Using the waterfall model, the CBTS
SDLC was split up into a number of independent steps as shown in Figure 1 below. Each
step was carried out in sequence and accordance to one after the other. The previous stage is
always completed before moving to the next stage of the life cycle.
The phases involved in the CBTS SDLC are:
4 Requirements Analysis and Definition
5 System and Software Design
6 Implementation and Unit testing
7 Integration and System testing
8 Operation and Maintenance

Fig 1:
Another model used is the Reuse-oriented software model. The CBT software reused the
core component of the software for creating other subjects meaning that each subject can be
modified to specific use by admin.

Requirement Analysis and Definition Requirements analysis and definition

Involves the writing of a clear statement, often in natural language, of what the system is
expected to provide for its users. This information is called the requirements specification.
Requirements elicitations also called requirements recovery is the process of gathering
information about the required system and existing systems, and distilling the user and
system requirements from this information. Sources of information during the requirements
discovery phase include documentation, system stakeholders, and specifications of similar
systems. Requirements elicitations were derived from the interaction with students and
lecturers of different Institutions and also from literature review of other related works.

The Student:
The Fig. 2 below shows the Student’s Use case diagram indicating what student will be able
to do on the system before and after successful login:
 Log in to the system using specified registration number
 Full name is displayed immediately the correct registration
 Number is entered the system displays a message when the students registration
 Number is not registered on the course database
 Login button to start exam

Fig 2: Use Case Diagram for Student.


The Fig. 3 above shows the use case diagram for the teacher indicating that he/she will be
able to perform the following functionalities
3.0.5 The Administrator:
This paper focuses on using Component Based Software model to develop Computer based
software. The core file representing the major component which runs the software. The file
is copied and pasted in the “www” folder of the local server and represented as a subject.
This can then be used to further create more subjects depending on the number required. Fig.
4 shows the Administrator’s Use case diagram indicating that administrator shall be able to:
 Create default password for all users
 Create student courses
 Set timer for each course
 Log on to the system using their username and password
 Register new student information in the system
 View and modify examination questions and corresponding
 Answers Upload bulk questions at a time
 Search, register and update student existing information
 View the scores of his or her own students
Fig 4: Use case Diagram for admin

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the CBT system

A data flow diagram (DFD) uses a very limited number of primitive symbols to represent
the functions performed by a system and the data flow among the functions. Starting with a

set of high-level functions that a system performs, a DFD model hierarchy represents
various sub-functions. The data flow diagram depicted in figure 5 below shows the
relationship among the entities in the CBT system. The entity “STUDENT‟ can take an
examination after he or she gains access to the system. The entity “LECTURER‟ can upload
bulk questions and corresponding answers to be answered by student into the CBT database
using any preferred question format, set the examination instructions and configure the
correct options or set of options for the questions. The entity “ADMINISTRATOR‟ is
saddled with the responsibility of inserting students, teacher and setting the default password
for the users of the system. The entity “SERVER‟ is responsible for authenticating the users
of the system and also provides the timing functionality for the examination. The system
logs off a student upon expiration of duration for the examination.


Fig 5: Data Flow Diagram for the CBT Software.

3.0.6 Entity relationship Diagram
Entity relationship diagram (ERD) for the CBT Software ERD is a data-modeling tool and
can be drawn using a variety of notations. They are normally represented in an Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD), which uses graphical representations to model database
components. Fig. 6 shows the ERD for the CBT software:

Fig. 6: Entity Relationship Diagram for the CBT Software.
3.0.8 Programming Tools for the Developed CBT:
 System WAMP local server
 Notepad ++


Analysis and Discussion/System Implementation

4.1.0 Introduction
With the system requirements having been specified and the system analysis carried out, the
new system has to be implemented and tested. Thus, this chapter explains how
implementation process of the system was carried and also provides how the users interact
with the system.

4.2.0 System Interfaces Implementation

This is the state or phase of the project in which theory is turned into practical. During this
phase, all the programs of the system are loaded onto user’s computer on the main server.

The system module contains all the separate system pages that carry out specific functions.
The interfaces of the system are:


Fig 4

Is the first interface seen on opening the system. As shown in Figure 4.1 above, it contains a
login area allowing both the admins and candidate to log into the system.

4.3.0 Student Page:

Fig 5. Student Page:

This is an interface that allows candidates to start the CBT examination by selecting the
subject he/she wish to start with. It also carries the submission button, The page also
contains timer so that to help candidates keep track of time. The figure above shows the
screenshot of the page.

4.4.0 Examination Page:

Fig 6 Examination Page:

The figure above is a summary page which contains information of the examination and

Fig 7

The above fig7 is the examination page which shows question and multiple choice answer.

4.5.0 Admin Dashboard:

This is the most important interface on the system. The interface allows the admin carryout
all administrative activities on the system. This includes lock and unlocking the
examination, searching for registered student. Also viewing student etc. are all allowed on
the Admin Dashboard.

Fig 8. Admin Dashboard

4.5.1 System testing:

According to Aggarwal &Yogesh (2022), Testing is the process of executing a program with
the intent of finding errors. We should test the program’s responses to every possible input.
It means we should test for all valid and invalid inputs. Although software testing is itself an
expensive activity, yet launching of software without testing may lead to cost potentially
much higher than that of testing, especially in systems where human safety is involved. In
the software life cycle the earlier the errors are discovered and removed, the lower is the cost
of their removal.

System testing of software is testing conducted on a completed, integrated system to

evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. This software has been
tested with data and it is functioning well. This was done through the use of properly
selected input data; ensure reliability and accuracy of output. The test data consists of
student’s personal details. All these varying data used in testing the system’s performance,
gives the assurance that the new system will achieve its aim and objectives. For this reason
there is need to test for all possible values to check if the system is really working base on
what is was programmed for.


Test Case Test Purpose Test Condition Expected Outcome Result

Login Check Candidate If Candidate details was Give access to the Pass
Registration wrong, show error examination only
Number message when login detail is

Select Check whether If the student doesn’t Give access to Pass

TAKE student has register for the exam, show student only if they
EXAM registered for the error message and remain register for the
particular in subject page and refresh course
examination after 15 sec

View Check wheather all If all the examination Submit the Pass
Submission questions for all question have been examination.
Icon subjects have been answered

4.5.3 Software Maintenance

The system is assessed to ensure that it doesn’t become obsolete. This is also where changes
are made to initial software. It involves continuous evaluation of the system in terms of its
performance. This otherwise known as support phase that focuses on changes associated
with error, correction, adaptations required as the software environment evolves, changes
due to enhancements brought about by changing customers’ requirements. In general, four
types of changes are encountered during this phase which are:

i. Correction: Defect discovered during the use of the software can be corrected by the
software developer which is known as corrective maintenance.
ii. Adaptation: Over time, original environment such as Operating System, Central
Processing Units (CPU) for which the software was developed is likely to change.
Thus, adaptive maintenance results in modification of software to accommodate
changes in its external environment. dd

iii. Enhancement: As software is used, the user will recognize additional functions to
increase productivity of software. Perfective maintenance extends the software
beyond its original functional requirements.



5.1.0 Summary:
In this project a CBT system is developed and proposed for adoption in Kebbi State
University of Science and Technology Aliero. The computer based test system is an online
examination system that delivers questions set by the lecturers to the student and generates
the report of the results of students who take the examination as well as overall examination
result summary based on the user’s query.
5.2.0 Conclusion:

In an evolving and technologically-driven world, the need for a computerized examination

system in our University cannot be overemphasized. The information system is an online
examination system that delivers questions randomly set by the lecturers to the student and
generates the report of the results of students who take the examination as well as overall
examination result summary. In this project, a CBT system is developed and deployed in
Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero using Component Based Software
model. Using this model provided the CBT software with independent extensions,
component market, interactions between components and reduced cost in deployment of the
software. There are challenges involved in using CBSE as maintenance cost and timing to
develop software components takes a big effort. Challenges encountered in traditional
examinational mode which includes examination malpractices, low capacity examination
venues, inadequate invigilators, inadequate examination materials, omission of student’s
results and human error(s) during the marking / grading process will be automatically
eliminated following the adoption of this system. The cost implication of conducting a mass-
driven examination will become drastically and significantly reduced as there will be no
need to print questions or answer booklets anymore. However, future research work should
accommodate theory-based questions as opposed to only the multiple-choice and structured
question formats that the CBT system currently accommodates. Also, provision for video-
based e-assessment can be investigated.

5.3.0 Recommendation:

I recommend this project for further studies so that the other means of developing an
enhanced computer-based test system with better capabilities than this can be explored. The

personnel should be employed to train how a user can make use of the system effectively
before installation so as to make the new system operationally successful.
This project recommends that if this system is implemented in the department of computer
science, KSUSTA. The cost implication of conducting a mass-driven examination will
become drastically and significantly reduced as there will be no need to print questions or
answer booklets anymore.

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