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7 Apollo Archive Viewer

7.1 Introduction

The Apollo Archive Viewer is a PC-based Windows program for viewing archive data extracted from Apollo
controllers using the USB function “Get Archive Files”. See Appendix B USB Menu for information on using
the USB menu. Selecting “Get Archive Files” will retrieve data from the controller and update the archive files
on your USB disk. The data can be imported from the USB disk and saved or updated on your PC. If data is
periodically updated from the pumping system, it is possible to build a continuous log of the system data.
7.2 Archive File Location—Apollo Version 3.500 and later
Apollo Versions 3.500 and later will write a single zip file to the USB as shown below. In this example, the
Sitename configured on Apollo is “Sitename” and the Wellname is “Wellname”. All the required files are zipped
into one file as shown on the screenshot below on the left. When the files are unzipped, they will all be in a single
file as shown on the right. When sending files to be used with the Archive Viewer, be sure to send the zip file.

Before you can view the files with the Archive Viewer, you should unzip them into a folder on your PC. One way to
do this is to create a folder on your desktop, then double-click on the zip file. Then, click and drag the folder to the
folder you created on the desktop.

7.3 Archive File Location—Apollo Versions prior to 3.500

Apollo Versions prior to 3.500 do not zip the files. They will be written to the USB as shown below. In this example,
the Sitename configured on Apollo is “Sitename” and the Wellname is “Wellname”. As you see below, the files are
placed under the sitename and the wellname folders, but with this version they are not zipped.
To send the archive data, zip it into a single file by right clicking on the wellname and selecting “Send to” on the drop-
down and then selecting “Compressed (zipped) Folder”. If you don’t have USB write privilege on your PC, you can
copy the folders onto your pc before zipping the files.

You will then have a file named which can be easily e-mailed.
7.4 Installation and Licensing

The latest release version of the Apollo Archive Viewer is available on the GE Support Central Drives
& Controls Support page ( Download the
latest version (Apollo Archive

If a previous version of the archive viewer is already installed on your computer, please use the
Control Panel to remove it before installing a new version. Note that the Archive Viewer works with
all versions of Apollo Software 2.10 or greater.
Double-click on the file Apollo Archive Viewer then double-click on “Apollo Archive Viewer.msi” to begin
the installation.

Figure 176: Apollo Archive Viewer Setup

Follow the on-screen instructions. When installation is complete, a shortcut will be placed on your desktop.

Figure 177: Desktop shortcut for Archive Viewer

Double-click on the icon to start the Archive Viewer. A dialog may appear informing you that the license file
is missing.
Figure 178: License Request Code-Screen 1

If you see a dialog as in Figure 178, click the “Self-serve License Site” button and follow the instructions,
otherwise skip to Section7.3ImportingApolloData,page190. If you have problems with the self-serve site,
click the “Send E-mail request for New License” to create an e-mail request for a license. Send the e-mail.
If you cannot send the e-mail from the computer on which the Archive Viewer was installed, send the
request code as text to Please do not send a screen shot or image of the request

The response for e-mail requests is not automated and will be sent back as soon as possible
during USA Central Time office hours.
Copy and Paste the response code from the website or e-mail into the License Response Code field. Click the “Write
New License” button. The license will be validated.

Figure 179: License Response Code-Screen

Figure 180: License Validated Screen

Click OK to continue.

7.5 Importing Apollo Data

To Import new well data, click on “Update or Import New Data”. If you want to view data you have already
imported, see Displaying Previously Imported Data.

Figure 181: Archive Viewer Control Panel

To import new data, click on the button highlighted above and navigate to the folder that contains the data retrieved
from the Apollo Controller.
Note that the data must be unzipped to view it. Apollo version 3.508 and later will automatically zip all the
required files into a single file on the USB disk. Double-click on the zip file and then drag the contained
folder out of the zip file to another location on your PC.

The well name will be the name of the folder under which the data files will be located. If a Site Name was specified,
a Site Name folder will contain all the wells using that Site Name. Within the data folder, click on the file “<Well
Name>.sbc” to import the data. Every time you retrieve data from the Apollo Controller and then Import the data
using the import function, the new data is merged with the prior data. If the data is retrieved periodically, the Archive
Viewer will attempt to build a continuous log of the Apollo system data.

Figure 182: Selecting Archive Data to Import

Using the drop-down menus, select the channels you want to view. The Event List will be sorted according to
the option selected with the “Sort By” drop-down. The “Create Event Log File” button will write an Event Log
text file sorted in the same way.

If you know the date for the data you want to view, use the drop-down calendar to select it. You can also
select the time/date to view by selecting an event from the Event Log drop-down.
Figure 183: Archive Viewer Control Panel—After data is imported and
channels to view selected.

The text at the bottom of the panel shows the file path where the data is archived. If you want to view the same data
later without re-importing the data, take note of this location and click on “View Well Data”. Navigate to the noted
location and again select the “.sbc” file located there to view the data. Your channel selections and scaling will be
saved for each well.

7.6 Displaying the Archive Data

Refer to Figure 184 below.

1. If you want to change the vertical scaling, click on the channel label at the top of the graph screen. Note
that by default, auto-scaling is used for all channels. See Channel_Menu for modifying vertical scaling.
2. Color-coded vertical scales for each channel.
3. “Write Text File” writes a spread-sheet type text file (.csv) of the historical data currently shown on
the graph.
4. Event drop-down window allows you to choose “No Events”, “Faults” or “All Events”.
5. Click on the ARROW buttons to move forward and backwards in time. Double Arrows move a full
page while the Single Arrows move one division. You can also use the left/right arrow keys to
move a full page backwards or forwards.
6. Click on the “+” button to “zoom-in” or the “-“ button to “zoom-out”. You can also use the up-arrow key to
zoom in and the down-arrow key to zoom out.
7. Chart Size drop-down allows you to choose the amount of time shown on the horizontal scale. This
can also be accomplished with the zoom buttons.
8. Clicking anywhere on the graph draws a vertical line, prints the time/date and numeric high and low
values for all channels at that point in time. When this line is shown, when you zoom in or change
the chart size, the time/date shown next to the line will be at the center of the graph when it is
9. Click on Maximize to increase the size of the graph.

Figure 184: Graph Screen

If you are viewing the data on a computer that is in the same time-zone as the Apollo system,
the time/date stamps will be the same as the Apollo clock. The Archive Viewer always shows
the time/date as if the data was logged using local time on the computer displaying the data.
7.7 Archive Viewer Channel Menu

Click on one of the Channel Labels at the top of the graph to display the channel menu.

Figure 185: Channel Menu

Vertical Scaling can be modified on a channel-by-channel basis.

• Manual Scaling allows the user to select the vertical scale for the channel.
• Auto Scale (High & Low) automatically sets the minimum and maximum value so that all the points
on the page fit on the vertical scale.
• Auto High Scale (Low Manual) provides an automatic high scale and a fixed low scale. This is the default
setting with the Min Value set at 0.

The auto scaling works well to position all the traces on the screen but can be deceiving because
the scaling may automatically change when zooming or moving forward and backwards in time.
The “Don’t show this trace” check-box can be used to temporarily hide this channel if you need to simplify the graph
by reducing the number of traces shown.
“Previous” and “Next” changes the Channel Menu to a different channel. “OK” closes
the Channel Menu dialog.

7.8 Changing Displayed Channels

If you want to see different channels, close the graph screen using the X in the upper right corner. Use the drop-
down channel lists to change the channels you want to view
7.9 Displaying Previously Imported Data

Click on “View Existing Well Data” to select data previously imported.

Figure 186: Viewing Previously Imported Data

The Archive Viewer files are saved in “My Documents\Apollo Data”. This set of files is a merged copy of the
imported data which is updated every time you “Update or Import New Data”. If you are importing multiple
data sets from the same controller, make sure you import the oldest set first, followed by the next oldest
and so on. When you view files using the “View Existing” button, the Archive Viewer will have retained the
channel view selections.

Figure 187: Selecting Previously Imported Well Data

7.10 Transferring Apollo Archive Data

For Apollo versions 3.500 and later, the archive data will already be packaged in a zip file. It is ready to transfer, so
this section can be disregarded. To E-mail or otherwise transfer Apollo Archive Data, insert the USB disk (used to
extract data) into your computer and look for a folder named the same as the pumping system’s Site name. Within
the Site Name folder, look for a folder with the same name as the Well Name. If there is no Site Name used, look
the Well Name in the root of the USB.

Figure 188: Choose the Well Data (on USB Drive)

Select the Well Name folder and right click. Click on “Send to” then on “Compressed (zipped) folder.

Figure 189: Creating a Zip File

This will create a zip file containing all the required data for the Archive Viewer. It is now ready to be
transferred by e-mail or other method.

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