Ejercicio de Práctica Negocios I Tema 17

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Ejercicio de práctica.

Tema 17

Now we will practice another reading comprehension.

A) Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer: Underline the correct ones.

1. It is impolite to lift the plate to your mouth in:

a) Japan b) England c) Ukraine

2. When you make noise when you eat in Japan it means that:

a) you are ill b) you are impolite c) you like the food

3. Keepings hands on the table is:

a) Polite in Mexico, but impolite in Britain; b) Impolite in Mexico and polite in Britain.

c) Impolite in both countries.

4. In Arab countries you….

a) Should eat with your right hand; b) Shouldn´t eat with your right hand.

b) Can eat with both hands.

5. You should say “thank you” and “please” when ….

a) You ask and get something; b) You start eating.

c) You don´t like the food.

6. Speaking when you´re eating is impolite:

a) In some cultures; b) In all the cultures; c) In most cultures.

B) True or False.

1. The manners are not the same in all the countries. VERDADERO

2. Lifting your plate to your mouth is normal in England but impolite in Japan. FALSO

3. If you like the food in Japan, you usually make noise with your eating. VERDADERO
4. In Mexico it is normal to keep the hands on the table when you are eating.

5. In Ukraine it is normal eating first. FALSO

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