English 9-Fourth Grading Exam

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Plaridel, Libjo, Dinagat Islands



Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________

Year & Section: _____________________________ Score: _________

Instructions: Read and answer each question carefully. Using Zip Grade Answer Sheet, shade the letter that
corresponds to your choice.

1. What is being define as “is how appropriate something is to what is being said at a given time”?
A. Bias B. Fact C, Relevance D. Truth

2. The following are tips on how to spot factual or truthful information, except one. Which one does not belong?
A. Read beyond C. Consider the source
B. Always rely on social mediaD. Verify supporting sources

3. What do you call the multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and
A. Listening B. Reading C. Viewing D. Writing

4. More than 70% of earth's surface is ocean. What is the proof that makes this statement a fact?
A. It’s just a hearsay from our ancestors.
B. It’s not proven yet; earth is a vast of land.
C. It’s just an opinion, only 60% of earth's surface is ocean.
D. It's compiled from the studies of experts over many millennia

5. Valentine's Day is on February 14th. What is the proof that makes this statement a fact?
A. It is a holiday.
B. Everyone receives flowers that day.
C. It is an honor to St. Valentine, a Catholic priest
D. Your father and mother always celebrate Valentines Day.

For items 6-8.

Filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such difficult conditions, and more and more are
falling into extreme poverty. According to the Asian Development Bank, the major causes of poverty
include: low economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased population rates and a high volume
of inequality. Because of these factors, there are a lot of effects of poverty in the Philippines that make it
difficult for people to live in such circumstances. The best way to face poverty among Filipinos is to be
resilient in every problem that may come along in life.

6. What problem is reflected in the text?

A. The poverty of the Filipinos.
B. The poverty of the Filipinos that hinder them to survive.
C. The major causes and factors of poverty among Filipinos.
D. The Filipinos are having a hard time surviving because of extreme poverty.

7. According to the selection, which of the following is the best way to face poverty?
A. Filipinos should be resilient.
B. Filipinos should rely on the government program.
C. Filipinos should wait for the subsidy from the government.
D. Filipinos should ask for wage increase from the government.
8. Which of the following is a way to develop resilience?
A. rejecting change C. maintaining a negative view of yourself
B. viewing problems as solvable D. maintaining connection with family and friends
9.Do this. Do that. Always something I should do or follow. Then when I do it, it’s all wrong. We’ll I’m
glad I left. There will be no eagle eyes watching my every move. I can breathe now.
Which is a correct judgment based on the passage above?
A. The speaker has left home.
B. The speaker has been watched by an eagle.
C. The speaker is happy when he is at home.
D. The speaker is unhappy about his decision to leave.

10. “Leo is tired all the time. He has hardly any energy, either for school works or for sports or outdoor
activities. But he always insists that he is fine.”
If you were Leo, what will you do?
A. Insist that I am fine.
B. Sleep and rest whenever I feel tired
C. Prohibits myself in sports and outdoor activities
D. Consult a doctor to find out my health condition.

11. Read the dialog in the box. How is the message conveyed?

A. Negatively
B. Positively
C. Neutrally
D. All of the above

12. Which of the following statements shows the positive view about mobile games?
A. It distracts teenagers from their academic priorities.
B. It enhances the analytic and critical skills of players.
C. It promotes messages about violence among teenagers.
D. It negatively affects their physical and psychological health.

13. Which of the following statements shows the negative view about social media?
A. It breeds cyber bullying and depression.
B. It can be an avenue for business opportunities.
C. It allows people to create online communities and friendship.
D. It develops the information and communication (ICT) skills of teenagers.

14. What do you call the tendency to favor a person, group or thing or point of view over another, often in
an unfair way?
A. Bias B. Fact C. Opinion D. Prejudice

15. Which of the following statements expresses bias?

A. The Earth rotates on its own axis.
B. Jose Rizal is our country’s national hero.
C. Putting rubbing alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses.
D. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

16. Which of the following statement manifest prejudice?

A. Pretty people are dumb.
B. I dislike girls who play with guns.
C. hate classical music. It’s too complex.
D. People who are good at math are brainy.

17. What type of genre is the movie “Through Night and Day”.
A. Comedy B. Drama C. Melodrama D. Tragedy

18. What do the lines of the movie mean? “ Ang ganda ng sunset”. Parang ako palubog na? Hindi, parang
ikaw, maganda”.
A. a representation of failure C. a representation of love.
B. a representation of ending life. D. a representation of another day.

19. Most learners find English subject easy to learn.

What do the statement above manifests?
A. generalization B. an opinion C. a fact D. faulty generalization

20. What is the signal word to prove this statement is invalid. All students can manage their time properly.
A. students B. all C. can D. their

21. Learning how to spell the words is easier than pronouncing it.
What do the statement express?
A. fact B. opinion C. generalization D. faulty generalization

22. Some people are afraid of ghosts. Is the statement a valid generalization?
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Does not say

23.What do you call an idea which is true and can be proven?

A. bias B. fact C. fallacy D. opinion

24. What do you call the idea which is believed to be true, yet it is really false due to incorrect information?
A. bias B. fact C. opinion D. fallacy

25. Kent took a picture of a policeman who tried to push the demonstrator. He deleted the picture of a
demonstrator who hit the policeman badly. How would you classify the situation?
A. bias B. opinion C. fact D. fallacy

26. Somebody shared a video from the internet about the climate change in the Philippines. It was shown in
the video that some parts of the Philippines are experiencing snowfall. It was then confirmed by the
PAGASA that there was no such phenomenon happening in the country.
A. bias B. fact C. fallacy D. opinion

27. A certain citizen gave his idea to the reporter about the reconstruction of the newly erected building of
the local government employees. He told the reporter that instead of allocating the budget to the
reconstruction of that building, they should allocate that certain budget to the poor people.
How would you classify the situation above?
A. bias B. fact C. fallacy D. opinion

28. The TV reporter presented the real scenario of the society with complete evidence like data and records.
How would you classify the situation?
A. bias B. fact C. fallacy D. opinion

29. Which of the following is an example of prejudice?

A. Only his nearest neighbor shared a substantial volume of food.
B. Of all the women living in that area, only the beautiful ones were given free access to the new
C. I found out that the goods here are cheaper than the other stores, so I chose to buy here without
D Person with a mental condition should be prohibited from schooling. They may not have the
learning potential.

30. How do you deal with being judged without them knowing the whole story?
A. I stay away from them C. I don’t mind them anymore.
B. I continue doing what is right. D. I never talk to them anymore

For items 31-36

There was an old horse. One day accidentally he fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer has
evaluated the situation and thought to himself, that neither the well nor the old horse was worthy of
saving. Thus, he decided to haul dirt to bury the old horse in the well.
So, the farmer called his neighbors and together they started to shovel dirt into the well. The
old horse was terrified and hysterical in the beginning. But soon one hopeful idea came to his mind
– every time a shovel of dirt landed on his back, he would shake it off and step up!
31. What is the fable all about?
A. The selection is about a happy horse.
B. The selection is about a horse who is afraid to die.
C. The selection is all about a horse who strived hard to overcome death.
D. The selection is all about a horse who was buried and never escaped death.

32. How did the horse escape its death?

A. The horse was able to go out from the well.
B. The horse’s friend tried to save him out of the well.
C. The horse cried for help when the farmer hauled dirt to bury him.
D. The horse shook off and stepped up when the dirt landed on his back.

33. At what instance could the horse tell that he saved his life?
A. When he was able to fight back the farmer.
B. When he was able to shout that “he is the winner”.
C. When he was able to sleep during their fight with the farmer.
D. When he was able to step over into the well’s wall by his determination.

34. What is meant by “He decided to face his adversity positively and to not give up, and thus he won”?
A. He bravely faced the difficult situation he was in.
B. He cowardly turned his back to his enemy.
C. He cried and gave up during the fight.
D. He surrendered during the fight.

35. What moral lesson did you get from the story?
A. Loyalty is a sign of friendship.
B. One word is enough for a wise man.
C. Be courageous enough to accept defeat.
D. Believe in yourself amidst trials and adversities

36. What characteristics of the horse made you appreciate him in the story?
A. being lovable despite the pressure in life.
B. being strong despite of life’s trials.
C. being a good friend to his enemy.
D. being a good son to his parents.

37. How do you determine the truth’s relevance of ideas in a text?

A. It is true if it is based on hearsay.
B. It is a fact if it is based on your family’s choice and decision.
C. It is a true statement if it is always practiced in a certain community.
D. It is true if it is based on statistics, observation, verification, and evidence
For items 38- 43
Listen and watch the video then answer the questions below.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsNXKKGXXts

38. What is the argument all about?

A. Abortion C. Cyber bullying
B. Addiction D. Poverty

39. What is the purpose of the argument?

A. to inform c. to persuade
B. to entertain d. to encourage

40. What makes the argument convincing and truthful?

A. it provides factual information
B. it is from a well-known news site
C. it has a convincing broadcaster
D. it presents prominent government officials

41 Which of the following makes the argument relevant?

A. it states issues that are prevalent nowadays
B. it contains pertinent answers on issues
C. it presents both sides of the issue.
D. All of the above

42. What is being referred to as anti-human according to the argument?

A. gang rape C. fetal impairment
B. life and death issue D. advocating abortion

43. Based on the arguments of the two speakers you have listened to, what triggered Atty. Claire Padilla to
advocate safe and legal abortion in the country?
A. A mentally challenge young woman who was gang raped twice and got pregnant.
B. Upholding a woman’s right to live.
C. A healthy life free from disability.
D. All of the above.

44. Your barangay is advocating clean and green community program because water pollution is
becoming widespread. As a student, how will help the advocacy of your barangay?
A. segregate garbage at home C. participate in the coastal clean-up drive
B. support the barangay captain D. make a poster about youth development

45. You learned from your teacher that your younger brother cut classes last week. What will you do?
A. tell my parents to scold my brother
B. tell my brother to be careful next time.
C. tell my parents so they can guide my brother
D. tell my parents if my brother would do it again

46. You observed that your classmate smokes inside the campus. Being the class president, what is your
solution to this problem?
A. call the attention of his parents.
B. tell our class adviser about the problem.
C. call the attention of our barangay captain.
D. talk the whole class and tell them about it.

47. Which of the following statements expresses a negative message?

A. No pain, no gain.
B. The news hit me like a tsunami.
C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D. Although my aunt lives abroad, she sometimes calls us to say hello.
48. What issue is depicted in the picture?
A. Corona virus B. inflation rate C. Climate change D. population growth

For items 49-50.



49. Which of the following picture depicts a positive message?

50. Which picture illustrates the negative effects of industrialization?

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