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SCHOOL : Iligan City National High School GRADE LEVEL :8

TEACHER : Gwendolyn Shelby Calatrava LEARNING AREA : Science
DATE : April 19, 2023 QUARTER : 4th
Day 3
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the digestive system and its
A. Content Standard interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems in
providing the body with nutrients for energy.
B. Performance Standard Report on what are the functions of the organs in the digestive system.

C. Learning Competencies The learners should be able to: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and
A. Subject Matter Structures and Functions: Focus on the Digestive System
A. References Science Learner’s Module pp.

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Guide Pages

3. Textbook Pages Science Learner’s Module pp.

4. Additional Materials for

Learning Portals Science Quarter 3 – Module 4: Periodic Table of Elements

B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation

Resources Video Presentation

Facilitator’s Activity Learner’s Activity
1. Prayer DepEd Interfaith prayer
“Good morning/afternoon, class!” “Good morning/afternoon ma’am,
it’s nice to see you this

“At the count of 5, I want you to keep Learners do what is told.

all your things, arrange your chairs,
2. Checking of Attendance and pick up pieces of papers and
plastics under your armchairs. 1, 2, 3,
4, 5”

The teacher will tell the students to go Learners will sit to their respective
back to their proper seats. The Class or assigned seats for the checking of
Secretary will check the attendance. attendance.
• Be Responsible Learners will listen
• Be Safe attentively to the
• Be Caring reminders and respond
3. Reading of the House
• Be Respectful accordingly.

4. Reviewing of the Past

Lesson “Learners, before we proceed to our “We talked about the parts of the
next topic, recall what we discussed in Digestive System Ma’am”
our previous unit?”
“We identified the different organs
“Yes, that’s right.” of the Digestive System Ma’am.”

At the end of the lesson, we will be

able to:
5. Reading of the  Give the function of each organ
Objectives  Describe how some accessory
organs and glands help the body
in the digestive process

What do you know about the digestive It turns food into “poop”; stomach
system? acid dissolves food.

Let the students go their group mates in

Science. Distribute a set of “Digestive
System Organ/Structure Cards” to each

(Place cards in order, then check

with the list on the board; make any
Ask students to place these cards in
necessary adjustments on the
order that food would travel through
order: )
the digestive system, starting with the
6. Motivation Teeth/mouth
Small intestine
Large intestine

All of you are correct! Now, distribute Determine which functions go with
the set of “Digestive System Function each organ/structure of the
Cards” to each group. digestive system.


1. Introduction of the How did your group determine which By reading the description, we
Lesson function went with each organ? matched the ones that seemed to go
together first, then what was left we
could tell by what we already knew.

Now, how might the digestive system Ma’am! The teeth grind the food;
change food into a form that can be stomach acids break down the food.
used by the body?

Now that we’re already done with

identifying the parts of the Digestive
System, today we are going to learn
about their respective functions.
2. Presentation of the
Lesson The first organ that we have class is the “The mouth is the opening for
mouth. What do you think is the taking in food or any substance into
function of the mouth in the entire the body through the mouth
digestive system? Ma’am.”

“That’s right. The journey of the food

starts at the mouth. Inside your mouth, “The teeth, which is a mix of
you have a set of teeth and a tongue, canines and molars will masticate
what are its functions class?” (tear/bite/grind/crush) the food into
smaller pieces while the tongue,
which is a muscular organ, mixes
the food with saliva and aids with
swallowing Ma’am.”
“Correct. While the food is in the
mouth, the teeth cut, crush, and break it
apart into tiny pieces while the tongue
helps mix food with saliva secreted by
the salivary glands”

“Inside your mouth, an accessory organ

is also found that secretes an important “It’s called the salivary gland
substance that helps in digesting food, Ma’am, which secretes saliva and
what is this accessory organ class?” enzymes Ma’am.”

“Very good, and how many sets of

salivary glands do we have class?” “We have three sets of salivary
glands Ma’am.”
“Correct, now what happens to the
food that was mixed with the saliva “It forms into a moist ball called
class?” bolus that can be easily swallowed.”

“The next organ that we have is the “During swallowing, the sphincter
esophagus. What’s the function of our muscles relax and raise the
esophagus class?” epiglottis, which prevents the bolus
from entering the trachea. After
bolus leaves pharynx, it enters the
esophagus Ma’am.”

“That’s right, as the bolus passes from “Esophageal sphincter that separates
the mouth to the esophagus, it passes the esophagus from the stomach to
first to where??” prevent food reflux”

“That’s right, what happens then?” “A series of wave-like muscle

contractions known as peristalsis
push and transport foods and liquids
in small sections to the stomach.”

“Excellent. Now that we have the food “The primary function of the
in the stomach, the stomach is then is stomach is to store food, which turns
responsible for what class?” to chyme after being acted on by the
stomach acid”
“That’s right, it is also important to
mention that this bag-like muscular
organ that can hold approximately one
liter of fluid and food. The stomach is
also responsible for secreting gastric
juices, hydrochloric acid and
enzymes.” “The duodenum Ma’am.”
“Stomach then empties into the first
part of the small intestine called
the______?” “The Pyloric sphincter Ma’am.”
“That’s right. Before it empties out into
the small intestine, where does it pass
“Pyloric sphincter at the bottom of
the stomach controls the emptying
“And what is its function class?” of the chyme Ma’am.”

“Accessory organs isn’t part of the

digestive system Ma’am, but they
“Very good. Let’s take a detour to the secrete important substances that
accessory organs first class. What are plays a huge role in digesting the
accessory organs by the way?” food Ma’am.”

“The salivary glands, liver, pancreas

and gallbladder are the four
“Correct, we have 4 accessory organs, accessory organs Ma’am.”
right? What are these four, class?”
“The pancreas makes three different
kinds of digestive enzymes released
“We’ve already discussed the function
through a pancreatic duct that aid
of the salivary gland earlier, what about
in the digestion of all three organic
the function of the pancreas class?”

“The Acinar cells secrete digestive

“That’s right class, this process takes juices which travel through
about half of a liter of digestive juices pancreatic duct to small intestine
each day. The pancreas has two tissues while the Islets of Langerhans:
class, the Acinar cells and the Islets of secrete insulin and glucagon into
Langerhans, what are these? blood Ma’am.”

“Stores bile produced in the liver,

“Very good. The gallbladder can be which is released into the duodenum
seen underneath the liver, right? What via the bile duct. Breaks down the
is gallbladder responsible of, class?” fatty contents of food Ma’am.”

“The liver breaks down and

“That right. Bile is stored in detoxifies blood circulating
gallbladder and the bile is green hormones, alcohol, some antibiotics,
because it contains broken down many drugs, and toxins found in
hemoglobin pigments some foods Ma’am.”
from liver. What about the function of
the liver class?” “Ma’am. It stores iron and

“It makes cholesterol Ma’am.”

“Very good, the liver also maintains

blood sugar levels under control of
pancreatic hormones.”
“The Jejunum and the Ileum
“As we know, there are 3 major Ma’am.”
sections of the Small Intestine, the first
one that we’ve identified is the
duodenum, which is the first part of the
small intestine, what are the other two

“That’s right, the small intestine is

made up of three major sections, we “The duodenum receives food from
have the duodenum, jejunum, and the stomach, receives bile & pancreatic
Ileum.” juice through common duct. Site of
most active enzyme production and
“What’s the function of the duodenum
“The jejunum has fewer intestinal
glands, more specialized for
“Correct, how about the Jejunum
class?” “The Ileum produces no enzymes,
but does most of the absorption of
nutrients not taken up by jejunum or
“Very good, now what about the duodenum ma’am.”
“The Circular folds in submucosa
slow passage of food and increase
the area.”
“Excellent. Now, a large surface area
of the small intestine results from
several levels of folding. What is the “Each villus contains blood
function of the circular folds class?” capillaries that enable it to absorb
water, glucose, amino acids,
“Yes, and the circular folds are covered vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
with villi which are the tiny, finger-like It also increases the amount of
projections from the epithelial lining of surface area available for the
the intestinal wall. What’s the function absorption of nutrients Ma’am.”
of the villi class?”
“The movement of digested food
nutrients into the blood vessels of
the small intestine through diffusion
“The villi on the other hand, the finger- and use of nutrients into the body
like microscopic projections, which cells through the microvilli Ma’am.”
themselves are also covered with
microvilli. The microvilli are the tiny
cytoplasmic projections from the
surface of individual columnar
epithelial cells. What’s the function of “The Large intestine is divided into
the microvilli class?” caecum, ascending colon, transverse
colon, descending colon, and
“What about the large intestine class. sigmoid colon ma’am”
What are the major sections of the
large intestine?” “This is where reabsorption of
electrolytes and some vitamins from
“What are its functions?” the undigested food takes place”

“It secretes mucus to aid in the

formation of feces and maintains
alkaline conditions. This is the
last segment of the gastrointestinal
tract that completes absorption and
compacts waste.”
“The undigested food collected in
the rectum called feces and pushed
“Lastly, we have the rectum and the out of the body through the anus by
anus. What are its functions class?” defecation Ma’am.”

“Okay class, I will divide you into 3

The teacher will also brief the students

on their designated space/area for
group work.

The teacher will give each group their

assigned task to answer. The tasks are
already printed.

Directions: Study the figure below and

answer the questions that follow.

1. When does the digestive system


2. What happens to food when it is in

a. mouth
1. Activity _______________________________
b. stomach
c. small intestine

3. How are nutrients from the food you

eat absorbed after digestion?

4. Why are villus and microvilli

important in the human digestive

5. What happens to the undigested food

in the large intestine?

1. Application Why do we need to study/understand Familiarity with the human body
the digestive system? can help you make healthful choices
and prompt you to take appropriate
action when signs of illness arise.
Your knowledge in this field will

help you understand news about

nutrition, medications, medical
devices, and procedures and help
you understand genetic or infectious
1. Generalization Mouth  3 sets of salivary glands
produce saliva to lubricate
and break down the food.
 Teeth: mix of canines and
molars to masticate
(tear/bite/grind/crush) the
food into smaller pieces.
 Tongue: muscular organ that
mixes the food with saliva
and aids with swallowing.
 Salivary Amylase: enzymes
that digest the carbohydrates
in the mouth.
 Palate: forms the roof of the
 From the mouth, food passes
through the pharynx (5-6
inches long).
 During swallowing, the
sphincter muscles relax and
raise the epiglottis, which
prevents the bolus from
entering the trachea.
 After bolus leaves pharynx,
it enters the esophagus.
 Peristalsis: contractions of
the esophagus that move
food bolus along in a wave
like motion.
 Esophageal sphincter:
separates esophagus from the
stomach to prevent food
Stomach reflux.

 Thick-walled, J-shaped
organ, lies on left side of
body, under diaphragm.
 Stores food and mixes it with
gastric juice.
 Bolus enters the stomach,
then is converted to semi-
fluid, partially digested food
called Chyme
 Mucus lining of stomach
contains inner gastric juice
producing gastric glands.
 Stomach empties into the
first part of the small
intestine (duodenum).
Pancreas  Pyloric sphincter at the
bottom of the stomach
controls this emptying.

 Two types of tissues:

 Acinar Cells - secrete

digestive juices which travel
through pancreatic duct to
small intestine
 Islets of Langerhans: secrete
insulin and glucagon into
 Pancreatic and common duct
connect it to the small
 Pancreas supplies digestive
Small Intestine (SI)
enzymes. These are released
into the duodenum via the
pancreatic duct.

 Duodenum - 25-30 cm long,

receives food from stomach,
receives bile &pancreatic
juice through common duct.
 Site of most active enzyme
production and digestion.
 Jejunum - 1-1.5 m long,
fewer intestinal glands, more
specialized for absorption.
 Ileum - 4-5 m long,
produces no enzymes, but
does most of the absorption
of nutrients not taken up by
jejunum or duodenum.
 Circular folds in submucosa
slow passage of food and
increase the area. Covered
with villi - finger-like
microscopic projections,
which themselves are
Large Intestine (LI) covered with microvilli -
tiny cytoplasmic projections
from the surface of
individual columnar
epithelial cells.
 Capillaries wrap around villi
to absorb nutrients.

 Ascending colon: rises up

right side of the abdomen
 Transverse colon: crosses
top of abdomen
 Descending colon: goes
down left side where it joins
the rectum
 Feces are formed from
indigestible food, excreted
materials and bacterial cells.
 Feces leave through the
anus. Anus normally held
closed by internal (smooth)
and external (skeletal) anal

 all blood from the intestines

travels through the hepatic
portal vein and arrives at the
 Produces bile that breaks
down (emulsifies) fats into
small droplets, but large
enough surface area for
pancreatic lipase to work on.
 Bile is stored in gallbladder.
Bile is green b/c it contains
broken down hemoglobin
pigments from liver.
 Breaks down and detoxifies:
blood circulating hormones,
alcohol, some antibiotics,
many drugs, and toxins
found in some foods.
 Stores iron and vitamins.
 Makes cholesterol.

Describe the function of each organ
in the digestive system by matching
column A with column B. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.

1. Performance-Based

1. Enrichment Activity List down diseases of the digestive
system in a ½ crosswise.

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