Education Policy & Inequality

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Education Policies (Equality)

Policies which increased equality in education

What are the three aims of education
policy in the UK?
Policy How it increased equality Evaluation
Economic Efficiency – develop the skills of 1988 Education Reform All schools had to teach the same core curriculum Not suitable for all – suits ‘academic’
the young to improve the labour force. This
involves making the education system meet
Act – National pupil more.
the needs of industry and employers. curriculum

Raising educational standards – UK 1965 – Got rid of the 11+ exam and made it so all students Comprehensives are large schools so
education needs to compete in a global Comprehensivisation would get ‘Parity of Esteem’ & ‘Equality’ within lack individual attention.
education market and is ranked against Act education
other countries – e.g. PISA
Schools Admissions Forbids discrimination in admitting pupil on grounds Covert selection still takes place by
Creating equality of educational opportunity
- ensuring that all students get the best Code of socio-economic backgrounds or ability. both schools and parents. Postcode
educational opportunities. lottery

Policies that improve Pupil Premium – additional funding for those students Kerr and West – too many other
What are the 4 aspects of educational inequality in from a poor socio-economic background. factors outside of school that impact
equality identified by Gillborn and circumstances Compensatory education achievement.
Selection and Admissions Policies
3 types of selection Arguments against selection Over Subscription Policies
Every child should have the same
Equality of

opportunities to access Priority to


Selection by ability – entrance Late developers don’t benefit.

educational provision of similar tests • Children in care,
quality regardless of socio- • Pupil premium,
Mixed ability fosters social cohesion.
economic background. • Siblings (at discretion of LA)
Selection by aptitude – Talents Reduced risk of labelling and • Catchment area – closest first,
Children should all start school

• Faith
Equality of

with a similar socio-economic therefore SFP

background so that they are all
truly equal. Selection by Faith HA can act as a inspiration to other Covert Selection
Tough and Brooks:
All students have the chance to Open Enrolment Polices &

Arguments in favour of Backdoor social selection to cherry pick

Equality of

participant on an equal footing in Parental Choice

selection students. Discouraging parents of poorer
the processes that make up
students from applying in the first place
school life. OEP mean that parents can apply to
Allows ‘high-flyers’ to benefit. through high uniform prices, making
any state school, in any area and if
literature hard to understand, not
Specialised and focused the school is under subscribed they
All students have the same advertising in poorer areas.
must take the child. However over-
Equality of

chances of achievement in teaching can take place. Faith schools require a letter from spiritual
subscribed schools fill up quickly so
education regardless of socio- leader to gain insight to the potential
many parents don’t get their 1st
economic background. students family and commitment to both
the faith and the school ethos.
Education Policies (Marketisation)

Marketisation means the Three features of marketisation Policies which promote Marketisation and Raising standards
process of where by services
like education are pushed Independence – allowing schools Marketisation Policies Raising Standards Policies
towards operating like a to run themselves how they see fit.
business based on supply and League Tables Ofsted


1979 – 1997
demand. Students are Local Management Schools National Curriculum
Funding Formula National Testing

considered consumers rather Competition – Making schools
than pupils. Open Enrolment
compete with each other for
Privatisation in Education
Choice – Giving customers Business sponsored Academies Maximum class sizes for 5 -7 yr old

Labour Govt
means changing the internal

1997 – 2010
processes of a school to be (parents and students) more Specialist schools Building Schools for the future program
more like a business, for choice in where they go to school. Education Action zones
Business sponsored Academies
example treating Parents and
students as consumers, target Three elements of quality
setting, performance related control New Style Academies Pupil Premium

Coalition Govt
2010 - 2015
pay and league tables. Free Schools English Baccalaureate
Ofsted Inspections Reform of the National Curriculum
Reform of the Exams system
Privatisation of Education Tougher performance targets for schools
means opening up aspects of
education to Private Publication of performance Tables
businesses such as staff such as examination results.
training, school finances, Evaluation of Marketisation policies and raising standards
school Management
Parents do not have equal freedom to choose the schools which their child attends due

(academy chains) and Exams National curriculum – baseline for to covert selection process, postcode lotteries in catchment areas, Middle class parents

Myth of
what is taught. have much more freedom in choice due to their cultural capital, higher education and
Parentocracy means when a
child’s Educational Evaluation of Privatisation of Educational Teachers tend to allocate more resources to the students who are on the C/D boarder
achievement has more to line in order to achieve the 5 A* - C needed for the league tables thus ignoring those who
do with parental wealth and are unlikely to achieve this.
wishes than student ability.
Parents are able to have more Positives Negatives
choice over where to send More efficient Takes money Due to the funding formula, schools need to retain and attract students in order to receive
their children. from the

funding. Schools will therefore lead to the dumbing down of teaching and standards in

More choice for education order to retain students who might leave if they are pushed too hard or if the courses are
parents system. too difficult.

Profit making Business go out of

might induce business – leave Ofsted is not as independent as it appears with government and politicians interfering with

companies to schs stranded. the process by changing the standards and goal posts.

support failing
schools Less equality
Globalisation and Education

Globalisation – the Features of Globalisation Impact of Globalisation on Education

between people and nation Technological Development Increased competition for
states. Includes – New technologies have Jobs meaning that schools Global ICT companies such
Increased multiculturalism
technological, economic made it easier to connect have to change the as Apple and Google
in schools and decline of
and cultural over long distances. It has curriculum to meet new creating online resources
the ethnocentric curriculum
interconnectedness. created a Time-Space needs e.g. Computer and curriculums.
compression. Science.
Migration - The movement
of peoples from one place Economic Changes –
to another. Either within a Economic activity now takes
country or between place on a global scale in a Increased risk and
Global rankings used to
countries. 24 hour system. The growth Increased competition safeguarding issues for
compare and contrast
of transnational companies between schools and schools – e.g. Cyber
systems and raise
and an electronic universities for students. bullying, PREVENT and Anti
PISA Tests - The Programme economy. Radicalisation.
for International Student
Assessment is a worldwide
study by the Organisation Political Changes – Perspectives views on Globalisation and Education
for Economic Co-operation Globalisation has
and Development in undermined the power of
member and non-member the nation state. We now
nations intended to live in a borderless world Hyper Globalist
Marxist View Neo-Liberal View New Fordist View
evaluate educational (Ohmae). In some cases View
systems by measuring 15- TNC’s have more power
than governments. Ohmae: Globalisation only Globalisation allows Globalisation has
year-old school pupils'
• Creation of provides more for private schools increased
scholastic performance on
global citizens educational and universities to competition in the job
mathematics, science, and
Cultural Changes – We now opportunities to the expand around the market which means
live in a global culture • Greater wealthy. world. governments should
created by mass media and tolerance and increase education
PREVENT Policy - Prevent is the internet that has led to respect for Joel Spring: Globalisation means spending.
about safeguarding and the westernisation of the differences. • Global that governments can
supporting those vulnerable world. Corporations are play a reduced role in Needs to be more
to radicalisation. Prevent is 1 • Greater access setting the the education system focus on skills and
of the 4 elements to information educational and reduce funding. competences to be
of CONTEST, the Migration – People are creating higher agenda. able to complete
Government’s counter- moving more freely within educational • Creating a Digital globally.
terrorism strategy. It aims to and between countries for achievement. Divide.
stop people becoming economic and personal • Disempowering
terrorists or reasons. of teachers.
supporting terrorism.

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