Course Navigation Quiz

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Course Navigation Quiz


1. What is the name of the textbook and the website where it is located?

2. What is Smarthinking?

3. What is the due date for Composition 1: “Yo”? (Please use a date as
month/day-the due dates are in Canvas-front page)

4. When should you submit Composition 1 to Smarthinking?

5. When is the first oral test?

6. How are you going to talk to me during the oral tests, using what media?

7. When are the four Discussions due?

8. What are the five due dates of the five exams (Pruebas) and chapters (lecciones)
that we will have this semester? (Please use a date as month/day-the due
dates are in Canvas-front page)

9. What is a Lectura?

10. When are Ensayo 1 and 2 due?

Submit this sheet along with your answers by uploading them onto Canvas.

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