Houck Post Primary Campaign Finance Report

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It should be typed) bax Seer ae an a (Mtorcx) | gS EES ba TERRY Houck PR pis Rier_ Ajrehney soe ~ “7 Boy 517 car tim sae] pq men a Type of Report (Place wonder repor Ope] Te" Tuesday [2-2 Friday] 3-30 Day Post|ee™Tuesday | 5-2" Friday | © 30DayPom | 7 Annual | Special 2 Friday | Special 30 Day Prerimary —|Pre-Pimary | Primary, |Pre-Election | Pre-Election| Election Fretleton | Pst Elecion Date Of Election. x Year ‘Amendment "| Termination (myo) oslo lee: 2023 | report Report Summary ofRecaparand | From Date ToDae Tor OFice Ure On Expenditures — 52-23 ARIE 7 emu Brought Forward From ast Report |S 'B. Total Monetary Contributions and Receipts, lt M257 | otal Maney ContBIION {from schedule 1) 31,252.08 Total Funds Availabe 3 (Gumof ines A and 8) 50,¢54, 57 es ‘Total Expenditures 3 (From Schedule tt) 44, 398,24 Ending Cash Balance 3 {Subtec Une 0 rom Line) 1,459.23] F. Value of iKind Contributions Received] 5] ot (From Schedule t) 10, 513.04 paid Debts and Obligations 3 ) Cromsaucue 94, ove? | ras Tram secon PCT 9 Come Tenor, esHuTr Hin have WT a Conde report. candi wen Pere Tar fr af that is Topo ning the ached chedulson pape, tthe best of my snguedey snd Ula Wve, are and OMI — ‘worm to and subscribed before me this 5 tayo. wd ie ‘Printed Name yale cmon 2) 28 260-395 TT TT CORT RSS CO SOE TET - Se a rie spots icv VST VN WTTRATTE A Tio 3 TTP TS NOT = pty é ltea Name vncamacrona fod AS iy ad SCHEDULE! Contributions and Receipts Detailed Summary Page (Z== iene Hk Fa DR RED J L erry (face For Lysyner fypekwe)) Totarforthe reporina pered OT | Contribstions Received rom Poltical Commtces Part A) — Oo = ‘A Other Contributions (Part BY ‘otal forthe reporting period (2) 700. & ‘5 Contributions Over $250.00 (From Part Cand Part) | Contbatons Recewea rom Pomel Commies Pac] 700. v9 | AlV ther Contributions Part Dy 38,500, Total forthe reporting period (3) Totalforthereponineperod Ta) 35, 500. $2.00 ‘atal Monetary Contributions and Receipts during tis reparing period (Add and enter amount totals from Boxes 1, 2,3 and 4; also enter this amount on Page 1, Report Cover Page, Item 8) Bina PARTB All Other Contributions $50.01 TO $250 Use this Part to itemize all other contributions with an aggregate value from {$50.01 TO $250 in the reporting period. (Exclude contributions from political committees reported in Part A.) Become / Li 2 AZZ Date Tae a Con ar Chiushaw Perrucci neps{ 2603).1 [00-7 House # street Address] Date [MM/DD/YY] | $ 525d b(0 Heli heteon CK ‘Date [MM/DD/YYVY] | Beth @hown Bois ee ST Stygy 0! Given | 5 [4 [2023 20. House (treet Adaress] Date laM/DO/VIT| $ 105° PAY NOSA AVE wea sal Boyz To Name of Contributor _ ~ [Bae IMMoor Date [MMOONTT 4] 200. Imes Herdecter | as U0? om lou Coverawy CU eee *T anenmumn |) fal 1 6l0 Cece i mee egg Va Ler ot tuay L200. =| 4m | Pay. yor AVE P| = Fantom fae [go ST "Full Name of Contributor ‘Date [MM/D0/YYYY]_ House # [Street Address] [Bate IMM/DO/YYYYT 8 oy sae Tptode [Dae arOONIE |S ae Tan Name of Contributor Date [MM/ODANYWT Hours] Street Adare] | ayy ‘Sate Tp tole Dae MM /DDAIT PART D All Other Contributions - ‘Over $250.00 Use tis Part to itemize all other contributions with an aggregate value over $250.00 inthe reporting period. {Exclude contributions from political committees reported in Part C) ee | RK ce 2 psrmicr eae | aT a Lindh Ifeucte S| 8/2023 | | (25. ome ree ara Dai AOD THT ee 24 LIBRY Terrace. | 5 [2)2223) | 2500 a te f ate 3 "1 Eisrm Bes on =m Taye Rae Fhe 0mm pppaaet ce [TT Aland rl Pace ues | Sol_jorrer DR. Mookespowry NI _OS0S TaNome of Conribor : Tae fun/ooreo TS i RV N ‘ war — ae MeL) _f la ep fg ne Nene Ws City — mend ie oe rep | Date [MM/DD/YY] | ‘Employer Name T ges “Employer Mailing Address 7 — Prien! Pace of Bsiess Fat ae ot Conttor pESIEN ; Wowse Sivek Ades] [BateTMMTODIROT | § ‘City ! ‘State ip Code Date [MM/DD/YYY¥]_ $ ‘Employer Name Decwoation: : ‘Employer Mailing Address Principal Pace of Business Fal Name of Contributor Datel Wouset = ~ [ate rmnavoorewi | | ay Sais] (Coa - [Date RAM /OOTY EmployerName ‘Oxcapation Ernplover Mailing AdSress 7 Principal Place of Business PARTE Other Receipts REFUNDS, INTEREST INCOME, RETURNED CHECKS, ETC. is Part to report refunds received, interest earned, returned checks and prior expenditures that were returned to the filer. CASTING ( Rocke Rel (4 |e Date IMM TBO) 5/24 [2023 RM Receipt Deserption ~~ [ate IMM TOOT Date MM/DOAIT SCHEDULE I _/KIND CONTRIBUTIONS AND VALUABLE THINGS RECEIVED {HEDULE TO REPORT ALL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS OF VALUABLE THINGS DURING THE REPORTING DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE PERIOD SSHITEMNTED IVRIND CONTRIGUTIONS RECENED VALUE OF 950.00 OR LESS FER CONTRIBUTOR TOTAL Tor the reporting period SEND CONTA SOTIONS HECENED VAIO SDT TOSTSDOO TON PANT 5 721-37 TTACTorthe reporing period a STE CTT SOON EEO TATIE OVER SBOO TON PANTO) 0, BI 2.27 TOTAL for the reporing period a TG THS REPORTING TOTATVATUE OF N-RIND CONTRIBUTIONS DUT and 3; also enter PERIOD (Add and enter amount totals from bores 1, 2, ‘on Page 3, Report Cover Page, tem F) ‘SCHEDULE 1! PART F In-Kind Contributions Received VALUE OF $50.01 To $250 Fal Name of Contributor Dame Sevek son) a “6 Wanir Are State [tn ROVE fre ion of Contribution Gey ‘Deseription of Contributor eof Contbator (treet Addres] Date IMM/DDANVYT Date MMOD] jon of Contrib Date [MMTOO/OT Date [MiM/DOTWYT ‘Desrintion of Contibution SCHEDULE I! PartG In-Kind Contributions Received VALUE OVER $250 05/ yf 223, Li Bee ‘Date [MM/D0/YYY¥I TJevtree Sate Date IMM TOOT 18040 ogee Traployer Malling Address / Principal Place of Business Description of Contribution 40 Date [MODY dew Argyl Employer Name ‘Oezipation Re LkeD ‘Employer Malling Adaress 7 Principal Place of Business ano escuen| Vien Tose iMwroornn es Date [MM/OONYWI Date IMM/OO AVI Employer Name Traplyer Walling Address Principal Place of Business ‘Employer Name Employer Malling Adress 7 Principal Place of Business SCHEDULE I Statement of Expenditures a AiyyT Cuter Pfg}eers i Destrption of et! Vv Eom Gains Froeb sT~ 5/5/2023 | Description of Ependiture Vil thiced Potifeat Maclay ‘SCHEDULE II Statement of Expenditures Ter Ck poh _pSspRicr fr ZV Pvt Cuber PSfgjesb | 506702 ino! SU 2/0 = ae Mery TOW nl al 15/09 | Political Mailer BT Ly Par “enter mT 203] | BUY. 7 ion. vp eee Wet Wr , 1904 | Poly phates Lv faut Con tt ft BSS icy [701 Ulin LVd ee pew. el igio fet. freed filer SiafhLes 5/2029 7420 31048 Micdeert kd Seas ERSTO 4 S| 304s Cary ine A] Vang Ctrmmucer | 5 2fucrsh | 25220 00 ens Gleims rved_ S7~ renee Liye Me ots) Chews ln rnb duction TLV fun We walt/zees, 060.13 nol Yam PLV0 eee Her Vwn d 16107 | _ fel thiced ld Li Phin _ Contes oleh Sa010F 1701 TNm BVO

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