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Student Feedback Form

Instructions for teacher: This feedback form is designed to be used to obtain feedback at either the qualification level or the unit of
competency level. Questions may be removed to suit the context / mode of delivery / timing of issue. This feedback form is also able to
be adapted for use in the Learning Management System. It is recommended that student feedback is obtained at least every six
months. Remove the red text before use.
 Please help us to improve this unit of study by completing this survey.
 Responses are anonymous and will be used to guide improvements (only).
 Please check the box  in the area that best describes your opinion about the statement.

Qualification Code Qualification Name

Unit of Competency Code Unit of Competency Name
STMS Delivery Team:

Main mode of study On campus

Campus Kukum

Neither Not
Strongly Strongly
Disagree agree nor Agree Applicable
disagree agree

Learning experience
1. The teacher(s) made clear what I needed to do to succeed in this
unit(s) of study
     
2. The teacher(s) explained concepts and ideas in a way that I could
     
3. Information was presented in a way that made learning
interesting and engaging
     
4. The teacher(s) had a thorough knowledge of subject content and
current industry practice
     
5. The teacher(s) was available to provide guidance and support.      
6. The training helped me apply skills and knowledge through
practical work related / real life tasks
     
Learning resources
7. Resources were easy to access      
8. Resources helped me to understand the content      
9. Resources related well to assessment      
10. Technology and other equipment were used regularly to provide
engaging learning experiences
     
11. Resources were well presented and up to date      
12. Assessment tasks allowed me to demonstrate what I learned      
13. Assessment information and instructions were clear and easy to
     
14. Assessment tasks were useful learning experiences that were
relevant to the workplace / real life situations
     
15. I received timely feedback about my assessments and progress      
RTC Student Feedback V1 100717 1
Neither Not
Strongly Strongly
Disagree agree nor Agree Applicable
disagree agree
16. Feedback was constructive and enabled me to improve on
subsequent assessment tasks
     
Learning Facilities
17. I understood what support services were available to me      
18. Support services staff (e.g. Library, Learning Support, Disability
Support, Counselling) were readily available and helpful
     
19. The facilities and equipment used in my training contributed
positively to my learning experience
     
20. The system for managing tools, equipment and resources works
well. Tools are well maintained, available and secure.
     

Overall Satisfaction
Please rate your level of satisfaction
Very Very
Dissatisfied Satisfied nor Satisfied
dissatisfied satisfied

How satisfied were you with your training?     

What did you enjoy most about your study?

What could be improved about your study?

Other comments:

RTC Student Feedback V2 060619 2

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