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Fatimoh Ajani

Strayer University

WEEK 10 Assignment

Healthcare Human Resource Management (HSA320002VA016-1234-001)

Training Program on Conflict Resolution

June 10th, 2023


Due to a recent increase in the number of cases involving interpersonal and interdepartmental
conflict in your organization, HR has made the decision to develop a training program on
conflict resolution.


Prepare a 10–12 slides PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that includes each of the
elements listed and supported credible sources of research:

Develop a professional slide presentation with speaker notes.

Include a cover slide and a slide with references.


Conflicts often occur within the context of the workplace, due to the fact that employees of
organizations have to interact with one another to perform their daily assignments at work. In
the contemporary global business environment, organizations have been able to assign their
human resources management department with the responsibility of settling disputes or
conflicts amongst their employees, most especially in cases where such conflicts involve a
violation of the codes of conduct for employees within the organization (Bowen & Ostroff,

Workplace conflicts can involve employees and their employers, while it can also happen
between two or more employees. It is therefore important for the human resources
department of an organization to develop strategies that can be effective in facilitating
conflict resolution amongst their employees. This presentation shall discuss various roles the
human resources department of an organization can play in resolving conflicts, while also
discussing the steps employees can take in reporting cases of conflict to the HR. The methods
of conflict resolution shall also be discussed in this presentation (Gould-Williams, 4).

The Concept of Workplace Conflict

The idea of conflict involves a situation of disagreement or tension involving employees of

an organization, which could deal with contrasting interests or opinions. Conflicts within the
workplace context could also involve employees and their employers, based on certain
demands and agitations from employees towards their employers. Conflicts within the
workplace can hamper the seamless flow of work and create instability within the workplace,
which calls for the intervention of the human resources department of an organization
(Bowen & Ostroff, 1).

Examine HR’s role in conflict management and resolution.

The Roles of the Human Resource Management Department in Conflict Management
and Resolution

The human resources department of organizations is often saddled with the responsibility of
settling disputes and creating resolutions in cases of workplace conflict. A major task of the
human resources management department is to intervene into a case of conflict involving
employees timely enough to prevent an escalation of the conflict. The human resources
intervenes mostly in conflicts that involve a violation of the codes of conduct guiding the
behaviour of employees in such an organization (Clarke & Braun, 2).

Formulation of Codes of Conducts

The human resources management of an organisation formulates codes of conduct which are
meant to serve as the ethics of workplace behaviour for employees. The codes of conducts
assist in the prevention and management of conflicts, by providing principles, regulations and
guides which are to be followed by employees in cased of conflict (Gibbs, 3). For instance, a
code of conduct can mandate employees to report cases of conflict to the human resources
department before the escalation of such cases. Codes of conducts can also help in
establishing a resolution between conflicting parties within an organization, by stating clearly
how conflicts of interest can be resolved and how each party should respond to cases of
conflict and the penalties for conducts that violate the codes.

Conducting Investigation

In cases where conflicts occur in organizations, the human resources department is expected
to first identify the parties involved and set up a meeting with all the involved parties in the
conflict (Gibbs, 3). The human resources department is expected to conduct an investigation
into the causes of a conflict and the factors that led to the occurrence of the conflict. In the
process or carrying out the investigation, the HR is expected to seek for the experiences of all
those who are involved and their opinions concerning the conflict. In most cases, the HR
meets each party individually to first engage them on their personal accounts of how the
conflict started (Clarke & Braun, 2).

Setting Ground Rules for Mediation

In the process of mediating between employees who are conflicting, it is important for the
human resources department to first set up ground rules which will dictate how the meeting
will be regulated and how each party should respond to questions. When conflict resolution
meetings are held, it is expected that the parties involved should not intervene or react if they
are not required to do so. Every party is being given an open and unbiased ground for making
their grievances known. This is a key process often employed by human resources
departments in resolving conflicts (Bowen & Ostroff, 1).

Brainstorming Solutions Together for Conflict Resolution

The human resources management department of an organization often ensures that all
parties involved in a conflict participate in the process of reaching a compromise or
resolution to the conflict, by facilitating equal participation of everyone involved in thinking
about the solutions. In this case, all parties involved are expected to reach a resolution on
what the best outcome should be, while avoiding further conflicts within the organization
(Clarke & Braun, 2).

Identify the process that managers and employees should follow to contact HR for cases
involving conflict.

The Process for Involving HR in Conflict Resolution

The process that employees and managers within an organization can follow in contacting the
human resources department in cases of conflict involves the activity of identifying whether
or not the conflict involves a violation of any of the codes of conduct or policies within the
organization (Gibbs, 3). Once a conflict involves a direct or indirect violation of the
company’s rules, it is expected that the managers and employees involved should contact the
human resources department for a quick intervention and resolution. The HR can also be
contacted by providing them with proper details of what caused the conflict and those
involved in the conflict (Gould-Williams, 4).
Evaluate three strategies that HR will use to resolve issues involving conflict.

Strategies for Conflict Resolution

There are several strategies that can be employed by the human resources department of an
organization in resolving conflicts, which include the mediation method, the negotiation
method and the arbitration method. The negotiation method is often employed to ensure that
the conflicting parties are given an open ground or platform to brainstorm on how to resolve
the conflict without much involvement by the HR (Bowen & Ostroff, 1).

The mediation methods requires a third party intervention for the conflict to be resolved,
which will allow the HR to meet with the conflicting parties and investigate the causes of the
conflict. An agreement is thereby facilitated in the mediation. Arbitration involves the method
of making judgements concerning a conflict by vindication one of the parties and imposing
penalties on the erring party. The HR can thereby set up a disciplinary committee to settle
disputes involving employees (Clarke & Braun, 2).

Determine the expected benefits or outcomes of having HR involved in resolving

interpersonal and interdepartmental conflicts.

Benefits of HR Intervention in Resolving Interpersonal and Interdepartmental Conflicts

There are several benefits that are derived from the intervention of the HR of an organization
in dispute resolution, which include the facilitation of quick compromise amongst the
disputing parties to prevent an escalation of the dispute. The HR intervention in conflict
resolution can also help with forestalling further disputes or conflicts that at occur in future
through the creation of codes of conduct. The HR also creates a conflict-free relationship
amongst employees and between departments of organisations by training employees on how
to handle situations involving conflicts and conflict prevention skills (Gould-Williams, 4).


This presentation has discussed the various ways in which conflicts can be resolved within an
organization, while also highlighting some of the roles of the HR in conflict resolution, which
include investigation of the causes of the conflict, facilitation of compromise amongst the
parties involved in the conflict and the brainstorming of possible solutions. Indeed, conflicts
can be mitigated from further happening by training employees on how to handle cases of
conflict within an organisation.


1. Bowen, D.E. & Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM-Firm performance linkages:

The role of the “strength” of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29
(2), 203-221.
2. Clarke, V. & Braun, V. (2017). Thematic analysis. The Journal of Positive
Psychology, 12 (3), 297-298.
3. Gibbs, A. (1988). Unshackling the hospitals: Report of the hospital and related
services taskforce. Wellington, NZ, Department of Health.
4. Gould-Williams, J. (2003). The importance of HR practices and workplace trust in
achieving superior performance: A study of public sector organisations. International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 14 (1), 28-54.
Go to the Strayer University Online Library and locate at least three quality academic
resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as
academic resources.

When complete, your training program should include:

10–12 slides, excluding the cover slide and references.

Speaker notes for each slide, explaining your strategy and choices.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information,
please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check
with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a training program to address the role of human resources in conflict management
and resolution within health care settings.

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