2011-08-20 Special Board Meeting Agenda: Supt's Performance Priorities & Possible Exec Session

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 Special Meeting

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors Superintendent's Performance Priorities Educational Service Center Conference 3, 4:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order
Subject Meeting Category Access Type 1.01 Call to Order Sep 20, 2011 - Special Meeting 1. Call to Order Public Procedural

The Board of Directors of Everett Public Schools, Snohomish County, Washington, is scheduled to hold a special board meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 in Conference Room 3 of the Educational Service Center, 4730 Colby Avenue, Everett, Washington at 4:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call
Subject Meeting Category Access Type 2.01 Roll Call Sep 20, 2011 - Special Meeting 2. Roll Call Public Procedural

The board president will call the roll.

3. Work/Study Session
Subject Meeting Category Access Type Goals 3.01 Work Session: Superintendent's Performance Priorities Sep 20, 2011 - Special Meeting 3. Work/Study Session Public Discussion, Information S.2.b. Establish with the superintendent annual performance priorities in accordance with the strategic plan.

Situation The board of directors is scheduled a special meeting to review and discuss the superintendent's performance priorities. In the event the board of directors determines during the special meeting to review the superintendent's performance (i.e., the performance of a public employee), the board will recess into executive session. Before

convening in executive session, the board president will publicly announce the general purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. The executive session may be extended to a stated later time by announcement of the president. All executive session discussions are confidential and will be held in confidence by each board member. Background Policy 6122, Evaluation of the Superintendent, and associated Procedure 6122P, provide the process and criteria for the superintendent's performance priorities and evaluation in accordance with those priorities. Prior Action The board of directors conducted its most recent annual review of the superintendent's performance during an executive session scheduled as part of a regular meeting on May 24, 2011. During a special meeting to hold the board's annual planning workshop on August 25-26, 2011 discussed a prior draft of the superintendent's performance priorities for 2011-12. Presenter Gary Cohn Estimated Time 90 minutes References Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions Policy 6122, Evaluation of the Superintendent Procedure 6122P, Evaluation of the Superintendent RCW 42.30.110, Executive sessions

4. Adjourn
Subject Meeting Category Access Type 4.01 Adjourn Sep 20, 2011 - Special Meeting 4. Adjourn Public Procedural

The president will adjourn the meeting.

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