Splitrange Control

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Exercise 1-3

Split-range Control

EXERCISE OBJECTIVE Learn the basics of split-range control through several examples of split-range
control from the industry, including a typical flare setup.

DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:

ƒ Divide and conquer

Dead band for split range control.
Using split-range to control the input and output of a reactor
ƒ Split-range control for a flare application

DISCUSSION Divide and conquer

Split-range control is used when a single controller is employed to control two

final-control elements (two valves for example). In such a system, the controller
struggles to keep one controlled variable at the set point using two manipulated
variables. Typically, split-range control is found in temperature control
applications, but split-range control applications extend far beyond temperature

The concept of split-range control is easier to understand when illustrated using

applications such as a temperature control. In such an application, the process
needs to be heated or cooled depending on the product temperature. Figure 1-16
shows how the temperature transmitter, the controller, and the two control valves
are connected for split-range control in a typical temperature control application.
4-20 mA

4-12 mA 12-20 mA

Cooling valve Heating valve

(fail open) (fail close)

Figure 1-16. Split-range connections for a temperature control application.

In the diagram above, the 0% to 100% range of the controller output is split in
two between the two valves. If the controller output is between 0% and 50%, it is
the cooling valve that operates. This valve is fully open when the controller output
is 0% and fully closed when the controller output is 50%. If the controller output is

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Discussion

between 50% and 100%, it is the heating valve that is in operation. At 50%, the
heating valve starts to open and it is fully open at 100% of the controller output.

In a split-range control installation, there are different ways to connect the valves
so that they operate on two different ranges. In the example above, the current to
pressure converters are used to split the controller output in two ranges. The first
converter responds to a current from 4 mA to 12 mA, while the other operates in
a range from 12 mA to 20 mA. When using this type of wiring, no special
controller or configuration is required for split-range control.

Figure 1-17 shows a setup that performs the same split-range control but, in this
case, the controller signal is a pneumatic signal. In such a setup, the two valves
are mechanically different. The spring/diaphragm actuators of the two valves are
selected so that their ranges of operation are different. The spring of the cooling
valve is selected to allow the valve to open and close over a range of 20.7 kPa
(3 psi) to 55.2 kPa (8 psi), while the heating valve closes and opens over a range
of 55.2 kPa 8 psi to 89.6 kPa (13 psi).

20.7-89.6 kPa
(3-13 psi)

20.7-55.2 kPa 55.2-89.6 kPa

(3-8 psi) (8-13 psi)

Cooling valve Heating valve

(fail open) (fail close)

Figure 1-17. Split-range control using pneumatic signals.

The opening and closing of the valves follow the same rules for both of the
setups shown above. The graph of Figure 1-18 shows the relationship between
the opening of the valves and the controller output.


Cooling valve

Heating valve

% output
0 50 100

Figure 1-18. Opening of the valves for split-range control.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Discussion

Dead band for split range control

The examples above are some of the simplest setups for split-range control. Of
course, a controller supporting split-range control may support more complex
setups and correct some of the flaws inherent to split-range control. One problem
that may arise with the setups detailed above is that the system may switch
continuously between cooling and heating when the controller output is
around 50%. To avoid continuous oscillation between the cooling and heating
modes, a dead band is usually added between the two ranges. A dead band can
be added, for example, by setting a range of 0% to 49% for the cooling valve and
a range of 51% to 100% for the heating valve.

Valve Dead band




Heating valve

Closed Controller
0 100 % output

49 51

Figure 1-19. Opening of the valves for split-range control.

Using split-range to control the input and output of a reactor

Figure 1-20 shows another example of split-range control. In this example,

chemical reactants come into a reactor via a first control valve that limits the input
flow. Another control valve limits the output flow of the reactor. To ensure a high
efficiency chemical reaction and a uniform product, the pressure inside the
reactor must be kept above a given level. A pressure transmitter reads the
pressure in the reactor and a controller, connected for split-range control, then
changes its output to control the pressure inside the reactor. If the pressure is too
low, the controller opens the input valve. If the pressure is still low, the controller
closes the output valve. Figure 1-21 shows the opening of the control valves as a
function of the controller output.

Reactants Product

Figure 1-20. Split-range control.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Discussion




% output
0 50 100

Figure 1-21. Opening of the valves as a function of the controller output.

For this installation, the controller could also be configured so that the opening of
the control valves overlap at 50% of the controller output, as shown in
Figure 1-22. In this case, the input valve is fully closed and the output valve is
fully open when the controller output is 0%, both valves are 50% open when the
controller output is 50% and, finally, the input valve is fully open and the output
valve is fully closed when the controller output is 100%.





0% 50% 100%

Figure 1-22. Overlapping of the opening of the control valves.

Split-range control for a flare application

Gas flares are common in refinery and chemical plants. These devices are
mainly used to burn the excess of flammable gas in a vessel and prevent an
eventual explosion due to overpressure. When something goes wrong, the flare
system is the insurance against disaster.

Many flare systems rely on split-range control for the evacuation of the gas.
Figure 1-23 shows a typical split-range arrangement for a flare application.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Discussion

Figure 1-23. Split-range control of a flare application.

In a flare application, a fluid or a gas is processed in a vessel. The chemical

reaction or the physical condition to which the fluid is exposed allows obtaining
the desired product plus an (undesired) excess of flammable gas. In the example
above, it is a pressure transmitter that determines if the product is ready and if
there is a gas excess.

Figure 1-25 shows the opening of the control valves as a function of the
controller output for this flare application. If the pressure is low, the controller
output is 0% and both valves are closed to allow pressure to build up in the
vessel and the formation of the product. As the pressure increases, the control
valve allowing the product to exit the vessel and go to the gas compressor
opens. This valve continues to open until the controller output reaches 50%. At
this point, the valve is fully open while the flare valve is still closed. If the
pressure still increases, there is an excess of gas that must be evacuated. Thus,
the controller increases its output and the flare valve starts to open to evacuate
the gas and burn it. When the controller output reaches 100% both valves are
Figure 1-24. Refinery flare. fully open.



0% 50% 100%

Figure 1-25. Opening of the control valves for a flare application.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure Outline

PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections:

ƒ Setup and connections

ƒ Configuring the transmitter and the controller for split-range control
ƒ Controlling the flow loop

PROCEDURE Setup and connections

1. Connect the equipment according to the piping and instrumentation

diagram (P&ID) shown in Figure 1-26 and use Figure 1-27 to position the
equipment correctly on the frame of the training system.

Table 1-8. Material to add to the basic setup for this exercise.

Name Model Identification

Differential-pressure transmitter (low-pressure range) 46921 LIT 1
Pneumatic control valve 46950-B LCV 1-B
Color paperless recorder 46972 UR
Controller * LIC 1

The first control valve (LCV1-A) is included in the basic setup.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure

Open to

Figure 1-26. P&ID – Split-range control loop.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure

Air from the pneumatic unit

(140 kPa (20 psi))

Figure 1-27. Setup – Split-range control loop.

a The paperless recorder (UR) is not displayed in the P&ID above. See
Figure 1-28 for the suggested electrical connections.

2. Connect the control valves to the pneumatic unit.

3. Connect the pneumatic unit to a dry-air source with an output pressure of at

least 700 kPa (100 psi).

4. Wire the emergency push-button so that you can cut power in case of

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure

5. Do not power up the instrumentation workstation yet. You should not turn the
electrical panel on before your instructor has validated your setup—that is
not before step 10.

6. Connect the controller to the control valves and to the differential-pressure

transmitter. You must also include the recorder in your connections. On
channel 1 of the recorder, plot the signal from the transmitter, on channel 2,
plot the signal from the first output of the controller (connected to LCV1-A),
and on channel 3, plot the signal from second output of the controller
(connected to LCV1-B). Be sure to use the analog input and outputs of your

7. Figure 1-28 shows how to connect the different devices together.

In1 Out1Out2 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3

24 V

Figure 1-28. Connecting the instruments together for split-range control.

8. Before proceeding further, complete the following checklist to make sure you
have set up the system properly. The points on this checklist are crucial
elements to the proper completion of this exercise. This checklist is not
exhaustive, so be sure to follow the instructions in the Familiarization with the
Training System manual as well.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure

 The hand valves are in the positions shown in the P&ID.

f  The control valves are fully open.

 The pneumatic connections are correct.
 Be sure the pneumatic panel is set so that the pressure at the inlet of each
control valve does not exceed 240 kPa (35 psi).
 The controller is properly connected to the differential-pressure transmitter
and to the control valves.
 The paperless recorder is connected correctly to plot the appropriate
signals on channel 1, channel 2, and channel 3.

9. Ask your instructor to check and approve your setup.

10. Power up the electrical unit, this starts all electrical devices as well as the
pneumatic unit. Activate the control valve of the pneumatic unit to power the
devices requiring compressed air.

11. With the controller in manual mode, set the output of the controller to 0%.
The control valves should be fully open. If they are not, revise the electrical
and pneumatic connections and be sure the calibration of each I/P converter
is appropriate.

12. Test your system for leaks. Use the drive to make the pump run at low speed
to produce a small flow rate. Gradually increase the flow rate, up to 50% of
the maximum flow rate that the pumping unit can deliver (i.e., set the drive
speed to 30 Hz). Repair any leaks and stop the pump.

Configuring the transmitter and the controller for split-range control

13. Bleed the impulse line of the transmitter and configure it for level
measurement. Adjust the zero of the differential-pressure transmitter.

Set the parameters of the transmitter so that a 4 mA signal is sent if the

column is empty and a 20 mA signal for a level of 80 cm (about 31 in).

14. Configure your controller for split-range control so that the opening of the
control valves as a function of the controller output corresponds to what is
shown in Figure 1-29. The setpoint of the controller is the level transmitter
output. Refer to the manual of your controller for details on how to make the
connections for split-range control.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Procedure





Open Controller
0% 50% 100%

Figure 1-29. Opening of the control valves as a function of the controller output.

Controlling the flow loop

15. Set your controller so that both ranges (i.e., 0%-50% and 50-100%) have the
same PID tuning parameters. Test your configuration with the controller in
proportional mode by setting the controller gain to ‫ܭ‬௖ ൌ ͳ.

16. Start the pump with the drive speed set to 30 Hz. Watch the evolution of the
controlled variable and of the opening of the control valves as a function of
time. You can stop the pump and the recording once both control valves are
fully closed for the first time.

17. Transfer the data from the paperless recorder to a computer. Plot a graph of
your results and compare it to the graph of Figure 1-29 to verify that your
controller is properly configured for split-range control.

18. Let the column drain and, again, start the pump with the drive speed set
to 30 Hz. Let the system run for approximately two minutes. Record and
transfer the data to a computer. Plot a graph of your results.

19. According to your graph, does the system seem to reach equilibrium quickly
or at all? Why?

20. Controllers supporting split-range control allow setting different tuning

parameters for the 0% to 50% range and the 50% to 100% range. This
implies that both ranges must be tuned independently. Tune both ranges of
your controller using the tuning method of your choice. Test your tuning and
verify that your system reaches steady state quickly.

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Ex. 1-3 – Split-range Control  Conclusion

21. Transfer the recorded data to a computer. Plot a graph of your results.

22. Stop the system, turn off the power, and store the equipment.

CONCLUSION In this exercise, you have learned various types of split-range control
installations. You tested a setup in which the opening and closing of the control
valves as a function of the controller output is similar to a flare application.

REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What is split-range control?

2. In a split-range installation, why is it important to carefully select the

spring/diaphragm actuators of the valves?

3. What is the purpose of a dead band in a split-range installation?

4. Give three examples of split-range control applications.

5. What is the purpose of a flare application?

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