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EL305 Introduction to Electronics

Practical Laboratory Session 1: Use of Instruments, Basic Component

Identification, Practical Construction Techniques & Datasheets

Set By: Mr Jason Morris –Experimental Officer (Engineering)

Location: Electronics Engineering Lab, Jennison Building




Student Name:

Student Login:

- Familiarisation and basic use of electronic test equipment such as Oscilloscope and Digital
Multi-Meter (DMM) and using them to make measurements
- Identifying basic components
- Learning practical circuit construction techniques
- To become familiar with component datasheets and component key parameters

Equipment Required

- Soldering iron, Oscilloscope, power supply and DMM – available at lab work bench, Orange and
Blue Zones
- Oscilloscope probe kit - Available to book from Technical Support Centre

Health and Safety

- Caution ! – The soldering irons are hot and can cause burns - Please handle carefully
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided
- Take care using the tools, especially the side cutters when cutting component wires, as the cut
wire can fly and can hit your face/ eye
- Wash your hands after handling electronic components and solder wire
- No eating or drinking in the lab


- It is recommended that you read this script in its entirety before attempting the exercises.
- If applicable, circuit schematics can be found at the back of this script.
- Ensure that you state the units when recording answers
- Work is to be undertaken individually
- If required, you will be asked to call a demonstrator to verify your work throughout the session.
Work without the appropriate demonstrator signature will not be marked.
- Once you have finished, if required, submit this script to a demonstrator, making sure that you
have filled your name and login on the front page.
1. Familiarisation and basic use of electronic test equipment
Power Supply Unit (PSU)

Usually a stand-alone desktop unit, a Power Supply Unit allows you to adjust the voltage precisely for
the requirements of your circuit, Fig. 6. They also have adjustable current limits (as a kind of
electronic fuse) to protect your circuit.

The PSU can have multiple outputs that are useful for powering op-amp circuits which require both
positive and negative (split–rail) Fig. 6A, power rails.

Fig. 6. Benchtop power supply units

Fig. 6A. Benchtop power supply units – Example of Split Rail

For a good tutorial on power supplies, watch the Bald Engineer tutorial:
Digital Multi Meter (DMM)

The DMM (Fig. 1) is a multi-purpose instrument that can measure many parameters, but the key items
are resistance (Ohms), current (Amps), voltage (Volts), continuity and diode in both AC and DC. Other
parameters such as capacitance, temperature and frequency are common but depend on the make and
model of the unit.

Fig. 1. Basic bench top equipment for electronics

You may already be familiar with how to measure DC voltage across a component, Fig. 2, and current
in a series circuit, Fig.3.

Fig. 2. Voltage measurement

Fig. 3. Current measurement
Function Generator

A function generator can generate different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of
frequencies. Common waveforms are sine, square, triangular and sawtooth, Fig. 4. Amplitude,
frequency and DC offset are adjustable.

Fig. 4. Function generator and output waveforms


An oscilloscope ( ‘scope) and Digital Storage Scope (DSO) are used to graphically display time varying
signals and voltages on calibrated scales, Fig. 5. They display the change of an electrical signal or
voltage, with time as the X and voltage as the Y axis. The waveform can then be analysed to observe
properties such as frequency, amplitude, rise time, time interval, noise and distortion.

Fig. 5. A digital oscilloscope

Signal Generator
‘scope Inputs
CH A & B
2. Identifying and Mounting Basic Components

The key types of electronic component are:

(i) Passives – Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors (often abbreviated to R-C-L)

(ii) Semiconductors – including: Diodes, Logic Gates, Microcontrollers (MCU), Transistors (FET &
BJT) Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) Voltage Regulators, and Operational
Amplifiers (OP-AMPS)

(iii) Electro-mechanical – Relays, Switches, Fans, Motors, Solenoids, Sensors and Transducers

There are two distinct methods of assembling components onto circuit boards: Conventional and
Surface Mount.

Through Hole / Conventional Mount (CM) components, Fig. 6(a) have wire leads that you insert
through the PCB and solder to a pad, whereas Surface Mount (SM) components Fig. 7(b) do not have
wire leads and the component end termination is soldered to a pad on top of the circuit board.

Through Hole Resistor

¼ Watt 1206 SM resistor

Fig. 6. Resistor packages

Fig. 7 shows the printed circuit board connection pads for a CM and SM ¼ Watt resistor. This illustrates
the size difference between the two component types.

Fig. 7. Connection pads for a conventional mount and surface mount resistor
3. Learning Practical Circuit Construction Techniques

Soldering is an essential skill for electronics. It requires practice to become skilled, and there are
important fundamentals that you should be aware of. You should watch the video showing good
soldering technique at:

There are various ways to create circuit boards, some require soldering and some do not. Three
common methods are outlined below.

1 - Solderless Breadboards (Fig. 8): for quick proto-typing.

- Pros: Quick and easy to prototype a circuit and verify operation by simply inserting the
components into spring loaded sockets with no soldering required. Easily reconfigurable.
- Cons: Messy, delicate and unreliable contacts. Not good for high current or high speed/ high
frequency designs. Prone to picking up electrical noise.
- Not to be used for a final design in a project or product.

Fig. 8. Breadboard

2 - ‘Vero board’ – Breadboards (Fig. 9): for later stage prototyping.

Fig. 9. Veroboard
Veroboard takes a circuit created and tested on the solderless breadboard and makes it more reliable.

- Pros: Soldered joints for good reliability, Can be used for higher currents, Can be used for high
frequency (not RF) if the layout is neat and components placed are appropriately.
- Con: Careful thought on the layout and creating a tidy board can be time consuming.
- Acceptable to be used for a final prototype

3 – Printed Circuit Board (PCB) (Fig. 10): For tested, permanent circuits.

- Pros: Allows precise layout the components in best positions

- Can minimise track lengths
- Can maximise track widths to reduce current losses
- Can add copper planes, such as power and 0v, for low resistance and noise immunity
- Good reliability
- PCB shape and size can be to your specific requirements to fit your finished project/ product
- Con: Difficult to correct design errors after board fabrication

Fig. 10. Upper and lower surfaces of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Common acronyms for circuit boards:

PCB - Printed Circuit Board

PWB - Printed Wire Board

PCBA - Printed Circuit Board Assembly

CCA - Circuit Card Assembly
PWBA - Printed Wire Board Assembly

PL - Parts List
BOM - Bill of Materials (a list of all the basic parts and their quantities required to create an
assembled circuit)
4. Component Datasheets and Technical Information
There are many components manufacturers who will sell their products through distribution partners.
Distribution partners then sell to electronic assemblers and retail outlets who in turn make products
for their customers. Retail is often via the internet.

Common Semiconductor and Component Manufacturers


The manufacturers then sell their components to distributors, for example:

And these ones often referred to as catalogue distribution:

Manufacturing companies make their products (such as electronic modules) by buying components
from the distribution companies.
Finding Technical Information about electronic components

A retailer such as Hobby Components, Fig. 11, sells electronic parts and modules, but the details and
specifications can be limited and basic.

Fig. 11. Retailer Module Sales Page

Fig. 13 shows an IC with its part number (which is also in the title of the part) we can see it’s a L298N
made by ST (the other letters/ numbers on the part are usually batch and date codes).

Fig. 12. IC package showing part number

By visiting the ST website, we can find the part by searching for the L298N part number. The
datasheet will be available as well as many other useful documents. The first couple of pages usually
give all the key specifications you require such as maximum and minimum voltages and current,
package and pinout, and pin functions, Fig. 14.
Fig. 13. Manufacturer’s datasheet for L298 component
Fig. 13 continued
Fig. 13 continued

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