Static #1 - Course Outline and Review of General Principles

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AER 320: Statics & Strength of Materials

z Prerequisites: PCS 211 – Physics II, MTH 240 – Calculus II

z Required Textbooks: Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 2nd Ed., W.F. Riley,
and L.D. Sturgess, Wiley (R&S) and Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Ed., Roy R.
Craig, Wiley (C)
z Course Evaluation: Homework (10%), quizzes (10%), midterm test (30%),
and final exam (50%)
z Course Administration: 4 hours of lecture and 1 hour of tutorial lab every
week; assignments and quizzes once very two weeks; midterm test (90
minutes) after 7th week; assignments, quizzes and midterm test graded and
returned within 2 weeks (grades will be posted on the website or on the office
door of Prof. Poon; students may request that his/her grades not be posted by
sending a written note or e-mail to Prof. Poon)
z Prof. Poon’s Coordinates: ENG. 160; 416-979-5000, Ext. 4881; and

9/10/2004 AER 320 / Prof. C. Poon 1

AER 320: Statics
z Introduction/Review: Force characteristics, force resultants, force
components, Newton’s Laws (R&S 2.1 – 2.7)
z Rigid Bodies: Moments, couples, vector representations of a moment,
resolution of a force into a force and couple, resultants (R&S 4.1-4.6)
z Distributed Forces: Centers of gravity and mass; centroids of
volumes, areas, and composite bodies; distributed loads (R&S 5.1-
z Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies: Free body diagrams, support reactions,
equilibrium in two and three dimensions, friction (R&S 6.1-6.4, 9.1-
z Trusses, Frames and Machines: Plane problems (R&S 7.1-7.2, 7.4)
z Internal Forces in Axial Members: Axial forces in bars (R&S 8.1-8.2)

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AER 320: Strength of Materials
z Stress and Strain: Normal stress, extensional strain, thermal strain,
stress/strain diagrams, mechanical properties of materials, elasticity,
plasticity, temperature effects, linear elasticity, Hooke’s Law for
isotropic materials (C, 2.1-2.7, 2.10, 2.11, 2.13)
z Axial Deformation: Basic theory, uniform and nonuniform
members, statically indeterminate structures, thermal effects,
misfits, displacement methods (C, 3.1-3.8)
z Equilibrium of Beams: Free body diagrams, relationship between
loads, shear and bending moment, shear and bending moment
diagrams, discontinuity functions (C, 5.1-5.5)
z Stresses in Beams: strain-displacement analysis, flexural stress,
second moments of area/moments of inertia, design of beams, non-
homogeneous beams (C, 6.1-6.5, R&S,10.1-10.3)

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AER320: Weekly Time Table
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:00 – 9:00

320 Lecture
9:00 – 10:00
KHE 127
320 Counsel 320 N (004)
10:00 – 11:00
ENG 160 KHE 222
320 Counsel 320 N (002) 320 N (001)
11:00 – 12:00
ENG 160 KHE118 KHE 222
320 N (003)
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:00

15:00 – 16:00

320 Lecture 320 Counsel

16:00 – 17:00
KHE 127 ENG 160
320 Lecture 320 Lecture
17:00 – 18:00
KHE 127 KHE 127

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Week 1: Review of General Principles
z To provide an introduction to the basic quantities and
idealizations of mechanics
z To give a statement of Newton’s Laws of Motion and
z To review the principles for applying the SI system of units
z To examine the standard procedures for performing numerical
z To present a general guide for solving problems
z To review concurrent forces and their characteristics, resolution
of a force into rectangular components, and resultant by
rectangular components (R&S, Chapter 2)

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Statics and Mechanics of Materials
z Mechanics can be defined as that branch of the physical sciences concerned with
the state of rest or motion of bodies that are subjected to the action of forces.
z In this course, we will study two very important branches of mechanics, namely,
statics and mechanics of materials.
z Statics deals with the equilibrium of bodies, that is, it is used to determine the
forces acting either external to the body or within it; these forces are necessary to
keep the body at rest or moving with a constant velocity.
z Mechanics of materials studies the relationship between the external loads and
the intensity of internal forces acting within the body; in addition, it is concerned
with computing the deformation and stability of the body when subjected to
external forces.
z Statics can be used to determine the forces acting both on and within the body’s
various members; once the internal forces are determined, the size of the
members, their deflections, and their stability, can then be determined using the
fundamentals of mechanics of materials.

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Basic Quantities and Idealization in Mechanics
Four basic quantities are used in mechanics (three are independent):
z Length – locate the position of a point in space and thereby describe the size and
geometric properties of a physical system and distances.
z Time – describe the succession of events. Statics problems are time independent.
z Mass – property of matter that manifests itself as a gravitational attraction between
two bodies and provides a quantitative measure of the resistance of matter to a
change in velocity (inertia).
z Force – considered as a “push” or “pull exerted by one body on another.
Idealizations used in mechanics commonly used in mechanics:
z Particle – has a mass but size is negligible. Geometry of the body is not involved in
the analysis of the problem. For example, the earth can be idealized as a particle
when studying its orbital motion.
z Rigid body – a combination of a large number of particles in which all the particles
remain at a fixed distance from one another both before and after applying a load.
Material properties of a rigid body will not have to be considered because of the
negligibly small deformation based on rigid body idealization.
z Concentrated force – the effect of a load acting at a point on a body.

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Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
z First Law – A particle originally at rest, or
moving in a straight line with constant
velocity, will remain in this state (equilibrium)
provided the particle is not subjected to an
unbalanced force.
z Second Law – A particle acted upon by an
unbalanced force F experiences an
acceleration, a, that has the same direction as
the force and a magnitude that is directly
proportional to the force; mathematically, if F
is applied to a particle of mass m, then F =
z Third Law – The mutual forces of action and
reaction between two particles are equal,
opposite, and collinear.
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Newton’ Law of Gravitational Attraction
z Governing the gravitational attraction between two particles
m1 m2
F = G
Where F = force of gravitational attraction between the two particles
G = universal constant of gravitation = 6.675 (10-11) m3/kg . s2
m1, m2 = mass of each of the two particles
r = distance between the two particles.
z Weight of a particle of mass m1 = m and m2 = Me, mass of the earth with a
radius re, can be defined as the product of m and g, acceleration due to gravity
at sea level and at a latitude of 45° (“standard location”), which has a value of
9.81 m/s2 (SI unit) or 32.2 ft/s2 (US Customary unit)

m Me Me
W = G 2
; g = G 2 ; W = mg
re re
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Example of Newton’s Law of Gravitation

From NASA’s Website

z In its final configuration, the International Space Station (ISS) will have a mass of
approximately 450,000 kg.
z (a) What would be the weight of the ISS if it were at sea level?
z (b) What is the weight of the ISS in an orbit 354 km above the surface of the earth
given that the earth’s radius of 6370 km?
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Units of Measurement
z SI Units – The International System (SI) unit of force, called a
newton (N), is derived from F = ma. Thus 1 N is equal to a force
required to give 1 kg of mass an acceleration of 1m/s2 (N =
kg.m/s2). Therefore at “standard location”, a mass of 1 kg has a
weight of 9.81 N.
z U.S. Customary Units – The unit of mass, called a slug, is derived
also from F = ma. Thus 1 slug is equal to amount of matter
accelerated at 1 ft/s2 when acted upon by a force of 1 lb. Thus at
“standard location”, a mass of 1 slug has a weight of 32.2 lb.

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Conversion Factors, Prefixes, Significant Figures
Conversion factors:
z Length: 1 ft = 0.3048 m
z Force: 1 lb = 4.4482 N
z Mass: 1 slug = 14.5938 kg
z Dimensional homogeneity – Dimensions have to be the same on both sides of the
equal sign in a equation (e.g. distance = speed × time)
Prefixes for SI units:
z 109 = G (giga) , 106 = M (mega), 103 = k (kilo)
z 10-3 = m (milli), 10-6 = µ (micro), 10-9 = n (nano)
Significant figures (describe the accuracy of a number):
z A significant figure is any digit, including a zero, provided it is not used to
specify the location of the decimal point for the number. For example, the
numbers 5604 and 34.54 have four significant figures.
z Using engineering notation, the exponent is expressed in multiples of three in
order to facilitate conversion of SI units to those have an appropriate prefix.
For example, 400 expressed to one significant figure would be 0.4(103).

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Rounding Off Numbers
z For numerical calculations, the accuracy obtained from the solution of a
problem generally can never be better than the accuracy of the problem data.
z Thus a calculated result should always be “round off” to an appropriate
number of significant figures since calculators or computers often involve
more figures in the answer than those for the data.
z Rules for rounding off a number to n significant figures:
– If the n+1 digit is less than 5, the n+1 digit and others following it are dropped.
For example, 2.326 and 0.451 rounded off to n = 2 would be 2.3 and 0.45,
– If the n+1 digit is equal to 5 with zeros following it, then round off the nth digit to
an even number. For example, 1.245(103) and 0.8655 rounded off to n = 3
become 1.24(103) and 0.866, respectively.
– If the n+1 digit is greater than 5 or equal to 5 with any nonzero digits following it,
then increase the nth digit by 1 and drop the n+1 digit and others following it. For
example, 0.723 87 and 565.500 3 rounded off to n = 3 become 0.724 and 566,

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General Procedure for Analysis
z Read the problem carefully and try to correlate the actual
physical situation with the theory studied.
z Draw any necessary diagrams and tabulate the problem data.
z Apply the relevant principles, generally in mathematical form.
z Solve the necessary equations algebraically, as far as possible,
then making sure they are dimensionally homogeneous, use a
consistent set of units and complete the solution numerically.
z Report the answer with no more significant figures than the
accuracy of the given data.
z Study the answer with technical judgment and common sense to
determine whether or not it seems reasonable (sanity check).

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Vertical Fin Failure of AA Flight 587

From NSTB Website

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Concurrent Force Systems – Chapter 2

z Forces and their characteristics

z Resultant of two concurrent forces
z Resultant of three or more concurrent forces
z Resolution of a force into components
z Rectangular components of a force
z Resultant of rectangular components

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2.2 Forces and Their Characteristics
z Magnitude, direction (orientation and sense), point of application
z A force is a vector quantity – it possesses magnitude and direction
z Different from scalar quantities, such as mass, density, volume, time, etc.
z Free vector – its line of action does not pass through a unique point in space
z Sliding vector – its line of action passes through a unique point in space
anywhere along its line of action
z Bound vector – its line of action passes through a unique point in space at a
fixed point along its line of action
z Vector quantity is identified by boldface type, e.g. A
z Principle of transmissibility – the external effect of a force on a rigid body is
the same for all points of application of the force along its line of action; the
force is treated as a sliding vector
z Forces can be classified under two general headings: (a) contacting or surface
forces such as a pull or push, and (b) body forces, such as gravitational pull
z Forces can be further classified as distributed, concentrated, concurrent,
coplanar, parallel, and colinear (see Figures 2.5 – 2.7, pp. 36 – 38)

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2.3 Resultant of Two Concurrent Forces
z Two concurrent forces F1 and F2 can be replaced by a single
resultant force, R, which will produce the same effect on the
body as the original two forces
z The resultant R can be determined by adding F1 and F2 using
the parallelogram law; since only one-half of a parallelogram
is needed, the method is also called the triangle law of
addition (draw diagram on the board)
z Graphical methods can be used to determine the resultant of
two concurrent forces; in addition, trigonometric methods
based on the law of sines and law of cosines are used
(equations given in notes)
z Use examples to illustrate the procedure for determining the
resultant R of a force system by the laws of sines and cosines.
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Scalars and Vectors
z Scalar – A quantity characterized by a positive or negative number is called a
scalar. For example, mass, volume, and length are scalar quantities. In this
lecture, scalars are indicated by letters in italic type, such as scalar A.
z Vector – A vector is a quantity that has both a magnitude and a direction. For
example, position, force, and moment. In this lecture, vectors will be
indicated by letters in boldface type, such as vector A. The magnitude of A,
which is always a positive quantity, is indicated in italic as a positive scalar A.
z A vector is represented graphically by an arrow,
which is used to define its magnitude (length),
direction (angle between the arrow’s
line of action and a reference axis),
and sense (arrow head)

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Vector Operations: Addition & Subtraction
z Two vectors A & B
can be added to
form resultant
vector R by using
the Parallelogram
Law by arranging
the vectors in a
z Vector addition is
z Subtraction can be
defined as a special
case of addition:
R’ = A – B
= A + (-B)

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Resolution of a Vector into Components

z A vector can be resolved into two components having know lines of action
by using the Parallelogram Law. For example, R is resolved into components
acting along the lines of action, a and b to obtain A and B by completing the

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Vector Operations – Multiplication & Division
z The product of vector A and a
scalar a, is a vector aA, having a
magnitude aA.
z Division of a vector by a scalar can
be defined by the law of
multiplication, since A/a = (1/a)A.
z The product is associative with
respect to scalar multiplication:
a(b)A = (ab)A
z The product is distributive with
respect to scalar addition:
(a + b)A = aA + bA
z The product is distributive with
respect to vector addition:
a(A + B) = aA + aB
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Analysis Using Trigonometry Laws

z Redraw a half portion of the

parallelogram to illustrate the
triangular head-to-tail addition
of the components.
z The magnitude of the resultant
force is determined from the
law of cosines, and its
direction is determined from
the law of sines.
z The the magnitude of two
force components are
determined from the law of

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Example 2.1: A screw eye is subjected to two forces, F1 and F2.
Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force FR.

z Using the law of cosines:

FR = (100N ) 2 + (150N ) 2 − 2 (100N )(150N ) cos115o

z FR = 212.6 N = 213 N.
z The angle θ can be determined by
the law of sines:

150 N 212.6 N
sin θ sin 115o

z θ = 39.8 °
z φ = 39.8 ° + 15° = 54.8 °

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2.4 Resultant of 3 or More Concurrent Forces
z The force on the hook Fc, caused by the two
forces Fa and Fb along chains a and b, can
be determined by forming a parallelogram.
z If Fc is known, its two components Fa and
Fb that act along chains a and b, can also be
determined by constructing lines parallel to a
and b, thereby forming the parallelogram.
z If more than two forces are present, the
resultant, FR, can be determined by
successive application of the Parallelogram
Law: FR = (F1 + F2) + F3
z Application of the Parallelogram Law to
more than 3 forces requires extensive
trigonometric calculation; this can be
simplified using the rectangular component
method discussed in Sections 2.6 and 2.7.
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2.5 Resolution of a Force into Components
z A single force can be resolved into a system of two or
more forces which are called the components of the
original force
z The point of concurrency of the system of force
components must be on the line of action of the
original force
z The process of replacing a single force by two or more
forces is called resolution, see Figure 2-20 for example
z More examples

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2.6 Rectangular Components of a Force
z General oblique components of a force are not
widely used for solving most practical
engineering problems
z Mutually perpendicular (rectangular) components
are widely used since the resolution process is
now based on the Pythagorean theorem
z Key Equations
z Examples

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2.7 Resultants by Rectangular Components
z For coplanar forces, the resultant can be conveniently
determined by summation of forces in the x and y
z This can be extended to the general case involving
three or more concurrent forces in space, by summing
the rectangular components in the x, y and z directions
z Key equations
z Examples

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