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This research presents a different study of other foreign and local literature

regarding of the mathematics teacher teaching style on the students motivation.

Related Literature

Learning mathematics has always been hard for the students in the classroom.

Generally, many students who have had firsthand experience of learning mathematics in the

classroom hold the disbelief that mathematics is either boring or very challenging which has

resulted to parents acceptance and toleration of low performance in mathematics (Drukpa, 2015).

This trait of disbelief is likely to have negative correlation in the sense that students will not

gain from learning experience and are at risk of falling ahead. It was observed that the student’s

level of motivation and interest tend to fall in learning mathematics that results in low

achievement in mathematics. The problem has become apparent particularly after having known

the level of students’ interest and standard of learning mathematics in our classroom. Discussion

with critical friend and other colleagues also revealed that students lack of motivation

impedes in achieving the learning outcomes in mathematics. Lhamo(2009) indicated that

significant number of students tends to be suffering from a low self-esteem in learning but

with different style on teaching, students’ self-esteem tends to be boost.

A study by Guvendir (2013) found that students should have high motivation in order

to achieve a high standard of mathematical education. Moreover, studies have also establish a
key role on having style on teaching mathematics education in student motivation and that

mathematical achievement is related to both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.

Using appropriate and effective strategies and style on teaching mathematics in

teaching students (Giford, 2014). Some teaching strategies like as memorizing mathematics is

not effective strategy for developing the understanding of the students. Motivation and taking

interest in learning mathematics researchers suggest fluency in ability to apply and use of steps

or strategies for the students to solve the problems confidentially.

Students need to work on interest and rich mathematical problems it should be

practicing ongoing and continuous practice. Integration of games in teaching process contributes

learners more achievement in learning mathematics (Moore, 2016).

Making mathematics more accessible and enjoyable teacher can share connection of

mathematics to real-world environment. Smith and Martinez – Moyano, (2013) stated that

traditional methods in teaching mathematics make students nervous and viewed as unproductive

at the result students consider mathematics difficult field. On the other hand, cooperative

learning, small group and variety if strategies in teaching develop students’ conceptual

understanding and motivational skills.

Students become co-constructors of knowledge from side-to-side learning through

multiple activities like as communicating their ideas, justifying their work, asking questions

(Wagganer, 2015). The multiple strategies for development of students’ conceptual

understanding about learning math, developing interest and high achievement put positive

effects. Pedagogy and ways improve success in mathematics using appropriate and effective

Mathematics is one of the core subject and knowledge for students to know, understand

and participate in work to develop their interest, motivational skills and concept. A large number

of students hesitate and argue that mathematics is a difficult subject so for therefore they do not

take interest and feel difficult to understand it in traditional practicing ay in schools. It is

necessary to regulate the way of teaching strategies in teaching and learning process so that

students develop their logic skills taking into explanation learning theories being stated the

ability to solve the math problems in easy way. Purvantu, D. E . (2013) renowned that previous

studies have been conducted in different situation of education in enhancing motivational skills

of students, using diverse types of cooperative learning teaching techniques.

According The Education for All Reported published in (2013/2014) digital classroom

can improve learning and connection the gasps among the less competent teachers. Furthermore,

use of technology can improve learning concepts and motivational skills among students in

teaching mathematics as well. Few decades back cooperative learning had a straight input to

successful learning consequences. Adeniran (2013) identified that teachers face difficulties to

teach mathematics beside the nature of children they struggle children end up to hate learning

method of memorization is harmless to the learning mathematics.

Teaching strategies move the students towards involvement in activities and teaching

interest subject matter. Such motivational teaching strategies/ approaches like as using models,

materials, objects, pictures, av-aids develop the intrinsic motivation towards learning

mathematics. Teaching styles and strategies by teacher is strong factor in motivating learners to

learn with attention. Conducted study by Morshed (2013) acknowledged from several studies

that at secondary level math performance was the lowest of all school subjects even failed to

display adequate capability.

The literature review findings show that applying relevant, interesting and more teaching

strategies effects on students’ motivation at secondary level that they took interest in learning

mathematics. Some innovative teaching methods and related teaching strategies like as

cooperative learning, direct instruction and problem based instruction in learning mathematics

put positive impact towards taking interest of learners to learn mathematics smoothly Such

activities draw upon newspaper article or experiential learning activities develop statistics

concepts and put positive influence on carrier and lives of the learners (Zewotir, 2014).

Related Studies

According to the result of the study of Belal Sadiq Rabab’h (2023) which is entitled A

Study of Mathematics Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs, Mathematics Teaching Anxiety and

Motivation Towards Teaching Mathematics. This study aimed to assess the relationship between

the teaching self-efficacy beliefs, teaching anxiety and motivation towards teaching mathematics

among Math teachers in schools. A total of 51 schools-teachers participated in the study, with 31

male teachers and 20 female teachers. The study variables were measured by instruments

adopted from literature for data collection using the survey method. Based on the obtained

results, there is significant teaching anxiety and motivation towards teaching mathematics, but

not between self-efficacy beliefs and mathematics teaching anxiety.

Based on the study of Shenkut Belhu Habtamu (2022) the study aimed to examine the

effect of cooperative problem-solving method on grade nine secondary school students’

motivation toward learning algebra. In this study, pretest-posttest non equivalent group quasi-

experimental design was employed. The result revealed that there was a statistically significant
mean difference between groups on intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task-

value, control of beliefs for learning, self-efficacy, and total motivation of students to learn

algebra. Besides, expect test anxiety motivation and its component, students’ motivation and its

components to learn algebra were affected by the cooperative problem-solving and the problem-

solving methods.

In the study of Samuel Juliardi Sinaga (2022) the study aims to determine the effect of

motivation on students’ mathematics learning achievement, the effect of learning styles on

mathematics learning achievement and the influence of motivation and learning styles on

students’ mathematic learning achievement.

According to the study of Omarbek Nurbaviyev (2022) which is entitled The Effect of

Active Learning Method in Students’ Academic Success, Motivation and Attitude Towards

Mathematics. The purpose of the study is to look at this purpose in a very holistic way by

combining academic achievement, students’ attitudes, and motivation in determining how much

active learning has impacted the education process. By incorporating the Mathematics

Achievement Test, the attitudes test, the motivation survey, and finally a more statistically

reliable MANOVA test, this study seeks to find out the effect of active learning in classroom.

In the study of FP Rachmavita (2020) which is entitled Interactive Media-Based Video

Animation and Student Learning Motivation in Mathematics. This study examines the theoretical

framework of student motivation and learning media. The method used in his article is a

literature review by collecting data from various published scientific journals and other relevant

sources. The results of the study indicate that in order to increase student learning motivation, it

is necessary to have learning media that can mark students’ interest in learning in mathematics.

One of them is by developing interactive media that is attractive to students.

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