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1. influence of classroom atmosphere on your tendency to be tardy.

2. distractions caused by social media contribute to your tardiness.

3. Poor time management skills contribute to student tardiness
4. The availability of reliable transportation options affects student
5. Student motivation and engagement in academic activities influence
6. The influence of peer groups plays a role in student tardiness.
7. The availability of breakfast or meals at school affects student
8. Classroom disruptions and distractions contribute to student tardiness.
9. The level of parental involvement impacts student punctuality.
10. The scheduling of extracurricular activities affects student tardiness.
11. The school's disciplinary measures effectively address student
12. The school's communication regarding class schedules and changes
affects student punctuality.
13. Student workload and homework assignments impact their ability to
be punctual.
14. The school's physical infrastructure and facilities affect student
15. The level of teacher support and understanding towards students'
challenges affects their punctuality.
16. The school's enforcement of consequences for tardiness is fair and
17. Student involvement in extracurricular activities affects their
18. The school's class schedule organization and structure impact student
19. The availability of study resources and materials at school affects
student punctuality.
20. Student motivation and interest in the subjects taught influence their

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