AI in The Field of Healthcare

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Artificial Intelligence has made huge strides in the sphere of healthcare.

While globally there is a

severe shortage of health care attendants, AI is softening the blow with some remarkable



AI in Diagnosis

Hospice Decision
care support


Well-being – personal health focussed apps are helping people improve their lifestyle and habits to
adopt better practices, thereby reducing possible illnesses and monitoring vital factors of their
health. This is also reducing their expenses towards medical consultation. AI is also helping
healthcare professionals to analyse patterns better and recommend guidance and solutions to

Timely Detection – use of AI in timely detection of life threatening diseases like cancer in early stages
helps patients go through treatment protocols in time, recover faster and lead normal lives after full
recovery. AI is also countering false diagnosis of earlier technology like mammograms making expert
medical opinion worthwhile. AI driven medical devices which are wearable help doctors monitor
data and help the patients take timely and suitable action

Diagnosis – tools like IBM’s “Watson for Health” is helping doctors apply technology and arrive at a
fair diagnosis within a reasonable time span. This helps in timely treatment and increases chances of
recovery. DeepMind Health developed by Google uses the joint capability of ML and systems
neuroscience to create neural networks and thereby helping the medical fraternity resolve actual
medical case issues.

Decision support – timely decisions made on the basis of analysis of various factors help in better
health care and averting sudden occurrence of hidden conditions. Risk analysis by assessing factors
such as lifestyle, environmental, genomic, and many other aspects also helps healthcare
professionals arrive at better decisions for their patients.

Treatment – scientific approach to management of disease, treatment protocols etc can be achieved
through information provided by AI. Robotic procedures, micro-surgeries assisted by AI driven
instruments are all accepted part of medical procedures in modern day medicine now.
Hospice (End of life) care – is a ballooning situation. Life span of humans has increased over the
decades, but the final years are stressful for the family. AI helps in hospice by analysing various
factors and guiding care-givers. It can also help create solutions to keep the aging minds sharp and
create social interactions with robots.

Research – by reducing the long wait for clinical trials, which at an average is 12 years, AI helps in
bringing new medical breakthroughs to the patient. Since the long trial period is reduced, there is a
scope for drastically minimizing the cost as well.

Training – is one of the areas in medicine where AI’s adoption is immense. From simulations to
assisted programs, flexible training delivery options have made vital changes to the way the learning
needs are handled.

(PWC, 2017)

Improving medical efficiency by better record keeping, analysis and reducing caseload by improved
documentation handling is a new development ushered in by AI. It also speedens rate of diagnosis,
prevents human errors and improves drug discovery rates.

AI also helps hospitals and clinics to improve their processes and reduce the time spent by the
patient. Improved processes result in better patient experience and better reviews of the facility.
This in turn results in better business and higher profits.

Robotic surgery is a fast gaining popularity as an option for procedures which require high levels of
precision, flexibility and complexity. In some cases the demanded skills are super-human. Even
teams of doctors are unable to achieve those results because of the delicate nature of human body
and limited space for either movement or error.

(Daley, 2023)

AI can use available data from a patient’s case history and other related data to predict outcomes
and also give recommendations. Automation of work flow in a hospital using AI reduces load on the
staff, freeing them up for tasks requiring higher level of skills and responsibilities.

(Marr, 2022)

The Health Insurance industry also has a very critical benefit from AI. Due to its ability to analyse
large bit of related and unrelated information, fraud detection can be identified by AI. Its capability
could also be used in a negative application by Insurance companies by predicting which segment of
the population would be susceptible to a medical requirement, which could be a reason for higher
premiums for those illnesses or even exclusion from the list of claimable incidences.

(World Health Organization, 2023)

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