Exam of Material Technlogy ANS 2021

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The Higher Institute of Engineering Subject : Materials Technology

6 th of October Code : MTE204

Department: Mechatronic Engineering Level : Third
Midterm 2020/2021 second term Time : 1hr.
Total marks : 25


1. Dye penetrant method is generally used to locate.
(a) core defects (b) surface defects (c) superficial defects(d) temporary defects
2. Which material can’t be tested by MPI?
Co (b) Fe (c) Ni (d) Mg
3. What is the disadvantage of liquid penetrant test?
(a) Expensive (b) Slow (c) Not reliable(d) Depth restriction
4. Which order is right for liquid penetrant test?
(a) Penetrant apply, development, inspection, surface preparation (b) Surface preparation, penetrant
apply, development, inspection (c) Penetrant apply, development, surface preparation, inspection (d)
Development, surface preparation, penetrant apply, inspection
5. In which type of test the capillary action principle is used?
(a) Probe test (b)Bend liquid test (c) Dye penetrant test (d) None of the above
6. Non-destructive testing is used to determine
(a) location of defects (b) chemical composition (c) corrosion of metal (d) All of these
7. Which among the following is not a type of Non-destructive testing?
(a) compression test visual. (b) testing ultrasonic (c) testing creep testing
8. Identify the type of destructive testing
(a) Radiographic test (b) Dye penetrant test (c) Creep test (d) All of the above
9. Which among the following is the last step in magnetic particle test method?
(a) observation and inspection (b) circular magnetization (c) demagnetization(d) magnetization
10. Which of the following statements is/are true for ultrasonic test?
(a) Equipment used for ultrasonic testing is portable (b) Complicated shapes can be easily scanned (c)
Waves generated are health hazardous (d) All the above statements are true
11. During radiography test, which region absorbs less radiation and transmits more?
(a) Low and high density regions absorb and transmit same amount of radiation (b) High density region
(c) Low density region (d) None of the above
12. The castings produced by forcing molten metal under pressure into a permanent metal mould
is known as
(a) Permanent mould casting (b) slush casting (c) die casting (d) centrifugal casting
13. The temperature at which the new grains are formed in the metal is called
(a) lower critical temperature (b) upper critical temperature (c) eutectic temperature (d) recrystallisation
14. The hot working of metals is carried out
(a) at the recrystallisation temperature (b) below the recrystallisation temperature (c) above the
recrystallisation temperature (d) at any temperature
15. The cold working of metals is carried out .............. the recrystallisation temperature.
(a) above (b) below
a. strength b. toughness c. hardness d. ductility e. fatigue f. tensile
g. the offset h. carbon i. chromium j. impact k. yield l. Charpy
method strength strength impact test
m. metallographic n. nickel o. improves the
fatigue life
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The Higher Institute of Engineering Subject : Materials Technology
6 th of October Code : MTE204
Department: Mechatronic Engineering Level : Third
Midterm 2020/2021 second term Time : 1hr.
Total marks : 25

1. The property of metals that describes their resistance to indentation is called: (C)
2. The property of metals that describes their ability to carry a load is: ( A)
3. The property that describes the ability of a metal to deform when stressed is:( D)
4. The yield strength of a material is determined by: (G)
5. The ability of a metal to absorb energy is called: ( B)
6. Which alloying element is generally considered to have the most pronounced effect on the properties
and performance of carbon steel? (H)
7. Which alloying element is commonly added to steel to improve its corrosion resistance?( I )
8. Which property cannot be determined from a tensile test? ( B,C,J)
9. The point at which a metal’s behavior changes from elastic to plastic (onset of permanent
deformation) is referred to as:( K)
10. What type of test uses a weighted pendulum which strikes a notched test specimen? ( L)
11. The metal property that relates to a metal’s deforming without failing is called: (D)
12. The type of testing used to evaluate the type of microstructure present in a metal is called: (M)
13. Which of the following tests will generally be used to determine the behavior of a metal at a specific
temperature? (L)
14. To improve the low temperature properties of carbon steels, the most likely alloy addition would be:
15. The ‘offset method’ is used for determining which property? (K)
3- An annealed AISI 1018 steel has Sy = 32.0 kpsi, Su = 49.5 kpsi, σf = 91.1 kpsi, σ0 =
90 kpsi, m = 0.25, and εf = 1.05 in/in. Find the new values of the strengths if the
material is given 15 percent cold work. (5 marks)

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The Higher Institute of Engineering Subject : Materials Technology
6 th of October Code : MTE204
Department: Mechatronic Engineering Level : Third
Midterm 2020/2021 second term Time : 1hr.
Total marks : 25

4- Calculate the impact energy for the impact testing as a function in m (mass of pendulum hammer)
,g (gravity) , R, α, and β. (5 marks)

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