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Name: (optional)

Direction: Put a check(√) in YES if the question is related to you and

check(√) NO if not.
Mental Health
1. Does social media affect your mental health?
2. Did social media help your mental health?
3. Are your classmates affect your mental health?
4. Does your environment affect your mental health?
5. Does social media affect your emotion?
6. Did social media give you anxiety?
7. Are your neighbors affect your mental health?
8. Does social media help you socialize?

Physical Health
1. Does social media help your physical health?
2. Does social media engage you in bullying?
3. Did social media affect your daily life?
4. Did you eat three times a day while using social media?
5. Did you experience headache while using social media?
6. While using social media, did you forget about your sports
7. While using social media, did you experience purblind?
8. Do you experience numbness of hand while using social

1. Is social media affecting your family?
2. Does social media help your family?
3. Did your family still have a bonding’s?
4. Did social media give you a stress?
5. Does social media help you to communicate with your
6. Does social media give a problem in your family?
7. Does social media affected your family bond?
8. Did social media severe your family problem?

1. Did you still manage your time to study?
2. Does social media help your study?
3. Did you still give effort to your study?
4. Can you still do your homework without using social media?
5. Does social media affect your academic?
6. Can you still do a self study?

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