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Tiara Sephani (120060004)

Agni Oktaviani Saputri (120060016)


The word media comes from the Latin medius which literally means "middle",
"intermediary" or "introduction". Teaching media is defined as anything that can be used to
convey messages or lesson content, stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities of
students, so as to encourage the teaching and learning process. In the 1950s, the media was
referred to as an audio-visual aid, because at that time the role of the media was solely to
assist teachers in teaching. But then, his name is more popular as a teaching medium or
learning media. Various forms of media can be used to enhance the learning experience in a
more concrete direction. Teaching by using the media is not just using words (verbal
symbols), so it is hoped that the results of a more meaningful learning experience for
students will be obtained. Understanding the value of each type of media is important,
because in the educational process, teachers must choose the right media so that the
desired goals can be realized in students. The results of the research have shown that the
media has shown its superiority in assisting teachers in conveying learning messages as well
as being faster and easier for students to grasp. Educational media have positive forces and
synergies that are able to change their attitudes and behavior towards creative and dynamic
changes. The role of educational media is very much needed in learning where in its current
development educational media is no longer seen as just a tool but an integral part of the
education and learning system. Educational media is important in improving student
learning achievement. Educational and learning media can be useful as a means of
conveying subject matter that can be uniformed, the learning process becomes clearer and
more interesting, the learning process becomes more interactive, efficiency in time and
effort, improves the quality of student learning outcomes, the media allows the learning
process to be carried out anywhere anytime and at any time, the media can foster a positive
attitude of students towards the material and learning and learning processes, and learning
media can change the teacher's role in a more positive and productive direction.

Learning media with digital technology cannot be denied as sophisticated media or novelty
that students are usually familiar with. Today's students are the generation who are
accustomed to digital technology (digital native). This is something that is natural because
each generation has its own characteristics according to its era. Technological sophistication
gave birth to a variety of learning methods that are more effective and attractive to
students. Digital-based learning is an example of an effective learning method and has been
a trend in e-learning for the past decade. Digital-Based Learning is very beneficial and has
captivated the world of education since its creation. Because the human brain is wired to
track movement and is attracted to movement. Videos can make things more interesting
than just text.

Learning with traditional media is learning where in general the learning center is on the
teacher. So here the teacher acts as a teacher and educator and tends to be active where
students are only as objects of education. The traditional learning system is characterized by
the meeting between students and teachers to carry out the teaching and learning process.
The traditional approach is a learning approach in which the teacher in the classroom uses
relatively fixed learning methods every time he teaches. Teachers seem more active than
students. It is the teacher who plays an important role in learning. This learning approach
does not use adequate tools or media, so that student learning outcomes are less broad and

Comparing teaching media

Words scramble

This game is a game application to find as much vocabulary as possible on a 4×4 board. who
can find the most words then he will get more points. In general, games are fun and can
motivate students during the learning process. Games that educate are learning activities
that use games in the learning process and of course the game contains educational
components or values that lead to education. In learning activities that need to be carried
out by educators is to take a learning approach that emphasizes imagination which is able to
make the learning process very enjoyable. Game-based learning is a learning process in the
form of an educational innovation.

Mind Meister

Mind mapping is a technique that combines the right and left hemispheres of the brain to
receive new ideas. The visuals created in the mind map can help to organize the information
that has just been received and determine the major themes in the discussion. After
determining the big theme, mind mapping can help in outlining the details of the theme and
understanding the concept as a whole. Compile a creative mind map prepared with
elements of innovation and creation. Both are present in creative mind mapping in the form
of images, colours, accentuations of other decorations. The purpose of this creation is to
make it easier to understand the concepts to be studied by utilizing creative mind mapping.

A. Word Scramble
According to Suyatno (2009), scramble is a type of cooperative learning which
is presented in the form of cards (Mukrima, 2014). Meanwhile, according to Shoimin
(2014), "Scramble is a learning method that invites students to find answers and
solve existing problems by distributing question sheets and answer sheets
accompanied by available alternative answers". Scramble is used for a type of
children's game which is an exercise in developing and increasing insight into
vocabulary thinking. Shoimin (2014) revealed that scramble consists of various
forms, namely:
1) Scramble words, which is a game of arranging letters that have been messed
up so that they form a certain meaningful word.
2) Scramble sentences, namely a arrangement of sentences from random
words. The form of the sentence should be logical, meaningful, precise and
3) Scramble discourse, which is a game of arranging logical discourse based on
random sentences.
The results of the discourse arrangement should be logical and meaningful.
According to the opinion above, it can be concluded that the scramble method is a
method of playing random words, sentences or paragraphs, which is used to
increase the concentration and speed of students' thinking, in solving random
questions and answers that have been provided by the teacher. word scramble is
used in research as a method in learning. Scramble words are expected to increase
children's knowledge of English vocabulary so as to improve student learning
An expert named Tony Buzan, states that mind mapping is developing a
thinking process so that from one direction initially it becomes all directions. In
addition, terms can attract various kinds of thoughts into various points of view and
mind mapping develops ways of thinking that are branched and creative. Mind
mapping is a technique or method that can incorporate the right and left
hemispheres of the brain to be able to receive various kinds of new ideas, ideas or
The visual display of mind mapping is the depiction of concepts in the form of
branching lines, images and keywords. With this, it can make it easier for the reader
to retrieve information so that it helps the brain to receive ideas quickly and
precisely. Another opinion came from Melvin L. Sliberman that mind mapping is a
way for someone to think creatively to produce ideas that can be implemented. of
what is being studied, recording a lesson, or a creative way of planning a new study.

How to use Scramble Word

This word scramble game is a game application to find as many vocabulary words as
possible on a 4×4 board. who can find the most words then he will get more points.
Scramble consists of various forms, namely:

1) Scramble words, which is a game of arranging letters that have been messed up or
randomly placed so that they form a certain meaningful word, the method is that
when you have been given a word that has been scrambled then arrange it into a
correct word, for example: rfmare = farmer, korw = work.
2) Scramble sentences, namely a arrangement of sentences from random words. The
form of the sentence should be logical, meaningful, precise and correct. The method
is the same, when random sentences have been distributed arrange the sentences
into a good and correct sentence. For example: went – I – bus – to – by – bandung = I
went to Bandung by bus.
3) Scramble discourse, which is a game of arranging logical discourse based on random
sentences. The method is the same, namely arranging sentences so that they
become good and correct discourse.
How to Create Word Scramble

Creating a 'word scramble' game for students can help students get to know new
vocabulary, or make learning fun so that children don't feel bored. Here's how to make a
word scramble

1. Prepare the vocabulary you want to use.

2. Prepare colorful paper and pens.
3. Cut the paper to form a rectangle according to the number of words to be used. for
example the sentence 'I went to Bandung' means that the paper needed is 4 papers.
4. Write vocabulary on paper that has been cut to form a rectangle using colorful pens
to make it interesting.
5. Decorate by adding stickers or pictures.
6. Word scramble can be used.

The Implementation of Word Scramble in ELT

The application of using word scramble in the classroom can be done in the middle of
learning, when students seem to have lost their focus because they listened to the teacher's
explanation for too long. The teacher can start a word scramble game to get the students'
attention so that learning doesn't tend to be boring, that is, in a way

1. Ask students to form groups of 4 people.

2. Prepare the world scramble media that has been made by the teacher.
3. Distribute to each group.
4. Ask students to be able to compose sentences on the paper.
5. To make it more interesting, give collection time, if you are the first to give a reward
so they are excited.
6. When everyone has managed to compile and collect, discuss it together.

Word Scramble Function

● Improves cognitive abilities: This game requires quick thinking and logic to solve and
solve random and irregular words. Therefore, word scramble can help students
improve their cognitive abilities.
● Increase vocabulary: By trying to complete the word scramble, students will be faced
with various English words. This will help increase students' vocabulary indirectly.
● Stimulates creativity: These games also allow students to see words from different
points of view and find ways to solve difficult words. This can stimulate the creativity
and imagination of students.
● Show fun: Word scramble is a simple and fun game. Therefore, this game can help
show students that learning English can be a fun activity.
● Helps improve learning strategies: Word scramble can also help students in
improving their learning strategies. In his examples, they learn to identify patterns,
see which words occur frequently, and develop techniques for word deciphering.

Benefits of Word Scramble

Word scramble is a fun way to improve English. Here are some of the benefits of shuffling
words and how this game can help improve our English skills.

● They help develop word recognition

● They help recognizable patterns

● They help with learning context clues

● They are a great way to introduce new words

● They help improve spelling

● They are a fun activity for the classroom

● They are great for a little break (or when you need a break!)

Spelling, Improving Mind, Expanding Vocabulary. Word games reinforce spelling in our
minds, especially those with crosswords and puzzles when it becomes important to spell
related words to complete a task. Word scramble makes the mind work faster. It makes us
remember all the words we have ever kno
wn related to the task of winning the game. In short, it also boots working memory. The
best part about word scrambling is to win; Vocabulary game must be strong enough. This
encourages us to learn new words so we can use them in the next game.

Advantages and Disadvantages Word Scramble


● Language games are language teaching media that can be used to increase CBSA
levels in the teaching and learning process.
● Language games can be used to revive the enthusiasm of students who have started
to sluggishly learn.
● The competitive nature contained in the game can encourage students to compete
● In addition to games that can generate excitement and train certain skills, language
games can also foster a sense of solidarity.
● The material communicated through language games is usually memorable so that it
is difficult to forget.


● The game usually makes n oise so that it disturbs adjacent classes.

● Not all subject matter can be communicated through the media of language games.
● Many treat language games as activities to fill their free time.
● Language games contain many elements of speculation, students who win in a game
cannot be used as a measure that these students are smarter than other students.
B. Mind Meister
MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool that lets users share maps with an
unlimited number of users and collaborate with them in real-time. The vendor says
more than 11 million people around the world use MindMeister to brainstorm ideas,
plan projects, take meeting minutes, develop business strategies, create stunning
presentations and much more. It is designed to be intuitive.

How to Use MindMeister

● The First thing you need to is go to and click into sign up. You can
sign up using an existing Google account, with Microsoft, other services, or you can
just quickly enter your email addresses here, so once you’re signed up.
● As soon as you sign up or log in to MindMeister, you'll see the dashboard. From
here, you can see all of your mind maps (both private and collaborative) displayed in
list or grid view. Sort between recent, favorite, and deleted mind maps in the left
sidebar, or click the large plus icon (+) to create a new mind map.
● Once you've created your new mind map, you'll be taken to the map editor. From
here, you can create new topics and subtopics using only two keys: TAB and ENTER.
⮚ Press TAB to create new subtopics.
⮚ Press Enter to create sibling topics on the same hierarchical level.

● Right-click any topic to open the styling toolbar and perform advanced actions.
The styling toolbar contains five separate tabs:
⮚ Actions: Use this tab to Add connections, comment, add notes, upload
images, add attachments, and assign tasks in MeisterTask.
⮚ Style: From here, you can change a topic's appearance.
⮚ Icons: Add an icon or emoji to a topic.
⮚ Layout: Click this icon to change the selected topic's layout.
⮚ More Options (...): Cut, copy or edit your map topic.

● Choose one of MindMeister's auto-layout options to quickly organize your topics. If

you'd prefer to manually drag and drop topics on the canvas, you can also disable
● Share your mind map with other users via e-mail invitation or a shareable link to
collaborate in real time. You can also assign other users read-only or editing
privileges to protect your data and work together more effectively.
MindMeister Function

Mind mapping or mind map is a way to convey ideas and concepts with graphics. This
method can help you think visually, organize information, analyze, understand, remember
and generate new ideas better. Mind mapping transforms a monotonous list of information
into colorful, more memorable and neatly arranged diagrams that are in line with our
thoughts. With mind mapping, we can develop a new idea or compile information by
looking at information charts that are mutually sustainable. Mind mapping also has a
flexible nature and can be developed to support one's way of thinking.

Reporting from the book Managerial Writing Skills (2019) by Sahrul Romadhon, the function
or use of mind mapping can help us in learning and working, namely:

● Helps in remembering information. Many people have difficulty remembering. In

studying and working a lot of information that we have to remember. Mind mapping
is the right way to make notes about all the information we receive. Mind mapping
helps us to record only important information using keywords and linking facts and
opinions visually. We can summarize all the information we have in one page of
● Mind mapping is used to organize ideas. We can use mind mapping when we want
to make essays or presentations. Mind mapping helps in planning the structure of
the discussion starting from the introduction of ideas or introduction, discussion of
ideas, and conclusions. Mind mapping focuses on the message we want to convey
and the important information we include. This prevents us from discussions outside
the topic we want to discuss. Essays and presentations that we make will also look
orderly, so that readers and listeners can easily understand them.
● Problem solving Mind mapping can help us focus our minds on the problems we
face, especially on the important aspects of our problems. The colors and pictures in
mind maps will make our brains more active and ready to solve a problem. Mind
mapping also helps in generating more ideas and related things, so that we can find
more solutions to the problem.
MindMeister runs in any standard web-browser as well as on iOS and Android devices, so
users can access, edit and present their mind maps anytime, wherever they are.

With MindMeister, users can:

● Share mind maps with other people and provide different access rights to them

● Review the entire change history of mind maps and revert to any previous version if

● Turn mind maps into engaging, dynamic slideshows to present them online or in

● Connect mind maps with project boards in MeisterTask, to turn ideas into actionable
tasks at the click of a button

● Make mind maps public and embed them in a website or blog

Benefits of Using Digital and Traditional Teaching Media

Benefits of MindMeister/Mind Mapping

Mind mapping makes it easier for someone to present and communicate information, both
for oneself and others. If you are used to seeing the big picture of a main concept or idea,
then you will also be used to solving complex problems.

1. Train yourself to understand various important information.

Mind mapping provides many benefits in the learning process because it will make
you accustomed to organizing and grouping important information from the main
concepts or ideas of the subject matter. If you are used to compiling important
information, your concentration will automatically increase.
In addition, important information that is mapped using mind mapping will also
make it easier for someone to make plans and build frameworks more quickly and
Helping each user in understanding very complex concepts and problems. In
addition, this method is also able to help users in solving these complex problems.
So, this method will be very useful when applied to project management processes,
meetings, and others.
2. Improving Accuracy in Compiling Information
By making a mind map independently, it will indirectly train the ability to organize
the information obtained. In this case, you can group information according to the
category of themes discussed. Thus, you will get used to compiling information in a
neat and orderly manner.
3. Improving Someone's Ability to Understand Something
Mind mapping is very useful in improving brain function, if someone is used to
making mind maps then he will automatically process or understand the material he
is studying faster. Using simple keywords in mind mapping will also help you
remember important material related to the main idea.
4. Increase Creativity and Productivity
By using a creative mind map in presenting and processing important information
from a concept. For example, using a graphic form that contains images, keywords,
and important phrases will indirectly hone your creativity.
Besides that, making a mind map will also make you more productive. When making
a mind map, you need to determine the branching model, choose colors, define
keywords, and choose important sentences. This process can then motivate you to
be more productive and make learning activities less boring.
5. Save Time
By making a neat and structured concept map, it will make it easier and save time to
review material that has been read before. That way, you can use the remaining time
to study different material.
Mind Mapping can also be applied in various ways. Not only used as learning a
school or college material. This mind mapping method is also quite effective for
preparing business and marketing plans.

Advantages and Disadvantages MindMeister


● Can create a concept map however you like: content, format, and structure are all in
your hands! You can even use emoji.
● After you make a concept map, you can export it in a variety of formats (e.g., PDF,
MS Word, MS PowerPoint), email it, or print it directly from the app.
● Are you a visual thinker? No problem: MindMeister lets you store more information
than just words. You can add pictures, notes, links, attachments, and tasks.
● Visual appealing. It is easy to visualize exactly how the conversation is going. It has a
feel like your involved in a in depth conversation with the entire class and not just
replying to individuals like blackboard sometimes feels.
● Asynchronous & Synchronous. This could technically be used synchronously as well.
It is constantly updated, therefore you can actually see as others edit at the same
time. At the bottom it gives you a list of those that are currently editing the map.
One could even schedule a time to work on the map with a group at the same time. I
think this opens up a lot of possibilities.
● Quick. You can quickly add or update a node. You do not have to spend a lot of time
trying to figure out where information should go.


● The app is difficult to use on phones because of the size of the text. But it’s easy to
use on computers and tablets.
● Editing can be dangerous. When students have access to participate in the
conversation they are able to edit each others posts as well. The instructor does
have the ability to see everything but that can get tedious going through and fixing it
throughout the entire time the conversation is going. It would be very important for
students to type their posts or nodes in a Word document first. 
● Formating. Sometimes the formatting has a tendency to get messed up when
copying and pasting out of a word document. Students will either have to go back in
and delete extra code that gets copied or use a different program such as Notes. 
● Confusing. It can get confusing if students are not using thier name or an image to
label their nodes. If another student clicks on the node at all it will look as if they
were the last one to edit the node and not the actual author. Therefore, it is
important to have them label the node with their name or a photo. Also, it is
important to be sure that the students are adding the node to the correct node they
wish to respond to. Sometimes it may be helpful to illustrate the relationship with
the relationship tool at the top.
● Could get chaotic. You have to pan ahead of time to make sure your mind map is
well organized. Failing to do so, you might end up with ideas and nodes that are
disconnected or out of place.
● Limited options. While this type of communication is quick and efficient, there is no
preferred way to add large blocks of text or information without defeating the
● Don’t see ability to easily integrate with other programs. Though the option might
exist, I don't see how the mind map created can be exported of integrate with other
applications, like posting on a blog or social network.

The Implementation of Word Scramble in ELT

Mind mapping implementation is very simple. The materials needed to make a mind map
are blank unlined paper, pens and colored pencils, brain, and imagination. The way to make
a mind map according to Buzan is:
a. Start at the center of a blank piece of paper with the long side lying flat, because
starting from the center gives the brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to
express itself more freely and naturally.
b. Use a picture or photo for the central idea, because a picture is worth a thousand
words and helps us use our imagination. A central image is more interesting, keeps
us focused, helps us concentrate, and activates our brains.
c. Use color, because color is as attractive to the brain as an image. Color makes mind
maps more lively, adds energy to creative thinking, and is fun.
d. Connect the main branches to the central figure and connect the second and third
level branches to the first and second levels, and so on. Because the brain works by
association. Happy brain associate two (or three, or four) things at once. If we
connect the branches, it will be easier for us to remember and understand.
e. Make a curved relationship line, not a straight line, because a straight line will bore
the brain.
f. Use one keyword for each line, because single keywords give a mind map a lot of
power and flexibility.
g. Use pictures, because like the central picture, each picture is worth a thousand
words (Buzan, 2005).

Direct implementation of mind mapping can be given by asking students to make a mind
map to solve the problem under study or by displaying a mind map made by the

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