SWEAT - Volume 2

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mm Volume 2 cS RYAN FISCHER Introduction: These are not just any old workouts that you are about to do. They have been tried and trued by thousands of people. My unique style of programming has made me one of the most sought out coaches in the world. Before | opened my brick and mortar gym in Orange County, CA, I coached thousands of hours. | competed all over the world. And | acquired multiple degrees and certifications that all attributed to the style | have created. The most important factor will always be keeping morale high and making fun workouts that no one has ever done, but.... If you can do that and make people stronger, sexier, and healthier, then you've really created something special. So you've done your research, you found me, and you heard I’m the guy. Theres a reason for that and you're about find out why. Enjoy :) * This is only 9 weeks out of a 52 week Calendar program. If you'd like to have access to the whole year and all previous and future workouts that I create daily, be sure to download my mobile app at crossfitchalk.com/chalk-online . Every day you will have access to 3 different programs. Crossfit, which is my more strength and conditioning based program (more advanced as well). Sweat, which is what you’re seeing here. And lastly, “the daily d,” which is a series of workouts that only include a set of dumbbells, a pull-up bar, and a jump rope. These workouts have actually become incredibly popular in the family realm since more people are working out at home than ever before. Typically working with limited equipment and limited time. However, if you do not fit that category, many of my regular crossfit and sweat die hards use them while traveling in their hotel gyms and find them to be very useful as well. Plus the name... The daily d is pretty catchy don’t you think ;)? EMOM x 35min: (5 Rounds) Min 1: 15/12 Cal Row Min 2: 15 Front Squats 75/55 Min 3: 15 Burpees Min 4: 15/12 Cal Bike Min 5: 20 Sit-Ups Min 6: 50 Double Unders Min 7: Rest CHALIC 1 SDAY.., 20min. to finish... 50 Push Press 75/55 40 Box Jumps 24/20 30 SDHP's 75/55 200m Run 10 Wall Climbs 200m Run 30 SDHP's 75/55 40 Box Jumps 24/20 50 Push Press 75/55 Rest 5min. 2 Rounds: ‘Amin, Plank (with weight if possible) ‘min. Russian Twist (bodyweight) ‘Amin. Plank ‘Amin. Bicycle Abs ‘Amin. Rest Ideally | don't want anyone to actually finish part 1, but get really close. If you know you can finish then bump the weight up to 95/65lbs. CHALI NESDAY,, Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: 500 Row 30 Wall Balls 20/14lb 20 Burpee DB Hang Snatch 45/30Ib 10 Pull-Ups * On the Burpee DB Hang Snatch, you are going to keep the DB in your hand as you burpee, pop up and swing the DB through your hips like a KB swing and finish the snatch. Switch sides every 5 to 10 reps. This is going to be a SPICY one today! RSDAY,, Get as far as possible in 35min... 200m run 70 Double-Unders 200m run 60 Air Squats 200m run 50 Abmat Sit-Ups 200m run 40 American KB Swings 53/35 200m run 30 KB Goblet Squats 53/35 200m run 20 Toes-To-Bar 200m run * When you finish, go back through AGAIN with 12/9 Cals on the assault bike instead of the 200m Run. This workout looks SO FUN! Enjoy and don't forget it's 2 ROUNDS! CHALI 4... 18min. EMOM: Min. 1) 15/12 Cal Row Min. 2) Max Push-Ups Min. 3) Max Slam Balls 30/20 Rest 4mi 14min. AMRAP: 10 Cal Assault Bike 5 Devil Press 45/30s 10 Box Step Overs 24/20" URDAY,, Teams of 2. Only 1 person works at a time. Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: (35min.) Min. 1) 40 Cal Bike + Max Pull-Ups. Min. 2) 40 Cal Row + Max Front Rack Lunges 95/65|bs Min. 3) 40 Cal Bike + Max Burpees Min. 4) 40 Cal Row + Max #Pull-Ups Min. 5) 40 Cal Bike + Back Squats. 95/65lbs. ONLY work until the 6min. mark! Everyone is getting a Imin. rest before starting the next round at the 7min. mark. RX+ is 50/40 Cals Ladies regular RX is 30 Cals on everything. “HAL CHALK 40min. to finish... 10-20-30-40-50 DB Hang Snatches 45/30 Air Squats 10min. to finish... 15-15-12-12-9-9 Cal Row DB Thrusters 45/30 10min. EMO! Odd: Max DB Hamstring Curls Even: Max Flutter Kicks * 3min. REST Between Sectio1 * Stagger as needed DB Hamstring Curl - Stomach on the ground with a DB pointing up. Hook your feet around the top part and curl to your butt, tap the ground on the way down, and repeat. Slow and steady. CHAIL.IC ‘WEEK 2 Every 7min. x 5 rounds: 15/12 Cal Bike 15/12 Cal Row 15/12 Cal Ski 15 Toes-To-Bar 10 Push Press 95/65+ Try to finish each round as fast as possible and rest the remainder of the time. Advanced 20/15 cals Go heavier on that Push Press if you can! 135/95? Push Jerks are ok as well if needed. NESDAY,, 5 Rounds: Min. 1) Max Reps DB Bench Press 45/25s+ Min. 2) Max Reps Pull-Ups Min. 3) Max Reps Double Unders Min. 4) Max Russian KB Swings 70/53 Min. 5) REST There is no transition time, so get ready to switch after about 40-45sec. Accessory Work 4 Rounds: 30sec. side plank with 10-20lb DB 30sec. on the other side Amin. regular plank with no weight Rest 1min. CHALIC RSDAY,, 5 Rounds: 15/12 Cal Row 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 1 Round: 30 Burpee Deadlifts 45/30s 5 Rounds: 15/12 Cal Assault Bike 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 1 Round: 30 Devil Press 45/30s * All for time! No Rest! Ce 20min. to finish... 4 Rounds: Run 400m Row 400m 20 Front Rack Lunges 95/65lbs *Round 2) Front Squats *Round 3) Back Squats *Round 4) Barbell Overhead Squats Advanced can keep the weight on:) Rest 5min. 12min. to finish... 50-40-30-20-10 American KB Swings 53/35 * 3 Wall Climbs after each set CHALK 9 WEEK 2 11min. AMRAP: (Teams of 2) 50 Cal Row 200 Double Unders 11min. AMRAP: (Teams of 2) 20 Cal Assault Bike 20 SDHP's 95/65 20 Burpees 11min. to finish... (Solo) 100 Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 Rest 3min. Between Sections 12/9 Cals on the Bike Before EVERY station. You only have 1min. at each station. 1.) 21 Russian KB Swings 53/35+ 2.) 12 Burpees 3.) 21 Wall Balls 20/14 4.) 12 Box Jumps 24/20" 5.) 21 Air Squats 6.) 12 Pull-Ups That's 12min.... Repeat 3 Times (36min. total) No Rest except for what you earn. Some sections are purposely harder and easier than others. It goes like this for clarification: 0-1 min. Bike 12/9 Cals 1-2min. 21 Swings 2-3min. Bike 12/9 Cals 3-4min. 12 Burpees 4-5min. Bike 12/9 Cals .. And so on... Switch to a different cardio piece every 12min. CHA 12 SDAY., 2 Rounds For Time: (0-10min) 500m Row 50 Single Arm DB Push Press 45/30 (25 each arm) For Time: (12-22min.) 100 SDHP's 95/65 * 7 Toes-To-Bar EMOM * Start with TTB (24-35min.) Abs On Abs Section :) Tabata (20sec. on x 10sec.) Russian Twists (8 rounds straight) Immediately into; Flutter Kicks for (4 Rounds straight) Immediately into; Sit-Ups for (4 Rounds straight) Immediately into; 50 Reverse Sit-Ups NESDAY,, 20min. to get as far as possible... 5 Rounds: 10/7 Cal Assault bike 10 Front Rack Lunges 95/65|bs Immediatley into; 5 Rounds: 10/7 Cal Assault bike 10 Front Squats 95/65lbs immediatley into; 5 Rounds: 10/7 Cal Assault bike 10 Back Squats 95/65lbs Rest Smin. 40min. AMRAP: 10 Lateral Barbell Lunges 15 Push-Ups 10 Barbell Good Mornings 15 Push-Ups Section 2 is going to be more on the slower and controlled side for the barbell movements. Need good form on those to do it right. 13 RSDAY,., 3 Rounds: 1min. of DB Bench Press 45/25s+ 1min. of Double Unders Amin. Rest 3 Rounds: ‘min. of Alt. DB Snatches 45/30 ‘min. of Push-Ups ‘Amin. Rest 3 Rounds: Amin. of DB Bent Over Rows (Right) 50/35s+ min. of DB Bent Over Rows (Left) Amin. of Double Unders 3 Rounds: min. of American KB Swings 53/35 Amin. of Pull-Ups Amin. Rest 9min. at each station. Then switch to the next station. No additional rest between station. Just that Imin. and move on. On the DB Bent Over Row section there is zero rest so don't forget that one. This will take 36min. to finish Extra Credit: Instead of a Imin. rest add in a plank at anytime. Every single minute would be REALLY impressive, but even just 4-5 total would be great work :) CHALI oe 30 Rounds For Time: 7 Wall Balls 20/14lb 5 Toes-To-Bar 3 Devil Press 35/25s Been wanting to make something like this for a while. "Holleyman" style, but with my "Sweat" flair :) Make it nasty option: 30/20Ib ball and 45/301b DBs This is all you're doing today, so make it hard! 14 URDAY,, Teams of 2. 35min. to get as far as possible... 50 Calories 50 DB Deadlifts 70/50s 50 Calories 50 DB Box Step Ups 24/20" (50/35lb.) 50 Calories 50 Pull-Ups +» Then 40 of ALL that again... Then 30... Then 20... Then 10... | just want today to be a fun long breather. You can choose any piece of cardio you want for the calories. You may switch between the bike, row, or ski at anytime. You may also stay on the same cardio piece the whole time. * Ladies start at 40 instead of 50. * The DB Step-Up standard is like the open. Just holding 1 DB anyway you want. “HAL 15 CHALK 16 DAY.. 15min. to finish... 200m Run 4_DB Thrusters 45/30s 6 Burpees 8 Toes-To-Bar 10 Cal Assault Bike 12 Wall Balls 20/14 14 Cal Row Rest Smin. 15min. to complete it backwards... 14 Cal Row 12 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Cal Assault Bike 8 Toes-To-Bar 6 Burpees 4 DB Thrusters 45/30s 200m Run 12 Days of Christmas style. Listen up and read! Goes like th 200m run... Then; 4 DB Thrusters + 200m Run Then; 6 Burpees + 4 DB Thrusters + 200m Run .»all the way to the 14 Cal Row and back down to the run. Like the way you sing "12 days of Xmas." Rest the 5min. and do it in REVERSE order, but same style ‘WEEK 4 0-10min. 100 Double Unders 50 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35Ib. 40 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 10-25min. 3 Rounds: 500m Row 400m Run 25-35min. 30 Push-Ups 40 Pull-Ups 50 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35lb. 100 Double Unders If you're REALLY good at pull-ups and push-ups, you can try 50 of each as an advanced option. 18 NESDAY,, (0-20min.) 4 Rounds: "Half Manion" 25/18 Cal Assault Bike 29 Back Squats 95/65 (20-29min.) 3 Rounds: Amin. of Barbell Curls 45/35lb bar Amin. of DB Skull Crushers. Amin. Rest (30-36min.) 5min. AMRAP: 5 Barbell Sit-Ups 5 Reverse Sit-Ups (still holding the bar) Reverse Sit-Up: Holding the baer in the finished bench position (lying on your back) -- Bring your knees to chest and shoot your feet straight up. Tail bone needs to leave the ground. Back down and out. Feet should never touch the ground. CHALIC RSDAY,, 3 Rounds: ‘Amin. of Toes-To-Bar min. of American KB Swings 53/35 ‘Amin. of Box Jumps 24/20" ‘Amin. of Assault Bike for Cals ‘Amin. of Barbell Thrusters 45/35|b ‘Amin. Rest Rest 3min. (Including the 1min.) 3 Rounds: Amin. of Russian Twists w/ 5b Plate Amin. of Rowing For Cals Amin. of Plank Amin. of Ball Slams 30/20Ib Amin. Rest Fight Gone Bad style today. That second section should be pretty ab intensive, so get ready for the ab pump ;) 19 Ce For Time: 1 Round: (0-5min.) Run 1000m (5-10min.) 5min. AMRAP: 10 DB Bench Press 45/25s 12 DB Deadlifts 70/45s 1 Round: (10-15min.) Row 1000m (15-20min.) 5Smin. AMRAP: 10 DB Bench Press 45/25s 12 DB Deadilifts 70/45s 1 Round: (20-25min.) Assault Bike 1 Mile *0.7 Miles for Ladies (25-30min.) 5min. AMRAP: 10 DB Bench Press 45/25s 12 DB Deadlifts 70/45s A little different version of Thursday's CrossFit WOD. If you must scale the cardio, then scale the row or run distance. 1000m run is an 800m + 200m. If you run out of benches for any reason, floor press is fine! CHALIC 20 WEEK 4 “For the Win" 2 Rounds: 11 Wall Climbs 72 DB Push Press 45/25s 47 Burpee Pull-Ups 3 Rounds: 28 Calorie Row 19 Calorie Assault Bike 47 Burpee Pull-Ups CH Devil Press 45/25 10-20-30-40-50 Wall Balls 20/14 10min. AMRAP: 10 DB Lunges 50/35s 20 Sit-ups w/ feet anchored on DBs 10min. to finish... 5 Rounds: 15/10 Cal Bike 12 TTB 3min. rest between sections Can you finish that first section!? 23 SDAY.. EMOM: sec. of Push Press 95/65 Even: 40sec. of Pull-Ups 14min. EMOM: Odd: 15/12 Cal Row Even: 20 Russian KB Swings 70/53 8min. AMRAP: 8 SDHP's 95/65 or 70/53lb KB 8 Lateral Burpees Over the bar or KB 3min. Rest Between Each Section. Section 1: Pump section! Section 2: If you can get 25 swings or swing a heavier KB, go for it! CHALI NESDAY... 21min. EMOM: Min 1.) 10 DB Bench Press 45/25+ Min 2.) 10 Back Squats 135/95 Min 3.) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike Rest 5min. 3 Rounds: Imin. of DB Hammer Curls Amin. of DB Skull Crushers ‘Imin. of Push-Ups ‘Amin. Rest * Shoot for the same DBs for both movements and don't rush the movement. Good form and time under tension is more important then reps on movements like this :) * Barbell is coming from off the ground on part 1. * 15/12 Cal Bike for advanced 24 RSDAY., Every 5min. X 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30 10 DB Power Cleans 45/30s Max Toes-To-Bar until the 4min mark... Rest 4min. 12min AMRAP: 30 Double Unders 15 Russian Twists 35/25lb DB 30 Double Unders 15 Weighted Sit-Ups w/ same DB If you can hit that first part at 50/35 please do! | just want everyone to have time for TTB. If you read it correctly, you'll notice that Imin rest is programmed in i) On the second part, pick a weight that you can move quick through. If 30 double unders is too much then cut it to 20 or even 15 depending on where you're skill is at. Can‘t do dubs? Let's do 5 attempts each time :) oy For time: Three rounds of: 50 Russian KB Swings 53/35 25 Box Jumps 24/20 Then, Three rounds of: 21 Wall balls 20/14 21 Pull-Ups Then, 400m Single Arm Farmer Carry with (1) 70/53lb KB 1 Mile Bike (Ladies .7 miles) 400m Single Arm Farmer Carry with (1) 70/53Ib KB 1K Row Advanced should use 70/53lb KB on part 1. Just saying... You may Stee adda 30/2016 Wall Ball if you really wanna spice it up. Time CAP: 35min. CHALK 25 URDAY., 5min. EMOM: 12/9 Cal Row Immediately into; Smin. EMOM: 8 Burpee DB Deadlifts 70/50s Immediately into; Smin. EMOM: 40sec. Plank Rest Smin. Smin. EMOM: 10/7 Cal Assault Bike Immediately into; 5min. EMOM: 8 Burpee DB Deadlifts 70/50s Immediately into; 5min. EMOM: 40sec. of Plank * On the planks you are allowed to switch between front or side positions. You just can not switch in the same minute. Only 1 position for the whole 40sec. Stay balanced :) * Try those heavy DBs on the deads. It's only 8 reps! * | know it's sweat, but some of you are pretty advanced. You can try 2 or 3 muscle ups EMOM on one of the plank sections if you like. ZHALIC 26 ‘WEEK 6 10min. to finish... 5 Rounds: 12/9 Cal Bike 12/9 Cal Row 10min. to finish... 5 Rounds: 10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65lb bar) 10 American KB Swings 70/53/35, 10 Push-Ups 10min. to finish... 4 Rounds: 20 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20" 3min. Rest between sections ‘WEEK 6 15min. AMRAP of sexy: 10 DB Push Press 50/35s+ 200m Run 10 Pull-Ups 50 Double Unders Rest 4min. 15min. AMRAP of core: 5 Calorie Row 5 Toes-To-Bar 5 Barbell Sit-Ups 5 Barbell Reverse Sit-Ups 5 Russian Twist (L+R=1 Bodyweight) That core part though... CHALK ae NESDAY,, 35min. to get as much work done as possible. You are on your OWN time. As soon as you finish a section, rest 90sec. and keep chipping away. 6 Rounds: 10/7 Cal Assault Bike 10 Incline DB Bench Press 50/25s+ Must Rest 90sec Then; 6 Rounds: 10/8 Cal Row 10 DB Deadlifts 70/50s Must Rest 90sec. Then; 6 Rounds: 15 Wall Balls 20/14 5 DB Burpee Power Cleans 50/35s Must Rest 90sec. Then; For Time: 50 "A" Squats * Once you finish everything, rest 90sec. again and then go back through. Change Incline bench to Floor Press if you get there again. * For the incline, you can use a rogue brick or stack of plates with the flat benches. Optimal angle is 30-45 degress. CHALIC RSDAY,., (Teams of 2) 30min. AMRAP: 100 Double Unders (Each) 100 Calorie Row 80 Russian KB Swings 70/53 80 Sit-Ups 60 Pull-Ups 60 Russian Twists with 45/30Ib DB 400m Run 40 Cal Assault Bike One person works at a time. This looks super fun! Excited for you :) Option 1.) If you finish, you go back to the top and start at double unders again. More cardio option. Option 2.) If you finish, you go straight to the KB Swings and cut out the 100s. Less cardio option. 30 4... Every 10min. x 3 Rounds: 400m Row 30 DB Burpee Hang Power Clean and Press 45/30s 400m Run 30 Toes-To-Bar Gotta pace a little so you can hang on. if you need fo scale ane ing, change the 30 reps to Shoot for a fast finish time and earn that rest break. For the DB Burpee Hang Power Clean and Press, you're going to need (2) DBs. As you stand up from the burpees, do the han: clean on the sides of your body and bring them to shoulder... Now press, don't jerk them! CHALK 31 WEEK 6 Let's see how far you can get in 35min.. AMRAP: 1 Mile Run (200m intervals) 1 Mile Row (200m intervals) 1 Mile Assault Bike (.2 intervals) 100 Barbell Overhead Squats 45/35lb Whatever you want! "Bull-ish" 2 Rounds For Time: 200 Double Unders 50 Wall Balls (30/20Ib.) 50 Toes-To-Bar 1 Mile Run CHALK on SDAY., "The Big Sexy Version 2. Arms and Abs Edition" 16min. EMOM: (4 Rounds) Min. 1) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike Min. 2) Max DB Skull Crushers 25/15+ Min. 3) 12/9 Cal Row Min. 4) Max Barbell Bicep Curls 45/35lb Rest 4min. 16min. EMOM: (4 Rounds) Min. 1) 12/9 Cal Ski Min. 2) Max DB Russian Twists Min. 3) 200m Run Min. 4) 45sec Plank Hold * For the "Max" sections, try and work for 40sec. so you get a little rest. * The weights on this are going to be a little personal dependent, but make sure you can move the weight the entire 40sec. Should be pretty much failing at the end of the time limit. * These movements aren't meant to be fast today so keep quality #1. You can go fast on the cardio if you wanna jack your heart rate :) CHALIC NESDAY,, 0-20min. 50 Back Squats 95/65 40 Russian KB Swings 53/35 30 Push-Ups 50 "A" Squats 40 Russian KB Swings 53/35 30 Push-Ups 50 Back Rack Lunges 95/65 40 Russian KB Swings 53/35 30 Push-Ups 50 "A" Squats 40 Russian KB Swings 53/35 30 Push-Ups 20-35min. 15min. AMRAP: 10 Pull-Ups 10 Calorie Bike 50 Double Unders * Lateral Lunges are Left + Right = 2 reps * If you are not done with part one at around the 18min. mark, consider stopping to get ready for part B. 35 RSDAY,, Teams of 2: 35min. to finish... 100 Calories 100 Push Press 75/55lbs. 100 SDHP's 75/55lbs. 80 Calories 80 Push Press 75/55lbs. 80 SDHP's 75/55lbs. 60 Calories 60 Push Press 75/55lbs. 60 SDHP's 75/55lbs. 40 Calories 40 Push Press 75/55lbs. 40 SDHP's 75/55lbs. 20 Calories 20 Push Press 75/55lbs. 20 SDHP's 75/55lbs. * You may use ANY cardio piece in the gym for the cardio (Row, Ski, or Bike). Break it up however you think will get you to finish the fastest. | honestly have no idea if anyone will finish, but | think it's gunna be a close. * You can do 95/65\b also, if you wanna beef it up and just get as far as possible. CHALIC 4... AMRAP 7: 8 TTB 10 Cal Bike 12 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30 AMRAP 7: 12 Cal Bike 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 8 DB Power Cleans 45/30s AMRAP 7: 8 TTB 10 Cal Row 12 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30 AMRAP 7: 12 Cal Row 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 8 DB Power Cleans 45/30s * Read this one carefully * REST 3min. after each section * You should need the rest if you go hard, Ladies may scale the ike to 9, but the row is the same. 36 URDAY,, In Teams of 2: 35min. running clock... 2 Rounds: 50 Cal Bike 50 Burpee Deadlifts 70/50/35s Immediately into: 2 Rounds: 50 Cal Row 50 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20" Immediately into: 2 Rounds: 50 Ski Erg 50 Burpee Pull-Ups Immediately into: 200 Russian Twists with 35/20lb DB Break it up however you like. Only 1 person works at a time. Optional: Swap out the russian twists at the end for a movement you don't do very often. GHDs, D-Balls, whatever gets you excited ;) Work until the 35min. mark if you decide to switch things up. LIC 37 For Time: 400m run 120 Double-Unders 400m run 100 Air Squats 400m run "80 Abmat Sit-Ups 400m run 60 American KB Swings 53/35 400m run 40 Wall Balls 20/14lb. 400m run 20 Burpee Deadlifts 70/50/35s 400m run Time Cap: 35min. 70/50 is RX+ on the last part CHALK WEEK 8 Alittle "Fight Gone Bad" style workout today... Upper body focus 5 Rounds: ‘min. of Max DB Bench Press 45/25+ Amin. of Max Meters on the Rower of Push Press 95/65lb. of Pull-Ups of Ball Slams 30/20 in. of Rest Accessory Work Optional Extra Credit: 1.) Weighted Planks. 1min. on x 1min. off for 3 rounds with a 45/25lb plate. 2.) A. 400m Farmer Carry 70/53/35s 3.) 100 Russian Twists with 35/25lb DB CHALK rn NESDAY,, EMOM x 5min. 10/7 Cal Assault Bike From 6-11 min. try to finish... 5 Rounds: 10 Front or Back Rack Lunges 95/65 10 "A" Squats From 12-17min. EMOM x 5min. 12/9 Cal Row From 18-25min. try to finish... 8 Rounds: 8 Front Squats 95/65 8 Toes-To-Bar From 26-33min. try to finish... 100 Russian KB Swings 53/35 The first 3 sections are Smin. The last 2 sections are 7min. * If you can/want to, you can try a heavier KB 70/53 for the last part. Squeeze your butt at the top of each rep :) CHALIC RSDAY,, 10min. AMRAP: 250m Row 16 DB Hang Snatches 45/30 8 Burpees 10min. AMRAP: 10 Cal Assault Bike 5 Devil Press 35/20s 8 DB Renegade Rows on each arm 35/20s 10min. AMRAP: 50 Double Unders 8 Barbell Sit-Ups 45/35lb bar 10 Reverse Barbell Sit-Ups Rest 3min. Between Sections * On the Renegade rows do all 8 on one side and then all 8 on the other. 16 total. * Ona “reverse sit-up" you are lying on your back with the barbell held in the finished bench position. Then take knees and bring them to your chest and bring your toes to the ceiling while brining you tailbone off the ground as well. 41 d... For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls (20/14) Box Jumps (24/20" American Ktlebel Swings (53/35Ib) * Run 400m After Each Set This is the classic Hero WOD called, "Morrison," but with a 400m run added in. Time CAP: 35min. CHALK 42 WEEK 8 Sweat "SUPER Chief" 3 Rounds: 3min. AMRAP: 3 DB Power Cleans (50/35s) 6 Push-Ups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 minute after each round. 3 Rounds: 3min. AMRAP: 3 DB Thrusters (50/35s) 6 Push-Ups 9 Sit-Ups (feet anchored in DBs) Rest 1 minute after each round. 3 Rounds: 3min. AMRAP: 3 DB Deadlifts (70/50s) 6 Push-Ups 9 Pull-Ups Rest 1 minute after each round. Start where you left off on the previous round for each AMRAP. Stay at each station for all 3 rounds. 1min. rest after each round. Then after round 3, rest ‘min. and go into the next section. 36min. Total. 8 Rounds: 5 Toes-To-Bar 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats 1 Round: 500m Row 30 Devil Press 35/20s 8 Rounds: 5 Toes-To-Bar 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats 1 Round: 30/20 Cal Assault Bike 30 Devil Press 35/20s All for time! No Rest! * 35min. Time CAP! CHALK 45 SDAY., (0-15min.) 5 Rounds: 10 Cal Assault Bike 10 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35 10 Cal Row 10 DB Power Cleans 50/35s Rest 5min. (20-35min.) As many rounds as possible... 10 DB Push Press 50/35s+ 50 Double unders 20 Russian Twists with 35/25|b DB 10 Pull-Ups Can you finish that first section!? Ladies can do 7cals! Whenever there is a (+) sign you can go as heavy as possible for yourself, Russian twists are always left + right = 1 rep. NESDAY,, Get as far as possible in 35min... 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Close Stance DB Front Squats 50/35lb. Immediately into; 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 DB Deadlifts 50/35s "Manion" Style! On the DB Front Squats, you're holding the single DB vertical with your hands around the bell and not the handle. Feet are literally stuck together. There should be no space between them. RX+ is doable for a lot of you! use a 70/50lb DB for the Squat and 70/50s for the Deadlifts 46 RSDAY., Get as far as possible in 35min... 14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Floor Press 45/25s+ Cal Row American KB Swings 53/35, Burpees Toes-To-bar It's not meant to be finished, don't worry ;) Just get as far as you can! oy Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: 500m Row 60 Double Unders 30 Overhead Squats 45/35lb bar 20 Pull-Ups Score is slowest time! Try and stay consistent! CHALK a7 URDAY., “Doce Dias De Cinco De Mayo" 1 Wall Walk 200m Run 3 DB Thrusters 4 DB Lunges 5 Burpees 6 Box Jumps 24/20" 7 Wall Balls 30/20 8 Alt. DB Snatches 9 Air Squats 10 DB Power Cleans 11 Cal Assault Bike 12 Cal Ski Complete 1, then 2,1 then 3,2,1, and so on till you get to 12... And then all thew way back to 1. and you're done. 45/30 is RX 50/35 is RX+ Stands for - "Twelve Days of Cinco De Mayo" 48 All contents copyright @ 2019 Gym Ryan, LLC. Alll rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document or related files or content may be reproduce or transmitted in any form, by any meals (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Ryan Fischer The credited photos are the sole property of Ryan Fischer & Gym Ryan, LLC. The information contained in this document is solely for general educational and informational purposes only. The information has been prepared based upon our general educational background and our practical experience over the past 15+ years. The products and information provided on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration, or any other governmental authority. Gym Ryan, LLC. is not a physician and the information and products provided are not medical advice and should net replace medical advice CHALK ¥

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