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Background of the study

Our world was split into online and offline when social media like Facebook, YouTube,
and Twitter first appeared. Social media are online technology platforms that facilitate
connections between people locally and globally. It is employed to promote interpersonal
relationships (18). They enable us to communicate with one another across continents, as well as
to listen to music, read books, view images, and do a lot more. Social networking has
significantly streamlined our lives and bonded us to one another (17).
According to research, students who spent the majority of their time communicating on
social media had better academic outcomes because they were able to exchange and develop
ideas and concepts connected to their studies. In addition to using these sites foe academic
purposes, they also use them for recreational purposes (3).
Mensah & Nizam (10) concluded in their study that social media platforms has a
significant impact on students’ academic performance in Malaysia tertiary institutions.
Nevertheless, among the six variables used in their study, time appropriateness and health
addiction has a stronger significant influence on students’ academic performance. This is
because time management can easily fall prey to the negative impact of social media. Likewise,
health and addiction, students who are engrossed with social media platforms ends up skipping
meals which has health impact.
In their study, Mensah & Nizam (10) came to the conclusion that social media sites had a
big impact on how well students perform academically in Malaysian tertiary institutions. Time
appropriateness and health addiction have a larger significant impact on students’ academic
performance than the other five variables utilized in their study. This is so because how well
someone manages their time determines whether they succeed or fail. Hence, students who
struggle with time management are move vulnerable to social media’s harmful effects. Similarly,
kid who are addicted to social media sites wind up skipping meals, which has an adverse affect
on their health.
The usage of social media has a negative impact on the academic performance of their
respondents, according to the study by Owusu Acheaw and Larson (12),and further International
Journal of advanced information Technology (AIT) Vol. 8, No. 45, October 2018 29confirmed
that social media use and academic achievement had a very strong beneficial association. Also,
their study showed that the majority of respondents used social media for talk rather than for
academic purposes. Kolan and Dzadzal8 claim that the study’s findings demonstrate social
media’s dual nature as a valuable servant and a potentially hazardous master. Despite the
advantages that students can gain from social media networks, such as information sharing,
relationship building, and participating in group discussions, there is a certain amount of
addiction and attention-deficit disorder caused by the use of social media, both of which could
have serious repercussions on the students academic existence. Piracy is one of the harmful
effects of social media. The fact that it is free is the main incentive for Australians of all ages to
download movies and TV series illegally (13).

Social media has both positive and negative aspects. Although it is easier to recall the
negative than the positive, social media platforms have given people around the world chances.
SIVAKUMAR (2020) Social Media Computer-mediated tools known as social media enable
students to create, share, and exchange information, concepts, images, and videos with virtual
communities of learners. The issue of involving the virtual entertainment in the homeroom has
been a disputable point for a considerable length of time.
The effects of allowing social media in the classroom have alarmed many educators and
parents. Worldwide, social media is expanding rapidly. Sites like skype, myspace, and facebook
are seeing an increase in adult and adolescent usres. Twitter and whats-app to communicate with
family, friends, and strangers. Additionally, social networks sites allow knowledge workers to
broaden the scope of their professional relationships and enable community involvement in the
process of locating expertise, sharing, content, and collaborating to build content. ResearchGate
is one example of a social networking enables researchers to draw from a social networking of
information and people outside of their traditional circle of friends. Teacher can use social
networks to encourage reflective thinking and the formation of a learning community outside of
the classroom. A teacher’s facebook page shared a lot information and predicted higher levels of
motivation and emotion, indicating positive attitudes toward the class and the instructor. By
sharing with colleagues and debating ideas, educators can expand their professional relationship
thanks to the excellent platform that social networking provides for forging their own
professional identity. Teachers may benefit from the information educators find on social
networking sites and be able to better handle certain situations. Students may also feel more at
ease approaching teacher educators who are present and friendly or who casually interact with
them on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Researchgate. This provides students with the necessary




Social Media Usage Performance

Low AP
FIGURE 1. Hypothical path model of the students’ academic performance

As shown in the model, the independent variable is the social media usage with the academic
performance of the students as the main dependent variable. using a more inclusive framework,
this study will investigate whether or not, the hypothesized causal factor influencing student
academic performance.


The main purpose of this study will be to determine the impact (positive/negative)
Specifically, this study will aim to seek answers to the following question.
1. what is the profile of the studentsin terms of
1.1 social media usage?
1.2 academic performance?
2. in there a significant relationship between social media usage towads academic
performance of the students?

Research hypothesis
Given the questions presented, the following research hypothesis will be formulated.
1. there is a significant relationship between social media usage and students’ academic


This research study focuses on the impact of social media usage in students’ academic
performance of the grade 11 student of Colegio De San Francisco Javier, Palompon Leyte . So,
the study will be great benefit of the following:
Students.This study will be great help for them know the effectiveness of the internet to their
academic performance individually. And also, they will be encouraged as well to observe time-
Teachers.Thorugh this study, this study will give them understandings that most students are
using technologies and depending on gadgets and internet. So, they will be encouraged to give
students assignments and projects that involve researching in the internet.
Parents/Guardians. Parents would understand that having gadgets or giving cellphone to their
children could affect their school negatively. Through this study, they would know that giving
them cellphone could also improve their academics especially in this time that internet has been
a great help in their school. But also, parents will still limit their children using gadget.
The main focus of this research is to find the impact of social media in the student’s
academic perfomance of the Grade 9 students of Colegio De San Francisco Javier. For this study,
20 random students of Grade 9 with the age of 14 and above studying. In this research we can
learn more thing what’s the good affect or impact of social media to the student’s academic

Social media. They are forms electroni communication which faciliatate interactive base
on certain interests. Social media include web and mobile technology
Academic Performane. The extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained
their short or long-term educational goals.
Internet. Is an electronic communication network that connects computer network and
organization computer facilities around the world.
Social Networking Sites. Is an online platform which people use build social networking
or social relationship with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities,
background or real-life connection
Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Stresses the role of unified
communication and the integration of telecommunication (telephone lines and wireless signals)
and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual
system, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulative information.

This chapter contains the review related literature and related studies Many empirical
studies have been conducted on this study the impact of social media usage in student’s
academic performance of the Grade 9 student in Colegio De San Francisco Javier Inc.

Though social media can increase student learning through student interactions,
challenges arise when social media are in corporated into an academic course. The assumption
that students are familiar with and agreeable to using certain types of social media can cause
educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources or encouragement necessary to support
student usage and learning (Cole, 2009; Väljataga & Fiedler, 2009). Arnold and Paulus (2010)
found that even when social media is used for aneducational purpose, students incorporate the
technology into their lives in a way that may differ from the intentions of the course instructor.
For example, off-topic or non-academic discussions occur on social media because of its primary
design as a social networking tool (Lin et al., 2013). Further, as a student’s age increases, the
frequency of off -topic discussions also increases (Linet al., 2013). Another reason for this may
be that students who spend more time on social media may have difficulty balancing their online
activities and their academic preparation.Social media can also be a challenging instructional
strategy to incorporate because it attempts to balance the authority of the educator with the active
participation of the students. Collaboration through social media supports more of a
constructivist approach to learning, where students and educators can work together to co-create
understanding of a particular topic, rather thanan approach that emphasizes individual
contributions (Stevens, 2009). As a result, students and educators become equal participants in
the knowledge sharing process. Though this seems beneficial for creating and disseminating
knowledge, social media can also become a privacy concern (i.e. cyber-plagiarism) as well as an
outlet for abuse and cyber-bullying (Chen & Bryer,2012; Frye et al., 2010; Jackson, 2011;
Smailes & Gannon-Leary, 2011). This suggests that establishing standards for social media use
should include behavior and attitude guidelines similar to those enforced in the classroom
According to Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010) social network websites grab attention of the
students and then diverts it towards non-educational and inappropriate actions including useless
chatting. Based on the above statement we can say that social networking sites may badly affect
the academic life and learning experiences of the student. Trusov, Bucklin, and Pauwels
(2009)noted that the Internet is no doubt evolution of technology but specifically social networks
are extremely unsafe for teenagers ,social networks become hugely common and well-known in
past few years.This research is conducted to explore the affect of social networking websites and
its impact on academic life and learning experiences of students. As Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010) explained that the social networks grabs the total attention and concentration of the
students and diverts it towards non educational, unethical and inappropriate actions such as
useless chatting ,time killing by random searching and not doing their jobs. Students and
teenagers mostly use social networks for time killing and sake of enjoyment but it has been
analyzed that internet use for education purpose and any appropriate task including online
tutorials, online lectures and education material downloading is very good but use of internet for
only social network is very useless perhaps dangerous.
The internet has spread throughout the globe, linking different parts of this vast world
with its vast space and paving the way for all societies to converge and to exchange views, ideas
and desire. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Live Bowen, Google plus, Snapchat, Linkendin,
Youtube, among many others have emerged to allow exchanging of videos and immediate talks,
interacting with others (Adeyem 2008).
These sites are used as part of the publicity and public news in addition to the
entertainment factor of these applications and means resulting in the creation of perceptions of
the new generation towards the modern concepts of these means and influenced their attitudes
and academic performance directly in terms of negative and positive and strengthen their
convictions by these means. Social media is that means that employs mobile and web based
technology to create highly interactive platforms via which individuals and community share, co-
create, discuss and modifies users’ generated contents (kietzmannn, 2012).
Social media is a phrase being tossed around a lot. It is a websites that does not just give
you information but interact with you while giving you information. It is a group of internet
based application that allows the creation and exchange of users generated content. It is easy to
confuse social media with social news because we often refer to members of the news as the
media. Adding to it, that social news site is also social media site. Social media refers to the
means of interaction among people in which they create, share, exchange and comment among
themselves in different networks. Andreas and Michael (2000) are of the opinion that social
media is a group of internet based application that builds on the ideological foundation and
allows the creation and exchange of users generated content. Social media has become one of the
major channels of chatting through platform such as Facebook, Whatapp, Instagram etc. There
has been an increase in the mobile social media which has created new opportunity for browsing.
Young (2010) referred to social networking as the process of finding friends and
managing friendships through the internet. Stan (2012) defined social networking as the use of
websites or other online technologies to communicate with people and share information,
personal, or public through various forms of the technology such as the internet, cellphones and
other services. It is the way that many individuals make new friends and keep connected with
existing ones through the use of the internet (ChristiaNet, 2012).
The worldview of accounting and accountants may certainly involve some unhelpful
characters poring over formidable figures stacked up in indecipherable columns. However, a
short and sweet description of accounting does exist: Accounting is language of business
efficiently communicated by a well-organized and honest professional called accountants. A
more academic definition of accounting is given by the American Accounting Association: The
process if identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed
judgements and decisions by users of the information. The American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants defines accounting as to shed the light on the positive and negative sides of using
social media in general, as well as discover its effects on students’ academic performance,
existing studies were reviewed. Studies found out that academic outcome of students who spent
most of their time interacting using social media are positive because they were able to share and
generate ideas and concepts related to their studies.
They also use these sites for having fun of these social media sites are helpful in their
academic work. A similar study revealed that online social media had improved the
communication between the faculty member and students which facilitate the communication of
the correct information and improve understanding and the development of the Ideas and the
courses. Based on the information collected, it is noticeable to say that the use of the social
media during the lecture time is not recommended. Mensah & Nizam concluded in their study
that social media platforms has a significant impact on students’ academic performance in
Malaysia tertiary institutions. Nevertheless, among the six variables used in their study, time
appropriateness and health addiction has a stronger significant influence on students’ academic
performance. This is because time management plays an essential role in determining the success
and failure of an individual. Thus students who lack time management can easily fall prey to the
negative impact of social media. Likewise, health and addiction, students who are engrossed with
the social media platforms ends up skipping meals which has health impact. According to the
study of Owusu-Acheaw& Larson, it was revealed that the social media had affected the
academic performance of their respondents negatively and further International Journal of
advance Infromation Technology (IJAIT) Vol. 8, No.4/5, October 20 1892 confirmed that there
was a strong positive relationship between the use of social media and academic performance.
Their study revealed that most of their respondents use social media sites to chat rather than for
academic. Based on the study pf Alwagait, Shazad and Alim{2}, it was found that social media
usage on weekly basic displayed a positive impact where most students do not use excessively.


There has been a drastic change in the internet world due to the invention of social
media sites in the last ten years. People of all age groups now share their stories, feelings,
videos, pictures and all kinds of public stuff on social media platforms exponentially (Asur
& Huberman, 2010). Youth, particularly from the age group of 16–24, embraced social
media sites to connect with their friends and family, exchange information and showcase
their social status (Boyd & Ellison, 2008). Social media sites have many advantages when
used in academics. The fun element of social media sites always helps students to be
connected with peers and teachers to gain knowledge (Amin et al., 2016). Social media also
enhances the communication between teachers and students as this are no ambiguity and
miscommunication from social media which eventually improves the academic
performance of the students (Oueder & Abousaber, 2018).
When social media is used for educational purposes, it may improve academic
performance, but some associated challenges also come along with it (Rithika &
Selvaraj, 2013). If social media is incorporated into academics, students try to also use it for
non-academic discussions (Arnold & Paulus, 2010). The primary reason for such
distraction is its design as it is designed to be a social networking tool (Qiu et al.,  2013).
According to Englander et al. (2010), the usage of social media in academics has more
disadvantages than advantages. Social media severely impacts the academic performance
of a student. The addiction to social media is found more among the students of higher
studies which ruins the academic excellence of an individual (Nalwa & Anand, 2003).
Among the social media users, Facebook users’ academic performance was worse than the
nonusers or users of any other social media network. Facebook was found to be the major
distraction among students (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). However, other studies report
contrary findings and argued that students benefited from chatting (Jain et al., 2012), as it
improves their vocabulary and writing skills (Yunus & Salehi, 2012). Social media can be
used either to excel in academics or to devastate academics. It all depends on the way it is
used by the students. The good or bad use of social media in academics is the users’
decision because both the options are open to the students (Landry, 2014).

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are in trend since 2020 due to the COVID-19
pandemic (Raja & Kallarakal, 2020). MOOCs courses are generally free, and anyone may
enrol for them online. Many renowned institutions have their online courses on MOOCs
platform which provides a flexible learning opportunity to the students. Students find them
useful to enhance their knowledge base and also in career development. Many standalone
universities have collaborated with the MOOCs platform and included these courses in
their curriculum (Chen, 2013).

Security and privacy are the two major concerns associated with social media. Teachers are
quite apprehensive in using social media for knowledge sharing due to the same concerns
(Fedock et al., 2019). It was found that around 72% teachers were reluctant to use social
media platforms due to integrity issues and around 63% teachers confirmed that security
needs to be tightened before using social media in the classroom (Surface et al., 2014).
Proper training on security and privacy, to use social media platforms in academics, is
needed for  students and teachers (Bhatnagar & Pry, 2020).

The personality traits of a student also play a significant role in deciding the impact of
social media on students’ academic performance. Personality is a dynamic organization
which simplifies the way a person behaves in a situation (Phares, 1991). Human behaviour
has further been described by many renowned researchers. According to Lubinski (2000),
human behaviour may be divided into five factors, i.e. cognitive abilities, personality, social
attitudes, psychological interests and psychopathology. These personality traits are very
important characteristics of a human being and play a substantial role in work
commitment (Macey & Schneider, 2008). Goldberg (1993) elaborated on five dimensions of
personality which are commonly known as the Big Five personality traits. The traits are
“openness vs. cautious”; “extraversion vs. introversion”; “agreeableness vs. rational”;
“conscientiousness vs. careless”; and “neuroticism vs. resilient”.

It has been found that among all personality traits, the “extraversion vs. introversion”
personality trait has a greater impact on students’ academic performance (Costa &
McCrae, 1999). Extrovert students are outgoing, talkative and assertive (Chamorro et
al., 2003). They are positive thinkers and comfortable working in a crowd. Introvert
students are reserved and quiet. They prefer to be isolated and work in silos (Bidjerano &
Dai, 2007). So, in the present study, we have considered only the “extraversion vs.
introversion” personality trait. This study is going to analyse the impact of social media
platforms on students’ academic performance by taking the personality trait
of extraversion and introversion as moderating variables along with their education level
and gender.

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