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Creative Writing Summer School Course

 3-week creative writing summer school programme helps students build their writing
skills through a range of projects including short stories, essays and poetry, to help them
discover their own creative voice.
 Students taking this class should have English language of level B2 or above. Please click
here to read our FAQ about language level suitability for each class.

Benefits of Creative Writing at ISSOS

 Benefits all areas of schoolwork through improved writing structure
 Regular writing practice and balanced critical evaluation to refine skills
 Builds confidence and communication skills
 Boosts imagination and develops clarity of thought
 Lowers stress and strengthens mental and emotional health
 39 hours of tuition
 Pair this class with one of our exciting Elective subjects

What Students learn

 During this 3-week course students will write extensively and discover different styles of
writing through a range of projects including essays, short stories and poetry. Using the
world around them and their own experiences as inspiration, students will learn new
skills to help them discover their voice.
 As well as studying the work of renowned writers students will also benefit from
extensive writing practice and expert help from our highly skilled teachers. They may
also get the chance to see their work in print if it is chosen as a feature for our summer
school magazine, The ISSOS Times.

 Students will learn to understand and harness the power of using creative language to
produce everything from original poems, scenes from a play or movie, to song lyrics and
short stories.
•Geared to the learning needs of individual students,, it aims to reinforce the foundation of
learning, help learners overcome their learning difficulties and develop their potentials.

•Includes short-term and long-term teaching objectives, learning steps, activities and reviews to
ensure that the programmed is implemented effectively.

•Teaching can be done in small groups or for individual.

IEP Goals: The IEP goals should be developed with the following criteria:
Specific, Realistic, Attainable, Measurable, and Challenging

To develop an IEP , teacher will need:

•An accurate and comprehensive definition of your student's needs. That should come from
his/ her evaluation, and your observations. Make sure each area in which your student needs
help is included (e.g. reading, spelling, writing, math, social skills, motor skills, etc.).

•A clear understanding of your student present level of performance. You must include
standardized test results comparing your student academic achievement levels to those of
other students of the same age and grade level.

•To specify services and goals that address your student's difficulties. This requires knowledge
of appropriate research-based services.


Annual goals state what the student will learn and be able to do. They are supported by
measurable short-term objectives (see below). Once you establish a measurable baseline, you
can then set goals for improvement that can also be measured.

Student Name: Johnny- “Johnny will improve his reading and spelling skills “is vague and not
measurable. A better approach is: “To improve John’s word attack/decoding skills from a
baseline score of ___on Woodcock Reading Mastery to a score of __ on the same test after one

Each area of difficulty must be addressed with specific goals and objectives, known as short-
term objectives. For example:

1.John will read short-vowel sounds given in isolation with 100% accuracy.
2.When given a short vowel sound, John will indicate the letter that makes the sound with
100% accuracy.

3.John will learn to decode types of syllables in a progression (i.e. consonant/vowel/ consonant

4.John will learn to spell each word he is learning to read.

In addition, each short-term objective should include dates indicating progress. For example
No. 1 might include a target period of 10 weeks to read short-vowel sounds with 80% accuracy,
and 12 weeks for 100% accuracy.


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