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and welcome back happy to have you with

me today and if you are new then welcome

be sure to subscribe so today we are

going to be talking about the Idaho

student murders and I'm sure most of you

if not all of you have been following this

case or have at least heard of it I have

to say this is probably the most

requested case I've ever seen you guys

have been tweeting me almost daily there

have been so many submissions to my

request inbox to cover this case and I

did wait quite a while to cover it for

several reasons first being this is just

one of the most upsetting cases that

I've ever seen it's truly scared me and

you know obviously I've covered a lot of

cases and it takes a lot to really freak

me out but this one did I can't tell you

how many nights I've just been lying

awake thinking about what these four

students went through in their final

moments of life and and I think probably

all of us who have been following this

have been kind of rocked by it because

it is just so so brutal and unimaginable

especially now being a parent I cannot

imagine what these parents are going

through what these friends and people

who loved these four students are

dealing with and you know going forward

and in the last few months sorry I'm

getting kind of choked up because it's

just it's so so upsetting and and truly

scares me and for a while there when

there was not a suspect in custody I was

afraid to even talk about this case

because it blew my mind that someone

could get away with it and of course at

the time for a while there police did

have a suspect in mind but didn't say

anything to the media for a while and so

there's kind of the idea that is this

person really going to get away with it

and that was scary there were rumors for

a while that maybe this person was in

Colorado that really freaked me out and

so I kind of waited to cover this and

that's not the only reason I also waited

because there has been so much

misinformation and really harmful rumors

going around about several different

people who were totally innocent and

were accused of being involved and it's

just really dangerous to be spreading

misinformation and it was important to

me to get the right information to you

guys instead of being you know one of

the first ones to get the information

out there I wanted to wait and make sure

that I really stick to the facts here

and this often happens in cases where

there is a lot of interest random people

start getting on the internet start

making their own theories I've seen

people on Tick Tock spreading tons of

misinformation I've seen people before

the suspect was actually caught doing uh

tarot card readings and placing blame on

people who didn't deserve it and I'll

talk more about that later but it's

really important especially in big cases

like this which this one is just

beginning I mean mean now that there's a

suspect in custody the trial process is

going to take a long time and it's just

really important that people stick to

the facts and again I just want to say

if you know if you're following this

case online just be careful about what

you share what you like what information

that you take in because there is so

much just false information out there

and it's it's really harmful to not only

the case but to the families and this

case is ongoing so I'll likely be making

a part two at some point so there's a

lot of information to go over here today

so I want to just jump right in I wanted

to start out today really talking about

the victims and giving you an idea of

who these four young wonderful people

were so these four college students who

were murdered are named Kaylee Gonzalez

Madison Mogan Ethan Chapin and Zannah

kernodle these four were brutally

brutally murdered in the early morning

hours of November 13 2022 at the

University of Idaho located in Moscow so

let's start with Madison or Maddie may

as her family called her she was born

May 25th 2001 in Eugene Oregon she was

an only child to her parents Ben and

Karen who Moved their family to Coeur

d'Alene Idaho when she was just a few

years old and despite her parents

getting divorced Maddie had a very full

and loving childhood people who knew

Maddie say that she had a huge sense of

humor that she could make anyone laugh

and smile she was a bright person like

she just had a light about her and like

I said she had a really good sense of

humor and was always making people laugh

and sometimes it was unexpected coming

from as her friend said this little

blonde girl but she just had a zest for

life love to laugh and loved the people

in her life she and her friends loved

making Tick Tock videos and I think her

sense of humor can really be seen in

these types of videos that she was

posting I mean just looking at her you

can feel a sense of lightness and warmth

that she carried in this world I I also

read that her loved ones knew to never

let her get hungry because she would get

hangry and I thought that was really

relatable and funny and Beyond just

being a good person a good friend a good

daughter she was also incredibly smart

she was a great student she attended

Middle School at Coeur d'Alene Charter

Academy where she met her best friend

Kaylee Gonzalez and these two were

Incredibly Close when they were younger

they actually wrote a letter to their

parents convincing them to go to high

school together they wanted to go to

Lake City High School and they were able

to and really these two were more than

best friends they were practically

Inseparable and it's almost impossible

to talk about one without talking about

the other Kaylee's father even says that

the two were more like sisters than they

were friends where one of them went the

other followed and that included their

decision to attend college together and

they ended up at the University of Idaho

now Maddie was extremely focused when it

came to her future she took her

academics very seriously and while

attending University of Idaho she

majored in marketing and she made the

list every semester she also got

involved in Greek life which is pretty

big on this campus and she joined Pi

Beta Phi the sorority and Not only was

she balancing academics and Greek life

but she also had a boyfriend named Jake

and worked part-time at a restaurant

called Mad Greek so she had a lot going

on in her life between school and her

extracurricular activities and work and

all the friendships that she had but she

still managed to enjoy being a 21 year

old in college Maddie was still trying

to figure out what exactly she wanted to

do in her life what she wanted to do

after she graduated but one thing she

wanted was to be able to stay near her

best friend Kaylee Gonzalez so now let's

talk about Kaylee Kaylee Jade Gonzalez

was born on June 8 2001 to her parents

Steve and Christy and was raised in

Rathdrum Idaho she was the middle child

of five siblings and was a bit of a

Spitfire from the beginning her father

described her as the Memory Maker and

the planner of the family they said if

they were going to take a week again

trip Kaylee would make sure it was

filled with adventures and stories to

tell she was very authentically herself

she was social she was very very goofy

and also really loved fashion and worked

hard to buy herself the nicer things in

life if she wanted something she would

be the one to work hard and get it

rather than rely on someone else Kaylee

was the middle child in her family and

her parents said that she fit in that

role really well she was really tough

but fair and they said that she was

always trying to prove that girls could

do anything boys could do and I loved

that she was known for being a very

loyal friend someone that you definitely

want to have in your corner and like I

mentioned she and Maddie were

practically Inseparable Kaylee's father

Steve said that Maddie quickly became

their sixth child she was always around

their house whether that meant hanging

out with Kaylee or playing with Kaylee's

younger sisters and that was good for

Maddie too especially because she was

the only child so she really got that

experience of siblings through being

around Kaylee's family a lot they were

just like yin and yang

it was nice because you know Kayla come

over to the house or over to their house

and then Maddie would come to our house

and then there were opposites like her

house was empty and nice and quiet and

peaceful she could do her homework but

Maddie wanted to come over here and play

with their sisters and you know I have a

and I feel like a big sister in our

house and she was always good with the

kids so

it really worked out to where it was

just a natural fit so while she was

attending the University of Idaho Kaylee

majored in General Studies and had an

interest in possibly becoming a teacher

although she wasn't completely sold on

that yet so she was still figuring out

her life as well and you know both of

them thought that they had their whole

lives to figure that out so Kaylee was

also a part of Greek life she was in a

different sorority than Maddie she was

an alpha fee and because of an

internship she was working on Kaylee had

lined up an I.T job in Texas after

graduating like Maddie Haley was 21

years old enjoying her college Years and

had a lot of life that she was looking

forward to living next let's talk about

Zana kernodle she was born on July 5th

2002 to her parents Jeff and Cara she

grew up in Post Falls Idaho and had an

older sister named Jasmine from a young

age it was clear that Zanna was an

athlete by the time she was in high

school she played volleyball track and

soccer and she loved being outdoors any

type of outdoor activity she was down

for and she was dead dedicated to

everything that she did Zanna was also

super passionate about EDM music she

loved to go to concerts and spend time

there with her friends and family people

who are close to her say that Zanna was

incredibly positive always looking on

the bright side she was very outgoing

and it was important to her to make sure

that everyone around her felt included

her father said that she was never the

type of girl to get involved in drama

and that she was never materialistic and

people around her say that she was

always down for the ride no matter what

that meant at the time and this just

absolutely broke my heart but when she

graduated high school she decorated her

cap and she wrote on it for the lives

that I will change which to me is just a

great example of the type of person that

she was she wanted to help those around

her and had she been given the chance I

know that she would have gone on to do

incredible things while attending the

University of Idaho Zanna majored in

marketing and also joined Pi Beta Phi

the same sorority as Maddie Mogan she

and Maddie also worked together at that

restaurant Mad Greek which only added to

their closeness even though her life was

full with school and work Santa also

made time for her relationship with 20

year old Ethan Chapin the two of them

really had built a friendship before

they started dating but by summer of

2022 they were fully in a relationship

and she was beginning to spend a lot of

her time with Ethan and his family and

both of their families loved them

together and loved how similar they were

and how happy they made each other so

now let's talk about Ethan the fourth

victim in this case Ethan Chapin was

born on October 28 2002 followed by his

siblings Maisie and Hunter just a few

minutes later he was a triplet and I

just cannot imagine what his siblings

are going through I mean the

relationship the bond of multiples is

just so intense that I really can't

imagine ugh just breaks my heart so the

triplets were born in Seattle but they

later moved with their parents Jim and

Stacy to Conway Idaho like Santa Ethan

was very athletic and loved being

outside so this was just one of the many

things that the two of them had in

common he played soccer basketball ran

cross country but was pretty much

capable of playing any sport he wanted

he was very well-rounded athletically

and he also really loved to golf Surf

and play Pickleball

he played it literally I think we just

watched a thing from the University

spike ball Champion Volleyball Champion

I mean literally would play and do

anything he he played club soccer for

years he was played you know we traveled

all of our kids our athletic and we

traveled every weekend and it just we

just love to play Everything

he did he loves sports I mean our like

our love language with him was Sports

and Ethan loved his family he was very

very close to his parents and his

siblings when one of them did something

the other two followed so when covid hit

the triplets were in high school and the

three of them packed their bags and

moved to the Priest Lake area where they

all got a job working at a tulip farm

their parents also moved with them so

that they could all stay close and Ethan

loved this job he loved being surrounded

by Nature he was known as an incredible

worker he always had a smile on his face

according to the people he worked with

and when it came time to go to college

all three triplets decided to go to the

University of Idaho and I'm glad that

they did because they got to spend you

know the precious last years of Ethan's

life close by Ethan loved life and at

any point of the day could be seen with

a huge smile on his face his dimples

were one of his most defining features

he majored in sports management and was

a member of Sigma Chi and his loved one

said that he he loved his time in

college since starting College he was

kind of living his best life and he was

super into the social aspect and did a

good job of kind of tolerating the

academic side of it and once he and Zana

started dating his life only improved he

really really cared for Zana the two of

them shared so many of the same passions

and spent most of the summer of 2022

with his family now talking about these

four doesn't even begin to describe who

they were on top of being a group of

friends these four were individuals with

their own dreams and aspirations and

every opportunity they had was stolen

from them in the early morning hours of

November 13th and one thing that I've

really started to see from their parents

is the message of moving forward that

doesn't mean forgetting what happened to

them but remembering that they would

want each of us to keep moving forward

even if they can't and now that we've

talked about the four of them I want to

start getting into the details of this

case and how everything unfolded so like

I said in the beginning of all this

there were two months where there was a

lot of holes missing in the story and

that left a lot of room for people to

speculate there were so many people out

there coming up with their own theories

putting out incorrect information about

the victims about the house about

potential suspects it was really sad

Kaylee had actually broken up with a

long-term boyfriend before all this

happened and people started accusing him

making up you know all these theories

about him putting out personal

information about him like digging into

his private life being convinced that it

was him that he had some involvement he

was completely cleared by police there

was also a University of Idaho Professor

who's accused of being involved and she

is actually suing a tick-tocker out of

Texas right now for spreading all this

misinformation about her and that kind

of thing gets really dangerous very

quickly and that's why I wanted to you

know refrain from covering this case and

even talking about it on social media

because the misinformation was truly out

of control but recently as many of you

know a suspect was recently arrested and

a lot more information has come out

since then so now we have a much clearer

picture of what really happened on

November 13th and it really all starts

the day before on November 12 2022.

November 12th was the last home game for

the football team at the University of

Idaho and football is a really big deal

there so Spirits were really high

everyone was tailgating I mean anyone

who's been to a college campus on Game

Day knows the kind of atmosphere it's

much different than a regular day that

day Kaylee posted on her Instagram an

unforgettable photo with her roommates

and from everything that I've seen seems

like they really did feel lucky for the

lives that they were living they

actually lived in an area that students

call fratlantis it's a neighborhood near

Greek row and living near this area gave

Zanna Maddie and Kaylee nearly 24 7

access to their closest friends and most

of the you know social events that were

going on on campus so after spending the

earlier part of the day tailgating the

roommates and Ethan split up and kind of

went their own separate ways Zanna and

Ethan went to his fraternity Sigma Chi

at approximately 9 pm it was a Saturday

night so of course the fraternity would

be having a party and because xanna

lived so close to the signakai

fraternity it was an easy walk home

which was very convenient for them so

Zanna Maddie Kaylee and the other two

roommates they had Bethany and the other

one is being referred to the media right

now as DM I think her name's out there

but I don't want to you know be part of

putting that out there if she is trying

to you know keep some privacy but they

lived at 1122 King Road Which is less

than a four minute walk from the sigma

Kai fraternity like I said they showed

up around 9pm and Witnesses say they

stayed till approximately 1 45 am at

which point they made the very short

walk back to the King Road residence

meanwhile Kaylee and Maddie spent their

night at a local bar called the corner

club which was only about a mile and a

half away from their house so the two of

them were enjoying themselves at the bar

and they stayed there until about 1 30

a.m then just 10 minutes later there's

video of them actually ordering food at

a local food truck called the grub truck

and this is a very popular stop for

students on their way home from a night

out which makes it the perfect place to

live stream their business on Twitch

seeing this footage is

it's heart-wrenching knowing what was

going to happen to them I mean they look

like they're having a great time I

believe they were getting carbonara and

it just was a normal night for them and

as heartbreaking as this footage is to

see it does really help for the sake of

putting together a timeline of what

happened and if you've kind of followed

this case online you know that this

footage kind of fed into some of the

online theories that are out there to

briefly recap it there appears to be a

hooded man in the footage that is

potentially following the girls when

they grab their food and leave he can be

seen kind of pointing over in their

Direction and walking off shortly after

them and because of that so many people

speculated that he could have been the

one who did it and even after police

cleared him of any involvement there was

still a lot of speculation about this

person which I'm sure whoever that is

you know all of this has been miserable

for them there's more that I could say

on this but this person is not involved

they have been cleared and there's

really no point in spending any more

time talking about this so after they

get their food we're picked up by a

private party likely an Uber or Lyft who

dropped them off at their house at 1 56

am so by 2 am all five roommates plus

Ethan were back at the house on 1122

King Road and something that I recently

learned that surprised me is Kaylee had

actually already moved out of the house

she had taken summer classes every year

and she was set to graduate early in

December so she'd only gone back to

campus that weekend to spend as much

time with Maddie as she could before

moving to Texas for a job and before we

go any further I want to take some time

to just explain this house because it's

a very unique layout and there has been

a lot of misinformation from the

beginning about the house and how it was

all set up and where all the murders

occurred so let's really go through this

so the house has three floors and both

the first and the second floor have an

entry point and an exit Point meaning

that someone could enter and exit on

either level the first floor consists of

two bedrooms a bathroom and obviously

the front door and even though there are

two bedrooms on this level only one of

the rooms was occupied and it belonged

to Bethany Funk moving upstairs you

reach the second floor which is pretty

much considered the main level of the

house this floor consists of two

bedrooms a kitchen and a living room it

can be accessed from the outside through

a glass sliding door that leads to a

patio on the back side of the property

and on this level the rooms were

occupied by roommate DM and Zanna and

finally you have the third floor which

consists of two bedrooms and one

bathroom the room on the West Side

belonged to Kaylee and the other to

Maddie and even though their rooms were

super close the two of them actually

shared a bed all the time that's how

close they were they loved to sleep

together so this timeline of how

everything played out from two to four

a.m is pretty confusing and there's

limited information more has come out

but there are some confusing bits still

but especially in the first six weeks

with the investigation it was incredibly

unclear there there's only a few things

that we knew for certain is that between

2 26 am and 2 44 am Kaylee called her

ex-boyfriend Jack six times between 2 44

and 252 Maddie also attempted three

times to call Jack and Kaylee tried

calling him again once more at 2 52 a.m

so there are 10 calls here to Jack in

total this is another instance just like

the food truck where people have started

making their own theories about what

they think this all means for a while

people were putting it out there that

the girls were clearly trying to call

Jack while they were being attacked this

is not true like I mentioned some people

even tried to say that maybe he was

involved and tried to put blame on him

even though her family the whole time

was adamant that he was not involved

that he just would never do something

like this so I can imagine it's been an

incredibly hard time for him being

falsely accused of killing his

ex-girlfriend so next day November 13th

2022 a call was made to 911 at 11 58 a.m

the call was placed from inside the King

Road residence to report an unconscious

person but when responding officers got

there they obviously saw it was much

more than that that four people had been

stabbed and killed inside the home the

bodies of Zana kernodle and Ethan Chapin

were found in her bedroom together on

the second floor in the bodies of

Madison Mogan and Kayla Gonzalez were

found lying together in Maddie's bed on

the third floor and it's really really

sad to think about the two of them in

that moment what that would have been

like for all four of them and their

families have talked about how it has

been comforting to them in some way to

know that they weren't alone in their

final moments I know it meant a lot to

Maddie and Kaylee's families that they

were together Kaylee's dog Murphy was

also found upstairs in her bedroom and

it's been recently shared by

investigators that there was a

significant amount of blood and cast off

in each of the rooms Kaylee's dad has

been very vocal from the beginning just

wanting people to know that this was an

absolutely brutal brutal murder so

obviously responding officers are

shocked when they go there thinking that

this is you know that there's an

unconscious person in the house and it

turns out to be a quadruple homicide so

they end up calling for additional help

including members of the Moscow Police

Department as well as the Idaho State

Police and by 4 pm that afternoon crime

scene analysts got there and began

processing the scene so the University

of Idaho ended up sending out a mass

emergency text alert to all students

letting them know that they should

shelter in place but they ended up

lifting this request after just a few

hours however they did tell students to

remain Vigilant although they did not

believe there was an active threat and

welcome to this early edition of the

Sunday news at five I'm Doug petcash we

begin with breaking news out of North

Idaho students at the University of

Idaho were asked to shelter in place

earlier today the University of Idaho

says Moscow police are investigating a

homicide on King road which as you can

see is very close to campus they say

police don't have a suspect yet around

four o'clock the university posted on

social media that the Moscow Police

Department doesn't believe there is an

active threat the school Has Lifted the

shelter in place requests but asks

people to remain Vigilant and then it

wasn't until the following day November

14th that the four students who are

murdered were publicly identified Moscow

police say 20-year-old Ethan Chapin of

Conway Washington 21 year old Madison

Mogan of Coeur d'Alene 20 year old

Zannah kernodle of Avondale Arizona and

21 year old Kaylee guncalves of Rathdrum

Idaho were found dead yesterday around

noon local time in Moscow and it's hard

to even imagine what it would be like to

get a call that your child had been

murdered in such a horrendous way what

it must have been like for all of their

friends and family to find out that the

four of them had been killed family

weekend at the University was actually

just the week before and I'm thankful

that you know they did get to spend time

with their children before this happened

when Santa's dad visited her that

weekend he remembers feeling really

proud of his daughter and couldn't

believe how fast she was growing up he

said that he was impressed with how

responsible she was and how her

relationship with Ethan was going

Ethan's mom vividly remembers how happy

she was after getting to visit her three

kids that weekend as well as we pulled

out of
as parents we've created three

incredible humans that will go on so

then on November 16th the Moscow Police

Department held its first press

conference regarding this case first of

many and they detailed all the

information that was known at the time

they introduced which departments would

be part of the task force set up to

investigate this horrific crime and in

the press conference it was revealed

that the four victims had been stabbed

with a knife although there was no

weapon found at the crime scene we also

learned at that time that there was no

sign of forced entry and there was no

suspect people were warned to stay

vigilant even though they did say that

they believed that this was an isolated

event the four were stabbed with a knife

but no weapon has been located at this

time there was no sign of forced entry

into the residence investigators are

continuing to collect evidence at the

scene investigators are working to

develop a timeline to relevant events

autopsies are taking place to today on

all the victims so we can continue to

gather evidence and solve the crime

investigators are working to follow up

on all needs and to identify a person of

interest based on details of the scene

we believe this was an isolated targeted

attack on our victims we do not have a

suspect at this time and that individual

is still out there we cannot say that

there's no threat to the community and

as we have stated please stay vigilant

report any suspicious activity and be

aware of your surroundings at all times

in the the president of the University

of Idaho and the Provost also spoke that

day and answered questions regarding

campus Safety and Security and obviously

this press conference was somewhat

informative and important it definitely

left everyone feeling confused scared

there were so many questions that

everyone all around the nation had at

this point the only clear answers we got

in those first couple of days was on

November 17th when the autopsies were

done and it was confirmed at that point

that the cause of death was the result

of stabbing and the manner of death was

homicide but there was also a lot of

conflicting information because it

stated that some of the victims had

defensive wounds but also that they were

likely asleep during the attack so

obviously people were wondering how

could they possibly have defensive

wounds if they were sleeping while this

was happening and I'll get into more of

that later but this is just an example

of how some of the information that was

put out led to people questioning even

more and when I think back to

mid-november and what I was seeing on

social media I remember remember that

most people were just scared confused

trying to fill those holes themselves I

mean police were saying that they

thought this was an isolated event but

also telling people to stay vigilant so

it was just confusing and very scary for

Moscow people were very confused about

how all this played out how if two

people were sleeping together and one

was murdered violently how the other

wouldn't have woken up and it was also

confusing to people at the time that it

seemed as if two of those surviving

roommates had slept through the whole

thing happening and everyone was

wondering how is that possible how could

four people be murdered in a home and no

one else wakes up well there has been

some more clarification on that I will

get into that later on the victims

families the community and really the

whole nation were left hoping that more

details would be made public and that's

something inside the home would point to

whoever was responsible for these

murders and in addition to processing

the crime scene at the Kings Road

residence which included identifying and

collecting any available evidence inside

the home and investigators also extended

their search beyond the home outside and

in the early days of the attack officers

canvassed the whole neighborhood looking

for security cameras that would

hopefully Point them in the right

direction of who was in the area that

night several surveillance cameras were

found taken and processed and review of

this footage has provided investigators

with crucial information that would

eventually lead to an arrest so when

they reviewed all of the security

footage they end up finding a white

sedan enters the neighborhood at 3 29

a.m and passes by the house three times

before returning at 404 am and then at 4

20 am it can be seen leaving the area at

a high rate of speed so this footage was

sent to the FBI at that point and it was

further reviewed by a forensic examiner

with 35 years of experience who

specializes in identifying the unique

characteristics of vehicles and it was

this expert who determined that the

vehicle matched the description of a


Hyundai Elantra although they later

extended the model to incorporate

Vehicles made between 2011 and 2016. so

on November 25th the Moscow Police

Department asked local law enforcement

agencies to be on the lookout for any

white Hyundai Elantras in the immediate

area but they ended up keeping all

information about this vehicle away from

the public for another 12 days so if you

have heard this information about the

vehicle it's because it came out in the

probable cause affidavit which came out

pretty recently and I will be getting

more into that later and obviously

because this information was not

released at first it definitely led into

the frenzy that maybe this case would

never be solved but throughout this

whole time the police the FBI have been

holding a lot of information close to

the vest for I'm sure good reason but

meanwhile while they're working on the

case the families of these four students

and students from the University of

Idaho and the Moscow Community were

really coming together to remember the

lives that had been lost even funeral

was the first to be held and it took

place on November 21st so my name is

Stacy Chapin

I can do this

and Legacy of our sun

and brother

Ethan Chapin one of the most incredible


you'll ever know and then on November

30th the university held a vigil in

honor of Zana Ethan Maddie and Kaylee

and just by looking at these photos from

the day you can see how broken this

community was by the loss and still is

but it is also so beautiful to see how

everyone came together regardless of the

pain to be there for these families and

for one another and their parents got up

there and spoke with such Grace and

composure and I cannot imagine being in

that situation I don't think I'd be able

to function for a very long time so it's

just incredibly emotional to hear their

strength during this horrific time

Ethan's mom spoke beautifully about the

importance of family and how proud she

was of Ethan and her other children for

being a part of the Vandal Community she

emphasized the importance of expressing

your love to those around you and how

necessary it is to keep pushing forward

but I would like to start by saying my

name is Stacy Chapin

I'm Ethan's mom

I'm here tonight with my husband Jim

Ethan's dad and his brother Hunter and


sister Maisie who are also vandals what

I want you to know is that our family is

no different than most all all probably

all of your families we sat at the

dinner table when time permitted

we played games together we traveled we

held our kids to every sporting event

imaginable we had cribbage tournaments

pickleball competitions and basketball

shooting contests but the most important

thing is that in our family we always

had each other's backs and we will

continue to do so and for all of the

things that I've listed in the times

that I haven't mentioned

we are eternally grateful that we spent

so much time with him and I want to

remind you that that's the most

important message that we have for you

and your families is to make sure that

you spend as much time as possible with

those people because time is precious

and it's something you can't get back

Kaylee's father also gave an incredibly

emotional speech about the relationship

between father and daughter and how that

should be considered the eighth wonder

of the world he also talked about Kaylee

and Maddie's relationship over the years

and how in the end like I said they were

happy that they were still together and

that brought him and his family a lot of


I just know the main reason I'm up here


so you that everybody can understand

what we lost I hope to be able to make

you laugh

but I'm afraid we're gonna have to cry

because we lost

four beautiful souls and the two that

I'm up here to talk about are the ones I

knew and when I started thinking about

how I was going to tell these people

what their souls were like and the

things that they shared with me I

started thinking that this is going to

be really tough

but these girls were absolutely

beautiful they've been friends

since sixth grade we both put them in

Charter Academy they felt like they were

being punished sixth grade they just

found each other and every day they did

homework together they came to our house

together they shared everything they

convinced us they made a proposal to go

to high school to a regular high school

so then they went to high schools

together then they started looking at

colleges they came here together they

eventually get into the same apartment

together and in the end they died


in the same room in the same bed and

it's it's a shame

and it hurts

the beauty of the two

always being together something that

will will it Comforts us it lets us know

that they were with their their best

friends in the whole world Maddie's dad

Ben spoke so warmly about his only

daughter and shared how just incredible

she was from the day that she was born

hearing him talk you can just feel how

proud he was of her how much he loved

her and how amazed he was by all that

she accomplished in her short life

that's my only child that we ever had

and uh and so she got you know

everything she ever did was such a big


such a happy this is such a great kid

such a perfect little baby

and so just smart and funny and


she was just nice to everybody and when

I would meet people ever since she was

first born and when I meet people I they

say you know tell me about yourself or

you're just trying to get to know

someone the first thing I'd say is well

my I have this daughter and she's

she's you know here's a picture of her

she's she's on the Dean's List that had

college and she's she works hard and she

has all these great friends and the

sorority and she's you know I just would

tell them all about Maddie I wouldn't

even they would we they walk away from

me like I don't know anything about him

we know all about his little girl though

and she always worked hard she started

getting jobs when she was just like

barely even a teenager her mom had

to fire her whole housekeeping staff of

the hotel that she managed and so Maddie

and her friends stepped up and the next

day they were all in there cleaning

rooms which is a hard job from then on

she always had a job like

like not all of that major kids are all

out there working all the time but she

she sure was she's always worked hard

and make her own money and and buy her

own cars and pay for her own gas and

unfortunately zana's parents were unable

to attend this vigil but her memory was

definitely felt through the entire event

and only two days later a memorial

service was held in Post Falls where

friends and family spoke more about the

victims hundreds gathered today in Post

Falls for a memorial service for Kaylee

Madison Zanna and Ethan the University

of Idaho students killed in the

quadruple homicide in Moscow last month

the world is a darker place without them

but the light of their

light of their love and memories will

always guide us all

Maddie has truly been a blessing in our


watching her grow and mature and to the

amazing woman she become his truly

Priceless in our hearts


Santa you will not be forgotten you have

impacted so many lives and have given

people so much love I hope I can make

you proud and try to leave an impact on

this world and on people like you did

if you knew Ethan he was never angry

about anything


he would never get upset

you couldn't upset him ever

just heartbroken and we know it it's

just gonna take time for everybody to


if that's possible

I I just pray that it is but because

investigators were keeping so much

information under wraps at that point

December was a really tough time for the

whole Community especially these

families we were hearing a lot about the

victims how incredible they were we were

hearing from the families but we weren't

hearing much information about who did

this and how they were planning to solve

this murder and get Justice for these

victims and it was frustrating and you

know just left so many people wondering

and the information that was public

really only made people question

everything even more and there just

wasn't a lot of answers for those

questions it's been about three weeks

since the horrific stabbing death of

four college students at the University

of Idaho

three weeks since we lost zaina Maddie

Kaylee and Ethan three weeks and still

the police have no suspect or Person of

Interest the community has been left in

limbo left with more confusion and more


we are on the hunt for answers for them

Moscow deserves answers the students of

the University deserve answers these

four young innocent victims deserve

answers and so do their families the

Gonzalez family Kaylee's parents were

very public about their frustration and

disdain really they were not happy they

made many media appearances and

expressed their concern over and over

they did say that they fully supported

and believed in those handling the case

but they were deeply upset about the

lack of information Steve if you have

made it very clear to our audience that

you are supportive of law enforcement

but recently I've been watching and

talking with you and you're getting

frustrated what does that frustration

come from sir

they put certain people between you and

the officers that are making things

happen and those people are like lawyers

and they don't want to say anything and

they don't they don't have the guts to

come up and be Alpha and be like leaders

and say hey we might say something

that's wrong we're going to take that


so the officers they looked me straight

in their eyes lead to detective look me

in his eyes he I get I have no doubt

he's working as hard as he can

but somebody isn't communicating there's

nothing being released it seems like

they're they're trying to suppress the

story we just have no information as

family and it gets some tough day after

day after day I mean every day you just

wake up and think today's the day we're

gonna hear something and you see these

oh there's a break in the case and it'll

just be something stupid the sixth

person in the on the lease that was

never there stop playing games zanna's

mom Cara had similar frustrations as the

Gonzalez family but she on the other

hand didn't have much faith in law

enforcement have the police been helpful

to you cara to understand some of the

things they can and can't say uh

you know honestly no honestly no they

haven't said anything I learned more on

the news and on TV than they have said

to me she said in the first three weeks

that this all was unfolding she didn't

spend a lot of time communicating with

the other families that she was really

trying to grieve and process all of this

with her own family but now we really

know that even though there didn't seem

like there was a lot happening there

really was a lot happening behind the

scenes and because the crime scene was a

very popular location for many students

tons of people partied there there's a

bunch of DNA in that house dozens of

people had been through that house

especially in the weeks and days leading

up to the attack and so investigators

had to comb through dozens if not

hundreds of different DNA profiles in an

attempt to find the one that shouldn't

have been inside the house you know when

you think about it you know you think

well wow we've got this evidence-rich

environment we're going to be able to

get this thing shut down really quick

you know come to a conclusion and it's

amazing many times the more data you

have the more complex a case becomes

most people in their day-to-day lives

don't think about just touching surfaces

and and going through the motions and

that sort of thing but every time you

touch something you leave a trace behind

and in this particular case if you have

people coming and going they're leaving

these kind of Slough skin cells

everywhere that's where we get touch DNA

during this whole time authorities did

over 250 interviews and they're also

coming through thousands and thousands

of tips that have come in over 19

000 tips actually came in which is

insane and at this time they're also

keeping the house secured from the

public while releasing the information

that they could without jeopardizing the

Integrity of the investigation so by

this point it was believed that Kaylee

may have had some type of stalker

although the details are on this were

very murky we didn't know how long it

had been going on or even how serious of

a situation it was but her parents have

since stated that Kaylee would call them

and tell them that she thought that

someone had been following her walking

too close to her at the grocery store

but it was never something that was

actually reported but her parents were

aware of this and at this time it felt

like maybe this is a big piece of

information that could possibly Point

them in the right direction to who

actually committed this murder around

this time it also became public that

this knife was a military style knife a

serious knife and so people started to

wonder if maybe this attacker could have

been someone who was in the military but

only having bits and pieces of

information definitely LED people down

all types of rabbit holes some people

really focused on the idea that Kaylee

could have this stalker that it was

someone who you know was going after

Kaylee specifically and the others were

kind of just in the wrong place at the

wrong time other people thought that

maybe this was someone close to them

because there was no signs of force

entry maybe it was someone who was in

the house or regularly came to the house

there were so many what-ifs and not

enough information to really back up any

of these theories and it wasn't until

December 7th when information regarding

the white Hyundai Elantra was released

that people started to feel a little

more hopeful about the investigation in

a press release from the Moscow Police

Department detectives announced that

they were interested in speaking with

the occupant of a white

2011-2013 Hyundai Elantra with an

unknown license plate they said that

this person driving the vehicle they

believed had at least information about

what happened but they did not say

whether or not they thought this person

was a suspect update Moscow detectives

they're interested in speaking with the

occupants of a white

2011-2012 or 2013 model year Hyundai

Elantra unknown license plate policing

that this vehicle was believed to be in

the immediate area of the house where

the murders happened on November 13th

those early morning hours immediate area

we don't exactly know what that means if

that means on the block or right in

front of the house itself news Nation

reporting investigators believe that the

occupants of this vehicle might have

critical information about this case the

owner of this vehicle might not be the

murderer of course the police are

looking for but might have critical

information about this case but at this

point we now know that police actually

did have more information about this

vehicle than they were letting on in

fact they had a suspect in mind at this

point but they made the decision to keep

that information private however they

did share what they could about the car

and it was enough to give the public

hope that Justice might be coming and

the same day that the information about

the vehicle was released the police were

also seen at the King Road residence as

they began packing up the victim's

belongings to finally return them to

their families and I can only imagine

how emotional how Bittersweet it was for

those families to get those items back

then on December 12th another update

from the police went live in this

announcement Department Captain Roger

Lanier provided more information about

why they were looking into this Hyundai

Elantra it's been a lot of questions

about the white car that we've been

interested in we're looking for that car

because we believe through our

investigation that that that car was in

the area during the time of the murders

and we also believe that the occupant or

occupants may have seen something they

may not know they have seen something so

we specifically want to talk to them and

we want to know who they are and what

they might know or might be able to

contribute to the investigation he also

explained how they were still receiving

thousands of tips and trying to sort

them based on their relevance to the

case over the weekend investigators have

sorted through and prioritized numerous

tips some are tips that came in earlier

and we've been working on other tips are

new and are relevant it's overwhelming

sometimes with the amount of information

that comes in on these tip lines so our

analysts have spent hours sorting

through and trying to come up with the

most relevant tips first for the

investigators to follow up on and then

he also said that despite what many

people believe that police do have more

information that they're just not

sharing with the public to protect the

integrity of the case finally I just

want to add that we do have a lot of

information and we are specifically

keeping that information safe we're not

releasing specific details because we do

not want to compromise this

investigation it's what we must do we

owe that to the families and we owe that

to the victims we want more than just an

arrest we want a conviction we owe that

Justice to Zana Kaylee Madison and Ethan

and I'm sure this was a really difficult

time for investigators I mean they're

getting hounded for supposedly not

having any answers on this case for not

having any information for not providing

any solid answers to these questions

that were being asked and for two and a

half weeks following this update people

continuously questioned if the police

were even capable of solving this case

but meanwhile they are protecting

extremely valuable information so that

the suspect would not be tipped off and

as December went on there were many

sightings of white Hyundai Elantras that

people thought could be connected to the

case but police knew that it wasn't

because they actually knew who exactly

this car belonged to and where it was

also around this time the Lata County

coroner came under a lot of fire because

they had shared some very graphic

details about the conditions of their

bodies to Kaylee's younger sister and it

was unbelievable the coroner actually

started sharing their own theories about

what happened which is totally weird and

irresponsible if you ask me but luckily

there were a lot of positive things

happening behind the scenes the case was

really moving forward finally on

December 30th 2022 some big news came

out there was an arrest made 28 year old

Brian Christopher coburger was arrested

as a suspected killer in the University

of Idaho quadruple homicide of Zanna

Ethan Kaylee and Maddie this obviously

was huge news and such a relief I

finally felt comfortable even talking

about the case on social media at that

point because it felt like you know they

really felt confident about Brian

although I will say it's still alleged

he is still the suspect you know

innocent until proven guilty so Brian

was arrested at his family home all the

way in Pennsylvania albrightsville

Pennsylvania to be specific and he was

arrested at 3 am on four charges of

first degree murder and one charge of

felony burglary

conjunction with the Pennsylvania State


the Federal Bureau of Investigation

detectives arrested 28 year old Brian

Christopher coburger in albrightsville

Pennsylvania on a warrant for murder of

Ethan Zena Madison and Kaylee a criminal

complaint was filed yesterday here in

Lata County charging the defendant Mr

kohlberger with four counts first degree

murder in addition to felony burglary

which involves entering the residence

with the intent to commit the crime of

murder these murders have shaken our

community and no arrest will ever bring

back these young students however we do

believe Justice will be found through

the criminal process so a special

Emergency Response Team or otherwise

known as cert used a tactic called

dynamic entry to make this arrest and

this is only used in high risk

situations and over 50 law enforcement

Personnel were used in this arrest to

make sure that they got Brian without

incident upon his arrest guest Brian

coburger was brought into the Monroe

County Correctional Facility where he

remained in custody and on suicide watch

until his extradition tactical assets

were then staged in the county in Monroe

County into the evening of Thursday

December 29th last Thursday and in the

early hours of Friday December 30th

those warrants were executed at the

location Mr coburger was taken into

custody without incident the scene was

turned over to the FBI evidence response

team for processing Mr kohlberg was then

turned over to the Monroe County Prison

where he has remained in their custody

since and the same day of his arrest

December 30th investigators were also

seen exiting his apartment in Pullman

Washington with several boxes of what

appeared to be evidence collected during

the execution of a search warrant and up

until recently the items that they

collected were not made public and I

will talk more about what exactly they

found towards the end because that

information did just recently come out

and like I said I felt so much much

relief when this happened I know so many

people did all across the nation people

have been following this case just

fearing that maybe they would never be

answers maybe there would never be

justice but I truly can't imagine what

this day was like for their families it

must have been so overwhelming and you

know obviously it's a huge win for them

but it's got to come with so many mixed

emotions and even though everyone can

kind of take a sigh of relief after this

arrest you know this is only the

beginning I think Haley's dad put it

really well when he described what it

was like to find out about all of this

it was nearly seven weeks of absolutely

no clear guidance that we were on the

right track we had evidence we knew

there was evidence but all that can mean

nothing until you have a face and a

person a personality to put it towards

when we found that out luckily it was in

the middle of the night you know 10 30

we were able to run around the house

wake everyone up and say hey you know

what we got we got this guy we got

somebody but you uh tell yourself to be

careful because you never know for sure

you know it's a defendant it's not it's

not done there's still a lot more work

to do it was worth the wait and um we're

on the right track and uh there's still

a long ways to go but it feels good

feels good to be where we are right now

zanna's mom told NBC that despite the

nightmare that they had been going

through that this was a huge weight

lifted off their shoulders Karen

Northington the mother of victims Anna

kernodle telling NBC News it's been a

nightmare this whole thing has been a

nightmare literally but I feel like a

huge weight has lifted off my shoulders

so as far as we know Brian's arrest was

seamless but there there were still

several steps that needed to be taken

before investigators could release any

more information to the public according

to the Idaho Supreme Court they now had

to get Brian actually back to Layton

County before the probable cause

affidavit could even be released so they

scheduled an extradition hearing on

January 3rd during which Brian would

decide whether or not to waive

extradition and that day as Brian came

into the courthouse large groups of

reporters gathered to witness the

suspect in person for the very first

time the suspected University of Idaho

murderer will appear in front of a judge

in the world today in Monroe County

Pennsylvania 28 year old suspect Brian

Christopher coburger will appear this

afternoon at an extradition hearing as

long crime Network reported co-burger

was arrested in the early morning hours

of Friday at his parents home in

albrightsville Pennsylvania during this

hearing Brian did agree to wave

extradition in the following day on

January 4th he was voluntarily flown

back to Idaho to face his charges so

before we even get into the charges in

the arrest David let's talk about what

we know about Brian I want to talk about

who Brian is and how his past makes his

connection to these murders even more

disturbing for 47 days police were

tight-lipped about what happened inside

this house giving basically no

information about a suspect or even a

person of interest but what we didn't

know was that they had someone in their

sights nearly the entire time Brian

coburger a criminology student a

neighboring Pullman Washington and as we

dig into what we know about him some of

the pieces to this puzzle start to come

together even more so it turns out Brian

Christopher coburger is a 28 year old

PhD student studying criminology at

Washington State University located in

Pullman Washington which in my opinion

was one of the most shocking details

about all of this Brian was born and

raised in the Pocono Mountains in

Pennsylvania where his father worked in

maintenance and his mother worked in the

local school system he has two older

sisters one is a therapist and one is a

school counselor I guess in middle

school he was known as somewhat of a

misfit and some recent reports have come

out which is not surprising that say

that Brian was relentless in his pursuit

of girls that he had crushes on it's

been said that from a young age his

behavior towards women has always been

slightly off but as far as we know was

never violent Brian attended Pleasant

Valley high school and he was known

there as being a pretty quiet kid while

he endured years of bullying one of his

ex-friends from back then says that he

was relatively normal until he started

using heroin at which point he became

extremely secluded and self-destructive

she also says that at that point he went

from being bullied to being the bully

the New York Times recently accessed

some information from an old Forum where

Brian made posts as a teenager and

expressed a lot of feelings of isolation

in total he made 118 posts under the

username XR spelled e-x-a-r-r in one of

these posts he wrote I feel like an

organic sack of meat with no self-worth

he also said as I hug my family I look

into their faces I see nothing it is

like I am looking at a video game Brian

also expressed an inability to feel

empathy towards others and even shared

that he doesn't feel remorse when being

mean to his family as he Grew Older he

continued to make posts like this never

really wavering from these dark feelings

in 2011 he shared more about his

depression stating specifically that he

has constant thoughts of suicide crazy

thoughts delusions of grandeur anxiety

poor self-image poor social skills and

no emotion Brian also shared that he

suffers from visual snow syndrome which

is where people see static in their

Vision so after he graduated high school

Brian stayed in his hometown and became

the security guard for the local high

school that he went to he did eventually

get clean from heroin and attended

Northampton Community College before

moving on to Desales University where he

got his bachelor's in psychology in 2020

and His Master's in criminal justice in

2022. and during his time at DeSales

University Brian really developed an

interest in criminal psychology and he

actually posted this survey which has

gone all over the internet at this point

sources tell ABC News investigators are

looking at this Reddit post actively

recruiting criminals as part of a school

study to understand the psychology of

Those who commit crimes it was written

by a user named Brian coburger and

linked to a survey of detailed questions

and he basically asked ex-cons about the

crimes that they committed how they felt

during each point while committing a

crime how they prepared for these crimes

and more he specifically said things

like before making your move how did you

approach the victim or Target did you

prepare for the crime before leaving

your home after arriving what steps did

you take to locate your victims this

survey is just one of the many things

that raised suspicions for investigators

and have left so many people wondering

if he was looking for personal Intel on

you know how to commit crimes on his own

also while earning his master's degree

at Desales Brian had the opportunity to

study under Dr Catherine ramsland who is

a renowned forensic psychologist and an

expert on serial killers she's best

known for her work with the BTK killer

Dennis Rader although she has not made a

public statement about her experience

with Brian yet probably because she's

going to be brought in and will speak in

court but many people have speculated

that maybe Brian was trying to seek out

someone with intimate knowledge of how

serial killers operate in hopes to learn

more for his own benefit it has even

been speculated that Brian maybe tried

to reach out to the BTK killer himself

and Dennis's daughter said she she

wouldn't be surprised if Brian had tried

do you think he may have had any sort of

communication with your father knowing

how personally connected ramsland is to

my father
um I would not be surprised if coburger

had at least tried to write my father so

after getting his Masters Brian went on

to Washington State University where he

was studying to get his PhD in

criminology and also worked as a

teaching assistant some people who have

taken classes with Brian said that he

was always quick to offer up his opinion

on things and he seemed to try to

impress everyone with his intelligence

all the time seemed to be very full of

himself one of his classmates said that

he had an arrogance about him that was

extremely off-putting and one time he

even stated that he could go to any bar

and get any lady that he wants and this

type of language is honestly not

surprising from someone like Brian it's

totally disgusting but it makes a lot of

sense and what's also really creepy is

we have recently learned about some

interactions that he has had with people

since he allegedly committed these

murders that are very off-putting for

example he was talking to a neighbor

about the case and he said that he

doesn't think the police have any leads

and not only that Brian also told this

neighbor that he felt like this was a

crime of passion which is just so creepy

also many of his students have said that

he was acting very different in the days

after the murders were committed

specifically that he was grading all

their papers super easily like he was

always kind of tough on everyone but

after this happened it seemed like he

was barely paying attention and giving

out AIDS left and right I think more

than anything people keep coming back to

the idea that Brian seemed to be someone

who thought that he was extremely

intelligent and could pull off a murder

without ever being caught like he was

some type of Mastermind who could

outsmart the police when in reality

there were several mistakes that he made

in the act of committing these crimes

and obviously he has yet to be found

guilty of any of the five charges is

that he is facing but some of the

evidence I'm about to present to you is

extremely convincing so January 5th 2023

very recently Brian made his first court

appearance in Layton County and while he

was there the criminal complaint

outlining his charges was read to him

count on her about November 13th of 2022

in Layton County state of Idaho did

unlawfully enter a residence located at

1122 King Road Moscow with the intent to

commit the felony crime of murder

count two alleges that you committed the

felony offense of Murder in the First

Degree it alleges that the defendant

Ryan C coburger honor about November 13

2022 did willfleet unlawfully

deliberately with premeditation and with

malice before thought kill and murder

Madison Mogan Kaylee gonsalves Zana

kernodle Ethan Chapin in violation of


18-4001-4002-4003 and 4004 the maximum

penalty for this offense if you were to

plead guilty or be found guilty is death

or imprisonment for life do you

understand yes and this same day the

probable cause affidavit was released

which provided an in-depth analysis of

the evidence that linked Brian coburger

to the quadruple homicide and led to his

arrest in Pennsylvania this 19-page

document details how investigators went

from no leads to making an arrest

several states away and it has since

been read by millions of people around

the world and it provides the answers to

so many of the questions we have been

wondering since the beginning a probable

cause affidavit was released Thursday

morning shortly before coburger's court

appearance it reveals coburger was tied

to the crime through DNA his cell phone

records and a video of a white Hyundai

Elantra and keep in mind while I am

explaining some of the information that

we learned through the affidavit I will

be repeating some of the timeline but we

will be kind of going back and filling

in some of those gaps so one of the many

findings that was released in the

probable cause affidavit stated that a

vehicle was seen passing the victim's

house several times on the night of the

attack I know I shared this information

earlier but I wanted to touch on it once

again because it's clearly a very

important part and what makes it so

important is that it provided

investigators with a lead that they

could use to help identify a possible

suspect and with this information Moscow

police reached out to law enforcement in

the surrounding community and asked that

they keep an eye out for vehicles

matching the description which leads me

to the next thing revealed in the after

David So a campus officer at Washington

State University was responsible for

linking the Elantra to Brian coburger

the affidavit shares that on November

29th four days after the Moscow police

asked local law enforcement to be on the

lookout for this vehicle a campus

officer inquired about the Elantra on

wsu's campus at approximately 11 58 this

officer located a 2015 white Elantra in

a parking spot at a student apartment

complex and after running the plates

he'd learned that the vehicle belonged

to someone named Brian coburger and this

is significant to police because after

looking up photos of Brian it became

apparent that he matched the description

of the masked man seen inside the house

on the night of the murders which takes

me to the next major piece of

information that was released one of the

most shocking details that has come out

in the affidavit is that one of those

surviving roommates DM was not only

awake during the attack but actually saw

the killer himself self it was

originally stated that all four

roommates plus the two surviving

roommates were asleep during the attack

but we learned that this is not the case

the affidavit shares that around 4 am on

November 13th DM woke up hearing what

she believed to be Kaylee playing with

her dog and then not long after waking

up the roommate shared that she heard

something along the lines of there's

someone here it says after hearing this

DM got out of bed for the first time to

peek outside her door but went back to

her room when she didn't see anything

and it also shared that Zanna was awake

during this time too we find out that

she actually received a doordash order

at 4am and her cell phone record showed

that she was on Tick Tock at

approximately 4 12 a.m so there's still

a question mark here about whether this

roommate DM actually heard something

playing on zanna's phone or if she

actually heard someone inside the home

but one takeaway we can get from this is

that there was more than one person

awake at the time DM then says that she

heard crying coming from zanna's room

and then a male voice say it's okay I'm

going to help you so at this point she

looks outside of her door a second time

and sees nothing and surprisingly a

security camera less than 50 feet away

from the West Wall of zana's room

corroborated these sounds the affidavit

says that around 4 17 am a surveillance

camera near the residence picked up

distorted audio of what sounded like a

whimper and then a loud thud and

Kaylee's dog can also be heard barking

and then the crying continued and DM

looks out her door one more time and

this time she sees the killer she

describes seeing a figure clad in Black

clothing and a mask and he walked by as

she stood Frozen in shock one of the

surviving roommates told officers she

woke up around 4am and heard what she

thought was crying from kernodles room

at about 4 17 a.m a security camera

about 50 feet from the wall of kernodles

bedroom picked up distorted audio of

what sounded like a whimper followed by

a loud thud and a dog barking the

roommate says she opened her door and

saw a man in Black clothing and a mask

court documents say the man walked by

her and out of back sliding glass door

she then locked herself in her room she

described this figure as a male 510 or

taller not very muscular but

athletically built with bushy eyebrows

and after seeing him she got scared and

she locked herself in her room and

having an eyewitness description was

crucial so that investigators had

something to compare photos against so

when that WSU officer found the Elantra

registered to Brian and they had the

eyewitness description it was a strong

lead to work off of so a lot has been

said about the roommate seeing the

suspect but then the 9-1-1 call wasn't

placed until eight hours later there's

been a lot of confusion and questions

around this in the beginning people

figured you know they're college

students maybe they slept in and didn't

know that this had taken place and

that's why the 911 call was made so much

later but now that it's come out that DM

actually saw the suspect in the house

went back in a room and locked the door

there's been a lot of questions about

why she didn't call right away and I

know that my audience for the most part

is very kind and respectful to all

victims and I think at this point while

we don't know everything it's important

that we remember that these surviving

roommates are victims in their own way

and there are several reasonable

explanations for why it may have taken

so long to call 9-1-1 let's not forget

that she was in shock her body had a

physiological response to what she had

just seen and put her in like a frozen

State I think instead of blaming this

young girl or questioning her story at

this point people should first of all be

thankful that she survived and second of

all be thankful that she saw this killer

and was able to get that information

back to the police and that was was very

crucial in them making this arrest even

Kaylee's father has expressed how sorry

he feels for her with all this public

scrutiny for what she experienced that

night and does not put any blame on her

for not calling the police sooner this

is a girl that wasn't prepared to see

what she's seen my heart goes out to the

to her and I know people have questions

about it and that's just natural but I

think at this point it's not helpful so

going back in time here before they

actually arrested Brian they had to keep

an eye on him while also trying to

gather enough evidence to actually tie

him to the crime scene going back to

December 13th Brian and his father

Michael began the Trek home from

Washington back to where he lived and

grew up in Pennsylvania and he was going

home from the Christmas break this was a

pre-planned trip and investigators were

able to track his movements with the

help of several key pieces of

information first of all Brian's car got

a hit on a license plate reader in Loma

Colorado then and most notably on

December 15th Brian was pulled over in

Hancock Indiana around 10 40 a.m on I-70

for following too closely behind a semi

truck in this December 15th dash cam

video provided to 13 News by the Hancock

County Sheriff's Department hello

how you all doing today

a deputy pulls over Brian coburger the

man accused of killing four Idaho

college students coburger's father in

the passenger seat the deputy asks for

his driver's license right up on the

back end of that van pulled you over for

tailgating coburger's father tells the

deputy they're driving from Washington

State where kohlberger was a grad

student in a conversation he mentioned

it was the scene of a shooting so what'd

you say about some SWAT team thing yeah

there was a man shooting and everything

what where


interesting then only a few hours later

he was pulled over again by an Indiana

State Trooper I've read some reports

that these stops were done deliberately

at the request of the FBI to see if

Brian had any defensive wounds so they

continue on their way and by December

16th they made it back to albrightsville

which was confirmed after his vehicle

was spotted on surveillance in the town

and when he got there there was a

surveillance team tasked with two big

missions the first to keep an eye out on

Brian until enough information was

available to make an arrest and in doing

so they made some more valuable

discoveries the arrest warrant states

that while in Pennsylvania Brian was

seen cleaning both the exterior and

interior of his car he was wearing

surgical gloves when he left his home

and then at 4 AM he is seen taking his

own trash and putting it in his

neighbor's trash can all of these

behaviors seemed to align with a guilty

person if you have ask me the second

mission for the surveillance team was to

get a DNA sample of Brian to compare it

to the DNA that was found at the crime

scene that's right there was DNA left at

the crime scene up until this point it

was unknown if the killer had left their

DNA or not but the affidavit shared a

major Discovery the document says that a

knife sheath had been located on the

right side of Maddie's body and after

careful testing a single source of male

DNA was found on the button snap this

DNA was sent to the Idaho State lab for

testing but at the time investigators

had nothing to compare it against until

now Pennsylvania authorities were able

to take items from the family's trash

can on December 27th and immediately

submitted it to the Idaho State lab and

results came back the following day

which stated that the test identified a

male as not being excluded as the

biological father of the suspect

specifically at least

99.998 percent of the male population

would be excluded from being the

suspect's father so that means it's more

than 99 percent likely that the DNA

found on the knife sheath was a match

for Brian coburger trash ending up being

key in the case police linking coburger

to the murders by collecting his

father's DNA from trash outside the

family home and matching that to DNA

they say they discovered on the button

snap of a knife sheath that was on the

bed next to the body of victim Madison

Mogan and pretty recently one of Brian's

Neighbors from his apartment complex

shared that once he had a conversation

with Brian where he shared that he had

taken a DNA test to learn more about his

ancestry it wasn't specified where

exactly his DNA was submitted but it was

probably something like 23andMe or

ancestry something along those lines and

while this DNA match is definitely one

of the most substantial pieces of

evidence that placed Brian at the crime

scene it wasn't the only evidence by the

end of December a search warrant was was

obtained for Brian's cell phone records

and that showed that since June of 2022

his cell phone pinged off the towers

that provide coverage to the area of

1122 King Road 12 times before the

victims were killed and each of these 12

visits except for one occurred in the

early morning hours or the late evening

and police did not share the dates of

all of these visits except for one it

turns out that on August 21st 2022 Brian

was pulled over within minutes of the

victim's house so clearly this is

stalking behavior and it seemed like he

was staking out the area and these

victims for a while and on top of these

12 visits to the neighborhood additional

cell phone records show suspicious

activity occurring on Brian's phone on

the actual morning of the murders at 2

47 a.m on November 13th Brian's cell

phone stopped connecting to the Tower

located near his residence in Pullman

Washington which is located 10 min it's

from the University of Idaho and this is

consistent with someone turning off

their phone or like putting it in

Airplane Mode which prevents a device

from providing location data and it

wasn't until 4 48 am that his phone

reconnected to a network several miles

south of the University of Idaho and was

tracked back to his residence in Pullman

clearly this is Brian making an attempt

to conceal his location during those

hours but even though he attempted to do

this attempted to turn his phone off or

an airplane mode or whatever he still

was caught on security footage driving

in the direction of the killings

specifically at 2 53 a.m a surveillance

camera spotted a white sedan traveling

toward the highway that connects Pullman

to Moscow next as I explained earlier at

3 29 am a surveillance camera in a

neighborhood where the murders took

place captured a white Hyundai Elantra

making three passes by the house and

then returning a fourth time the vehicle

attempts to either park or make a

three-point turn I also mentioned

earlier that the same vehicle was seen

leaving the area around 4 20 am at a

high rate of speed outside the house

police say this

say the alleged movements played a big

role in connecting him to the crime

scene on the day of the murders a white

sedan matching the suspect's vehicle was

spotted in the area from 3 29 am to 4 20

a.m court documents show the vehicle

drove by the house three times at about

3 30 a.m before leaving the road then at

404 the car returned to the street and

parked the car then leaves the street at

a quote high rate of speed at about 4 20

a.m and the suspicious activity found

through Brian's phone records does not

stop there we also found out that he may

have returned to the crime scene several

hours after the murders took place

around 9 A.M on November 13th Brian's

phone connected to several towers that

are consistent with him driving in the

direction of Moscow then his phone

connected to a network near the scene of

the crime at 9 12 a.m and stayed in the

area until 9 21 am after this

nine-minute stay his phone was traced

back to the area of his residence in

Pullman if he is responsible for these

murders and I think you all know where I

stand at least and I know where most of

you stand that is extremely creepy it's

like he was going back to the scene to

see if they had called 9-1-1 yet and

this is pretty common actually there

have been many instances over the years

of killers coming back to the scene of

the crime and it's just such a slap in

the face to these victims who are still

lying undiscovered in their beds dead

it's just horrific it makes my skin

crawl so the affidavit also reveals some

information about Brian leading up to

the murders occurring like the months

before turns out just a few months back

Brian had applied for a internship with

the Pullman Police Department and as

part of his application he was required

to write an essay in which he shared

that he was interested in helping rural

police departments collect and analyze

technological data in public safety

operations so ultimately it was the DNA

linking Brian to the knife sheath the

cell phone location data and his white

Hyundai Elantra that led to his arrest

on December 30th 2022 and I know that

was a lot of information to go over but

honestly that's just an abbreviated

version there is so much here I highly

recommend reading the probable cause

affidavit for yourself because it does

provide a lot of information about how

this arrest was made possible so even

though we do have a lot of information

at this point there are still a lot of

questions that are unanswered that

hopefully we know more about in the

future so of those being you know where

is the knife what is the motive in this

case why did it take the roommates so

long to call 9-1-1 these are all things

we don't know I also did want to mention

that there was a shoe print in the house

from a sneaker from the brand Vans

however we don't know at this point if

it actually belonged Brian it really

could have been anyone that came through

the house at any time leading up to the

murders and I'm sure all of this

information has been shocking and

overwhelming to the victims families

because they have been kept in the dark

just as much as the rest of us I wish I

would have had it earlier I would have

been so stressed out we had like pieces

of that story and interwoven I mean the

mask we heard about somebody seeing a

masked person but it there were so many

holes in what we knew that uh we just

had to throw our hands up and Trust the

enforce it Kaylee's family has been very

very vocal throughout this entire case

but especially in the last few weeks

since his arrest was made they've made

many appearances in the media and

they've shared kind of how they're doing

and both the Gonzalez and the Chapin

family have expressed that they are not

spending any of their time being angry

about what happened Ethan's mom Stacy

recently took to Facebook to share how

their family is doing she expressed that

Ethan's siblings have both returned to

the University of Idaho for the spring

semester and also talked about how their

family is choosing to look ahead they

say that they just need to keep moving

forward especially considering that an

arrest is not the end of the road but

merely the beginning Maddie's dad said

following the arrest and the release of

the affidavit he broke down in tears and

has yet to read the entire document if I

had one or two words to describe Maddie

Mae it would be just an angel and that

she was

just made me proud I just I broke down

and I just I just cried I could only

take so much of that and I just

I I cried I still haven't read the rest

of it zanna's loved ones are leaning on

each other for support during this time

and just hoping that more answers

continue to come to light they have also

created a scholarship in her honor

called the Zana kernodle scholarship

endowment which is a collaboration with

the University of Idaho to honor her

memory and keep her Legacy alive her

family made a generous donation of ten

thousand dollars to kick off the fund in

hopes that it would Inspire others to do

the same also a scholarship fund was

made in Ethan's memory called Ethan

Chapin Memorial Scholarship fund the

scholarship is in collaboration with his

fraternity Sigma Kai and the funds

collected will be annually given to one

undergraduate member of the organization

and Ethan's former employers at the

Tulip Farm have really honored his life

in their own way they have created a

special bulb mix of yellow and white

tulips that they have named Ethan smile

which I just love that and they not only

have planted their own Gardens but they

will be available for purchase and

proceeds will go towards supporting his

scholarship fund so clearly the fight

for justice here is not over it's really

just beginning and there is going to be

much more information coming out over

the next year or honestly years to come

Brian received a new public defender

when he arrived back in Idaho and he

will be working with her on his defense

cannot imagine doing that and even

though he has not yet entered his plea

which I'm guessing will be not guilty He

has expressed his eagerness to clear his

name to be exonerated of any and all

charges that he is facing and his public

defender in Pennsylvania recently shared

that Brian seemed confident that he will

not face jail time we will see about

that he has also shared that while the

affidavit is strong there are areas in

it that could be easily attacked by a

competent defense attorney so it will be

up to the prosecution to present a

really solid case and I hope they will

be able to do so I mean there's a lot

here Brian coburger made a second

appearance in court on January 12 2023

for a status hearing during which we

learned that a preliminary hearing will

take place Brian's Council requested

that the hearing be scheduled for the

third or fourth week of June citing that

they would like the added time to obtain

Discovery in their case in the state of

Idaho a judge must schedule a

preliminary hearing no later than 14

days after the defendant makes their

first court appearance unless the right

to a speedy preliminary hearing is

waived and in this case Brian chose to

waive this right and accepted that this

hearing would take place at a later date

if you wave your right to a speedy

preliminary hearing it does not mean

that you're giving up your right to have

a preliminary hearing it simply means

that you would not be able to come back

and challenge that the state did not

present probable cause within 14 days do

you understand yes and this request was

agreed upon and led by prosecutor Bill

Thompson and the preliminary hearing was

then scheduled for June 26 2023 at 9 00

a.m at which point he will have to make

his official plea of guilty or not

guilty so it's definitely going to be

hard waiting until then if he pleads not

guilty and it is determined that there

is enough evidence in place to go ahead

and move forward with a trial that will

begin hopefully shortly after and

because he killed four people Brian

could potentially face the death penalty

so in just the last couple of days

before I sat down to record this there

have been a few new bits of information

that have come out for example it's now

being reported that he allegedly sent

repeated DMS to one of the victims and

keep in mind this is not confirmed but

an unnamed investigator told a reporter

at People magazine that Brian said

things like hey how are you doing and

sent similar messages on several

occasions it's also being reported that

he visited Mad Greek the restaurant

where Maddie and Zana worked not long

before the murders an employee who

worked there says that she remembers

Brian going there on two occasions and

ordering vegan pizza however the

restaurant has actually made their own

statement about this on their Facebook

page saying that these accusations were

not true there are some new details

coming out tonight about alleged reports

surrounding the Idaho murder suspect

early this week People magazine reported

that co-burger ate at a restaurant where

two of the victims worked as waitresses

news Nations spoke with Steve helling a

senior crime writer for people yesterday

this is what he had to say

you know whether or not his paths

crossed with the girls there and whether

or not that's where it started that's

something that the cops would know for

sure but we know for sure that he ate

there at least twice

but now the Mad Greek restaurant is

rejecting reports that alleged killer

Brian coburger dined there shortly

before the murders in a Facebook post

the restaurant saying quote this will be

my only response to the story from

people it is not true so no one really

knows what's going on with that

situation I imagine the police know more

about that it's been interesting to see

how the media is like really hung on to

this idea that he had gone to the

restaurant when the restaurant is saying

that he didn't so I don't know big

question mark there but if these things

end up being true and he really did

message one or more of the victims and

maybe visited them at Mad Greek that

would help the prosecution show

premeditation for sure but like I said

we're not sure if that's even true at

this point and then just recently a

49-page document was unsealed by a

Washington state judge that shares what

was seized at Brian's residence during

the execution of a search warrant on

December 30th 2022. at first this

information was going to be kept private

but luckily the release of the probable

cause off David gave investigators

confidence that sharing this search

warrant information wouldn't jeopardize

the Integrity of the case we're finally

getting more clues into what

investigators were after when they

searched Brian coburger's home he is the

28 year old PhD student who's accused of

murdering four University of Idaho

students in their off-campus home the

search warrant was originally sealed but

a Washington state judge ordered its

release just hours ago remember coburger

lived in Washington state and this is

what we learned from it being unsealed

on December 30th 2022 a team of officers

entered Brian coburger's residence

located at 1630 NE Valley Road Apartment

G 201 in Pullman Washington and inside

the apartment investigators collected

the following items one nitrate type

black glove one Walmart receipt with one

Dickies tag two Marshalls receipts dust

container from a Bissell Power Force

vacuum 12 possible hair strands one Fire

TV stick with a cord and plug one

possible animal hair which some have

speculated that this might be from the

dog that was at the house one computer

tower one collection of a dark red spot

two cuttings from an uncased pillow with

a reddish brown stain one of which has

already been tested and two top and

bottom of mattress cover packaged

separately both labeled C each with

multiple stains and one of those has

been tested and this information

obviously tells investigators a lot even

if some of it is still being kept from

the public obviously we now know what

was actually found but we don't know if

any of it actually links Brian to the

murders also his office at Washington

State University was searched but again

this document doesn't share what if

anything was actually seized as a result

but along with this new information that

has come out from the warrant being

unsealed there has also been a gag order

put in place this is going to prevent

any attorney representing a witness

victim or victim's family from making

comments about the case but this gag

order doesn't stop their families from

speaking out although many of the

families have been putting out

statements through their attorneys this

caught a lot of us by surprise who have

been covering this case very very

closely because there was already a

strict gag order in place for the last

several weeks or so that pretty much

prevented both sides the prosecution the

defense attorneys and any law

enforcement involved in the case from

talking at all about the case so we

weren't getting very much information

officially well now the judge has signed

off on a new gag order that takes that

even farther now including pretty much

everyone involved including attorneys

representing the victims families in the

case so I don't know at this point if

they're going to continue to speak out

or if they'll kind of pull back now that

this gag order is in place but overall

knowing how hard investigators have

worked on this case and how much has

been done behind the scenes is really

hopeful and I can only imagine they will

continue to put forth the same effort

until Brian coburger is behind bars

although innocent until proven guilty

I've got to say that but I don't know

you guys know how I feel getting a

guilty conviction could be a long time

from now months and months if not a year

or more but I have a gut feeling that

there will be Justice for Zana Ethan

Maddie and Kaylee sadly nothing will

ever bring these incredible young lives

back but I believe that as long as we

continue to push for the truth a time

will come when a sense of justice will

be felt oh boy you can tell how long I

have been recording by the change in

lighting it has definitely gotten dark

outside and I've got to wrap it up there

like I said I will be doing some type of

update video at some point when there is

quite a bit of information release I

don't know how long that will be God I

have to say working on this case has

been really difficult it's so much

information out there to weed through

and not only that it's just emotionally

draining and scary like I have had so

many nightmares about this case I don't

know what it is about it that is just I

think most of us can agree is really

freaky and scares me to my core truly so

I can't imagine how these families feel

and how haunting this will be for the

rest of their lives I mean that grief

just can never truly go away I just wish

them all the best and hope that at some

point getting Justice for these

wonderful kids can help them to heal in

some way this crime has nevertheless

left a mark on our University our

community and our state while we cannot

bring back Maddie Kaylee zaina and Ethan

we can thoughtfully and purposefully

carry their legacy forward in the work

that we do with time we will heal we

will move forward together and we will

remain Vandal strong but that is it for

me today guys I will be back next week

with another case until then stay safe

out there


thank you

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