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Influx Capacity Assessment

The objective of this form is to capture initial information about your use case with the aim of
supporting a proposal for an Influx solution - whether that is one of our managed cloud service
solutions or a self-managed software solution. The answers you provide in this form will be
reviewed by members of the Influx Sales Engineering team to provide a technical

Data Collection - ‘Ingest’

In this section we collect information about how much data you wish to send to Influx. There is a
very short guidance video to help you answer the questions.


How many values per second (or per minute or hour etc - just let
us know what) in total do you intend to ingest into Influx?

Answer 10,000 per min

If possible, please provide a sample of your data - just a single

line / record would be helpful - or a description of the structure
and content of the data

Answer Will be same as we insert data as table

How many time-series do you intend to ingest and record (this is
often referred to as 'Cardinality') ?
Tick as appropriate
1,000 or less []

1,000 to 10,000 []

10,000 to 100,000 []

100,000 to 1,000,000 [Yes ]

1,000,000 to []

10,000,000 to []

Data Storage : ‘Retention’
In this section we collect information about your data storage needs based on how long you
wish to retain the ingested data. There is a short guidance video to help you answer the

How long do you wish to retain the ingested data for, ignoring any
downsampling that you may wish to do?
Tick as appropriate
1 Day []

7 Days []

30 Days []

90 Days []

365 Days []

Other 500 days

Data Use : ‘Query’

In this section we collect information about your expected data usage, through queries. As
before, there is a short video to help guide your answer.

Describe how you will use, query, the data?

Answer Influx api’s

Using dashboards as an analogy, if not actual, then how many
dashboards on average will be showing?
Tick as appropriate
<5 []

Between 5 and 10 [ Yes]

Between 10 and 25 []

Greater than 25 []


How many queries/cells are there in your average dashboard?

Tick as appropriate
<5 []

Between 5 and 10 [ Yes]

Between 10 and 20 []


How frequently do you require your dashboards to refresh?

Tick as appropriate
As fast as possible []

Every 30 seconds []
Once a minute [ Yes]

Every 5 minutes []

Rollout/Deployment and Expansion Plans

In this section we are looking to understand how your usage will change over time. What will it
be initially, how will it change throughout the first year and beyond.

For the information you have provided above, is this the starting
point for your use of Influx or a projected use based on some
future point in time?
Tick as appropriate
Initial production []
usage estimate, as
soon as we can stand
this solution deployed

Within 3 months [Yes]

Within 6 months []

Within 1 year []


How do you see your use expanding beyond year one?

Answer Yes

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