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In an article entitled “House Bill Filed to Ban Classes Earlier Than 8:30 AM in the

Philippines” by Drew Tetangco published in 2019, pointed that if the bill become permissible it

will prevent class schedules from being set an early time to protect the student’s welfare. Most

schools in the Philippines start its classes very early in the morning. The Bacolod representative

Greg Gasataya filed the bill to ban classes from starting earlier that 8:30 AM to help the mental

health of the students, its safety, and also to the parents. Students wake up very early depending

on the school’s schedule and also the parents who prepares food for their children before getting

to school. The article also emphasizes that classes should not start before 8:30 Am due to the

state of transportation and the workload of students under the curriculum. The students that have

difficulty in transportation that live in rural areas.

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