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Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism Brooke A. Ackerly CAMBRIDGE Pcl Tory and Feminist Social Cis ly ial Thay admin Sl Crim, Rr Att Sh, rs a mie tee Fe Tl fot ue scnsn find Word ets wh ba ‘hen pubic mune the vote of women ened y cote, the ponte spate moe fel eae, Sbe pues that {Eishsr‘cr have managed to achive im pce wha thet thtoncs do ony cote in hry” Complmensed by Ted ‘Sout Yomi stl ccm, setbersie democratic” hey comes sia theory“ achonahe eee and selec ‘Whe s component democrat tery, Td Wel fem ca ‘SH asco the pes n oes ty sce ie ‘Sump to dea ten pose Thrd We feria socal ‘Sco those omino hery Seyend thee np te ‘Shoo ewec ncn an anna min ery ‘Seace Deparment t Unneraty of Calor Ls Angele | ‘Contemporary Political Theory Sori Br lan Shapeo Rassell Hard: Stephen Holmes Jefrey sage John Keane Blzabeth Kiss Susan Olin Philips Van Pass Philip Pest wef sy pr, mi wb gs, ner msn eT of mm {sing pone! iunacy. Enduring pel ce an neat ‘Som cmpnanded eon bien dre he pene ‘rom ofthe woes population, In such crcumetances, the need for ctr high nomen ps ain Abe enpranesspreiemeven pote try It concerned at ‘Sin wos hat re ote bythe paleo nesta nk ‘al stot an ad the poems in he were than ‘Sues tar ern up pinay cadens dete: Beak he ‘Sr may be murine in arc, Tanne ae ot ‘econ deat wih ie phospho, hs and the Huan Sad ty te tien shuns oot condo to ‘Seopa oso fac Ian Sapir an Cain Hacker Conti ee) Ian Sapiro and Cains Hacker Cond ot) Benoa er inde Tureen Ses, Come, Uae ‘Anne an, ca 0K 10'S awd, beg Meoure 31686, Rua Ofrmte A Aa 200 "iho nn coi Sector apse un eens REET ce pecan ee ‘Sie una newnes enon oom ea Ps Frptihsbo nd n te ign te ne Pre Cambie “ppc ama 10128 [et] Aste rk eal fom th Bh iy Lbugf Canwn Cony atin ts TRA yd inn in eA Ache tnadiatiogupcn eres er ‘Sukoshi tapos et ese 1 Rady? Fei Dect Sovazoitbcar e-1se8 cir IBinodat one ppat For Anniyn and her world Contents Achaea page x 1 Stent voles and everyday cei: problems in pita theory, Solution fom Third World fermi soil ese 12 AThind Weld fein thory of sci cram “Method: hep srsiny, guiding tra and deliberative snguiry in concer 4 Role: socal tim and selfs 5 Qualifctons: everyday cis, mult eres, and role ents (6 "Thin Wor feminist socal ccm a feminism _Bioeaphy Inder . 8 20 Acknowledgements “The problems asocaed with inegualiy and the inability of some people in a socesy to attain public audience have interested me cadens since college Therefore my primary intelectual debs ae {o Profesor of Bonomi Henry Bruton and Roger Bolton of Wiis CCllge eho. vers my fet ok into. probiems of inequality ia “Malaysia and nile me a panion or academic nau. ‘Nem Tore tremendous peronal and intelectual debts v0 those rerday crs in Bangladesh who educated me and to chose deelop- ‘Rent profesonale who enabled my wosk wih o many vllge women tn development workers in Kusta, Tanga, tnd Beahmanbara. In| ‘parca, wis o tank Tom and Lis Ket forineing me to Dawe my fevcarch in Bangladesh. Elke Kras gave me my St home in Dhak, letnduced me to my closer frends im Bangades, and enabled me o| ‘pend formate me n Kurta with the women’s saving ero members| ftom Tang My intlcral dest he nd them a obvious rom the firt pags ofthis book By sharing their home ie wath me during est te of fay ren, Ad sd Naja Shab let me experience ther neds sod concerns a they were my own. Finally am grateful to Dorothy “Bina” D'Costa who, with the help of Jgadindra “Bappi” Maumder, ‘eanformed me fom an outside observer to a mukisited cise. Ihave ‘earned mach fom our conned dlbrane exchange ore the years ‘My inteecual debs to Joshua Coben, Martha Nussbaum, and “Michael Walzer are evidenced by these thorn ental presence inthis ‘bok Though general eral of ter conclsions {thei sholee ‘hin cnaneing and important I consider my own work to complement nd frter, not refee then Tam grateful tothe academic communities at Stanford, Yale, and UCLA dt provided rumulang environments during te development nd poling ofthe Seas i ths book. In adtion, ongoing comerse- ‘ons with Elisabeth Friedman, Bina D'Cosa, and Ane Marie Goetz ‘hroughout this project have helped me contin to ste this work int larger contests of politcal theory, development practice, and Thiet Daring the wertng ofthe Book, audiences at Wellesley Calls he University of Arizona, andthe an mecing of the American Plc Scence Association oflered provoative querions that pote me 10 clay parte of the argument. Parular among theve were uesons| from Joel Kesege, Cary Nederman, Cher! Hal, and Meza Lane In sddison, Viz Wolfenstein and Hla Marion Young offered thougifal commentary based on the text of those remara that puted me to sate my Work in he cote of postmodernism and elas. “The text elf has beneied from many readers. Mapk Tick oer carefl stein to ea dra and made an pring lvetnea ia te (gly of ny weting. Debra Satz and Jim Match ted provocative ‘Deoreeal quetions ip response to carly dfs. Ehabeth Hansot provided thoughtful an thorough comments om te organization and Stgument of tse book lan Shapiro offered sggestons about emphatis fn orgatzation that were ental tof current form, Nancy Hirsch: mann reed the manuscript eritcally and comstractrey twice er ‘vice guided its eorganzaion and her comments proved overall Syaliy Any erors and vague thi retain do a0 dete their though tors, or comic ee ealy on and anton to the readability ofthe nal manuscript, Rebecoa Todd deserves special thanks. For tabering the book through the editor proces with the rahe combination of Alcipline snd chee, ram grate to John Huslam, Orhes have read parts ofthe manuscript. Pls Barnes gave an inpied red ofthe ist Shaper. Michael Goodhar fered thoughtful comments om chapter ‘vo: Elsabedh Fsedman provided cial commentary onthe dic Son of te wore’ rights movement chaper four. In adaion 10 thei though commentary, these readers have enti a fiw OF endearing etue of the book. no chapter stands on town La my efor to eplemte my ews while acknowledging my intelectual debe ave ado make decison sbost the order of discussions. The reader may Bot ke my choice. Om czas I refer the reer tote chaps ut expect te patent render t9 make Bon ee of he dex ti the Aucusone that terest ber For encouragement I thnk sy family who have been # persons resource Uwouphout tis projet. Specify, Ketherne Steen, {Chris Stevenson, An Jacobs, Cae Jacobs, and Rick Ackely ep the road t completion paved and plowed '3 J Waltam Fulbright Research Fellowship funded the Bangles si Aetna research and the Amica Associaton of Unversity Womnen Ameicn Feowsip funded the ery wring process Finally and mos importandy, Lowe special thnks to ce people who in deren and complementary ways hve Belped strengthen hea fehola and » person, Susan Okin has seen my thoughts develop fom Seemingly uncated reflections on Arutele and ert to aracuate spect fit ccm of power dynamics i famies under the conomic stress of poverty ito &caberent manuseipe Her confidence ‘as been motional fem the beloning. Moreover, her careful and respec though ical readings of oer, coupled wi 8 ce ‘Deore mesoge of er own and un enduring concer about injustice inthe wold make each pice oe sclarship a mode ‘Bl Znks has kewsewitnested the developmen in my thought. He has been convinced since erie ardesitons that "Third Word feminnt soc enc relevant fo eich beyoed the scope of feminit concert and thot enamel, Lapree feminist socal esticam ‘poll theory, While al bold vo the bel Lave coven fr easons plained in the vex, I hank hi for considering every deliberative cachange stout fia an oppor wo enon fins 3 Marina Nssbnum, Pica! Taney (20,2). 22, copyright © 1992 by ‘Sage Pubiation, Ine. Reprinted by Permision of Sage Publications, 1 Silent voices and everyday critics: problems in political theory, solutions from Third ‘World feminist social criticism ‘When you te ine water you donee withthe espe) Prologue In Bangladesh in September of 1993, 1 accompanied a group of rural ‘women frm Tanga who were members of Sve the Chikren women's [Poupe ca ther vt wih rural women of Katia wo mere members of| Sopisgram women’s savigs ups! On te afternoon of the did day, fw walk from a woekshop on women's legal righ toa meeting teawecn the women's group, we Rear shrek of error coming om household compound on the ote de ofa rice eld. “What's pong 02" Take, Saas Tanga woman turned wo me with anger and 8 semory of tron her eye anther ight fino her cupped Ie band. She had experienced domestic vlence and recognized the sounds fom seom the Bel ‘Afters me, Sahara asked, “Do husbands best tee wives in your count?” “Some doy” I snswered, “eventhough i egal” We all Ibughed at the eon, having jst arted about women’ formal legal ‘ight in Banglades ad noting how they fered om loca practice = * tig wiht Stay Rapalod’ NOS optag a, {runs ecoeay pom Ra Tanga Fs ma en Exper senmne ptac nan ' cua or Une Sn GREPcaS Ln ie fae seneon Sephora um ce ett petty hued verte a en Rp pee remanent ‘Sp oes Pitan Oraancof 8 Ch Marge aoe A ‘Sire rg pp are ge er nero ‘Mees Hang ots hs ta Fay Court Grae, [FOE ef ld ed ne fo ap tog ea ‘ue nes prey td te ta omy oP Sy Sao eee ie See ee “wy do men it thal wives?" Lashed, “Because they had bad dy. cause they ar por” answer Sahara. "Beesse the ee t0 NO, ‘or thee sx enough ce" sad Apia a woman fom Kast Then she Side, "A good husband docs not Beat hs wile ren when they are "Then Jbanar, another Tanga woman vehearng ou conversation, told he ory of her women's group which Wen as a group tothe house ‘of a member who was being abut and asked het husband to 0p beating er This omiaded another Tangs woman walking shea of ot af another group's effort co get a member's husband to allow thir Singh to contnus in school even thouph he was ready to arange het ‘mariage. They staged» iat the member's home ‘Although separately they ad wed ther groupe au bases of cllectve scion, before ter walk togeherin Kast, the Tanga women's groups tree unaware ofeach other’ collective acons. Tapeh, they eo ‘zed that thei collectve ation caused the hsbande pbc embers ‘ent and brought public stenton to their ews on domestic lence Sd ge’ ducston. By she ime we aried tthe mecting pace, the ‘women were energized by thei stores, Trough their dialogue, the iit and Tanga women ecogized thatthe examples of group 200 werent lated. They Mentifed collecive acton ar 4 ted and “Rect method of breaking out of coerced silence inorder 1 voice focal cick and to influence socal decision making. And they learned ther posted the means of ah eflecve form of acts ‘The main parpne ofthe ep Was for Save the Chen otra “Tanga women prov it leadership and group management ls 50 that dey coud susan themecher when Save the Chien ceased trorking in Tanga Save the Chien sin the proces of fowsing thai flrs in the more economically challenge region of Nestnagt, tothe norhent The conventional approach to sch 3 taining weld hase been to bring leadership txners from chewhere in Banaladesh 1 “Tanga. However, the principal progam ofcer proposed the tng te condvcted by Soptapram iaderhp wanes sn Kana fr 2 number Sf remons The purney to Kasia would prove the Tanga! women wrhe We experience that would tke them unigue in thes vlage omen sn most poor men do not wal beyond ther vilgs except or women) to mary. ‘The experience of bh (Tregn”) wave Would sueagthen thi postion i te community, beneiing the women and ‘heir groups, The women were Tequred to pet the hasband” per ‘son forthe trp Having one wife go war source of at for most men, they grated thee soppore fo heir wives tps and correspond {hgh forth wie’ ongoing paricpaion athe groups. "The purpose of bringing the Tanga women to Kus (an all-day oars) for week wast allow women from diferent backgrounds tho ha been parsing sp women's groupe sponsored by Save de (Clon in Tanga and Soptgram in Kosta to fara fom each ‘the experince, ‘The program ofcer expected that, ogee, URin~ ‘ibe by fam preures,the women would speak ee about their Ines and honesty aboot the potential forthe face co ahi he fnccee of the soups. BY locating the taning in Kuso, Save the CCuleen wos remove the women fom thet fais and community temporaniy and thereby fee them fom some soil consis that mite others tet intercon In aon Save the Calves ‘lee Sopragram se the del partes fr this tring a they bad their own wees gcoupe and sre the goal of wamen's empower iment. Bodh Soptagm and Save the Children ought hie groups ‘howl be stengthened by meeting each otber. They da nt know What the Tanga and Kowa women would learn frm each ater, Bu Save ‘he Children oped thatthe Tanga! women would lean that they ‘ould be selene and tha they eid not aed Save the Chien Jeep thee proups sustained. "Fhe group actin before coming to Kuta and thei sharing hee ‘experiences in Kean ae examples of soci criticism im a eontext of Sercve gene hierarchy. The deliberation in Kina berween Tang {nd Kosta women ws form of Gliberation tha ress ia he shared TEnmingsmoag the worsen inan environment secure fom potential arf gender incqualiy, The activam of the Tanga women of "aging sv info ndience their basbande ean example cis Ng toma an theres imecue environment ane whch tei vices ate tard, Before s background of gender inequality, these women demon= ‘Mate delibercon a important socal esis. noting the Benga ‘rover, hee women have found eae oaguc ith the roca) “The ancodote and social criticism, Aknough this ancodte docs ne ge Ut # complete account of Thi ‘Worl fein soci cm, provides an ilaation and sting pomt for my subsequent discsson, Whe tem ikea try about * BERS. pe anccnte mua vi acta! gts ney ion hee (90 fr el nd apne ei sd Ron 4 Pac Theory end Femi Soil Cece particular women, he story actualy reveale dhe eric components of ‘By philosophy of soca ccm. Tus ancedote ras thre sts of ‘Questions bout socal eitcs and social ccm in every Ife how ‘So vocal cies do soil eis? what do social ert do® and who ‘soil ce? A philosophy of toil crits needs to give © genera ccount ofthe method ele, and qusiieasons af soil sce. Through tha anecdote, I ofler gmpee of the method of social ccc practiced by women activa Having dscuted the problems of domestic violence among themselves te women oa the walk en fallective action as potent! means of malang tht soca cei hear Being ear ie no gonante that thie socl rtm, once ‘ade, wll sccessflyinfoence soil change. These women ve under ‘mil socal, pial, and economic valve paces, and norms that enforce women's slence* Howerer, they have identified a Way to them. Arc these women challenge the common pacsce of wae tery and they asert a daughter's right oan education Tele ethod ‘Sto form themselves though collective dialog, wo challenge gener- aly scceped values, practice, and norm, and to advocate for those things they believe women should have, nts case afer thir homes san fenton, “The crs in my anecdote alto demonstrate the multiple roles of social ers. Cries promote ingiry. The frign researcher aed (Gases promote deibertion. By arking questons I acitated iguiry song the women. Individual women shared thir tndertandings of the case of domes violence. ‘The women devrbed ing collective faction (0 enable thle paription in deliberation about the value, braccs, nd non tht affect thir ics. Cots promote iain ‘hangs. By bringing che women tgster in he fs place, Save the ‘Children under the inate ots program afer acted 5 occ ‘by ofering aunque inetanonal environment forthe women. Tall his 4am insttional change because i changed (emporri) the conren- lec ole oy say nun evan ad pd pe St {Eptcower ene, inbred i pe m ‘enc edo lected an ‘idan fons eae apy the oe weg pen ey nique opportunity for interaction since poor rural women carly feachange experienes wth strangers. The process might promote fortheringuiy deliverton, and istiinal changes when the women be bome ttn communiics All ce roles of cis can overlap Stree can be dcted at ble practices suchas domestic lence ‘anor foundational soil vale and norm wach ar gendered power ‘equals. By promoting ing, deteration, and instonal ‘hangein anothers coereve and oppresieenirnment eis may Jomo scl change that more informed, collective, and uncotee By informed, mean tht al news are heard and gives the respect of ‘rel stenon, By clei, I mean that pespeeses ate shed that together society hs more lfermation (hough some information an be misleading) And by uncoerced I mean that views are expressed feclyand speakers are united by norms of behavior oF by mec ‘hee from hes Tilly the anecdote demonsrates thatthe qualifications of sci ccc ae not exo, The etn i the story are eal people dang ‘eirjobs and ving theives The are a foreign esearch who asked |r question, a woman who expenences demic asence i her bone, nother wh i fair with ip er neighborhood, c80 groups of ‘women who acted in concert voice ther rtm of wie abuse and thei dose vo educate thle daughters, the Save the Chien progr fcr, andthe two development organizations. They ae individuals Sod cae hey ate fregnes Toe, and people who cannot ealy be categorized 26 either they have thought about these ise Sle, bur they workin concer for social change Who among these are ‘eal cet A ae, ‘Breyday people waking in an everyday pce, undocumented by reporers no ena people commonly thik of when they pcre soe tric or acu. Du, T argue tat these women ae ative inthe foci eich and by example fer mode! uf soc ecm appeo- Print for those others senced by the vals, practic and norms of ‘ei day ves. Tas nt to say that, when using the mecod Toute todo the rls I desenbe, the ets dent wl be abet eet soca ‘Gangs, Socal cil is one way 0 cuter, mite, or undermine owes ineguslise, bur whether « patclar excl fort will be ‘Meteo marr of pols. Social ercism and potical theory Contemporary delbernive liberal democratic theory provides the content for the theory a soci etsm I propose. Deliberate theorist ctor and Fei Soil Cote ‘hve oune princi for framing dacssion, designed instaton or promaing sand equal dicunon, apd even Drought to fe a mode ‘leierave frum. Explicit and impli dcr work etiam of Sct i ehich pole! power i evenly disbursed and an argue ‘Bat more incuse pate deliberation Wil enhance the legitimacy of pollical decion making even we those decsions remain largely 5 thchands of repeats Deitel impliatons, deliberative theorists have ett show how to wae deliberation in everyday fe to DRE into practice the {sumptions pltcpe, incon, and models tht ae the substance ‘Stink theres, An account of socal esc isan ese comple- trent to delbenve theory she ler to bea credible attack on power neuaies ‘Were deiberave theorist ge peater tention wo the sources of snequaliy and interpretation ip he real word, they ght also {ccgnie tht an acco of soil erm sa valuable component of {poll pionopy, Eduentive deliberation tat deter for the purposes of contibuting to sie’ ealleate iaring proces, Uiscover, and Inowledge ~ i te Bass of the complementary philo- Sony of saci rtm I propose. Given the importance of efcative ‘Eiiestion to social decstn making the cries role so promot its ‘tes frm #vriey of perspecues conte tf; god cis make tie ofa their metoelony. Ta the exposition sf thie politcal theories democratic theorists poride an ecount of how ciene general para in democratic ciety and decnnn making as they describe. They give accounts of {he edvntonrequited to partpate thus, and the ive examples of the Insiatons that il eubl cizens to parspate as described. And yet, ‘shen st comes to soil erst —to ging an account of how those ‘he chen can parccipatenbinging abou the pole they describe — these theorist ae alent, At most they sve an acount of the role ofthe pts! doit roll eve. But pola tears are not the most ortoe pois! ators boging abou social change; cera, we ‘ught nor Date our hopes fr secing greater democracy realized onthe theorists) aby to make 4 sound argument Real, soca change tomard greater or worse democracy ir brought about by those same ‘Sens who wil paripte i the improved poly once achieved. And Sov tt mas seve tht a democrase posal theory should have some thing to say abou how socal ecm mph innce socal decion| ating sch that social change toward @ more democratic society thoweserenvsioned) posible The theort o pilosophe of soca ‘cum cannot pri how effective a given practice of social ei be = that a matter of atl pies but an acount of izes? ‘ols in banging about posal change a mising conse element ‘sf eontemporarydemorai theory ‘Some Iter democrats theonsts have made seating, Htening, exchanging arguments, abd thinking rca esetal to thi views of public dechion making? These deliberative thers might be expected fo pie # simlar account of socal enickm a Beng 4 funcuon of & [ric speaking with and listening fo others thishng cecal about ‘heir and her own ideas and exchanging arguments wat others. More- tore, one might expect them fo aue that the cts job 1 promote ‘ch acy the pb frum. As such ne might expect that they Consider ho rte ene about promoting such deliberation under he Sreunstance of teal world inequalig, exlosmy of political fora, ‘vantage of lie polities! actors, and enercion of manele actor Fiowever, the more common apposch among poi theorists i 10 ‘fe socal rich ss an exlct or mpi extension of thee pla ‘hlosphy. Whether thrown sos ertciam expt oped, the Satibenive tear do mot eller a general account of WHat $0 Job Dewey, orefater of deberatve democratic theory, has been xls in incorporating a plosophy of soc ito his pole ‘theory. His pilsophy of hua earning i foundsional opal thcory and hove of soil exits, Dewey arguer at people 25d Society ean by listening one anther’ ieas a then playing out a ‘els mapnston all of the posible scenarion to whch flowing one ‘egeton would ea, [Djesteron = dramierekeral Gn igsaton of vous competing [mle ine of sta Tongro ahead an free atone nd ‘Bee ae bing eae srt acl nr eae (198) ibaa 32-135) Individuals and societies make decisis say. Both have an ineres in making the bene decons as measured by tet sity to recone mpetng understandings (1983 [1022] 134 and 1989 (1984-273). [According to Deer's plea philosophy, for insu oparcpate ‘uly abd ely in democracy, they mt have the intelectual apa * Coxeneny deine pall hei ae ern a vied i he ‘Spun in set nec ye fo (luge Se, fly Pe Than eet Miler ova, hoa Seiten COD Sam 8 wt Stein Pot Tear and Feminist Soil Crim to do so, They must be able 19 think See, undicated thoughts (0 tUscover and earn wid others (1983 (1922); 9-11, 134 and 1089 [ro4obF: 221 Ta addition, deliberation zeqies he ait imagine ~ {o imagine the reponse tha ones aco wil eli rom others and > Imapine the pole comequencer of one's actions (1983 (1922) 134 Thi, 27). And people mart value the collective fe tht fcitates the ‘cea aad free paroepation of all (1989 (1942) 174, 178-9) "Then, in ‘Dewey vem, deliberation i t once te meas of developing in people the abit to partspate ual, rey and valuaiy in tei colle He, and i the end of cllcuve He. Dewey politcal philosophy {phasis the developmental role of deliberation i indvsuals' bi Sisto sont o collective ie and the ace abi to fncton| [icon to te cullectd understanding oft ens. The role ofthe toe en, according to Dewey’ polticl plosphy, i 1 educate Famae tzns tobe evs hikes OF equal impor, te rte mus Inept cute chiens to reece thoughtful onthe exiting or emer {in value practice, a noes of thet society such as increasing {tequaly in indusiaing society (1980 [19160] and 1982 (1919) ta toatarasin (1989 [1942] because they may exert under Inn the redo and quay of liberal democracy (1980 (19163) and {980 916b)). No delberstie thoors since Dewey has appreciated the ole of deliberation maging about the conditions for dlberative Semoeaey “Tne implied soci rcs of eiberntv theorists tends focus on 1 soci inational and social precondons and procedies of “lire democracy. For example, Am Gutmann snd Jos Cohen “clea potical puowophy of debertive democracy according ‘thick despite moral iugreements, zens debate pobtclues and euch pola conensut® Such aie rogues Uae eizensclerate Cpposing view, lnten to eachother repel and make thir dec ‘lone bated on tel thooghfl eraution of the aguments presented [Aeconding tothe deliberative thors, deliberate democracy equer Sind reinforce an ideal enrranment fr delierated vocal devsion making tat iaeades sees, mal ropect,egualigy and an rcet‘upen defini of what const sonable agument in the public sphere, According to their view, where societies suficenly| pproxinate th teal environment, deiberaive derocracy wl erp fine tha envionment and eld legitimate politcal consensus ‘Caen 1985). Ta implied sa racism tat societies should otk fo pomote the ideal Gelbersve environment ands eoresponding ecenryisttons. Caen snd coithor Joel Rog age tht tscians ate sch accemary stony for deliberate democacy tnd they ofr an Wetized account of hoe trocar Dut Soot ‘fer complementary scout of owt ng soot noch stone {Gshes & Roger 1992) Gutmann phir trong he coon of ‘Mot Hasso Winona: Yor hat sea ie shold Promote an edsonal tem that eches cal thinking ch hat people learn to bold ther views not dogmatically, but bated on thie ‘avng respectfully onldered aerate vews and having chose ht ‘comico being mon promising (Guta 1995, seas Gutmann Thompson 1996). The socal ecm she ofr imped ater than cep. She oe cxample of what constate (inet ew) onsineng suments about what education soul ena but hee sneer sec how yma ng st ch on Both Cohen and Gutmann (and ther co-author) ofr an acount of isiernve democey tht based on trong tps of ‘espe mua respect, eqaliy, nd an gresd-upn dfion of what “onsiates reasonable rgunentprexiing inthe soci auton, Buc such preconons are aig in mot sce (and one miaht Be suspicious of how widespread they ae in society at someone eas ea apprximats thre presondton)” In the fa wold, esa ies are oo pring, orto nis, fr te implied soil rcs of ‘deat potial toy to be flevene’ Deiberaten ts eel tthe Patil vison, but they have no employed for socal eric where {he precndion of delvertive democracy reacting. Moreonen hey esure thats nocety agree onthe form of angamect that wll Be ‘isp indlberte fir td hey esrb at om nay oman wth legal nor of egumentation, Following th perio, Social rica would Bevery lst to what fudge does and try ‘Sisinlac o the ations and afage voices of ent rs ‘Benhia Barer comes certo Dewey scoporating oor of social eric into is pital theory. In Se Dona, Barbet Inches im hit argument for pereipatory demecracy an stguMENt ‘Sew il rc ea eet oh fm of pola ic where eo part in pub econ mang 2 fe tzes and wh, thug lepton, gee ev cone fet despite lack of common ground (1984 117-138, 151). Soci "es ih sees fms wa ire dems eis ee eee sme tea teen be ccm conenens ad promt sg ema scorn SSS" Set ance nena ses nang eed I sn yan ung cong paces ede ‘Sipiisappotefasonsdanocngy e425) Ore mene ‘Stitt pons same sch tenet er crated enna een pcre en Tare fact) berate er oa enc ot seers etats pct spy ane endo oe Setar hee rate chor oe yh He er mired ss send oer ‘saya oon eery pr pny ec on ached ebay seston ay of ee BOSSE NEL Ta come pope oda Teta ae nn cen od een ‘STumtnybtete ottspganr asec Sih becca te edt ovo lbemne cE sees ic asa sta One gh ne are Seve pe Me phage etre were an Ss o w eyRe ate Tatar oberon ge Taw stor maser rot ng ah lo rome cine cht eam sts as oe wh ae Seco np ae ner 2S i cnt soe Saou ut ccc cd's oa ane pc eg wed et tect taba peek gun ad Stra ae Resa ee en mere el Sane nw cy acl aso oe pce a SoTiano oar stant cts bg sw item See dwn Ft win her SBS ey scl can sen ee seers he eee sino ech Foc son re sae dors diced ve rite Pb oe ae cay ar aney ase cet ce UA a nan Howe ea wo tar enti “en reso psc rere psp aes nin pet apy xaeersg oy fem (Sere Ronen te en Ste ts be one Sete dane Sonn inal Con, Sap cae * be pep meses et yr le constructed poll deory and llr i place a view of pebtcal ‘eory ab sca erm. According to Shapiro, « pliteal theory ‘annot be based on any specie prinies because ishuman mare to ‘explore and_queton thse principles (1990: 2625 te ako 1994) Instead poi! theory ithe id of social erin that a politcal philosopher ean gv. The job of political thers woofer tim Of society's previously opagur dimensions of socal actions tht Pespetuate sptematc domination (1990: 296). Unlike ter pli "hort, Shapzo sts his politcal theorizing inthe broader cones of 1s philosophy af socal rtcism. The cates base asumpden i th Deople shave an interes in knowing and acing on te rth” (199: 288) By offering a poltcl theory (an account of the “erik the ‘erie set at cise by fevesing that some xing isin: ‘Shapiro distinguishes the general pilwopy of oil ric from a parsclar pli theory ofan inddaal ene. Asa polices ie, Shapizo argues that democracy best serves legitimate governance ‘metho for empowering the dsempowered, securing he eedom | ‘sage with poised decsions, and iscruonalng mechanisms for Joyal oppston. Consquenttrequtes cizens suspicion of ea lished power eeonships and thei eesti to develop th capacity for eral thinking (Sapiro 19968, According to Shap, there no Dprint for # democrat pli: ther na democracy, he deiation ‘of soc atc is determined democrat. The alu practice, snd forms of society ae spect thy are herrcical, but they are ‘hangesbe ana pola! change takes lace democratically (1998) Tm my view, Shapiro's phlosophy of socal esicsm ad his politcal philosophy ate promising for a general pulsophy of socal cc, However, Shai himsls norso confident. Th "Thre Ways to Bea Democrat” he suspect "thatthe I te that is general to be said shout the democratic management of tensions internal the demo> ‘rae eal” (1994 197). One soc tension might be the tenon becwsen, an; the suspicion ofa hirrchiclpracie anda democrete {ecoion to tons tat practice despite the hares it comes the ls Powerf In oder to Be revant othe pressing problems ofthe da, the hlosophy of sca erticim needs to prone geneal ecount of how foci rts should auempt to rede the hats caused by such Conflicts. However, todo so democrtcaly, soc ees cannot be ‘ejb sll ofthe pica theorist. She is but one kid of socal vie land not one known for beng particulary ative inthe trenches of real Sword inequalnen In order to complement 4 democratic potial ‘eons phlonphy of socal ctu needs to oer an scour of tae ris tc ici hich vn under he nie ono aly enero eotao, tnd opps, ean romete oc Seon ann tu me nrnes cole a enoeced. Ts ‘tConteoty aces pcb nena” ‘Sontwit ssa cm nn be gecray oder be ‘ony nec oapecte sal tc hy ae Ded Se pcnunpcon ef rman, Wao te postmodern, Screw be suthey cnc scenes at mae we a ‘hac ne dre onfbe cite of he om eit ‘Michel Wer ofr an aco f sol econ ta exp comers poli paowpey. In Spr of ue, Nae {198 npn woul decane oe inch incase Stace tnmpon to quis ther see “Mow obvi on thoul et be ao conver enue i sel pow, rey be ster tat communion ave "shared Tadersuntngs” dour eve scoring wtch gods wii ech Rice annie deibued. oer doe tran scune f oca Zech coments he pts ply Accring 0 ‘fuse’ room, of we ese, he cc who ran ie Terres the racic fs rose dvrmie whet the ‘Sen washed mcg (087 an 1980 Wee cou Stora lcm savor ant-encan) beau soc values Sf dined ase to gen cote The reat an o-oo ‘Seal cach Owt unable ea wh Guage what ‘Slee sre von, ht, augments abest moray GIGS, Bee duran ells wy an enh 0 proce under cosas of ih agrees ae at erp na yu cum oes women setane c ece Det femrtoming tometer apy fo Soo toad sitoagh Waser fi siy biguey wee of Ste pla foe sla peosmed mera ae Senor to cppctinn. nich tl fra more gece account of meal cmism teeny he cc meio ar dee rom the poopie of mudied Hoe demon, Martha Nos ec cl eam plone tpl a Styne stds! hina senme seals aprach ‘cual guise alow for dete Jdpmen boat cern soc ‘Ghar She ues terns eu snp bein ‘Shea oti humen Tue ier cde he abi met ne ‘Es real ee ut hey eo nde the aby 0 parte * camp ree tang of wee oe ia is ‘Sen voice every een ® econ making shout mater ha affect one's ie 1992). tna detailed lscofcapabives, Nussbeum ientifes thos capable that she argues fr een to lving +e worthy of beng described shaman. Cera Ibert democratic ralses se embodied in Nussbaun's Ist of values ‘The role of socal cries and sciedes to beng about changes such that al members of society ae ble to Ive a falling human ie Nussbaum’ account of soci etic is incomplete incorporates no ‘methodsogialrequtement to cons with he sent oie 2 oe fd consaqocaly, as T dco i chapter 3, Hallows mistaken in Inrerpretation on the par of the socal cnc to. go unchllenged, ‘Nessun’ main contbution tothe pulsopy of soci etic i, Ihowere, an important aspect ofthe ercl method. Soca cetism regis mong other ds, universal standards bs which tases ‘Bren ocalpracces. Nussbaum oes dea of uch tein, Teche fo sess Walzer and Nussbaum in. detain chapter 3 because they ouie and precace a philosophy of social ei and beste, dh fed, each makes eof one arpet of the tparse ‘ithodolgy which Target necenary fr social cic hat ates to the slene voices of tsocety Tascept the debenture tears Sccount of the teal politcal world, but argue that thee pelea ‘Dhloroph smearing ony a an ea In order wo be wef for socal Eri rege ot merely each vidal Uo’ sugestins fr invitational changes, bu cuter amore. gence, complementary sccount of socal ecm that promotes scl change towed achiesng the idea. Although Walzer provides « complementary palosophy of ‘esi ents fr his political pitosop that los is based on a fauly premise. Tergue tat socal understandings are no lvays well defined and “shared” Infact they ae tequenty disputed, or under ‘roumitanes of stern, they are aared by some and forced on ‘ther, Accordingly in my ew, sca race have greater responsib= fs than merely to interpret exiting “shared” understandings relive to ther given contest but ao to be step of how universally they are Feld wtin a society. Walzer account of interpretation a5 02a ‘come am incomplete account of soil rom. Nustau's Account of soil eis is lo incomplete, but for diferent reson than thous ofthe deiberve theorist or Walzer. Nosiaum's acount ‘of socal ccs it incomplete becauee er crieal method a ‘efined Nowbrum’ ementalst model of socal cack has no ‘methodological check o prevent or caret crise eros iterpeting for pring people's basic needs Were Wale ad Nussbaum ate {veto me wes of hove whose vices are sencedy they might embrace ‘he dlbentve approach to soil eis, 14 esl Toran Feist Sot Grim In sum, while atempting to offer models of soci ctcism, thee sheorns prone incomplete accounts ofthe roles, quliintions, and ‘ethods of social eric in thera mperfet world, According t the Fhlowopty of social cic I propose socal cites help society promot informed, ole, and uncocred socal econ making it the teal work where inequalities ore perpeteated by sci vals Practices, and norms. In the proces fexleatng Ui account of cl rica fargue tha the women in the aneedate and other Women| cits and scholars around the world have managed fo achieve in Dra what these piosopers do snompltly in dey ‘Social ertcsm requ te exaniaton of seeming shared vals, pracces, and norms Political theory might gue sin determining the nds of socal ei but in this book I fews an the proces of sca ‘Shc, For thi purpose I take the nd of seal etc toe the going pcos of binging about socremently @ more iloemed, Collect nd uncoetcedprocom of ca change. Although hey | tot ahaye be socenfl the everyday rc such those on dhe walk {i Banglades, and thei counterparts around the wold practic sca ‘Siem hat been succes regad “The social change inspired by the practice of social rics T describe wal generally promote democracy, but the pei frm ofthat demo ‘hoy acd no and annot be species. The secunt of socal eric 1 Srovide i consent wth many inetutonl forms of deliberative ‘Semoctay,incading sociation and varon a party politic. Tis Wier of sil cea i conducive to any iosttons that promote ‘Sie inci, and collective partisan a goveance, bute also open to the ponsbity that good represeaaies and insieaons of representation may enable a soit to achieve ivormed collective, and ‘vocroed socal deciensnaling ‘Social enickm aT oun it proces conducive to incremental fnformed, cole, and uncoeteed socal change, Social erin ithe seats for society adits eis to ealate exiting values, peat, Sd now that cause or perpetuate arf inequalities. It promotes fii dicosion of bat doesnot pusante renlution of, comics Desi exiting inogatie, here san important roe for deliberation [A Third World feminist riparite methodology In conten of coercion where dsnreements ae not easly articulated, ty pilwophy of toca erica fines roles and guaieatons for {rhe shat together potential challenge ll ors of eppession ed coercion, However, Deceit ict to recognize opreson one ar not experienced and because ie sometines dail to understand nd aniowiate oppreson one hs expenenced, soci cies eed a ‘metho. As feminist legal scholar Katharine Barer notes, "a method ‘eke gacetees particular fest nor even the ng ert I does, however, provide some dicipine” (1990: 849). My feminist method. ‘Sly provider such diiptine Ie x2 method for the ete and those ‘ihn the sory he ertcns to Iara sbout people and perspectives Sich permit of one's ow interest, or ee genuine concen for ‘ihe might ae lend ne to acknowledge. 1 donot clin to be the Suthor of the method of soc cetcsm 1 arclite. Rather, I have

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