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What Using the Reader Response Theory Revealed About Me

The reader response theory may reveal things that you didn't know about yourself. One of the
most important things in life in general is learning about yourself and learning your passions.
What drives you? This book and analyzing it with this theory helped me figure it out. I really
value myself, which is why I think one of the most important things the book taught me, was
stuff about myself. Learning more about yourself should be important to others too.

A prominent feeling that this novel

brought out of me as I read it was
anger. A sort of anger that likely will
never be resolved because it is anger
about the past. The mistreatment of
native people, the stereotypes the
residential schools, and the 60's scoop
always angers me. The way people fail
to recognize how significant these are
things are angers me. The
circumstances that my people had to
face do not anger me because I wish
not to hear about it anymore, it angers me because I wished it never happened. The way this
treatment continues angers me.
I also thought about how this anger could turn me into a fierce advocate. It's incredible how
passion will drive one to great destinations. And I desire to see change for the world I live in.
When the next generations arrive, I don't want the story of mistreatment to continue. Just a
few days ago I heard the ICWA in the U.S was being looked at, possibly overturned. Another
issue I hear about constantly is MMIW. Missing and murdered indigenous people is something I
see on social media every week. There are always one or two comments talking about keeping
us on reserves so this doesn't happen. The author spoke about how non-indigenous people
often think they have solutions for these issues when it really just shows their underlying
racism. When a white person goes missing, those same people don't wish to segregate them to
make sure it doesn't happen again. It's illogical.

This book also brought back my passion for being an advocate for these issues. It brought back
my desire to see change. In a world where people can fight, and fight all they want but never
see the desired results, I did feel like my voice didn't matter anymore. But I'm reminded I
should never give up. This cannot and should not be our story forever. While I wasn't a fan of
the contents of the book at first, as I read on, the way I could relate to the author made me
more fond of reading the history. This book revealed that the advocate is still alive in me. It
revealed that once you have the fire in you to see change, it can never be put out.

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