Lesson Plan 12 Climate Change

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9 3 April 4, 2023 Sandalwood and

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the
 The relationship between the visible constellations in the sky and earths position along its orbit.

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able

 Discuss whether or not popular beliefs and practices with regard to constellations and
astrology have specific basis.
C. Learning Competencies  Infer the characteristics of stars based on the characteristics of the sun (S9ES-IIIg-32)
Write the LC code for each

D. Learning objectives  Describe the characteristics of sun (U)

 Infer the characteristics of stars based on characteristics of the sun (U)
 Explain the factors that contribute to the brightness of the stars (U)



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Grade 9 Science Learner’s Module

2. Learners Material pages Grade 9 Science Learner’s Module

3. Textbook pages 196 to 205

4. Additional materials from Learning https://youtu.be/7re9dOMXi2c

Resource (LR) portal.

B. Other Learning Resource Visual aids, Tarpaper, Info sheet,

Teacher will conduct a motivational activity entitled “Observe me”
To introduce the new topic; Teacher will have an
engagement/ motivation activity.

Guide Questions:
1. What can you observe about the picture?
2. Are the stars same in size?
3. Are the stars same in color?
4. Are the stars equally bright?

Teacher will say:

Since we have our new lesson which is the factors climate; this is our objectives for today’s lesson

 Describe the characteristics of sun (U)

 Infer the characteristics of stars based on characteristics of the sun (U)
 Explain the factors that contribute to the brightness of the stars (U)

Teacher will say:

 This day we will have a group activity.
 Go to your assigned group.
 Create a circle form.
 Prepare your materials

This day we are going to understand what does the color of a star mean? And why do stars differ in
brightness? Through


Star Color, Temperature, and Brightness


To help students understand the relationship between the color and temperature of stars and factors that
affect star brightness.


 White paper
 Pencils, markers, or crayons
 Flashlights
 Colored filters (red, blue, green, and yellow)
 Blank chart paper
 Markers

Table 1. Color and Temperature of selected Stars

Star color Surface temperature in Celsius

Sun Yellow 5,700
Proxima Centuari Red 2,300
Epsilon Iridani Orange 4,600
Vega White 9,900
Sirius White 10,000
Alnilam Blue 27,000


Begin by introducing the concepts of star color, temperature, and brightness. Explain to students that the
color of a star is related to its temperature, and that the brightness of a star can be affected by different

Ask students to work in groups of three or four. Each group should have a white paper, pencils, markers
or crayons.

1. Have each group draw a picture of a star on their paper. Ask them to color the star, and to
write the color name below their drawing.

2. With a flashlight and a set of colored filters (red, blue, white, orange, and yellow). hold the
filters over the flashlight and observe the colors that appear.

3. Observe how the color of their star changes when viewed through different colored filters.

4. Observe the color of the star through different distance.

5. Write down the color changes they observe and write how the colors of the stars correspond
with their temperature.

Guided questions

1. What is the relationship between the color of a star and its temperature?
2. Which star has the highest surface temperature among the given stars?
3. Which star has the lowest surface temperature among the given stars?
4. What color is Proxima Centauri and what is its surface temperature?
5. What color is Alnilam and what is its surface temperature?
6. How does the brightness of a star relate to its color and temperature?
7. Why do stars appear to change color when viewed through different colored filters?
8. How do the surface temperatures of the stars in this activity compare to the surface
temperature of the Sun?
9. Which star in this activity has the highest surface temperature, and which has the lowest?
10. Can you explain why stars with higher surface temperatures appear blue or white, while stars
with lower surface temperatures appear red or orange?

discuss as a class how the colors of the stars correspond with their temperature.

Next, brainstorm different factors that may affect the brightness of a star. Write down their ideas on a
chart paper.

Wrap up the activity by having a class discussion about what they have learned. Ask students to relate
the color and temperature of a star with its brightness and explain how different factors can affect the
brightness of a star.

Title: Star Color, Temperature, and Brightness

Objective: To help students understand the relationship between the color and temperature of stars and
factors that affect star brightness.
 White paper
 Pencils, markers, or crayons
 Flashlights
 Colored filters (red, blue, green, and yellow)
 Blank chart paper
 Markers
1. Begin by introducing the concepts of star color, temperature, and brightness. Explain to
students that the color of a star is related to its temperature, and that the brightness of a star
can be affected by different factors.
2. Ask students to work in groups of three or four. Each group should have a white paper, pencils,
markers or crayons.
3. Have each group draw a picture of a star on their paper. Ask them to choose a color for their
star, and to write the color name below their drawing.
4. Provide each group with a flashlight and a set of colored filters (red, blue, green, and yellow).
Instruct them to hold the filters over the flashlight and observe the colors that appear.
5. Have each group shine the flashlight through their colored filters onto their star drawing. Ask
them to observe how the color of their star changes when viewed through different colored
6. Ask students to write down the color changes they observe and discuss as a class how the
colors of the stars correspond with their temperature.
7. Next, ask students to brainstorm different factors that may affect the brightness of a star. Write
down their ideas on a chart paper.
8. Divide the class into pairs and give them a few minutes to research one factor from the list.
Have them create a brief presentation to explain how their chosen factor affects the brightness
of a star.
9. Have each pair present their findings to the class.
10. Wrap up the activity by having a class discussion about what they have learned. Ask students
to relate the color and temperature of a star with its brightness and explain how different
factors can affect the brightness of a star.
Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their drawings and their explanations of how the color of
a star relates to its temperature and brightness. You may also assess their presentations on the factors
that affect the brightness of a star.
To extend the activity, have students research a specific type of star and create a poster or presentation
to explain its color, temperature, brightness, and any unique features.


1. What is Climate change?
2. What is Global warming?
3. What is Greenhouse effect?
4. Can you give me the greenhouse gases?
5. What will happen if there is no present of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
6. Can you give the human activities that can cause of global warming? And explain.
7. Can you give the natural causes of global warming?
8. Can you give the effects of global warming? And explain

1. What can you/we do to help lessen the effects of climate change?


2. What are you going to do if Philippine is experiencing El Niño?
3. What are you going to do if Philippine is experiencing La Niña?

Multiple choice
10 items
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chose letter to the separated sheet.
1. What is the color of Proxima Centauri?
A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Orange
D. White
E. Blue
What is the surface temperature of Sirius? A. 2,300°C B. 4,600°C C. 5,700°C D.
9,900°C E. 10,000°C
How does the color of a star change when viewed through different colored filters?
A. The color remains the same B. The color changes to a completely different color C.
The color becomes lighter or darker D. The color becomes more intense E. The color
becomes a mixture of the original color and the color of the filter
Which color filter would make a red star appear brighter? A. Blue B. Red C. White D.
Orange E. Yellow
What is the relationship between a star's color and its surface temperature? A. There
is no relationship between a star's color and its temperature B. Cooler stars are red
and hotter stars are blue C. Cooler stars are blue and hotter stars are red D. Cooler
stars are yellow and hotter stars are white E. Cooler stars are white and hotter stars
are yellow



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson worked? No.

of learners who have caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?

G. What innovation or localized material

did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Observed by:

PST - Science MT-II, Zamboanga City High School

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