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I. Choose the correct word/phrases of the best answer.

If there is choices, then

write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following gives a better explanation to show the strength and
weaknesses of something through writing?
Assertion Evaluative Statement Counterclaim Critical Reading
2. The statement, “Facebook is a cooler social media platform than Twitter” is what type
of assertion?
Fact Preference Opinion Convention
3. The statement, “Earth is the third planet from the sun and is the largest of the
terrestrial planets” is an example of a:
Fact Convention Opinion Preference
4. Identify the statement whether it is true or false. “Becoming a good critical
reader means that you are able to logically evaluate the claims of the writer.”
True False
5. “If you were born poor and remain the same after thirty years, you should think of
new ways to change your economic status for the better.”
Which of the following evaluative statements can be formulated based on the text
A.The text is insignificant since all Filipinos are rich.
B. The text is unmotivating because people nowadays don’t take advice from
C. The text is useful because it gives a positive advice to readers especially
those who are suffering from poverty.
D. The text is not interesting because it sounds demanding.
6. An evaluation should have an evaluative statement that uses evaluative
True False
7.What should an evaluation have?
1. Positive feedback 3. Suggestion/s for improvement
2. Negative feedback 4. Evaluative statement

1 and 2 3 and 4
1, 3, and 4 1, 2, 3, and 4
8. “People should not commit adultery” is an example of which type of assertion?
Fact Opinion Preference Convention
9. Which of the followings type of statements claims that something is true about
something else?
Assertion Evaluative Statement Counterclaim Critical Reading
10. Which of the following does not describe an evaluative statement?
Substantial Obscure Factual Fair
11. Evaluative statements can be formulated in two ways such as formulating
assertions and formulating meaningful counterclaims.
True False
12. Which of the following is not a type of assertion?
Fact Counterclaim Convention Preference
13. Which type of assertion states a personal choice in which the writer is under no obligation to
support or prove the truthfulness of the statement?
Fact Opinion Preference Convention
14. Which of the following is an example of evaluative language?
Significant Practical Important All of the above
15. Which type of assertion states that its truthfulness can be verified only by
reference to historical precedents, laws, rules, usage, and customs
Fact Preference Convention Opinion
II. Identify the word/s that best describe the following statements. Choose your
answer from the word pool. You may write your answer on a separate sheet.

explicit implicit textual evidence

inference argument

16.It is stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
17.It means implied or indirect.
18.It means drawing a conclusion on the basis of circumstantial evidence.
19.It is defined as the details given by the author in order to support his/her claim.
20.This is a statement or series of statements for or against something,

III. Analyze the paragraph and answer the following questions on your answer
After work, Juan takes off his muddy boots at the doorstep. Maria would check if
the boots were placed on its rack. He then places his soiled clothes in the laundry basket
and places his toolbox in the cabinet. She tells him to freshen up before eating dinner.
Then, Juan goes straight to the shower. Maria sets the table while waiting for him, and
dines with him afterwards.

21. What type of work does Juan do?

a lawyer a garbage collector a doctor a construction worker

22.Based on the text, how do you know Juan works in construction?

A. He has tools.
B.He wears a hat.
C. He goes straight to shower upon landing home.
D. His boots are muddy, and his clothes are soiled.

23.What type of person is Maria?

Carefree and calm Messy and sloppy Sad and angry Meticulous and organized

24.What type of relationship do Juan and Maria have?

A.They are colleagues. C.They are brother and sister.
B.They are neighbors. D.They are husband and wife.
25. Argument: Milk is very healthy for the human body. Which could be a
counterclaim for this argument?
A. Milk helps to strengthen bones.
B. Drinking milk contributes to obesity.
Milk provides many healthy vitamins and minerals for the body.
26. Argument: Cellphone radiation is harmful to people. Which would be a claim for this argument?
a. Cellphone radiation is not powerful enough to cause cancer.
b. There are regulations and limits on how much radiation is allowed in cellphones.
c. Studies show that there is a correlation between cellphone radiation and brain tumors.

27. Argument: There are several disadvantages to social media. Which would be a counterclaim for this
a. Social media is not private or secure.
b. Social media spreads false information.
c. Social media allows news to be broadcasted quickly.

28. Argument: There are several disadvantages to social media. Which would be a counterclaim for this
a. Social media is not private or secure.
b. Social media spreads false information.
c. Social media allows news to be broadcasted quickly.
29. Argument: There are several disadvantages to social media. Which would be a claim for this
a. Social media allows police to catch criminals.
b. Social media helps students do better in school.
c. Students who use social media often have lower grades.

30. Argument: College athletes should be paid. Which would be a claim for this argument?
a. College athletes are not professionals; they are just playing at an advanced level.
b. College athletes bring in money for the college because people pay to come watch them play.
c. College athletes would have to pay taxes and likely not be able to afford tuition expenses if
they were paid.

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